View Full Version : Am I going about this the wrong way???

Dec 30, 2006, 11:29 AM
Im a new member to this site (actually it's the only site I'm a member at), I am extremely courious to have a bi experience, but I have gotten nowhere so far. Is my profile all wrong, did I use the wrong photo's? This is all a first for me. I find it very erotic to go thru the adds ( some are a complete turn on). Or is there just not anyone in my area or any place to go an meet other bi people in my area? HELP SOMEBODY

Dec 30, 2006, 11:36 AM
I have two suggestions, neither of which are to be taken very seriously. First off, does your user name convey something concrete enough about your goal here? Some may find it too vague. Secondly, I looked at your profile pictures and I have to say, I doubt anyone will believe you actually have five penises, so you might want to add a line explaining the pictures are just of one penis taken from slightly different angles. I hope this helps.

Dec 30, 2006, 11:39 AM
THX, didnt think bout titleing the pic's, an the screen name, well was just at aloss for one.

Dec 30, 2006, 1:37 PM
Others can chime in here but...nobody much cares about seeing your unit. Most of us on here have one too and probably think theirs is much nicer than yours. Most folks care about the person attached to the unit anyway and are more interested in knowing that the person is someone they'd like to spend time with and get to know before they jump in the sack. Frankly your ad looks like you spend more time thinking with / about your little head. Just my :2cents:

Dec 30, 2006, 1:56 PM
I've got to agree with Skiflydive here. Most people don't care what your friend looks like. People want to know about YOU not the parts of you. Take a look at some more in-depth profiles. You'll find that we include things that interest us (other than the obvious sexual interests) so that we can <gasp> TALK about things instead of just jumping into the sack.

Heck, I don't even HAVE naked pics in my profile. I have pics that show my personality.

Try again sweetie and put some thought into it this time.

Dec 30, 2006, 3:27 PM
I think from your name a profile that your intent is quite clear, but your biggest problem I think is that there is nothing more about you, and nothing that would really inspire someone to contact you. For example, if some one was browsing profiles looking for potential relations, they would most likely skip quickly over yours and go on to one that has more information or some unique details. Remember its a personal Ad. in the advertising business you need to catch their eye immediately then have enough interesting stuff to keep them reading. Go ahead and ad some information about your interests, you background, why you want to have relations. Also the pics of your gear are ok, but do you really need 3? I would put 1 up maybe and then a few more pictures of you face of entire body, maybe one of you doing something interesting.

Hope this advice is useful! and good luck!

Dec 30, 2006, 3:46 PM
Thanks for the reply's, as I said I'm new at this, was'nt realy sure what to write, as far as pic's, skyflydive, I did go thru a lot of profile's an that was all I saw, obilously I didn't spend all day going thru them but well there's a lot of them. However being new I will take all advice and so far it all seem to be good advice. Thanks again

Dec 30, 2006, 3:58 PM
Just a thought, but how about ending your profile with the sexual stuff, and starting it w/something in the nature of your likes, habits, ect. away from the bedroom. I suspect a lot more folks would be interested in you as a whole person who also happened to share their sexual orientation. Most people are interested in someone they can be comfortable with, maybe become friends, and then start more "intimate" contact. Be safe, have fun. :)

Dec 30, 2006, 4:19 PM
I will try to keep this short. We didn't even look at your profile based on what others have already said. If your picture is a dick bomb we are NOT in the least interested. It took us almost two years to find a REAL bi male. We contacted him first, based on his profile. User names like " Hard all night" etc. we just laugh and keep looking. You can't put yourself in our shoes, maybe you can learn and maybe you are on an EGO trip. :2cents:

Dec 30, 2006, 4:46 PM
Welikit, shouda looked, thing's have been changed, but then some people just go with the flo

Dec 30, 2006, 5:01 PM
I prefer the ads with dick shots, myself. I don't like reading autobiographical exposition, especially if most of it consists of opinions about others and warnings to certain types of people not to write. I'd much rather see a smiling face, Mr. Happy at attention and the word "motorcycle" in there someplace. But I am not the target market for these ads anyway, so never mind what I like. Follow the herd to the water's edge and watch out for flying monkeys. :bigrin:

Dec 30, 2006, 9:20 PM
It looks much better now. I love the surfing pic. That says so much more about you as a person :)

Long Duck Dong
Dec 30, 2006, 9:39 PM
had a look at ya profile.... nice profile.... nice pics.... good feel... but its lacking a lil something

grins, I tweaked ya profile a lil, to show you what would get my attention... you don't have to use it, and i am not saying ya profile is wrong.....
ya pics of ya face is a lil too serious for a fun lover, do you have one of ya face after a days surfing when you are relaxed and smiling.... it would add a warmer feel to ya profile..... and if you wanna have a dick pic.... semi hard is a good one, it gives people a idea of what they may get to experience without spoiling the surprise with a fully erect pic
personally i think a pic of you on the beach with a surf board, would ya ya face and body well, show you relaxing and having fun.... and present you as a person that knows about having a good time, in and out of the bedroom

What I'm looking for:
I am open about that.... I don't have much experience.... and would love a friend / lover, to help me learn more.....I am looking to make it fun and enjoyable for the people involved....
i am interested in trying oral, toys, and other things....and I am open to many things... I just don't know whats possible.....
a bi couple is what i seek... one of one with the male or with the couple, would be a experience I would enjoy....enjoying ourselves, while learning about pleasure ....YUMMY