View Full Version : Am I bisexual?

Dec 31, 2006, 12:52 PM
So, I'm beginning to think I may be bisexual.

A little background: I'm 19 and have never had any sexual experience with a girl before, although I have always been attracted to females. This is partly due to the fact that I'm very shy and a bit of a loner, and partly because I haven't found anyone I really like yet.

My problem, then: recently I've been fantasizing about having sex with men. The thing is, I don't think I'm attracted to men. I occasionaly see a guy who I think is handsome and attractive but looking at naked men doesn't turn me on or anything.

...... But at the same time, I'm really curious about having sexual experiences with another male. If I could choose sex with a woman or sex with a guy I'd pick the latter.

So what does that mean? Is this just a phase? Should I actually try fulfilling my fantasies?

It wouldn't actually be a problem if I found out I really do enjoy gay sex, I don't care much what my sexuality is :bigrin:

Anyway, any help is muchly appreciated.

Dec 31, 2006, 12:59 PM
Some people are neither one nor the other, but are instead undecided. You will notice that on forms and opinion polls sometimes. Being undecided doesn't mean you have a preference of which you are uncertain or unaware. It doesn't mean you will ever decide one way or the other at some point in the future. It simply means that for you, no choice need be made, and no decision will be reached. Being undecided allows you to have any kind of sex, with anyone, and still answer the same when asked what you are.

Dec 31, 2006, 2:07 PM
I think you should have sex with a guy but this is coming from someone who's always pretty much known their attractions to both men and women.

Also for me, having sex with a man for the first time was simply AMAZING and it was like a huge weight had been lifted from me and I loved it so much I wanted to kiss him in public outside the bar where we had met.

This isn't to say that I didn't enjoy the first time I had sex with a woman; but it simply wasn't as amazing and I didn't like the person I was with as she was a bit nuts (she wound up stalking me and we'd agreed that whatever we did or didn't do would be it that night).

Anyway, even if you do have sex with a guy and it's not your thing at least you can say that you've tried it. I can't tell you the number of bisexual men I know that are married to women who never had sex with a guy, not even once, and they really regret it.

Dec 31, 2006, 3:05 PM
So, I'm beginning to think I may be bisexual.

A little background: I'm 19 and have never had any sexual experience with a girl before, although I have always been attracted to females. This is partly due to the fact that I'm very shy and a bit of a loner, and partly because I haven't found anyone I really like yet.

My problem, then: recently I've been fantasizing about having sex with men. The thing is, I don't think I'm attracted to men. I occasionaly see a guy who I think is handsome and attractive but looking at naked men doesn't turn me on or anything.

...... But at the same time, I'm really curious about having sexual experiences with another male. If I could choose sex with a woman or sex with a guy I'd pick the latter.

So what does that mean? Is this just a phase? Should I actually try fulfilling my fantasies?

It wouldn't actually be a problem if I found out I really do enjoy gay sex, I don't care much what my sexuality is :bigrin:

Anyway, any help is muchly appreciated.

hey pencil junkie :bigrin:

i suspect you are 19 years old and really rather horny :rolleyes:

explore your sexuality and enjoy all experiences for what they are... experiences... nothing more and nothing less :)

dont let yourself get too bogged down with labels hun.. it sounds to me as its sexual intimacy you are hungry for...and why not, for goodness sake?!

have fun eh :tong:

smiles julie :female: xx

Dec 31, 2006, 5:31 PM
Thanks for the replies.

I guess I'll just see if an oppurtunity to explore my sexuality like this comes up, and I'll take it if it does.

Dec 31, 2006, 5:52 PM
here is the links to a few sites that helped me to sort it all out, k. Hope it helps you, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bi-curious , http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinsey_scale , there are other links on these pages that you may find very helpful. But either way, enjoy who you are and live life to the fullest. :2cents:

Dec 31, 2006, 8:51 PM
Thanks for the links. I had no idea some people put so much thought into labels or categories.

Could I ask here, is it difficult to find someone of the same sex willing to "experiment" with you? Because I don't want an actual romantic relationship with a guy. Is that just me being selfish? :(

But either way, enjoy who you are and live life to the fullest.

That's the plan :cool:

Dec 31, 2006, 9:16 PM
Well, whatever you are, you have some deciding and exploring to do. I had thought of being with girls for a long time before I actually did it for real. When i did have a relationship with a female, i knew I was bi, if anything.
I think you need to do some soul searching and decide for yeourself what it is you feel..for either sex. You may be straith, with curiosity. You may be bi, whatever. you need to find out for yourself. Best wishes!

Dec 31, 2006, 10:59 PM
I'd had always been curious about my own sexuality for years. I'd been with woman, and even thou some of the sex was really intense, I still had doubts. I never really lusted for guys but also wanted to try it. About 5 years ago I finally got the nerve to try it, Now I know without a doubt i'm bisexual. The only thing I could tell you is that if your feelings are this strong, try it. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Just be safe.

Jan 1, 2007, 9:12 AM
Pencil, I would say you are curious that's all, I have known several people who were curious and after being with a man (or woman) decided it wasn't for them. I have also known alot of guys (and again, women) who after being with a guy decided it was great, and determined they were bi or gay to some extent. I have always been attracted to both sexes and my first experience was with a guy and my second time was a girl so I knew pretty much from the get-go I like to eat from both sides of the plate,(so to speak). the best thing I could tell you is this, don't think that having sex with a guy makes you bi (or gay) just like having sex with a girl makes you straight. Being bi to me is being attrctted and able to be comfortable with the attraction to both sexes. Anyone can have sex with anyone but being comfortable with the emotions is what makes you what you are. good luck finding yourself. hugs and kisses