View Full Version : Advise on how to come out? plz

Dec 27, 2006, 6:30 PM
Im still new to the site and I have been reading posts about coming out to family, but thats not who i want to come out to, (heh, my parents will never find out, at least not from me) i want to come out to my friends, i know they wont have a problem with me being bi because we have bi and lesbian freinds already. How do I even bring up the subject, and when would be a good time? So far only one of them knows and shes been awsome about it, i guess thats a start :) Well anyway, any advise would be great and much appreciated.


Dec 27, 2006, 6:38 PM
well if you're out to one person, have them there to support you when you tell the rest, or tell everyone individually or something. i guess it depends what sort of person you are. personally i'm just not the kind of guy who'd gather his friends together all at once to announce his sexuality, but if you are then it gets it over and done with in one go.

Dec 27, 2006, 7:36 PM
Don't be too dramatic about it. I scared a friend of mine half to death and by the time I was done she said "That's ALL? I was afraid you were dying!"

Just be casual and upbeat about it. Maybe something like "Hey, I've got something I want to tell you. I want you to know this because we're friends and it's important to me that you know. I'm Bi.".

Oh, and it *does* help if you rehearse it. At least in your head.

Dec 27, 2006, 7:59 PM
I started out just telling a few friends. One at a time... after I'd told a few people I left it to gossip to spread further. I figured that would be easier. Turned out it was a bad idea... eventually the rumour came back to me a little altered. Apparently I was a lesbian. Long story short, if you want someone to know you should tell them yourself. ;)

Long Duck Dong
Dec 27, 2006, 10:05 PM
lol i used to joke around my friends... and run around saying " i'm gay i'm gay, then look at the females, and say, " screw this, I changed my mind.... I'm bi, i'm

the day that they worked out that i was actually telling the truth, they were a bit shocked..... until i broke the ice,...one of the males said, I thought you were gay.... and i replied, yeah i was, but I got horny and you are too ugly to fuck

they were a lil worried about what it meant, now that i was a * out * bi....and i said, if i haven't slept with you before now.... don't think its goona change.... i may be bi... but i still value my friends highly....and if it was a choice.... i would rather not fuck you and fuck the friendship.....

lol stupid thing was, I ended up sleeping with two of them and we are still good friends

Dec 27, 2006, 10:12 PM
I would not come out to m parents ever either.

I actully came out to one of my friends during a very rum enduced round of truth or dare but she was soooooooooooooo awsome about it, which was kinda unexpected. And I came out to a few more of my friends out of nessecity because i was going to be thier roomate and well was dating my ex gf at the time and you can only hide relationships for so long amoung friends :)

Dec 28, 2006, 10:40 AM
Thanks for the comments, i think telling everyone individually sounds like a good idea, i just have to make sure no one says anything. Hehe, long duck dong, i say im gay too, i always act gay in front of them, im trying to soften them up for when i tell them. :D

Dec 28, 2006, 3:18 PM
play truth or dare and when its your turn, and the person u r asking picks truth, ask them if they are bi/lesbian/gay/straight. That would bring up the subject. then you can tell them you are. thats how i did it and my friend told me she was lesbian. We're kind of dateing now lol :tong: