View Full Version : Frans Posts

Dec 22, 2006, 4:21 PM
My best friend recently told me that there was an unpleasant edge to my posts of late and a hint of bitterness which I ought to watch out for and eliminate if I can. I checked with another great friend and she tells me there is a hint of it and for whatever reason I think its inexcusable of me and would like to apologise to any and all I may have offended.

I do feel strongly about things and am very argumentative but its never my intention to get peoples backs up and cause offense, merely to be constructive and create discussion. My more usual style is jokey and child like and looking back have noticed that I have become more serious and less humerous. Maybe I should return to that way of writing but sometimes issues require more gravitas.

I am not a bitter person I hope, but do tend to get the bit between my teeth and hate letting go, so will sit down and think just what I am saying more deeply and review it more carefully less something slips through which shouldnt be there.

It hasnt exactly been my year, but my stresses and strains shouldnt be thrown at others and I hope that in 2007 Fran will be back to her sizzling jocular self and lighten up a little. If not, I have sufficient good m8's around in bisex.com who will sort me out! At least I think I do. Hope so anyway.

Luv 2 all an have a yum Crimbo an very merry New Year ( take note other side of the ponders..New Year.. singular no s or 's the New Year is the New Year..there is only 1 each year..drop that bloody s!!! Its worse than calling fitba' soccer.. well almost! Mind u the English call it footie so they r not much better. lol) :tong:

Finally, also on the subject of fitba' and New year...a glass please ( or even a few) to Heart of Midlothian FC - a toast - May this be the last year we have to put up with the Romanov nasty, may we prosper, and may wee Paulie and Craig and me luvly Jambos no longer have to put up with Tsar of Tynecastle! Tears for Elvis.... just don sign for the huns babes. Thats 2 much!

luv yas all :grouphug: :bigrin:

Dec 22, 2006, 4:38 PM
Awww (((( Frannie ))))) you've have been going through a lot lately but you are a real sweetheart. Merry Christmas!!! Love's ya!

Long Duck Dong
Dec 22, 2006, 4:45 PM
hugs ya darkeyes

apologizing for being human and having a bad run ???? * shakes head *... now posting slightly off, posts, I can accept that.... but apologizing for being human and showing it ??...* mumbles and grumbles *....... I prescrible a hug 3 times a day... take them with a lot of love, some caring... and a genuine smile...... now the smile is important.... it needs to come from a genuine person.... I found the imitation smiles to be less effective than the genuine smiles.... :tong: :tong:

Dec 22, 2006, 4:46 PM
Awww (((( Frannie ))))) you've have been going through a lot lately but you are a real sweetheart. Merry Christmas!!! Love's ya!

So r u babes... jus keep that shoulder dry for wen me needs it next..an don worry bout me...worry more bout me fitba' team!! Them that needs the miracle... sniff! Wers that shoulder???

Merry Crimbo 2 u an urs babes... luvsya!

Dec 22, 2006, 5:10 PM
Awww Fran! You know we love you hun!! And if there has been an edge to your posts, those of us who know and love you understand that things have been a bit difficult for ya lately! Certainly no reason to feel any different about ya...afterall...we all know how fiesty you can be!! It's part of what makes you the wonderfully unique person that you are!

Hope you have a wonderful holiday and a most prosperous New Year!


Dec 22, 2006, 7:17 PM
an u 2 mumsy! jus don do ne thin me wud do...even if yad luv it! Hav yummie time an don let the pounds get 2 ur arse...scares me silly that dus.. had 2 get shot of 6 lbs las year!!! an jeez wos it hard work.. o the trouble Crimbo gives me arse! Wy wen me has so little dus it neva go to me chest?

Have gr8 Chrissie an triff new year Kate.. me mum got goose this year.. toff.. least me don hav 2 eat bloody turkey..akkk!

Kissies from me 2 all of ya mob!

Dec 22, 2006, 11:28 PM
Cant say I havent noticed a little bit as well, and someone mentioned that My post were a little Nazi of late. I blame the Xmas Stress!!!!!! and school stress too.

Dec 23, 2006, 9:45 AM
Fran ( Darkeyes) I always enjoy reading your posts. What I find interesting are the styles you choose to express your thoughts through. Some of your posts show an amazing command of the English language that very few can match. LOL I stuggle with others in an attemp unravel the mysteries of your slang which I'm not always sure I understand but enjoy nevertheless.

example: fitba...Got to be football but you gave me clues on that one
Jambos.. I'm thinking must mean friends
ne .. this you use a lot in various ways and I guess it depends on the where and how.

LOL which ever style you write in it;s always a good read

Ambi :)

Dec 24, 2006, 10:38 AM
Fran ( Darkeyes) I always enjoy reading your posts. What I find interesting are the styles you choose to express your thoughts through. Some of your posts show an amazing command of the English language that very few can match. LOL I stuggle with others in an attemp unravel the mysteries of your slang which I'm not always sure I understand but enjoy nevertheless.

example: fitba...Got to be football but you gave me clues on that one
Jambos.. I'm thinking must mean friends
ne .. this you use a lot in various ways and I guess it depends on the where and how.

LOL which ever style you write in it;s always a good read

Ambi :)

Rite on babes...Fitba' is merely scots parlance for the word football. pronounced fitbaw!

Jambos are me fitba' team.. Heart of Midlothian an me luvs em dearly.. supporters r also known as jambos... they r also known as the Jam Tarts...summat me an me m8s r often called.. bein a tadge tarty ( bein tarty is nice..an can b fun)...tee hee

ne.... merely any...text speak if ya likes.. is here ne way.

Happy Crimbo.. (Christmas).. giggles.

Dec 24, 2006, 11:26 AM
Sweetie, you just be who you are. There's no need to change to make others happy, especially not here! We're family in this place.

There's been many a time when I've railed at the world on this board or cried or been insecure and i *know* no one thinks the less of me. So I KNOW no one thinks any less of you.

When you change to make others happy, you diminish the person that is you. So just be yourself and we'll love you. No matter who that is.

Dec 24, 2006, 9:55 PM
Sweetie, you just be who you are. There's no need to change to make others happy, especially not here! We're family in this place.

There's been many a time when I've railed at the world on this board or cried or been insecure and i *know* no one thinks the less of me. So I KNOW no one thinks any less of you.

When you change to make others happy, you diminish the person that is you. So just be yourself and we'll love you. No matter who that is.

Ahhh babes... ya dunno wot ur words mean 2 me.. try 2 b meself but sumtimes wonder if Im who peeps wan me 2 b.... life has overall been gr8..but like ne 1 else am not perfect an sumtimes jus wonder bout meself!!! Bit more than sumtimes really..

try 2 b honest, try 2 b me..but hav enuff doubts 2 neva b sure...so me can jus say how I c things at ne given mo in time!

Ta gain... an yum Chritsmas! xxxx