View Full Version : Chatroom Question

Dec 19, 2006, 10:32 PM
You know, one of the few forums I feel truly comfortable even going to the chatrooms is here. I guess because I know people have more in common with the bi thing here. I mean, even for bisexuals, I guess my profile is a bit freaky. Maybe I'm exaggerating, but I feel more comfortable or more like I would be accepted here than some places. Less apprehensive.

But the chat here is mostly just sexually oriented. Half the time I'd want to log on to a bisexual chat and just speak about music or whatever, not sex sex sex. Noone visits the "living room" area of the chat......EVER. Anyone get where I'm coming from, or am I exaggerating things?

Dec 19, 2006, 10:54 PM
Yes the chat rooms are not what they were when i first found Bisexual.com.
It was fun and if sex came up it was a sub-topic.
Well its a site that deals with sex so we have to go with it.
I have not been in chat much, not so much for the sex there but i find it to busy. I think that after santa goes home i might just try out some of the other rooms here.I hope i dont have to sit alone to long waiting for another chatter.

curious married m
Dec 19, 2006, 11:16 PM
Ziggy you do exagerate a bit. I have been coming to this room going on my 4th year and if anything the chat just varies from time of day and differnet combinations of people on a given day. LOL and the talk has been from weenie dogs to ironing boards. And the reason no one is in the living room is because no one seems to want to leave the main room to limit their chats to just one subject at a given time. The Lving Room was an idea of a few chatters who were I guess totally repulsed by any mention of sex but the result was those who go there find themselves alone in a room. And it is funny that those that pushed the idea for it no longer seem to come to this site very often. To some degree the same holds true for the same sex rooms and the bedroom. It is tough at times to get more than 2 -3 people at one time in those rooms. Anyway it appears most people gravitate toward where the most people are. Well so much for my :2cents: CMM

Dec 19, 2006, 11:20 PM
Yes the chat rooms are not what they were when i first found Bisexual.com.
It was fun and if sex came up it was a sub-topic.
Well its a site that deals with sex so we have to go with it.
I have not been in chat much, not so much for the sex there but i find it to busy. I think that after santa goes home i might just try out some of the other rooms here.I hope i dont have to sit alone to long waiting for another chatter.
Maybe you could create a room called "RETURNS". That always has huge lines to get into it after Christmas. :tong:

Dec 19, 2006, 11:37 PM
Well, I've had a few to drink, so I'm probably just babbling. I do that a lot. lol

Dec 20, 2006, 1:42 AM
Just stick to the main room and don't pay attention to sex messages. Place members on ignore if they continue to hound you for sex.


Long Duck Dong
Dec 20, 2006, 2:58 AM
lol hardly get time to visit the chat room

most of the U.S is in bed when i am around.... there is a 16-20 difference in the time zones between the U.S and N.Z

but i have to admit that the only problem i had in the chatroom was unwanted cyber messages from people that didn't even have the courtesy to ask if they could PM me....lol

but we talked about anything and everything.... and thats what i love about the chatroom..... so many intelligent mature, and interesting people.... then i walk in.... lol

Dec 20, 2006, 7:17 AM
I must agree whole heartedly with CMM. I believe that the beauty of this chat room is the variety of the topics dealt with based on the varied mix of the participatants at that moment. It is always interesting, current, NEVER boring, insightful and at times down right hysterical. I also notice, as did CMM that those folks who were so demanding in getting seperate rooms, are never here to visit the rooms. So my suggestion is to come back and join us again and be part of a room that is so much more than just Sex.

By tha way, Arana, good line!


Dec 20, 2006, 9:16 AM
What sex talk? Gee I must be coming into chat at all the wrong times :tong:
Seriously, I have been a member since May and have witnessed conversations that vary i.e. kids, work, money, politics, religion, dating, marriage, and now most prominantly over the last couple weeks, Illness. I would rather watch 20 people flirting and cutting up, then read " This is boring, anyone got anything to say?" "Everyone must be in pvt" Different strokes for different folks and all. :)

Dec 20, 2006, 9:47 AM
Just ignore me. I was half drunk and bored when I posted this. I'd delete this thread if it were an option, any more.

Dec 20, 2006, 11:48 AM
As someone already said -- it all depends on the time, the day, the moods of people, and probably the phase of the moon. If I'm feeling horny, I tend to think there's not enough sex talk, if I'm not feeling horny, then I might think there's too much. (Well, OK, so it's rare that I'm not feeling horny...)

But seriously, I like the fact that the "mood" of the room can go different ways, including more or less sexy at any given time. But one of the things I like -- ladies, please let me know if this is true or not -- is that I think women feel less "stalked" here than in other chat rooms w/ a sexual theme, because the guys are not neccessarily cruising for them, which leads to more women in the room, which again diffuses the "stalking" factor. This makes everybody more open to conversation, and to flirting, and to... whatever... (!) I like that the sexuality can co-exist in a pretty relaxed way with all the other interests/concern/aspects of the members.

Dec 20, 2006, 6:11 PM
Just ignore me. I was half drunk and bored when I posted this. I'd delete this thread if it were an option, any more.

Lol, Ziggy. you make ,me laugh.

Cant say I have ever been in the chat room. Not sure why. No time I guess. Its something I would certainly like to check out in the future. Dont think I would mind a bit of sex talk, but would probably not get very involved in it, just listen in on it. I would probably be more involved in non-sex realated topics, not because I dislike the sex ones, just because I think I would find the others more interesting.

Dec 20, 2006, 8:33 PM
As stated, it all depends on who is there. I LOVE chatting in the chat room. I have met AWESOME people there, many of which I consider my friends. There are those that only want to talk about sex and on a sexual oriented website, what can you really expect? Take it in stride and if you dont like what someone is saying, block them. Simple as that.

the sacred night
Dec 20, 2006, 8:48 PM
Hm, every time I go to the chat rooms there is no one in any of them, and I stopped going because of this. I guess I was going at the wrong times.

meteast chick
Dec 21, 2006, 9:47 AM
Different parts of the day you'll see more or less people and it varies greatly what it's about. I don't stray from the main room, and if someone tries to pm me with sex talk, I'm honest and say 'thanks but look elsewhere'. If they continue, it could get ugly, but in the year that I've been here, I've never had anyone do that.

If the chats were all sex and no talk, frankly, I think I'd have a lot more friends!!!! LOL!!!! Kidding, I love you guys!

luv and kisses,