View Full Version : sex.. for pleasure or reproduction

Long Duck Dong
Dec 20, 2006, 9:17 PM
sex.. for pleasure or reproduction

I can't resist it.... i need to stir people up lol... its like a annoying habit of mine...lol

you get pleasure from sex... i get pleasure from asking annoying questions

seriously tho

for many years, i have questioned the findings of people that humans are possibly the only creatures on earth that has sex for pleasure and not just to reproduce....

i am no animal expert...lol...but i am bloody sure that mr pig with his 30 minute orgasm, is doesn't have that stupid look upon his face cos he just got a sow pregnant
i worked for 3 1/2 years at a piggery... i saw a lot of stupid looks on mr pig and a lot of unpregnant sows

now animals do have a seasonal cycle, thats true......its a natural cycle... thats a proven fact.....but how you noticed how animals work hard to attract a mate, and the females go for the * best looking * ones..... honestly, its true.... if you are only gonna screw for a few weeks a year... you want the best looking male you can find....and hopefully one that knows what to do...

even watched rabbits in a cage.... even noticed how they try to hump each others head.... not a proven way to reproduce, lol.....

but back to the original question..... sure animals have sex to reproduce.... so do humans....but we also do it cos it feels good.....and the same must apply to animals...

if you look at humans and the birth stats, humans actually follow a cycle where the birth rate can change....depending on the country and the time of year....but we also can make a personal choice about pregnancy and when to get preggers....

even seen a condom for a elephant ???? or even a whale..... mmmmmm no 3 meter condoms on the pharmacy shelf

so lets look at the reasons that humans have sex

1 ) cos we can
2 ) cos it feels good
3 ) cos we want to
4 ) cos we love to
5 ) cos it makes me jealous that I aint getting none
6 ) cos its part of love
7 ) cos love making feels so awesome
8 ) cos its fun to share

actually #5 is not a valid answer.... not cos its wrong... but cos its true and that annoys me

generally we do it cos it feels good.....its enjoyable..... and mr pig is still on that sow with that stupid look on his face

so having sex is good, but that doesn't answer my question about pleasure or reproduction

now it can't be all for pleasure..... some creatures eat their partners, and others try to bite their partners vital parts off......i hardly call that pleasure..... unless you are extremely kinky and like bizarre S&M and B&D......

so what if the animal scientists are wrong.... animals do it for reproduction and cos it feels good.....I am not gonna ask mr * god it feels so good that i am gonna stand here looking stupid * pig.....lucky bastard..

so lets look at humans and sex..... we perform the act of reproduction.... except we call it sex, love, making, doing the mumbo etc etc....

now we don't get pregnant every time we have sex.... and the same applies to animals....
but we are told we have sex for pleasure....and for reproduction....however animals only have it for reproduction
but every time we have sex, we are following the natural urges to reproduce.....the pleasure comes from the experience of the sex

god i wanna hit that pig so bad... and wipe that stupid look off his face......

so its very possible that the experts are wrong.... and that humans are not the only creatures that have sex for pleasure.....for that is implying that us, following the urge to reproduce, and indulging in sexual natured activities, are not actually having sex to reproduce but having sex for pleasure, even tho we are performing the act of reproduction without getting anybody pregnant and cos it is pleasurable

right i am curious what other people think....lol

true or false.....humans are not the only creatures in the world that have sex for pleasure......

true or false.....sex and love making, is just the act of reproduction, and it feels fucking nice....

true or false.....since the act of reproduction is pleasurable.. then animals do it cos it is a way of reproducing and cos it feels good.....

true or false.... if love making was extremely painful, not pleasurable... then humans wouldn't do it...except to reproduction

true or false..... the pig is one lucky son of a bitch

Dec 20, 2006, 9:25 PM
I agree that we are not the only creature to have sex for pleasure. If so, why would dogs hump our legs? Yes, most animals have a reproduction cycle, but in most cases it's teh female that onlywants it during that cycle. Give a dog a different female in heat every day and he'll try to get a piece every day. THe male dog's cycle is like the male human cycle, if the female wants screwed, let's screw it!

Dec 20, 2006, 10:24 PM
right i am curious what other people think....lol
true or false.....humans are not the only creatures in the world that have sex for pleasure......
true or false.....sex and love making, is just the act of reproduction, and it feels fucking nice....
true or false.....since the act of reproduction is pleasurable.. then animals do it cos it is a way of reproducing and cos it feels good.....
true or false.... if love making was extremely painful, not pleasurable... then humans wouldn't do it...except to reproduction
true or false..... the pig is one lucky son of a bitch

(1)True. I once knew a dog that loved going down on an old girl-friend I had in college after we had finished and lay exhausted. The woman enjoyed the sensations and had no issues with "her baby" cleaning up. I have to assume the dog had no issue and if it wasn't deriving pleasure, it could still be said that it was certainly giving pleasure and how many of us enjoying giving our partners pleasure because it makes us feel good to do so. The only confusion was that the dog was also female which brings up a whole new perspective on dog sexual orientation LOL There you go LDD ask one question and wind up with another LOL

(2)False. Sex between the same genders sex doesn't have a shot of reproducing anything but pleasure.... reproductively speaking.Unless you want to consider the possibility of giving birth to a virus as reproductive...Hmmm have to think on that one. Regardless the sensations of the sexual act itself appears to be pleasurable. ( talk about a non-commital answer)

(3)True. No animal scienist here either but only our own arrogance would allow us to suggest that only "we" possess a soul...ooops did I say soul...I meant the ability to enjoy sex...typo

(4)Maybe. LOL..I gave up trying to figure out any set parameters when it comes to sexual behavior amongst us human animals especially in regard to what brings someone pleasure and what causes another pain. I admit I am somewhat agnosticphilic.

(5) True. We definitely got the short end of that stick. My theory being that when God cast Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden he probably was still feeling a little pissed off and in a parting shot said " And just because I can!!, To further your suffering I'm taking away your 30 minuet orgasm away and giving it to the pigs. The sow shall reap the pleasures of heavenly bliss..of course this was later revised and reversed to "reap what you sow" and the rest is biblical history.

Ambi :)

Long Duck Dong
Dec 21, 2006, 12:00 AM
(5) True. We definitely got the short end of that stick. My theory being that when God cast Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden he probably was still feeling a little pissed off and in a parting shot said " And just because I can!!, To further your suffering I'm taking away your 30 minuet orgasm away and giving it to the pigs. The sow shall reap the pleasures of heavenly bliss..of course this was later revised and reversed to "reap what you sow" and the rest is biblical history.

Ambi :)

shit i just split my coffee everywhere i was laughing so much

I have to remember that remark...lol

Dec 21, 2006, 2:00 AM
true or false.....humans are not the only creatures in the world that have sex for pleasure......

true or false.....sex and love making, is just the act of reproduction, and it feels fucking nice....

true or false.....since the act of reproduction is pleasurable.. then animals do it cos it is a way of reproducing and cos it feels good.....

true or false.... if love making was extremely painful, not pleasurable... then humans wouldn't do it...except to reproduction

true or false..... the pig is one lucky son of a bitch

1) TRUE - in fact I would go as far to say that humans are the only creature that has sex for reproduction. I dont think animals are even aware that the act of sex is related in any way to procreation. A fig fucks because it feels horney and wants the pleasure, then a few months later the sow has little bacon bits. TO the pig there is no mental connection there. So really humans are the only species that have sex specifically for procreation (not in all instances of course) because we are the only species who is aware that sex leads to birth (except mabey Dolphins bc they are wicked smart). The pleasure of sex for an animal is just a natural species wide survival mechinism . Also, my neighbour used to be a narcotics officer and he had 2 male drug dogs that wernt neutard (cuz there drug dogs) that he kept in the same pen. And let me tell you, what they would do was most certainly not for procreation.

I knida anwsered some of you your other questions in there as well so I will skip some.

4) FALSE - If sex was painful then no one would do it period anymore, and all babys would be had through invitro fertilisation.

5) TRUE - You sure seem to like talking about that pig. Remind me to never have you over for a ham dinner. :bigrin:

Long Duck Dong
Dec 21, 2006, 2:41 AM
i am not jealous of the pig.... i'm annoyed... he stole my orgasm lol

Dec 21, 2006, 6:37 AM
Check out or closest living relative, the Bonobo or pygmy chimpaneze...it is the only animal that masturbates (including mutual), has orgies, indulges in oral, vaginal and anal sex, bisexuality whenever it wants to estraz or not.

Dec 21, 2006, 7:49 AM
Check out or closest living relative, the Bonobo or pygmy chimpaneze...it is the only animal that masturbates (including mutual), has orgies, indulges in oral, vaginal and anal sex, bisexuality whenever it wants to estraz or not.

I saw one of those out takes of an Australian news broadcast where as the news man was broadcasting from a part a Kangaroo sitting in the back ground was doing what could only be masturbating like crazy so I think more than chimps jerk off in the animal world LOL

Dec 21, 2006, 11:04 AM
You forgot another important reason people have sex: to manipulate others and get things they want. I think on that score we're alone in the animal kingdom. Don't suppose dogs hump other dogs for a promotion or revenge.


Dec 21, 2006, 11:55 AM
true or false.....humans are not the only creatures in the world that have sex for pleasure......

true or false.....sex and love making, is just the act of reproduction, and it feels fucking nice....

true or false.....since the act of reproduction is pleasurable.. then animals do it cos it is a way of reproducing and cos it feels good.....

true or false.... if love making was extremely painful, not pleasurable... then humans wouldn't do it...except to reproduction

true or false..... the pig is one lucky son of a bitch

1. True. They've proved that with a number of different species. That isn't even going into the sheer number of creatures in the animal kingdom that routinely engage in homosexual behavior including sexual activity (go to amazon, choose books as the search area and put in 'homosexual animals'. A number of good books will come up).

2. Not entirely true. It's not just the act of reproduction (as we, quite often, have sex expressely without the desire to have kids as of yet) because it does have the potential to become an act that means a lot of differnt things internally, but it does feel fucking nice.

3. Basically True. I don't believe it's all that 'pleasurable' in the senses that we understand it, but if a dog mounts another simply to show dominance, then it finds pleasure in the comfort/control it's enacted within the pack.

4. True. I totally, totally agree.

5. True as hell and all I want for Christmas is to spend one day as a pig in a pen full of them.

Dec 21, 2006, 2:09 PM
I'll answer on this topic on my own way:
It's all about love and nothing else. Everything else about sex is fake, a question of lust, stupidity and i don't believe in making love with someone just for any kind of pleasure or reproduction. I only believe in love and sex on the top of that love.
This attitude request a lots of self control to be totally dedicated to someone that you really love. Naturaly, sex from that point of view is something magical, wonderful, unforgetable and always keeping smile on my face.
I never slept with anyone when i didn't been in love and i wont.

Dec 22, 2006, 6:53 AM
You forgot another important reason people have sex: to manipulate others and get things they want. I think on that score we're alone in the animal kingdom. Don't suppose dogs hump other dogs for a promotion or revenge.


My X was a master at that LOL

Dec 22, 2006, 7:17 AM
I'll answer on this topic on my own way:
It's all about love and nothing else. Everything else about sex is fake, a question of lust, stupidity and i don't believe in making love with someone just for any kind of pleasure or reproduction. I only believe in love and sex on the top of that love.
This attitude request a lots of self control to be totally dedicated to someone that you really love. Naturaly, sex from that point of view is something magical, wonderful, unforgetable and always keeping smile on my face.
I never slept with anyone when i didn't been in love and i wont.

There is certainly nothing wrong about having sex only with someone you are in love with. ANd there is nothing wrong with needing to be in love with a person in order to have sex with them. I can understand the fact that many people can't be sexually aroused without love. And I agree that sex with a person you are in love with is magical, wonderful, and unforgettable.

But this I must disagree with:

It's all about love and nothing else. Everything else about sex is fake, a question of lust, stupidity and i don't believe in making love with someone just for any kind of pleasure or reproduction.

That's like me saying that I drinking wine with your meal makes the meal more pleasurable, and it's stupid to NOT drink wine with your meal.

Sex without love may be lust, but that doesn't make it fake or stupid.

If you don't believe in making love for just pleasure or reproduction, that's fine. But to many people, there is a difference between "making love" and "having sex". There are many people who I would like to have sex with, but I couldn't "make love" to very many of them.

Long Duck Dong
Dec 22, 2006, 9:34 AM
lol manny and aleksandra...

you raise some interesting points there... and i had to sit down and think about my own opinion, to try and see my opinion compared to both of yours.... and I guess i can see both sides in me in a sense

in respects to sex being about lust.... mmm yeah....thats true in a lot of respects....we hardly hook up with people for a casual encounter cos we are in love with them...

but with love making, its a unique feeling....i honestly can't explain it in english....but it feels like making love with the mind, body heart and soul

to me, sex is a casual thing.... its a brief encounter of my biological urges....there is not really any emotional content to it....so i can see how its fake...its like going thru the motions of love making but with the sole intent of cumming

but love making for me, is the desire to share the art of making pleasures...and thats where i tend to stand out... cos during love making I am not interested in cumming, but experiencing the emotions and sensations of love making

honestly, i find sex, boring, dull and a exercise.....but i find love making to be a total experience.....thats when the inner most part of a people tends to show more

Dec 22, 2006, 11:52 AM
My X and I had a great sex life until the night we both decided it was baby makin time. I can't begin to tell you how different that was. It was love making , lust, passion the whole ball of wax into one but it sure as hell wasn't a roll in the sack...

Dec 22, 2006, 5:12 PM
Well my days of reproduction are over. Emphatically!!! Tubes well and truly cut, tied and cauterised. :bigrin:
My husband's still firing live rounds but I'm sure he's very, very careful. :rolleyes:
With other women? ..... Well, parthogenisis hasn't been invented yet, :female: :female:


What other reason is there? God gave us these wonderful bits that make you feel so nice ...... so believe me, its 100% enjoyment. :love1:

Dec 22, 2006, 5:34 PM
But this I must disagree with:

That's like me saying that I drinking wine with your meal makes the meal more pleasurable, and it's stupid to NOT drink wine with your meal.

Sex without love may be lust, but that doesn't make it fake or stupid.

If you don't believe in making love for just pleasure or reproduction, that's fine. But to many people, there is a difference between "making love" and "having sex". There are many people who I would like to have sex with, but I couldn't "make love" to very many of them.

I think i was clear. Making love is TOP in relationship, and lust without any control simply don't have sense at all.
Actually i don't care about opinions in general, i have my own self created values and my own arguments and i stick to them.
And first of all it's control above your lust, and putting real value (love) on first place, and then having sex is something magical and unforgetable.

I'm saying this from my point of view, as i feel, and as i control my life in general when it comes to having sex with someone. You know, in my life i'm cursed with my good looking and i often have sexual offers from all sides, from most handsome guys in girls, but one thing i know for sure: if i ever let myself go and just sleep with someone only because someone attracted me for one night i would be deeply unhappy, and i don't want that.

And one more thing: making love and having sex is same thing, because you doing excactly the same thing in bed, no matter from what reason you doing it. The act is same, if you know what i want to say.

Dec 22, 2006, 6:32 PM
I think i was clear. Making love is TOP in relationship, and lust without any control simply don't have sense at all.
Actually i don't care about opinions in general, i have my own self created values and my own arguments and i stick to them.
And first of all it's control above your lust, and putting real value (love) on first place, and then having sex is something magical and unforgetable.

I'm saying this from my point of view, as i feel, and as i control my life in general when it comes to having sex with someone. You know, in my life i'm cursed with my good looking and i often have sexual offers from all sides, from most handsome guys in girls, but one thing i know for sure: if i ever let myself go and just sleep with someone only because someone attracted me for one night i would be deeply unhappy, and i don't want that.

And one more thing: making love and having sex is same thing, because you doing excactly the same thing in bed, no matter from what reason you doing it. The act is same, if you know what i want to say.

Sorry Aleksandra.. makin love an having sex aint the same thing at all.. me has dun both .. actions may b same but pash is so different in luv makin.. gud sex an gud luvmakin r two dfferent things. Sex is sex. Luv makin has sex attached.

Finally..reproduce??? wots that??? giggles

Dec 22, 2006, 7:55 PM
Sorry Aleksandra.. makin love an having sex aint the same thing at all.. me has dun both .. actions may b same but pash is so different in luv makin.. gud sex an gud luvmakin r two dfferent things. Sex is sex. Luv makin has sex attached.

Sorry for being so brutaly honest and following only my own values, but the act in so called "having sex" and "making love" IS same.
What about backgroung? No one think about that.
For me, it's simply funny, i mean what the hell means good sex and good lovemaking when you get the same result at the end.
I'm trying to say something about background of all these. People did used to go around with thoughts like that, but essentialy, it's totaly opposite and diferent.

Making love (or having sex, call it what you want) in relationship with love is something special, and most highest point that exist in life.

Long Duck Dong
Dec 22, 2006, 9:01 PM
nods, aleksandra....

i can see that i misunderstood your meaning originally

you are saying that sex and love making is the same thing...the wording is not important....as the end result is to cum.....

so yeah, thats actually correct....the end result of sex as a basic act is to cum

we can call it love making or sex... its the same thing......

and as you say.... love is the more important thing.... as love is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week..... sex is only 30 minutes, 3 times a week

and yeah you have good personal standards that work for you.... you will not have casual sex, just cos you feel like casual sex..... you want to be in a loving long term relationship with sex as the second most important part of sharing love...not the first

can you correct me if i am wrong

Dec 23, 2006, 4:24 PM
and yeah you have good personal standards that work for you.... you will not have casual sex, just cos you feel like casual sex..... you want to be in a loving long term relationship with sex as the second most important part of sharing love...not the first

can you correct me if i am wrong

That's right. I never believed in one night relationships, and to be totaly honest, i never felt any desire or lust when i meet someone that i like so much. I often have that opportunity to meet very handsome males, and very pretty and attractive girls, but that's not good reason that i should have sex with them. I just stand aside and admire to all that beauty without any desire to make some stupid move that could make feel unhappy.
I'm just going step by step when it comes to relation with someone, and i look on that like on the most sacred thing.

Now, the second thing, reproduction. Yes, i have 9 years old daughter who was born right from that High feeling, since i was very happy with my husband, and she, my lovely princess is result of pure, essential love between two people who loved eached other for many years.

Dec 24, 2006, 10:05 PM
Sorry for being so brutaly honest and following only my own values, but the act in so called "having sex" and "making love" IS same.
What about backgroung? No one think about that.
For me, it's simply funny, i mean what the hell means good sex and good lovemaking when you get the same result at the end.
I'm trying to say something about background of all these. People did used to go around with thoughts like that, but essentialy, it's totaly opposite and diferent.

Making love (or having sex, call it what you want) in relationship with love is something special, and most highest point that exist in life.

How come we say the same thing yet come to a different conclusion??? Think bout it Aleks. xx

Dec 26, 2006, 1:36 AM
?is Sex for pleasure or reproduction? Well it all depends on if you are wanting children or not. If not then it is for pleasure and if you are it is for reproduction.

As for animals science says that dolphins are the only animals who have intercourse just because. Many animals have sex with others for power as well as reproduction.
