View Full Version : Scent of a Woman

Dec 20, 2006, 9:35 AM
This may not be the right forum for this as most of the bi-sexual women out there don't have a problem with this, but... my wife can stand her own scent. Lately when we engage in oral sex or even just use my hands on her, the scent of her own fluids kills any passion that might exist.

Any ideas on what we can do?

Dec 20, 2006, 9:53 AM
One thing that you may can do is you wash your genitals and your face in a strong scented deodorant soap right before. That way she will most likely smell the soap than her own scent. Maybe add a splash of her fav calogne or aftershave. She could try douching to flush away her secretions. I don't recommend it. Douching interferes with the normal PH balance of the vagina and one can experience dryness after. Personally, If I wanted to eat a flower, I would add them to my salad. Anyway, I wish I could be of more help. Good luck :)

Dec 20, 2006, 12:31 PM
I guess you know this anyway but the 'smell thing' is in her head and she equates this scent with something bad.. I remember reading once how a woman got men that were reluctant to go down on her by using an orange. She would squeeze out the juice over her pussy while they licked, reducing the amount until they no longer needed it. An orange was used I suppose because it has quite pungent aroma and masking any smells. Also an orange is a nice thing to eat re-enforcing that pussy is nice to eat too. Obviously you have the opposite problem. We have been bombarded for years through advertising about body odour and how we should cover up our natural scent, so now a natural smell is seen as bad. A friend of mine developed an allergy to deodorants and couldn't you use any for some months, I found I actually liked her natural body aroma and found it a turn on. No way was this a dirty smell. I hope someone can give you the answer. Merry Christmas. ;)

Dec 20, 2006, 2:22 PM
Yeah, we agree with photogr, use of certain types of foods would probably help a lot (just be sure to clean up VERY well afterward to avoid infections and all). It takes the pressure off of situation to begin with, makes it fun and kind of unique while giving a direct substance to 'mask' the scent of what's going on down there.

Dec 20, 2006, 5:23 PM
How about using some sweet smelling massage oils that is edible. First give her nice massage with the oil specially in the right places. Use the flavor that she likes and then get down to the rest.
Merry Christmas and good luck!


Dec 20, 2006, 5:35 PM
Okay, the problem almost certainly is in her head.
Some repressed guilt or memory has just recently surfaced.
On the other hand, when things are out of whack, we can smell and taste bad. It is a tropical place remember.
If that's the case, I would try to get her to stop using anything except water to clean herself - get rid of anything chemical (soaps, douches, lubes, perfumed toilet paper etc) that may be affecting her natural balance.

Other than that, just keep loving her.

Dec 20, 2006, 7:17 PM
God, I absolutley love a woman's scent. It's the one thing lacking when I have sex with a man. I love the anticipation of her pussy perfume as my face goes down and that thrill of parting her lips and smelling her before my tongue goes in.
Then for the rest of the day, I can smell her on my hand, my face... It's just fantastic and brings back memories all day long.
Maybe you just need to convince your woman that most men (and bi women?) love a woman's scent as much as I do!

the sacred night
Dec 20, 2006, 8:38 PM
Yeah I'd have to say I like the scent of it too... if I'm really in the mood for a woman, then I like my fiancee to go down on me and then kiss me so I can taste it.

I do notice, though, that if I take a shower shortly before we do it rather than the night before or that morning, then I have pretty much no taste or smell down there at all. She could try that.

Dec 20, 2006, 9:18 PM
This may not be the right forum for this as most of the bi-sexual women out there don't have a problem with this, but... my wife can stand her own scent. Lately when we engage in oral sex or even just use my hands on her, the scent of her own fluids kills any passion that might exist.

Any ideas on what we can do?
My wife is the same. SHe loves for me to go down on her, but can't stand the smell, and therefore won't kiss me afterwards until I wash my face.

She also can't stand the taste of semen, and on the rare occaision that she lets me cum in her mouth she won't kiss me until she has washed her mouth out. I've begged her to give me a "snowball" but she can't hold it in her mouth to do it.

Dec 21, 2006, 8:10 AM
I guess you know this anyway but the 'smell thing' is in her head and she equates this scent with something bad.. I remember reading once how a woman got men that were reluctant to go down on her by using an orange. She would squeeze out the juice over her pussy while they licked, reducing the amount until they no longer needed it. An orange was used I suppose because it has quite pungent aroma and masking any smells. Also an orange is a nice thing to eat re-enforcing that pussy is nice to eat too. Obviously you have the opposite problem. We have been bombarded for years through advertising about body odour and how we should cover up our natural scent, so now a natural smell is seen as bad. A friend of mine developed an allergy to deodorants and couldn't you use any for some months, I found I actually liked her natural body aroma and found it a turn on. No way was this a dirty smell. I hope someone can give you the answer. Merry Christmas. ;)
In alot of cases, I too would think the fear of smelling bad is in " our " head. I mean what woman wouldnt fear it when some continue to compare it to Tuna. lol Often cases though it can be an infection. There are certain bacterias that are already inside us but grow out of control which will lead to a smelly kitty. Its nothing sexually transmitted, it just grows and can only be treated with antibiotics. If a woman douches regularly she is prone to infections as well because we do have healthy bacteria that exsists inside us. Tampons, one of my most trusted creations are also not healthy and wearing them thru out your entire period also causes an over growth of these bacterias. So....ladies, I know it sucks but dont skip those femme exams :)

Dec 21, 2006, 8:32 AM
I love the scent and taste of a woman before during and after fun... My x loved her own taste as we kissed after....

Dec 21, 2006, 1:07 PM
'Often cases though it can be an infection. There are certain bacterias that are already inside us but grow out of control which will lead to a smelly kitty. Its nothing sexually transmitted, it just grows and can only be treated with antibiotics.'GEL

Yes of course GEL that should not be over looked, I was assuming that all was ok in that area. Perhaps then a sympathetic female doctor could put her right on that and with a reassurance that all smells normal down there.

Dec 21, 2006, 2:51 PM
'Often cases though it can be an infection. There are certain bacterias that are already inside us but grow out of control which will lead to a smelly kitty. Its nothing sexually transmitted, it just grows and can only be treated with antibiotics.'GEL

Yes of course GEL that should not be over looked, I was assuming that all was ok in that area. Perhaps then a sympathetic female doctor could put her right on that and with a reassurance that all smells normal down there.
A sympathetic female doctor ???? Oh come on.

Dec 22, 2006, 2:27 AM
Oh sweetie you've pissed me off. So there are no doctors that would show empathy with this woman or any others with similar problems? Not a lot of hope then, is there.

Dec 23, 2006, 7:11 AM
Oh sweetie you've pissed me off. So there are no doctors that would show empathy with this woman or any others with similar problems? Not a lot of hope then, is there.

Im sorry for you that your evidently so easy to piss off. I replied to your post to give another insight to you and everyone else that there was probably a reason, even a past medical history as to why some women are uncomfortable having oral sex performed on them. I realize you have no idea what I am talking about, because your not female and dont understand the fear that goes along with it.

Dec 23, 2006, 8:36 AM
from Kitten(formerly sunny at bisex.org)...

many female doctors are not that sympathetic and just give lectures and then solutions. But, solving the problem is the most important thing especially if there is an infection. I think you both have good points and I hope that all of the reasons and solutions presented in this thread help this problem.

Mine used to bother me and it was because of douching. When I stopped and let things return to normal and then fought off one infection - things were great! We tried the fruit thing with oranges and strawberries and that was nice too. Bananas DON't work - don't ask...LOL

Dec 23, 2006, 5:51 PM
Sorry GEL, I had ment to put a couple of ;) ;) in with my reply. I wasn't really pissed, I was little supprised to find female doctors aren't any different then their male counterpart.

Dec 23, 2006, 6:12 PM
im sorry too Photog :grouphug:

Dec 24, 2006, 2:20 AM
The scent of a woman is always hot. The natural the better. If she's turned off, then it's your turn to make her feel more desireable and sexual. Get into her even more to make her feel more excited, wanted, sexual, appealing, etc. Make her feel like her pussy is the ultimate thing you could ever taste and she will come around feeling more secure about herself and not so offended by aromas or taste that may not seem so pleasant. Work with her, treat her well and she will snap out of any ill feelings about herself.

:male: :female: :bipride:

Have you hugged your bi-friend today??

Dec 24, 2006, 10:02 PM
scent of a woman??? sighhhhhhhhh

Dec 26, 2006, 11:22 AM
I'm with ya there darkeyes. If not for my own, it would all be just distant memory. *sighs*

Dec 26, 2006, 11:23 AM
one thing to try to "mask" the scent is to rub scented lotion/essential oil under her nose (peppermint, lavendar, etc.)
This way, she cannot smell the "seemingly offensive odor", but you can still enjoy the natural smells.

Dec 27, 2006, 1:38 AM
I am not quite sure where I picked it up, but I believe this comes under the category of "Diet and excercise". Women's ph is naturally acidic, whereas a males ph by contrast is naturally alkaline. Both can be thrown off considerably without much effort. Modern men and women are often WAY out of whack when it comes to their bodies because none of us drink enough water, and you really must excercise till you sweat regularly to keep all the body's natural balancing and cleaning systems in good shape. I would venture that it is possible it isn't "all in her head" and that if it doesn't feel right to her it might be her own body telling her that it isn't running right. I would suggest increasing fruits, fibre, water and excercise. Eat less processed foods and sugars and the honey that comes out of you will be much more appealing. :2cents:

Dec 27, 2006, 9:32 AM
I agree with you Ferocious.
My naturopath is always "reminding me" that being properly hydrated with water will improve many, if not most all "ailments", including body odors. Being properly hydrated will also improve one's natural vaginal lubrication. For men, it helps to promote a fuller amount of cum per ejaculation---and may improve the taste and smell.
I often test my body's acidic/alkaline levels by peeing on a test strip from time to time to determine needed changes in my diet, etc.
Contact a local naturopath or a helpful personal at a local health food store for more info.

Dec 27, 2006, 9:50 PM
In alot of cases, I too would think the fear of smelling bad is in " our " head. I mean what woman wouldnt fear it when some continue to compare it to Tuna. lol Often cases though it can be an infection. There are certain bacterias that are already inside us but grow out of control which will lead to a smelly kitty. Its nothing sexually transmitted, it just grows and can only be treated with antibiotics. If a woman douches regularly she is prone to infections as well because we do have healthy bacteria that exsists inside us. Tampons, one of my most trusted creations are also not healthy and wearing them thru out your entire period also causes an over growth of these bacterias. So....ladies, I know it sucks but dont skip those femme exams :)

Actually antibiotics are some of the worst culprits for setting us up for bacterial and yeast infections. Antibiotics are a shotgun approach - they kill ALL bacteria, including the ones we need most for proper PH balance and digestion.

A yeast infection can cause the "tuna" smell that we all dislike. :(

One of the best products on the market for yeast infections in particular is an acidophilus product called Megadophilus by Natren. You can find it in the refrigerated section of your local health food store. It's live bacteria, the type needed to replenish your system. A bladder/kidney/yeast infection will clear up within 4 days after taking this regularly. It's safe for babies, pets, the elderly - anyone who isn't lactose intolerant because it is milk based. You'll find the same thing, only much weaker, in acidophilus yogurt.

Once you've made sure she's not carrying a Candidas Yeast infection, then you can work on her distaste. The peppermint under her nose is a good idea, especially when used with lots of "oh honey, you taste/smell SOoo delicious tonight" kind of reassurances.

I've only made passing acquaintance with one smelly kitty and I got out of there FAST. Otherwise, I dearly love my own scent/taste, especially combined with my hubby's - and I've enjoyed those of my sweet lady friend very much also. :tongue: