View Full Version : Female Smoking Fetish

Dec 20, 2006, 8:48 AM
Ziggybabie (see the Chatroom Question thread) mentioned a fetish of his that has been one of mine ever since I've been an adult: watching women smoke. I don't understand why, but it has always been a major turn-on for me.

Are we weirdos for having this fetish?

How do women feel about this? Are they even aware that it is a major turn-on for men? Do women secretly share the fetish?

I acknowledge the health risks...I stopped smoking 8 years ago out of health concerns. However, I've never lost my feeling that female smokers are so sexy.


Dec 20, 2006, 9:10 AM
Nope your not weirdos. I have met other people who share the same fetish. I don't find anything wrong with it... But have always wondered. Which part of it exactly? Is it certain ways of inhaling, holding? Just curious.

Dec 20, 2006, 9:25 AM
I, personally, find it a major turn-off. *However*, with deep inhalation the chest *does* puff up and become much more pronounced.

Maybe that's it?

Dec 20, 2006, 9:40 AM
Nope your not weirdos. I have met other people who share the same fetish. I don't find anything wrong with it... But have always wondered. Which part of it exactly? Is it certain ways of inhaling, holding? Just curious.

It could be that as a kid I viewed the girls who smoked as naughty, and therefore desirable. Also, Hollywood always portrayed the smoking female as a seductress. I think these were some powerful psychological influences early on in my life that resulted in the fetish.

Of course I'm not a psychologist, so my theories might be total bull crap.

Dec 20, 2006, 9:56 AM
Of course I'm not a psychologist, so my theories might be total bull crap.

Nope your not, makes total sense to me *puffs, inhales, slowly exhales* :smoke:

Dec 20, 2006, 10:16 AM
It could be that as a kid I viewed the girls who smoked as naughty, and therefore desirable. Also, Hollywood always portrayed the smoking female as a seductress. I think these were some powerful psychological influences early on in my life that resulted in the fetish.

Of course I'm not a psychologist, so my theories might be total bull crap.

I think that's a large part of it, to be honest. The "naughty" or "bad girl" image it entails. Plus, the old humorous saying "girls who smoke poke". I quit myself, but different people have different body chemistries. I couldn't handle it, any more, but George Burns lived to like 90 or something. Cigarettes can be sexy, but usually cigars are too masculine for me to find sexy on women. (Unless she's a strapon femdom or something)

If anyone thinks of me as "weird" or a "freak", I just try and take it as a badge of honor. Those words are too often used to look down on people who are too different than society's status quo. I'd rather turn the word around. Be yourself, fuck the haters.

Dec 20, 2006, 1:22 PM
I always thought Lauren Bacall looked sexy smoking a cigarette in black & white film. Having said that, I have turned down women in the past because the reek of cigarette smoke. I just can"t kiss an ashtray. Not to merntion that smoking does look silly considering the major health issues.

Dec 20, 2006, 1:40 PM
I, personally, find it a major turn-off. *However*, with deep inhalation the chest *does* puff up and become much more pronounced.

Maybe that's it?

I don't think so.... :rolleyes:

Dec 20, 2006, 5:51 PM
Rest assured.
This is a VERY common fetish.
I know tons of gay/bi men that are obsessed with cigar/pipe smoking men.
I'm not one of them.

Long Duck Dong
Dec 20, 2006, 6:39 PM
i am curious as to why having a fetish or unusual sexual attraction makes people wierd.....

i perfer to think it makes them unique and more interesting

ok i don't agree with all fetishes.....like watching people urine or the other form of relief......but it still makes people unique.... and thats what makes this world so diverse lol

Dec 20, 2006, 9:13 PM
Ziggybabie (see the Chatroom Question thread) mentioned a fetish of his that has been one of mine ever since I've been an adult: watching women smoke. I don't understand why, but it has always been a major turn-on for me.

Are we weirdos for having this fetish?

How do women feel about this? Are they even aware that it is a major turn-on for men? Do women secretly share the fetish?

I acknowledge the health risks...I stopped smoking 8 years ago out of health concerns. However, I've never lost my feeling that female smokers are so sexy.


I don't know about most women, but I can say with certainty that most (probably ALL) women with a porn site know about the smoking fetish. They aslo know about these fetishes (some of which I don't understand):
Balloons, feet, "wet and messy" (i.e. covering themselves with sloppy food like icecream, whipped cream, etc.), and pantyhose to name a few.

Dec 20, 2006, 9:14 PM
i am curious as to why having a fetish or unusual sexual attraction makes people wierd.....

i perfer to think it makes them unique and more interesting

ok i don't agree with all fetishes.....like watching people urine or the other form of relief......but it still makes people unique.... and thats what makes this world so diverse lol

I agree. HAving a fetish doesn't make a person weird.

the sacred night
Dec 20, 2006, 10:17 PM
lol i love hearing about unique fetishes, i don't think ur weird

i think smoking can be a turn on occasionally, but most of the time i don't like it, esp. if i have to smell it

johnny depp looks hot smoking, but then johnny depp looks hot no matter what

Dec 21, 2006, 7:42 AM
For years and years even Hollywood glamorized smokers. By the time I quit , I barely smoked in public unless at a bar because I was really beginning to feel like it was socially unexceptable to smoke. I watched an Opera Winfry show once where a poll was taken and most people classified smokers as low class. I was actually shocked how many times that came up. If I was smoking in my vehicle at a stopped light Id keep my cigarette down low because I didnt want anyone to see me smoke and think wow she would be a great girl if she werent smoking. So I know this is just a little off topic , but that has always always stuck with me. I don't mind other smokers , I don't find it sexually appealing because I hated it when I smoked. It turned my teeth yellow and my breath stunk, my clothes stunk , my house stunk. Thank Gosh for whitening strips and Febreeze !! I do understand fetishes tho, Im kind of a closet freak but the only people that see my fetish are passer-byers in a moving vehicle ( usually a trucker because they can see inside my car ) on a highway. <blushes>

Dec 21, 2006, 10:40 PM
Im kind of a closet freak but the only people that see my fetish are passer-byers in a moving vehicle ( usually a trucker because they can see inside my car ) on a highway. <blushes>

I give up, what can they see?

Dec 22, 2006, 2:22 AM
For years and years even Hollywood glamorized smokers. By the time I quit , I barely smoked in public unless at a bar because I was really beginning to feel like it was socially unexceptable to smoke. I watched an Opera Winfry show once where a poll was taken and most people classified smokers as low class. I was actually shocked how many times that came up. If I was smoking in my vehicle at a stopped light Id keep my cigarette down low because I didnt want anyone to see me smoke and think wow she would be a great girl if she werent smoking. So I know this is just a little off topic , but that has always always stuck with me. I don't mind other smokers , I don't find it sexually appealing because I hated it when I smoked. It turned my teeth yellow and my breath stunk, my clothes stunk , my house stunk. Thank Gosh for whitening strips and Febreeze !! I do understand fetishes tho, Im kind of a closet freak but the only people that see my fetish are passer-byers in a moving vehicle ( usually a trucker because they can see inside my car ) on a highway. <blushes>

omg I think Ive seen you! lol My hubby and I are truckers, we see that sort f thing on a daily basis. In fact, some couldnt imagine the things we have seen LOL

Dec 22, 2006, 5:44 AM
I have seen a woman smoke with her virgina a few times.......now THAT was a turn on. Only imagine what it could do to a penis. LOL

Dec 22, 2006, 7:13 AM
I give up, what can they see?
You know , I like to fiddle with my bean while Im on a road trip. :suave: Just something about the idea of being seen. Im selective tho, usually its truckers lol

Dec 22, 2006, 9:59 AM
watching women smoke. I don't understand why, but it has always been a major turn-on for me.
I enjoy this too (and as someone else mentioned, men (and women) with cigars are something special too).

I've often thought perhaps the allure is based on a "penis substitution". After all, there is certainly a cylindrical item we all like to to have attended to orally.

Dec 22, 2006, 11:53 AM
The "naughty" or "bad girl" image it entails. Plus, the old humorous saying "girls who smoke poke". Cigarettes can be sexy, but usually cigars are too masculine for me to find sexy on women.

Thats what is a turn on for me! The "naughty or bad girl" image! And in high school my friends and I always said that if a girl smoked she would put anything in her mouth, which usually meant she would give head! Which we were all for!!!
There is actually a porn site where the women smoke while they fuck. Ive seen it a couple times. I think its called:
womensmokers.com or smokinwomen.com or something like that.

Dec 22, 2006, 9:58 PM
Thats what is a turn on for me! The "naughty or bad girl" image! And in high school my friends and I always said that if a girl smoked she would put anything in her mouth, which usually meant she would give head! Which we were all for!!!
There is actually a porn site where the women smoke while they fuck. Ive seen it a couple times. I think its called:
womensmokers.com or smokinwomen.com or something like that.

There's actually a whole bunch of those sites. smokingfoxes.com has a bunch of free sample clips. I watch waaaaay too much porn. lol

Dec 22, 2006, 10:45 PM
In the movie Deep throat there is a scene where the lady of the house is sitting on her counter and having the delivery boy eat her out. The whole time she's smoking and then the star of the movie comes in the door. They talk as if the delivery boy isn't there but he's still licking and sucking away. She's puffing away and talking but every once in a while moves the kids head to get him to lick her better and carries on smoking and talking to the other girl...That I found sooo hot when I first saw the movie so many years ago

Oh Yeah
Dec 23, 2006, 1:40 AM
Amen! I'm so glad I'm not alone!

Dec 23, 2006, 4:35 PM
Well i'm not smoker, but just watching someone smoke it's not that estetic.
There are some excuses of course, Johnny Depp of course with his magical fingers and look in general, it simply fits in with his personality.

And ond the other hand, there was a scene, a famous scene which is in all movie prospects about cinematography art. That's from Ingmar Bergman's movie "Tystaned" (Silence), where the most beutiful woman on this planet, Ingrid Thulin holding a cigarette in her mouth. She looked so powerful, so gorgeous, a pure strenght of estetic beauty.

Dec 23, 2006, 8:02 PM
As an Ex-smoker(nearly 20 years) gave up a year ago,only went out with one girl that smoked she was v sexy but the smoking didnt do anything for me

Dec 24, 2006, 1:58 AM
Smoking, although not very healthy for you, can be very hot. We smoke. (Sorry if it offends anyone) When my wife smokes, she does it with style, it's hot, absolutely hot. So we do have a smoking fetish and are completely comfortable with it. Picture going down on a woman, and when she wants flicks a hot ash on your body. ow to wow in an instant................think about it..

:male: :female: :bipride:

Have you hugged your bi-friend today??

Dec 24, 2006, 2:23 AM
i quit about a year ago, before then i thought of smoking as extemely attractive, and in some instances still do. when i was dating my ex, i smoked and she did on only extremely rare instances, i found those instances extremely arrousing. other wise i didn't smoke much around here. since we've broken up i quit and she's began chain smoking. we had a random drunken rendesvous since then and the taste/smell was too much for me. revolting in fact

when i smoked it was a major turn-on. since i've quit i find it as one of my biggest turn offs. 1) it's extremely smelly 2)i know if i date someone who smokes, i'll pick the habit back up again, which is something i'm not willing to chance

Dec 24, 2006, 8:54 AM
We both smoke and are at a point we are starting to dislike it. We are well aware that others have a fetish for watching someone smoke. Another site we belong to we have posted pictures of the wife naked and smoking on the fetish board. A number of guys posted that they had jerked off looking at the pictures. We are both open minded about the fetishes other people have and accept the fact that people get pleasure out of different things. :2cents:

Feb 8, 2007, 9:05 PM
They talk as if the delivery boy isn't there but he's still licking and sucking away. She's puffing away and talking but every once in a while moves the kids head to get him to lick her better and carries on smoking and talking to the other girl...That I found sooo hot when I first saw the movie so many years ago

Instant turnoff to me. I don't care if someone looked like the woman of my dreams before she lit up, I will back far, far away. Why should I let anyone poison me with that?

Feb 10, 2007, 2:47 AM
Ziggybabie (see the Chatroom Question thread) mentioned a fetish of his that has been one of mine ever since I've been an adult: watching women smoke. I don't understand why, but it has always been a major turn-on for me.

Are we weirdos for having this fetish?

How do women feel about this? Are they even aware that it is a major turn-on for men? Do women secretly share the fetish?

I acknowledge the health risks...I stopped smoking 8 years ago out of health concerns. However, I've never lost my feeling that female smokers are so sexy.


I think I've led a shelter life! LOL!

I had no idea that could be a fetish for some. I don't think it's weird or anything, I just didn't know it was sexy to some people.

I am female and smoke....am chuckling tho....maybe I should put up an educational kind of thread for us sheltered ones in regards to fetishes! :rolleyes:

Feb 10, 2007, 3:00 AM
I have enjoyed observing sensual women who smoke for quite a while. While I cannot say that this would definitively be what yall are perhaps unconciously picking up, I can tell you specifically why it is a turn on for me.

The true essence of what is female, to the male, is receptivity. Yin energy. Sexy women, are always women who are inviting......... the empty chalice, open, ready. It's one thing to have a woman who will "yield" to your desire, but if you really want to turn up the heat, check out a woman who actively pursues your desire with a desire of her own. It's why it's completely sexy to see a woman swallow semen. My research indicates that women actually have an extremely refined evolutionary talent for choosing good seed by taste. So, it follows that if she swallows, you made the cut. If she spits then your seed isn't good enough for you to expect her to show you her tail and consent to being fertilized by you. There are many nonverbal communication cues that women use to display the desire to be filled, and smoking is one OF them. Watching a woman take the smoke into her body and seeing her open, (relax) is very arousing for me. It isn't really the cigarette, it's the smoke. The oral fixation part of it is just the icing on the cake. I've been very curious to see if I have the same reaction to seeing males who I find attractive who are performing fellatio, but I so far I don't think it has the same power that seeing a woman has for me. It is probably because it's such a primitive trigger. (I mean, you aren't going to try to get the guy pregnant, so the trigger isn't based on the human primitive fertility dance) But I imagine it's extremely erotic just the same, simply because anyone who likes to enjoy the product of your orgasm is still demonstrating complete unconditional acceptance of you.


May 17, 2007, 11:28 AM
I don't seem to find women smoking much of a turn on, however I do sometimes find guys smoking to be a little bit of a turn-on. I don;t know what it is but I think it just adds to the rebellious/rugged/tough/masculine look, a bloke can obviously be hot without smoking but it does add to the whole masculine image [perhaps this is one reason why I rarely find women smoking to be a trun-on].

Izzfan :flag3: :smoke:

miller lite man
May 17, 2007, 6:22 PM
Instant turnoff to me. I don't care if someone looked like the woman of my dreams before she lit up, I will back far, far away. Why should I let anyone poison me with that?
Being as we're both non smokers, I'd agree.No matter how good looking the lady is...if she pulls out a cigarette,and lights up... I/we do an about face. We see nothing sexy about subjecting yourself to second hand smoke. My :2cents: