View Full Version : bisexual.com shrink is in house

Long Duck Dong
Dec 29, 2006, 2:17 AM
sighs, I recieved a mail, that made me smile.... as I am now regarded as the bisexual.com shrink ( yes, sender, I got the sarcastic nature of the remarks in the mail too and I will send you a bill that will make the debt of the USA look like loose change )

so i have decided that i am gonna start my own thread lol

roll up people... its the bisexual.com shrink

ready to help you with all your questions and needs regarding... health, sex, sexuality ..etc...

feel free to post your question and the bisexual.com shrink will attend to your needs asap

here is some of the many people that has benefited from my advice

dear bisexual.com shrink

my hubby wants me to buy a strap on and have anal sex with him... i have no idea about any of this and I think anal sex is disgusting...but he is insisting that we do it or he will leave.....please helpful

anna leigh rententive

dear anna leigh

buy the 20 inch double ender latex model..lube it up good and proper, tie hubby to the bed naked...and shove it in....then invite his boss around for a drink and show him the house

dear bisexual.com shrink

I think that i may be falling in love with my best friend... I am a female and so is she....we have had oral sex 3 times and i like it....but i am not sure if I am in love with her...how to I tell if i am....

wanda licilottapus

dear wanda

if she farts while you are preforming oral and you forgive her, its love

dear bisexual.com shrink.....
I am a virgin and I want to have sex for the first time but i am not sure about how to have safe sex.... what is your advice... and do i need to carry condoms

iver wanabonk

dear iver
I have sent you my office address... come after 5 pm ... its safer....and i will use condoms

dear bisexual.com shrink
I think i have caught a std... my balls are huge and sore, and my penis is dripping yellow stuff

ben rotinrong

dear ben...
by the sounds of it, you used your penis... but it is safer to use a net or a fishing line to catch STDs, the remedy is simple.... let your penis fall off and use a strap on...

dear bisexual.com shrink...
I write to you about my sons gay behievour, the mags under his bed and the fact he kisses guys, and you told me that I need to have a lesbian encounter... how the hell is that meant to help my son

I M A der'tslapper

dear I M A

you will be too busy enjoying yourself to nag at him about being gay

dear bisexual.com shrink..
I followed your advice with the dock ring... and my balls fell off...i am gonna sue you

iver cutmanutsoff

dear iver....
I said cock ring ... not dock ring

dear bisexual.com shrink
i so wanna get preggers, i love the idea of having kids...what is the best way to get preggers

M babymad

dear M
the best way to get preggers is at my office after 5... don't bring condoms

dear bisexual.com shrink
I have been sleeping with my teacher for 4 months now... and the sex is ok but it could be a lot better... but i want things to be better than they are.... what sort of things should i try

A chetenlilfuk

dear A
in the middle of sex, ask for a A+++ grade on ya end of year exams and hold on tight

dear bisexual.com shrink..
if i am a girl kissing a girl, i am a lesbian, and if i am a guy kissing a guy, i am gay... so what am i if i kiss my parents before i go to bed

uma kankybiarch

dear uma

SICK... go get help

Dec 29, 2006, 6:48 AM
Thanks for the morning chuckle. :)

Dec 29, 2006, 7:46 AM
LongDD...are you sure WE are the ones needing help??!!

A shrink huh...let's see...well, my grandmother used to give me the shrink-its from chip packets, but I was never allowed to use the oven. In the end I just tossed them out. Has this phase shrunk out of my life forever?

...now to see what insight you can procure for this.
(I'm grinning with anticipation already)

Dec 29, 2006, 9:03 AM
LOL...Well, I got answers to some questions I had hidden in my head... :paw: :paw:

Dec 29, 2006, 9:32 AM
i saw a shrink the other day... some git turned the hot tap on while i was in the shower :bigrin:

Dec 29, 2006, 10:45 AM
What an enormously funny way to start the day......TOO INSIGHTFUL.


Dec 29, 2006, 1:30 PM
I think that i may be falling in love with my best friend... I am a female and so is she....we have had oral sex 3 times and i like it....but i am not sure if I am in love with her...how to I tell if i am....

wanda licilottapus

dear wanda

if she farts while you are preforming oral and you forgive her, its love

HAHAHA! Hilarious! Thanks Duck!

Dec 29, 2006, 10:53 PM
Excellent advice LOL. Just don't bill me, I am spending a fortune on new toys and am now broke......

Dec 31, 2006, 12:51 PM
Dear Bisexual Shrink,

My bisexual problem has been plaguing me ever since I can remember reading your post and deciding to make one up in reply. It's not something I find easy to admit to, especially anonymously like this in a fictional setting. I hope you can help me. Well, here goes nothing.

Although I have long been aware of my sexual interest in both men and women, and never was troubled by it, thinking that human sexuality is naturally variable and fluid, it suddenly occurred to me that perhaps I am much too accepting of my self and therefore am missing out on the very best aspect of being bisexual, which are the anguish and torments of wrestling with my identity, the uncertainty of my sanity, and the deep fear that there is something wrong with me. I wonder if my own sexual experiences have been meaningless and shallow without this other dimension. Where others fathom their souls' very depths, I merely skim the surface enjoying a blow job as just a blow job. My glib pleasure bypasses all of mankind's most important questions about society, civilization and morality.

Am I missing out on the best part of being bi? Is there anything I should do to invite a more rewarding confusion?

Not troubled enough,

Long Duck Dong
Dec 31, 2006, 4:47 PM
lol dear nara lovely

shrinkage is a traumatic experience.... ask any male.....just don't throw out any shrunken penises.........they make good decorations

Long Duck Dong
Dec 31, 2006, 4:58 PM
dear someotherguy ( humour )

you are missing out on the sexuality dance....( done to the tune of the hokey pokey )

you turn almost straight
then you almost change back
then you try a lil gay
and you do it on ya back

you do a horny couple
and you get really confused
thats what its all about

( chorus )
oh the bloody confusion
oh the dreaded depression
oh the fuckin discrimination
thats what bisexuality's all about...HEY..

:tong: :tong: :tong: :tong: :tong: :tong: