View Full Version : An STD?

Dec 21, 2006, 8:49 PM
A few months ago, small zips started to grow under my belt line, many clashed together and they itched more than anything. In a few weeks they disappeared, now at the time I was working with some unusual constuction materials so I guessed that it was some sort of allergy response.

This week, a zip appeared on my right testicle, small one, similar to the ones who appear on your face, and after that, two more appeared close to my genitals. It's very rare that zips appear in these places, so I'm only worried if it might be a sign of an STD...

Does anyone have a comment?

Long Duck Dong
Dec 21, 2006, 8:58 PM
yeah, post a pic or send one to me privately lol

seriously tho... what you have posted, is not enuf to give you any true advice...and even with a pic, its hard to truely given you any diagnosis

however, I am inclined to think they may be blocked skins pores....

BUT, my only true advice is go see a doctor.....they will examine you and give you a true and correct medical diagnosis

Dec 21, 2006, 10:00 PM
I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV.

Having said that, I agree with Long Duck Dong. There really needs to be more questions asked, & for it to be looked at. It may be like you said, blocked pores, but it *could* be herpes. Are you extremely tired & wiped out? How long to the "zits" last? Have you been very stressed lately? (and yes, I KNOW "it's Christmas!"....lol) Do you have a general sence of malaise?

Make an appointment with your doctor. Explain what your symptoms are. If you can't get in while those "zits" are there, take a picture so she/he can see. Only then can you know for SURE what it is.

Good luck!!!!!!!

Oh - and 1 more thing....until you know what it is....do NOT scratch them!

Dec 21, 2006, 10:02 PM
If you are at all concerned about it, go see a doctor for sure. It is the best way to find out and then for better or worse you will know what they are. You may also try browsing around some heath sites to try and find images of various STDs to compare to, if you dont mind looking at some pretty unappealing images that is.

Dec 22, 2006, 1:34 AM
A year or two ago my son developed similar symptoms after working with old building materials. It was diagnosed as an obscure viral infection that took a couple of months of treatment to get cleared up. IT'S HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS! See a doctor right away, and if you are intimate with someone, tell them to go too. :eek: