View Full Version : Whats the best thing you got for xmas?

Dec 25, 2006, 6:48 PM
Just wondering what the best thing you got this year was?

As for me, the BEST thing I got were the results from my ctscan and cancer tests... NeGaTiVe ! 6 yrs cancer free and still goin baby! lol

The best physical present... I got WoW video game lol woot, Im so addicted :)

meteast chick
Dec 25, 2006, 7:07 PM
Well, as a child the best thing I ever got was in the mid 1980's when Cabbage Patch Kids were all the rage (and they're baaa-aack). They were the #1 Toy that year and I wanted twin girls. My mom went out, there was only 1 left on the shelf, twin boy and girl. She was disappointed but went to the checkout and right in front of her was a man with twin girls. She told him how much I wanted twin girls, and he willingly traded with her. I loved my present, in fact they were both brunettes with green eyes like I have and one had just one dimple like I have as well, which was great, but my mom's story made it even better!

As an adult, there is no better present to me than to watch my beautiful boys wait with anticipation for Santa to come, get up in the morning, check to make sure the presents are there, that he ate his cookies and drank his milk and that the reindeer ate their food (usually birdseed or popcorn we litter outside). Then with wide-eyed anticipation they ooh and aah over everthing. I know it only happens when they are little and I am cherishing every moment! This year was even better because my kids got together and bought me a necklace with a MOM pendant on it that I just adore! I know every mother says their kids are the best and they should, but I truly believe my boys are!

luv and mistletoe kisses,

Dec 25, 2006, 8:42 PM
The best thing I got this year was my premium annual pass to Disney World :bigrin: That was the big thing that hubby and I got each other.

The best gift I ever got was when I was 10 and my parents got me a pure white kitten. Snowy was with me for a very long time before he crossed the Rainbow bridge.

Dec 25, 2006, 9:14 PM
The best gift was being able to share this most special of days with my family and friends. What would have been six ended up at eighteen. I would much rather give gifts and make others happy...but this year, a very special man sent me a most wonderful gift, a huge bouquet of white flowers. The white of the first fallen snow and the hope of the hearts to come....


Dec 25, 2006, 10:45 PM

"As for me, the BEST thing I got were the results from my ctscan and cancer tests... NeGaTiVe ! 6 yrs cancer free and still goin baby! lol"

I am very happy for you! A very merry event indeed!

Both of my parents died 8 years ago (4 months apart). One from cancer and one from transplant rejection. My best Christmas presents was to spend time with my sisters, our spouses and all of our children!
The other best present was my family doing most of the cooking today and letting me take it easy.


"small victories"

Dec 25, 2006, 11:57 PM
Well, everything said so far has been very meaningful, insightful, and touching. So, let me be the first to show the truely commercial aspect of the season.

Actually, I'd have to rate two different presents as favorites. One, from my sister-in-law in Oregon, a bottle of "Lump Of Coal" Special Holiday Ale. The second, from my sister-in-law in Texas, a "365 Bottles Of Beer A Day" desk calendar. They know me all too well! :yikes2: I love my sisters-in-law. They are very special people! - Dave

Dec 26, 2006, 12:49 AM
Best thing I got this year was the looks on my kids and grandkids faces when they opened thier gifts this year...A little planning ahead helped me make sure they had a pleasant Christmas... :paw: :paw:

Dec 26, 2006, 1:27 AM
The best thing I got this year was my youngest coming through surgery with no issues.

Dec 26, 2006, 1:53 AM
I've received so many gifts this year (not the material kind) that I'm grateful for. The best though, came as part of a blog written by my brother a few days ago. It's been a long, rough year for me. I'm embarking on a new chapter. My family (while supportive) is not overly demonstrative, so these words in a public forum were huge for me.

He wrote..."I want to say that I am immensely proud of my sister. She's gone through all sorts of crap over the past year. But she stuck to her goals, her dreams, and now she's moving to Berkely to start a great new job. A new job to mark the start of a new period in her life."

My brother has become my friend and one of my biggest supporters this year. That is the best gift.

Materially...gonna go with a ring given by my parents. Sterling silver, with the music from Ode to Joy inscribed.

Dec 26, 2006, 8:35 AM
A kiss from my girlfriend, beacuse before yesterday it had been weeks since I'd even seen her.
As for things that came in wrapping? I'd have to say the novelty drinking hat my brother's girlfriend got me.

Dec 26, 2006, 10:49 AM
Season six of The Simpsons on dvd :bigrin:

Dec 26, 2006, 11:17 AM
Congratulations Andyoumake and Tink.

This year my best gift is a new found love and appreciation for my husband. I have never seen him shine as a husband and a father as he did over the last 4 days. I am so proud of him and love him deeply. The 2nd best gift, having all my kids smile, hug me and say I love you mommy, your the best. 3rd thing would be, being a kid again, right along with them.

My Christmas miracle for the year. My Mother in law told me she liked my christmas lasagna :eek:

Dec 26, 2006, 11:55 AM
I got to come home early and spend some unexpected time with my wife - better than anything under a tree :)

Dec 26, 2006, 2:50 PM
The Best gift this year has been the love of my soul mate BELLE. She has a heart of gold. We started on a journey just over a year ago and together we have shared some wonderful new expiences. We have now met a wonderful man to share a small part of our life with, a man who has turned our world upside down in the the best of ways. The love and closness we share is far better than any gift you can purchase at any store.

All the best to you all,


Long Duck Dong
Dec 26, 2006, 3:00 PM
mmmm well I can say without a doubt...... i received a present that this year, that truly touched me

a set of dvd's, containing a picture slideshow, live recordings of music and songs, my sister and myself did, years ago, two video recordings, one of her and one of her and her partner, kris... copies of the many stories and poetry I wrote, that I thought, had been lost in a house fire.....and recorded messages from many of my friends and supporters

what makes this gift stand out..... was a couple of things.... I lost my sister this year ( 2006 ) to aids, her partner died in 2005, and they had quietly complied the material for the dvds, and a friend of ours, did the final set up and burning
I now have visual memories, of two of the most amazing people that i have shared my life with

and the other thing that stands out to me, is that i have touched so many people, in so many ways.....around the world.....and thats something I was so honored by...

Dec 26, 2006, 3:05 PM
Just wondering what the best thing you got this year was?

As for me, the BEST thing I got were the results from my ctscan and cancer tests... NeGaTiVe ! 6 yrs cancer free and still goin baby! lol

The best physical present... I got WoW video game lol woot, Im so addicted :)
Congratulations! I know how good that word negative can feel in a time like that. I'm very happy for you!

My best gift is the love I receive everyday from a special someone very dear to my heart. Also the friends I have in my life and new ones I've found here. I hope everyone has a great New Year.

Mrs. Taz
Dec 26, 2006, 5:41 PM
we got a new mircowave from my parents. :)
also is great to be able to say I spent christmas with my husband of 6 almost 7 months. :) I Love You Taz.

Dec 26, 2006, 6:47 PM
This yr. was a hard Christmas. One of the hardest and saddest for my family. Although I love the new pots and pans that Flounder gave me and Santa arrived for little one but material things mean nothing after you lose a special loved one. I miss my dad terrible and hoping that the new yr. brings happier times and peaceful times. :(

The good part of the holiday was watching my son's face as he saw the Monster truck he asked for from Santa. He was sooooooo excited! :)

Dec 26, 2006, 7:01 PM
well, i was on another bisexual forum, sorta like this one, and a few weeks ago, i got an e-mail from this girl.. and wow, we have totally hit it off... in 2 weeks, she's practically become like a best friend.. but i already know that i want more! for the first time in many years, i am thinking about love and sex!

guess my best present was a new friend, and with it, new hope that 2007 will be a great year!

Dec 26, 2006, 9:49 PM
actually, was an interesting day.. and tho it was a bit hectic with a grown, grumpy,childlike person here, we had a nice sit down for 14...everyone literally rolled away from the table... material things? well, think the hottest one was a meditation fountain that i'm going to put to use right away.

downer was doin all those dishes..

Dec 26, 2006, 11:09 PM
Getting home was the best gift for me.
3 hours from home my van started to make grinding noises.
Its so good to be home safe...

Dec 26, 2006, 11:34 PM
My fiance got me a gift card to the spa. A full body massage, manicure, pedicure and facial. Sure, its a material thing, but its also nice to know that he understands things have been stressful at work and I really needed the time to relax. Kinda puts my handmade stocking to shame though....haha.

Dec 27, 2006, 12:51 AM
The best thing I got for christmas this year was to not have to spend it all alone. A good friend of mine invited me to dinner and it was just 5 of us but we laughed till we cried and we ate until we felt sick. it was great no fighting!
All though it was a lonely and hard christmas still i was greatful for my friends they have become my true family.
Merry Christmas everybody!

her hubby
Dec 27, 2006, 1:49 AM
The best Christmas gift was not one I received but one I gave. For my wife I opened my wallet and told her to spoil the (5) grandchildren to her hearts content. The look of pure joy and happiness on her face (and grandchildren) when we had them all here opening presents was priceless.


Dec 27, 2006, 8:58 AM
What can I say, I have 4 grandchildren (ages 3-7) and they wanted Santa to come at Grandma and Granda"s house. They were so excited they had a hard time going to sleep, we thought they would out last us. Christmas morning was awesome watching the kids. The best present came later that day, my oldest daughter say her friends had no food, can they eat we us, without thinking I said of course. Having that family in my house eating, was the BEST GIFT of all, SHARING what has been giving to me was breathing taking. To truly be able to do what the season is all about is the BEST.


Lisa (va)
Dec 27, 2006, 11:26 AM
Certainly having allthe family together and celebrating has to top the list.

But as mom and me were cleaning up after dinner she was telling me how she could see a difference in me. But when she said she was never prouder of me I got misty and shared a hug with her.


hugs n kisses

Dec 27, 2006, 3:59 PM
one of my close friends got my Ziggy Stardust this year and changed my life.

Dec 27, 2006, 8:21 PM
Aside from having a nice dinner with my dad, brother, and his partner, I would say spending the day with my sweetie....and, oh yeah, my Bose Wave radio! :cool:

Dec 27, 2006, 9:19 PM
The best gift this year was an alarm radio for my ipod *very much the music junkie* :cool:

best gift of all time hummmmmmmm it was a birthday/xmas gift of geting adopted wooot

Dec 29, 2006, 7:35 AM
The best this year was the HUGE hug from my two kids arriving home on Christmas lunchtime. (I was pushed back to the wall with their loving hug attack). *perfect*

2nd part of Christmas (in January) will be with Tiggs and her family, all together with my family...the best!!!!!

Dec 29, 2006, 1:33 PM
Best gift this year was a plane ticket to go visit my sister in Scotland. I cont wait!

Dec 30, 2006, 8:05 AM
heh Im adding one, I got 2 pairs of diamond earrings woot! lolol

Dec 30, 2006, 11:33 AM
Black leather jacket. I had wanted black denim, since it's more of an allweather material, and kinda went with the style I was going for, but it still looks cool, and is warm. Close enough.

Dec 31, 2006, 12:46 AM
The best things? Everything that my wife got for me, as well as a scrapbook put together by my sister-in-law and one of her daughters of a lot of wedding pictures.