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Dec 29, 2006, 2:36 PM
To find STD's in your blood do you have to have them specifically looked for?

I had a blood test in March because a large splinter cut deep into my finger and was stuck there for months, they said they were going to look if anything was wrong, but would they find STD's unless they were specifically looking for them?

Dec 29, 2006, 4:06 PM
When they do blood tests they look for specific things. Most of the time, the Dr will order a battery of tests (done on a single blood sample) to look for many things at once.
To find STD's (or anything for that matter) the test has to be set to look for it & nmeasure it. SO to answer you question, whetehr or not they can detect STDs on the test you had depends on the battery of tests the Dr. ordered.

Dec 29, 2006, 4:49 PM
Most likely they did not search for any STD's. If you went there with a specific injury. The blood tests were just to check and see if you had an infection, clotting disorder, anemia, and/or blood type. Just what would help them help you.

Long Duck Dong
Dec 29, 2006, 5:45 PM
grins... i fully concur lol

a lot of stds take precise testing, and a basic test, doesn't pick them up

some stds don't show up in the blood until they are active in ya system. ... like herpes, which can lay dormant for months at a time....

however.... in some places, a aids tests is mandatory, and done along with any other tests....I am not sure of the legality surrounding that ...or if its done in the US
I know in nz a aids test takes 3 months....
they do counseling, take the first test, wait 3 months, take the second and check the results... if you ask me, that 3 months of absolute hell....

Star Gazer
Dec 29, 2006, 8:53 PM
Some STDs can be detected by blood test, the Dr. would need to order the test to look for STDs. Other STDs need a swab test of the throat, anus or from inside the penis.

Dec 31, 2006, 12:25 AM
Some STDs can be detected by blood test, the Dr. would need to order the test to look for STDs. Other STDs need a swab test of the throat, anus or from inside the penis.

I went to the clinic once and got tested for everything (probably the only test i've ever passed with flying colors :tong: ). That penis one.... :eek: ...I felt that one for weeks. I can feel it right now as I type this.