View Full Version : Hairy Question

Dec 24, 2006, 6:23 AM
There is a lot of discussion on here about hair, mainly concerning the genital area. I would like to start a (new?) discussion on facial hair, what's your fancy? Me personally, I hate it, from stubble to full beard. I have a particular dislike to moustaches( :eek: ). Why do men grow them? Do they think they look good, make the wearer more manly? I could rant for ages about the various forms these monstrosities take but over to you guys and girls what are your views? I'd really like to know.

Long Duck Dong
Dec 24, 2006, 7:12 AM
i have a part beard and a moustache.... and the main reason is I am too lazy to shave....

lol seriously, its actually cos of a skin condition, shaving makes me bleed badly, and its not cos of the shaver..... its cos shaving is like using a angle grinder on my face

I don't mind beards or moustaches, but i dislike the 5 o'clock shadow or the two day stubble, its like sandpaper on my skin

however, i personally think that it suits some people... and well others need a good shave lol... but who am i, that i can tell another what they need to do... ( actually i am a counselor and i do tell people how to work at sorting out their lives ).... but honestly.... if i don't like it, i don't have to kiss them

they say one mans rubbish is another mans treasure and in a way thats true... i love hairy woman down below... and others don't... so the same rule applies to the facial hair... i don't mind beards but others do.....

and being a male lol... i occasionally grow a bread and moustache, cos i can.....and i don't need somebodies approval to do it.... and if they don't like it, ... well the same thing applies... if you don't like it, don't kiss me

Dec 24, 2006, 8:35 AM
I don't mind beards and mustaches that are kept neatly trimmed. I don't like stubble at all - it hurts when it touches my skin. My favorite is no hair but exceptions have been made for some with very talented capabilities.

Dec 24, 2006, 8:51 AM
It’s a simple matter of personal preference. Maybe to some degree hair makes a statement but not in the same way it did say back in the late 60’s and 70’s. Today many of the males that live in my local area prefer shaved heads and a beard / moustaches combo where the beard follows the moustache end lines down and totally covers the chin. It seems to be the most popular style which puts me “so out of style” with most men my age and, those both younger and older. The older want to look younger and the younger want to look older so everyone tries to look the same I guess LOL.
I’ve had pretty much the same haircut for the last four plus decades less getting it buzzed or shaved twice both when going into Army basic training and Jump school.
Prior to then it was considered long immolating my idols of the time “The Beatles” and playing guitar professionally since 15 ( meaning getting paid to play). My hair has been long ever since and I don’t foresee that ever changing. Now it’s costing me from $50-$90 a cut to maintain a look that works in corporate, as well as my day to day Thankfully I only have it cut once a month. I have hair, which sets me apart from some of my associates that have either gone bald or, are paying up the ass for transplants.
My avatar is almost a dead ringer for both style and length. The color well LOL only my hairdresser knows for sure. I have a new found respect for what a woman goes through to maintain her youthful appearance. I still pass for late 40’s and look younger than my 44 yr. old occasional boyfriend but, it takes money and time to maintain. I do wear a moustache and have since I was old enough to grow one. I’ve shaved it off twice in my life, both times when playing theatrical roles that required I do so. After seeing myself without one I decided I needed something to break up my face. Without it I feel kindda naked.
I love long hair on guys but really look beyond the physical. I’d rather have a compassionate intelligent man over a pretty boy any day of the week. As for a woman, yea the moustache needs to go. ( No offence intended)

Ambi :)

Dec 24, 2006, 8:57 AM
We both prefer clean cut, above and below the beltline. :2cents:

Dec 24, 2006, 9:55 AM
shaving around the mouth and chin is something i find challenging. i have a few little birth mark things that always get cut when i shave there. i tend to go with the go tee.

i also find that i look better with a gotee when i have long hair. but when i get a hair cut, i will shave it off..

i shave my entire body hair every 3-4 days. just makes me feel fresher and cleaner and feminine, which i like.

i think body hair looks gross on everybody. i think we all look younger and prettier when we're shaved, that goes for men and women.

back to the go tee, i once had a girlfriend tell me that kissing was tough when i had like half day of stubble. she encouraged me to grow back the go tee because it made kissing softer..

Dec 24, 2006, 11:56 AM
In the 10years we've been together Hubby has gone through several facial hair phases. When we first met he had a goatee and mustache. As long as he kept them trimmed neatly I quite enjoyed them.

Then, as he began to gray, he shaved off the beard and just kept the mustache. Still no problem. But he had to star shaving more frequently to keep up with the stubble.

Finally the mustache got to be a little too gray and he shaved that, too. Now he looks 10 years younger but the stubble is like sandpaper and there are places I just don't let him venture when he's like that.

For those who have difficulty shaving, let me suggest www.theartofshaving.com

Hubby started buying his shaving products from there and they do AMAZING things for his skin. Check it out.

As for body hair, i love a man with *some*, but a hairy back is a turn-off. Love furon the chest though :bigrin:

Dec 24, 2006, 12:55 PM
I have a gote' and I think it looks good. As do other people who have seen it.
I like other guys with gote's/mustaches/slim beards. But the full out bush of a beard is not my thing.
As far as below the belt, clean cut is my thing! I am clean cut below the belt and prefer my "friends" are too!

Dec 24, 2006, 2:19 PM
I have no chin. I grew a beard to hide that fact. I'll spend a lot of time to trim it to give the illusion of havinga chin.

Dec 24, 2006, 6:12 PM
Now this is a topic that I REALLY like!

I like it ALL from stubble to a full long untrimmed 5+ year beard.
I like all types but stubble, goatees, full beards, long beards, biker staches/fu manchus, and solo staches turn my head. I prefer it dark but I do prefer my men to have it and they prefer that I have it too. ;)

Needless to say I got rather excited (more than most guys would) when I learned that I could grow facial hair and have it come in thick and look good!

Don't get me started on body hair on men either! I don't mind hairy backs and a friend of mine has a bristly one and it's rather nice to touch.

Oh yeah, shaved heads/short haircuts are a big turn on for me too.

I don't deny that I have a facial/body hair fetish. On a few rare ocassions I've found myself attracted to/aroused by clean shaven men but that was more because I knew them on a personal level and I liked the whole package; but there's NOTHING like touching another man's facial hair, kissing him, and groping his hairy body and exploring it with your touch. :) :D

Dec 24, 2006, 6:21 PM
I think it depends on the man. Some look very sexy while others just look like Rip Van Winkle. My only dislike about facial hair is the stubble because it's prickly and makes my skin red, but man does it ever feel good scrapping against certain parts of the body.

Dec 24, 2006, 7:10 PM
I have a neatly trimmed beard and mustashes....I shave the neck and upper cheeks and that is it. Why? I hate shaving and I am not old enough yet to say fuck it and let it all go. :bigrin:

Dec 24, 2006, 9:30 PM
I've had a mustache since I was first able to grow one. I had a "baby face" and grew one to look older. I was in teh USAF at teh time, and wasn't allowed to grow a full beard, we were only allowed to have a mustache.

After I retired from the AF, I grew a beard "becasue I could". LOL I now alternate betweena beard and a gotee.

I got a buzz cut about 15 years aga as a bet. Someone bet me a case of beer that I wouldn't do it. I discovered how esay it was to maintain, no combing, no shampoo or cream rinse, etc. I cut it myself, which meant FREE haircuts. I could use plain soap to wash my head, saving money on shampoo. When I got out of the shower, all I had to do was dry my head with a towel, no need to comb! Wake up in the morning, scratch my head and my hair was ready for the day. LOL Money was very tight back then, so saving every penny was important.

Back then, buzz cuts were NOT very popular. I've always enjoyed being a bit different from the crowd. These days I see so many guys with buzz cuts or shaved heads, I'm debating letting my hair grow out. I'm considering going to the "Geroge Carlin" look ... long hair pulled back in a ponytail and a full beard. I want something that is different, but not too radical. HHmm... not sure when I got concerened about beeing "too radical" Must be age. LOL

Dec 26, 2006, 8:47 AM
I've had a goatee for about two years now, only shaved it off once, the week my girl and I were split up, did some crazy things that week.
I like all facial hair aslong as it doesn't get in your mouth. I used to have a
moustache, but it annoyed the heck out of me.

Even though I've got a pretty hairy chest, I don't like too much on other guys.
Also, is it just me that has the wierd attraction to girls with short hair
or strange hair cuts like mohawks? A fact I probably shouldn't have told
my better half, when we met her hair was around the middle of her back and
it's been getting shorter and shorter, currently it's just shoulder length.
Though she denies I had anything to do with it :rolleyes: