View Full Version : Curious Female

Dec 21, 2006, 11:13 AM
Im brand new to this site...

I really dont know if im bisexual, women turn me on..and im very curious about being with a female but ive never tryed..i would try but i cant seem to find any bi females near to my location.
How do you know if your bi?

Dec 21, 2006, 12:17 PM
I had a discussion with a couple of friends once, how someone knows if they are bi AND if they were really bi if they didnt like to go down on other women. We (the 4 of us) decided that yes, if the atraction is there, youre sexually turned on by the both sex's, you are bi. If you couldnt decide on being bi or not, how could any virgin of any sexuality know they are straight, or gay, if they had to actually have a sexual encounter to find out? They dont, so you dont either.

Between the 4 of us, we have met a few women who didnt enjoy going down. Including one of us who is 100% lesbian. There are lots of things women enjoy doing with women and things they dont.

I dont know who did the study, maybe someone out there can help me with this, but someone did a study and came out with a scale. It implies that people arent gay 100% straight 100% or bi 100% that we are actually on a scale from 1-10 1 being staight 10 being gay and anywhere inbetween a mix of both of some level. Maybe thats why on this site, you pick a number to describe yourself. I think Im a 4 equally straight as gay making me a perfect bi... wait... making me THE perfect bi lol tooting my own horn!

Anyway I hope this helped you some. Oh btw, I once knew a lesbian from ontario ca and she was freakin hot lol you just need to look in the right places! :flag3:

Dec 21, 2006, 12:56 PM
I would place myself on that scale as a 2. I am much more inclined to women but have enjoyed several experiences with men. There is noway I could flirt with a man like I would with a woman, perhaps because I don't find most men the at least attractive. I would say if you have done it only once, or just thought of it then you're not, if you've done it and gone back for more you are!

Dec 21, 2006, 1:58 PM
How do you know if your bi?

It's simply feeling inside that you're attracted to girls too. That's a main thing. When you look to some girl and your heart start beating faster, that's it. A moment of true feeling.
I don't believe in any scales or whatever, it's coming from inside, and it's up to you will you explore that magic world of be in love or having contact with girls or not.

the sacred night
Dec 21, 2006, 8:26 PM
I dunno about anyone else, but i knew when i found myself getting wet staring at my friend's boobs one summer when i saw her in a bikini for the first time...

Dec 21, 2006, 10:10 PM
How do you know if you bi?

Well, its different for every person. Some people just know it because they are so obviously attracted to both sexes, while with others it is more tricky. It all depends on what you consider being Bi. Alot of people out there are mostly straight, like the opposite sex romantically more then the same, and only feel slight sexual attraction to the same sex, and consider themselves straight. Im not going to argue with them. At the same time there are people who feel the same way and consider themselves Bi, again, who am I to say they are not?

Basically you need to formulate a definition of Bisexual for yourself, or find one that rings true to you, and then decide if you fit into it.

Best of Luck, LL

Dec 21, 2006, 10:25 PM
How do you know if you bi?

Well, its different for every person. Some people just know it because they are so obviously attracted to both sexes, while with others it is more tricky. It all depends on what you consider being Bi. Alot of people out there are mostly straight, like the opposite sex romantically more then the same, and only feel slight sexual attraction to the same sex, and consider themselves straight. Im not going to argue with them. At the same time there are people who feel the same way and consider themselves Bi, again, who am I to say they are not?

Basically you need to formulate a definition of Bisexual for yourself, or find one that rings true to you, and then decide if you fit into it.

Best of Luck, LL

I've always found it interesting that the definition of bi is a moving target. A person is either gay, straight, or somewhere in between.

Dec 21, 2006, 11:13 PM
I've always found it interesting that the definition of bi is a moving target. A person is either gay, straight, or somewhere in between

Why try to shoot at the target, when you can move it to where your arrow already is?

Dec 22, 2006, 6:56 AM
Why try to shoot at the target, when you can move it to where your arrow already is?

I agree, now. But a few years ago it being a moving target added to my confusion. As I related in another thread, I thought I was straight until I had a sexual experience with another man, and then I discovered that I am bi.

A couple of years later, I went thru a period of uncertaintity about it since I'm not "purely bi" (i.e. I lean more towards straight instead of being equally straight and gay.) I went thru many of the issues people post here asking about trying to figure out if they are bi or not. When the internet came into being, I did lots of searching on bisexuality trying to determine if I really was bi or not. Based on the information on some sites, I wasn't bi since I prefer women. The authors on those sites were of the opinion that if you aren't equally attracted to both sexes, then you aren't bi. A few sites suggested that I am "bi curious" since I enjoy sex with men, but only desire to be romanticaly involved with women. Even after discovering the Kinsey Scale, I still wasn't positive since it doesn't really "define" bisexuality.

More and more sites are now supporting the fact that you don't have to be a "3- Equally heterosexual and homosexual " on the Kinsey scale to be considered a bisexual. It wasn't until I discoverd a few of these sites (long before I found bisexual.com) that I was positive that I was bisexual, not just bi-curoius.

For anyone who hasn't seen the Kinsey Scale, here's a link to it:


Dec 22, 2006, 9:27 AM
Thnx for the replies/....

Well i guess if i would have to be on a scale (1 being straight and 10 being lesbian) iw ould be a 4....
I do look at other women..i get arroused...i start thinking what it would be like to be with them sexually...i do get wet with just the though..i have even started having some dreams of being with women...

Dec 31, 2006, 2:13 AM
I get very wet looking at another woman's breasts, and I feel very aroused, my wetness, my breasts and nipples.

Dec 31, 2006, 9:05 PM
I would place myself on that scale as a 2. I am much more inclined to women but have enjoyed several experiences with men. There is noway I could flirt with a man like I would with a woman, perhaps because I don't find most men the at least attractive.

I realise I'm probably bumping an old thread here, but this is something I have to ask about.

I desire some form of sexual contact with men, but like you, I don't find most men attractive (although there are some exceptions to this). But I was wondering, is it really possible to enjoy sex with someone you don't find attractive? What I worry about is that I wouldn't be able to enjoy the sex because of this, even though I fantasize about it and desire it.