View Full Version : A hypothetical thread for y'all...

Dec 21, 2006, 7:52 PM
Hi Y'all, Well once again ive come up with something i heard from the radio station i listen to at work almost every day. Its an all sports talk station,but they talk about other things to from time to time. Well these guy's were talking about what they would do if they had 3 wishes and they could wish for anything what would they wish for. But my deal is you can have 6 wishes,with a stipiulation with them. 3 of them would be for what ever you could wish for yourself. Then the other 3 wishes would be ffor the world in general,ie the human race ,mother earth ,or whatever else you have in mind for mankind. Just thought itd make for some interesting answers. So if you want tell us what they are. My first 3 or for mankind in genaral. 1. World peace. 2. Enough food to feed every person on the planet. 3. The eradication,of Aids,and Cancer. Now as for my own wishes i would, 1. I would never had gotten Scolios,no back problem's,lol. 2.I would never had had acne,lol. 3. Iwould be more of an outgoing and talkative person when i first meet people,lol.. Well that's it gang,Let us know what y'alls are,Thanks...

Long Duck Dong
Dec 21, 2006, 8:24 PM
mmm lol grins ok .....

wish 1... is for world COMPROMISE... not world peace..... my reasoning is that in order to have world peace, everybody has to be happy about the same things and that means conformity.... I perfer world compromise.... we don't have to agree about the same things... but we are not gonna go to war over it

wish 2.... a end to hunger.....i would love to see a end to trade embargos and each country supported in the in the areas that it is struggling, like food production, some countries product food that other countries can't.... I would love to see a world trading system that benefits all countries so all can enjoy a full stomach and a new experience

wish 3....health... I would love to see new developments in the areas of disease, deformities, and over all health... a end to companies making big bucks out of human suffering thru illness and disease for a start....and a new unified health system that is world wide to help those in help and non profit

wish 4.... my ability to communicate better..... i want to be able to open up better....and be able to express myself better.... I struggle to get my thoughts into words a lot

wish 5... I wanna be a hermaphrodite or a morph ( can change between female and male in mind, body and emotions )... i wanna experience that of which i have no real knowledge..... i wanna experience the joys and pains of 9 months of pregnancy... the hassles of a period... and i wanna learn about love making as a lady

wish 6.....empathic transference.... or the ability to share my pain, suffering and emotions with others.... so that people that think my life is a breeze, can see just how much pain i live with every day....and how much i ignore it cos others need my help....then and maybe then, they would understand the true meaning of self sacrifice

Dec 21, 2006, 10:36 PM
hmm, how do i anwser without being totally unoriginal... I want to say things like world peace, and end all hunger, peace, freedom, and all that, but its kinda what everyone else would say as well. Of course I want those things and probably would wish for them if a genie or something came to me, but for interest's sake lets just say those wishes are a given, and Ill come up with something different.


1) Enlightenment - There are so many people out there who dont stop and just think about things. They never ask why things are the way they are, never ask what if things were different, never open up to any other ideas, and only live by a set ideal, religion, lack of religion, or moral code. Opening up your mind to new ideas, and really thinking about the why, how, what, and where of the world around you ads so much to your life its unbelievable. And with it comes acceptance, tolerance, and self improvement. "The unexamined life is not worth living" - Socrates

2) Appreciation - There are so many small things that just go overlooked in our world. Things from a loved one, a friend and a warm house, down to a sunset, a comfortable chair, or a night spent having fun. I wish that people could appreciate the little things in there life more, then being obsessed with ideals of grandeurs and riches. I think alot more people could find happiness around them.

3) Tolerance - Well I know I said I wasnt going to say any cliché wishes, but I all my other ideas were. So yes, the tolerance to accept your fellow man (and woman) despite their different views, race or way of life would be up there on my list fo wishes


1) Will power - I wish I had more will power, whether its going to the gym, or doing work I dont really want to do, I find I am always folding on things that require higher amounts of will power. I am always afraid that it is something that will hold me back in the future.

2) A conversation with God - Not sure if he even exists, but if he does that I would love to have a nice long chat with him. So much to ask!

3) Finding the Perfect person - Who doesn't what true love? again its cliché, but I long to find that person who is perfect for me in every way and I am perfect for in every way. I know they probably dont even exist, but its a wish right?

Dec 22, 2006, 1:56 AM
Wow, a good question, that is fun AND makes you think! lol

Ok, yea, this will be unoriginal I suppose....

For the world,
1. Cure for cancer, for aids, and other diseases... Im a cancer survivor, thank goodness, but I wouldnt wish that on my worse enemy what I went through...

2. A warm place for everyone in the world to sleep every single night and a hot meal in their belly, everyone deserves at least that...

3. For everyone in the world to have at least one person to love them and to feel loved.

Ok sure, kind of sappy....

For myself...

1. To turn back time, never have gotten cancer, and be able to have children. Its the hardest thing I deal with on a day to day basis, I guess id wish for all the people in the world to be able to have children...

2. To have my brother and his 2 kids back who died a month ago, life isnt the same without them...

3. Money, not like a million bucks or anything, just enough to pay the bills off, get a nice car, put a little away maybe....

This thread was harder than I thought.... I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas, Hannukka, or whatever you may celebrate :)

Dec 22, 2006, 3:19 AM
Wow, that is so hard. And to think of something original....

For the world:
1) Free cures for diseases, just all of them. No ones illness and suffering should be held above others.

2) World peace, I know it is cheesy. But it is so vital. I am not saying that one law is applicable to everyone, but that everybody would be willing to work together to make things the way they should be. Why does it always take a tragedy to make people work together?

3) Knowledge. Not just what you want to learn, but as much as you can learn.

For Me:
Honestly I would ask for the ability to make whatever I want happen at will. Call it magick or whatever. That way I could help my family and my self. And just anybody I could, you would be amazed at the problems the average person has.

Dec 22, 2006, 5:00 AM

1) I became a billionnaire

2) I became immune from the runs

3) Whatever is causing my stomach pains would go away

For the world:

1) True world peace. No country has an unjust law.

2) The environment gets saved in an income-based way.

3) Arsenal win the European Cup.

Dec 22, 2006, 7:00 AM

Integrity, Honesty and Genuineness


To be able to shake off the negativity of others I've absorbed over the years.
To consistently grow in mind and spirit and be able to pass that on.
To write again...turning dreams into reality.

Lisa (va)
Dec 22, 2006, 2:29 PM
for all:

wish # 1: Acceptance and tolerance towards others and the ability to embrace the differences.

wish # 2: Sharing with others, givng to those who have less (be it food or whatever) when you have plenty (note to the wealthy folks - how much money is enough?)

wish # 3: An end to all suffering, be it physical or emotional

for me:

wish # 4: see wish #1

wish # 5: see wish # 2

wish # 6: see wish # 3

and I hope Tex doesn't mind me taking an extra wish for myself

wish # 7: a smaller butt and bigger chest :)


hugs n kisses

Dec 22, 2006, 7:52 PM
Hi Y'all, Well once again ive come up with something i heard from the radio station i listen to at work almost every day. Its an all sports talk station,but they talk about other things to from time to time. Well these guy's were talking about what they would do if they had 3 wishes and they could wish for anything what would they wish for. But my deal is you can have 6 wishes,with a stipiulation with them. 3 of them would be for what ever you could wish for yourself. Then the other 3 wishes would be ffor the world in general,ie the human race ,mother earth ,or whatever else you have in mind for mankind. Just thought itd make for some interesting answers. So if you want tell us what they are. My first 3 or for mankind in genaral. 1. World peace. 2. Enough food to feed every person on the planet. 3. The eradication,of Aids,and Cancer. Now as for my own wishes i would, 1. I would never had gotten Scolios,no back problem's,lol. 2.I would never had had acne,lol. 3. Iwould be more of an outgoing and talkative person when i first meet people,lol.. Well that's it gang,Let us know what y'alls are,Thanks...

1.Peace tranquility and prosperity the world over

2.Humanity to some how avoid making a total dogs bollocks (a luvly english phrase) of this planet and all its inhabitants

3. Good health to all living things

4. That humanity can somehow become truly equal and treat all other with compassion and respect

5. Happiness and joy for all living things

6. My silent wish, and too personal to let u lot know about!

Dec 22, 2006, 8:37 PM
My wishes are basically along the lines of everyone elses....


1. That no one should ever go hungry or without shelter
2. Tolerance, compassion towards others
3. An end to disease and birth defects


1. Health & Happiness
2. Patience
3. That everyone get their most desired personal wish

Dec 22, 2006, 11:22 PM
I was thinking alot about this idea and peoples answers. And here I go being the Devil's advocate.

Alot of people wished for a cure to all diseases and disorders etc.

If you really stop and think about a world without disease would be like, is it really a better place?

Of course there are the great benefits of no suffering and the pain of losing a loved one to a disease would be gone, but think of how over populated the world would become. Areas like China, India, Japan are already super over populated and disease (especially like pandemics such small pox, the black plague and potentially Bird Flew) are a way of nature controlling itself. Like an over grown forest burning down and starting again. If there was no disease everyone would live to a very old age and the global population would explode, our economies wouldnt be able to support such a rapid increase in people, not to mention space.

All in all, its probably a great wish, maybe I just think to much :tong:

her hubby
Dec 23, 2006, 12:56 AM
and I hope Tex doesn't mind me taking an extra wish for myself

wish # 7: a smaller butt and bigger chest :)


hugs n kisses

Don't change a thing, you are beatiful as you are.


Dec 23, 2006, 5:25 AM

(1) Wisdom
(2) Tolerance with conditions
(3) The ability to see beyond our limited scope.


(1)The ability to be truly invisable at my discretion.
(2) Wisdom coupled with comprehension
(3) Serenity not based in illusions

Ambi :)

Dec 23, 2006, 11:30 AM
for all:

wish # 1: Acceptance and tolerance towards others and the ability to embrace the differences.

wish # 2: Sharing with others, givng to those who have less (be it food or whatever) when you have plenty (note to the wealthy folks - how much money is enough?)

wish # 3: An end to all suffering, be it physical or emotional

for me:

wish # 4: see wish #1

wish # 5: see wish # 2

wish # 6: see wish # 3

and I hope Tex doesn't mind me taking an extra wish for myself

wish # 7: a smaller butt and bigger chest :)


hugs n kissesMy Dear LIsa, you can have that extra wish my friend
;) .Anything like that can allways be included,lol.. Tex..

Lisa (va)
Dec 23, 2006, 11:59 AM
I also have an extra special wish:

I wish Tex can avoid the dreaded boot monster !!!!!


hugs n kisses

Dec 23, 2006, 2:39 PM
For the world:

1. For no child to have to have to suffer any type of abuse, be it physical, mental or emotional.

2. For all people to have the ability to realize the consequences of their actions before they are performed.

3. For people to be able to look beyond race/religion/sexual orientation and see people for who they really are.

For myself:

1. To have enough money to live comfortably.

2. For my little sister to have anything her heart desires.

3. To be able to talk to my grandfather one more time.

Great thread Tex. I love your little twist.

Dec 23, 2006, 6:49 PM
Personally win the lottery,leave Britain
Rangers win the EUFA cup make up for a shitty season
1 George Bush and Tony Blair die in some horrible accident
3 A better world for my little boy to grow up in

meteast chick
Dec 23, 2006, 6:56 PM
For the world: Since everyone is wishing for a cure for diseases, and food for all and peace, I'll go a bit different

1. Equality - that no man, woman or child, of any race, creed, religious affiliation, sex, sexual orientation and what not ever know that pain of being judged, discriminated or punished based on things they cannot control.

2. Environmental - more trees, cleaner air, purer water, to remove all the toxins we have put into this earth and restore the ozone so we don't go the way of the dinosaurs and our children's children aren't born with some rare chemical disease and extra (or missing) appendage

3. Value for life - because if I see another picture of some Chinese baby girl in a trash can I'm saying to hell with peace and nuking the place

for me: (I'm encompassing many things under 3 individual headings to try to get the most out of my wishes)

1. to be financially independent: not independently wealthy, but to not have to stress over where my next car payment is coming from and to be able to afford to get Lasik

2. true love: the forever kind that reaches down to the depths of your soul and never makes you wonder if that person is 'the one'

3. to know that my boys will love me no matter what: to celebrate their own differences and mine, to always have an open relationship with me, to know hardship but never have to struggle and know that they are always #1 in their mommy's life

Damn this got deep. Funny most of us aren't asking for material things, but basic things that are almost unattainable, the kind of stability to the what-if's
in life. I think that says something.

Luv and under-the-mistletoe kisses,

Dec 24, 2006, 1:18 PM
For the World:

1) A deep wisdom for all people that leads to total understanding and tolerance of all differences.

2) Knowledge that leads to the end of all types of needless suffering.

3) Inner peace for all people.

For Myself:

1) For Hands-On AromaTherapy (our company) to become a multi-billion dollar corporation inside of 5 years.

2) Inner peace

3) The wisdom to understand that even if our company doesn't become a Fortune 500 company, that we are still successful for the simple fact that we are helping people.