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Long Duck Dong
Dec 19, 2006, 6:08 AM
the people mentioned in this story are not real, but the inspiration for the chars have come from different bisexual.com members.... including my sister, skye, who lost her battle against aids in 2005, and her partner kris, who lost her battle in 2004....this story is based on skyes actual diary...
this story is free to share, and distribute on and off the net

dear diary....i'm bisexual

dear diary.... i guess i am not the worlds best diary keeper...my name is cassie.... i'm 15, 5 ft 7 and i have a huge ass.... ok maybe not that huge...but its big... i swear....a elephant could hide behind it...and my breasts are too small... i look like a surfboard with a hippos ass in the middle of it.....its nor fair.... i blame my mothers genes for the mix up in growth hormones...sighs.....
i wanna be like cathy.... now thats hot... she has legs and boobs... and an ass... and the best smile in the world.... and shes 18 and can do what she wants... i think that she should be in a model mag, but she said no thanks... too many guys would perve at her...lol...too many guys ??? hell i would perve at her... she is so gorgeous....sighs...

dear diary....i have a boyfriend... and he is such a dickhead... his name is jack and we started going out last week.... hes 17 so i haven't told the olds.... they would do their rag if they found out....and he is sweet on cathy too... so i told him that if he wants to sing like micheal jackson, then go ahead and try and touch cathy...cos i would kill him.... ...cathys single, but she doesn't date much... i think she is shy

dear diary.... kissing is fun... except when jack decides to touch my non existant boobs...i told him he was gonna get his nuts touched by my knee if he groped me again....he told me i was just a hard up virgin.... i will give him hard up....and it will be my knee, hard up and right in his nuts..... BOYS... ARGGGGHHHH

dear diary.... i know its been a couple of weeks since i wrote, but i have to tell you about cathy... we went swimming together.... and she has such a gorgeous body...and i told her so... and she laughed, and told me that i was above average...and we started to joke around and wrestle... and we kissed... ON THE MOUTH...it was so like WOW... I didn't know kissing felt so good.... cathy apologised but i told her not to..i enjoyed it... it felt so good...

dear diary..I know its only a hour since i last wrote.... but i have to get this out... kissing cathy was better than kissing jack...i want to kiss cathy again ....cos when i kiss jack, its all mouth and tongue and him trying to grope me, but cathy just kissed me so gently and tenderly and i didn't wanna stop

dear diary... I am gonna break up with jack... he is so immature and stupid and trying to be a cool dude... i like hanging with cathy... she has the coolest friends...and they are females...and they ever sleep over at her place and have slumber parties.. I wish i could but cathy said i was too young at the moment, as they were drinking and stuff... I wish i was 18 too....

dear diary... i am so shocked... i walked in on cathy and her friend kissing... and her friend is a female too...cathy kisses GIRLS..and she does it full on too....they didn't know i was watching them... but i couldn't stop... i didn't feel disgusted or anything... i wanted to join in... but i am not sure about that.....they were not doing anything sexual, just deep and full kissing and hugging....i wanted to join in.... it was so strange.... i felt so odd inside

dear diary...i feel so strange in side.... like everytime i see cathy, i wanna get close to her.... not close as in like standing beside her...but close as in in her arms and her kissing me.... but thats not right.... we had a sermon in church about homosexuality and how it was wrong.... but they didn't mention females kissing so i think its ok....

dear diary.... i am so tired... it was my birthday today, and i had my church friends there and cathy and a couple of her friends...including some hot guy..he was so yummmy...sighs......cathy gave me a birthday kiss and i didn't let her pull away, i just held her and kissed her back...then she just smiled at me and winked.... I think she knew that i was so wet down there that i had to slip away and change my knickers....i have NEVER felt like that when i have been kissed by a guy
i am 16 now and my parents said that I can stay overnight at cathys on the weekend as long as I am at church on sunday and as long as cathy doesn't mind... coolies .....

dear diary... i am still confused about the other night at my birthday... i loved kissing cathy... but i wanted her male friend to kiss me too..... and i had a dream about kissing them both and woke up all wet and fuzzy....and i don't masturbate either... i hope i never wet the bed...yuckies.....
btw, my boobies are bigger... i went up 2 cups...coolies.... but my ass is doing a siamese hippo impersonation...why is it that i am the only one that sees it....

dear diary... I picked up a mag at cathys and it was full of nude females...and they were doing THINGS!!!!...i would never stick my face there....its so gross....and i read a few of the stories about males and females doing IT... and i closed my eyes, and all i could see was cathy doing it with a female and a male... and I went all hot and tingly.....then i heard cathy laughing...AT ME... i went so fire engine red in the face.....but she was not being mean....she offered to let me have the mag... but i said no... if my parents saw it they would go ballistic....they say things like that are not of god... and they are sinful and dirty......sighs........the mag is under my mattress and I am gonna read it later tonight....

dear diary.... I know what a dildo is now... i was reading the mag the other night....and my hand kinda slipped under the covers..and ...you know... and i had to bury my head in the pillow... but it felt SOOOOO GOOOOOODDDDDD.....i wonder if thats what sex feels like....i will have to ask the other girls at school....i still have the mag and cathy asked if i liked it and i went so red in the face and she just nodded....it was like SOOO embarassing

dear diary.... i have a mouth the size of my ass..... and now the girls at school are calling me les, lesbo, dyke, pussy patter, cream pie crammer, liquid lunch muncher... all sorts of names now....my friends just laughed at me and told their friends about me and my mag and my experience that night.... fucking bitchs....now i am gonna have to go out with a guy to shut them up

dear diary.... guys are such wankers.... i went on a date with a guy and he got shitty cos i never put out for him... and he said the girls at school were right... i am a man hating lesbian... but i'm not... i am just not ready to lose my virginity to just anybody....if i could lose it right now, i would lose it to cathy and her male friend.... i trust them both
I told the school counsellor about my feelings and she said i need prayer and redemption....and when i told cathy... she laughed and told me to go see a person at the youth center.... he is a LGBT counsellor... what ever the hell that is...i don't need counselling...*snorts *

dear diary....i saw the counsellor and i told him about my dreams and my feelings....and he didn't tell me to get prayer..
he asked about cathy and me and how we kissed and how i felt and how i felt about guys etc.... and he never laughed or called me names.... he just nodded and listened.... and told me to come see him again soon

dear diary... I went back to the lGBT counsellor... and what he told me, shocked me.....i am so disgusted about myself and my
feelings towards cathy... its so wrong and dirty... but the counsellor said it wasn't.....he told me that LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender.... and that i was experiencing what is know as bi curious feeling....and that bi means that i can be attracted to girls and guys... and not just guys like most guys my age.... yuckies.... loving a girl... thats so gross....girls can't love other girls... its all wrong and against the bible....

dear diary... i am so confused now.... i wanted to stop seeing cathy but i can't... if i try and stay away, i miss her heaps..and her male friend... ron...he is the gorgeous male that came with cathy to my birthday....i stayed away for 4 days,

and finally i had to go and see her... and i just burst into tears and hugged her and held her...and it felt so good and so right....i am worried what people will think about me, cos i feel so close to cathy.....I think i may actually love her...

dear diary.... i stayed at cathys last night and i asked if i could sleep in her bed with her..... but when i lay in bed and kissed her, she pulled back and said that i was not ready ... i needed time..... time for what ??? i am not sure i understand what she means....i wanted to hold and kiss her....

dear diary...me and cathy talked.... she told me that she was sorry for the way she acted the other night in bed...but she wanted me to be sure that i wanted to be in bed with her.....i think i know what she means... and i said oh gross... but inside... i wanted to go to bed with her.... i think i am a lesbian.... but i have the same feelings about ron.... so i can't be a lesbian.... i think
cathy told me that i have to be 100% sure that i want to go to bed with her....and i am not sure about that.... I mean i want to... but i keep thinking about mum and dad and church and how they would not be happy... and i don't wanna lie to them about things like that but i wanna get close to cathy....

dear diary... things are getting serious now... I stayed at cathys for the weekend for her 19th birthday...and WOW....everybody got drunk and.. stuff happened.... I am still a virgin... but i was kissing guys and girls...and when i

ended up in cathys bed again, we kissed and ...we did a few things....i was so scared and nervous, but i was also drunk... and while we kissed, i touched her breasts, they felt so good... and while we were kissing, ron got in the bed too and he was naked...god he looked so nice.... he kissed me and cathy a lot...but he was touching cathy all over....and i think they were doing it... cos cathy kept kissing me and kissing my neck and breasts.. it felt so good...then ron groaned and pulled faces and we got covered in some wet sticky stuff, then cathy disappeared under the covers... and i passed out....
me and cathy had a shower together... so goodddddd... and she asked me if i was ok about last night... and if ron had touched me at way and i told her he hadn't apart from kissing me...and that was ok....then cathy told me that i had just had my first threesome... i was so shocked i stood on the soap and fell over in the shower...then cathy fell on me... i had my face near her....you know... and it smelt funny... a nice kinda funny... and as i was getting up, i put my hand there and it was wet and warm....cathy laughed and told me to behave myself...but as she got up, i put my fingers in my mouth... and there was a strange taste to my fingers...its hard to explain it....but it wasn't gross or yuckie...then i realised where the taste had come from.....i was wrong.. its not that bad.... i think

dear diary.... cathy gave me a dildo secretly... and i have used it twice... WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW.... can you lose your virginity to a dildo ???... i asked cathy and she said sorta... my virginity is fully gone when i have my first full sexually experience...but i can be classed as a non virgin cos i have used a dildo on myself....it hurt a bit going in..so i think i am doing it wrong....but the second time was better and it felt so good....until i screamed a lil too loud and my parents came running... i told them i thought i saw a cockroach in my room..... i hope them didn't notice that my face was red and
the stupid look on my face....

dear diary.... i spent the weekend at cathys again... and guess what.... i slept in cathys bed again.. and we kissed and i asked her to use me how to use the dildo properly..... OMFG it was such a experience...i was laying on my side and she was holding me close and using it...when she gentely rolled me onto my back and disappeared under the covers.... then i felt this

strange. soft wet thing touching me, then a sucking sensation...and OMFG my head exploded...and when it cleared, cath was back up beside me smiling, and i could smell something that smelt like cathys smell on my fingers in the shower... and when i kissed her again, i tasted it on her lips.....something came over me and i begged her to do it again.... except this time, she turned around in the bed... and i saw her .....pussy....and i couldn't help myself, i just moved over and buried my face in her....and WOWWWWWWW

dear diary... i don't wanna be known as a lesbian.....lesbians are twisted man haters, my parents reckon....cathy told me that she is not a lesbian... she is a bisexual... it means that she can sleep with me and sleep with ron as well.... that sounds so weird...but cathy told me that lessa is a lesbian and she is not a man hater....i know she likes girls... but she is friends with ron too... lessa just doesn't feel attracted to him or the other guys....and omfg... bob and katrina are married and they are bisexual too....cathy told me that bisexuals can marry and have kids..even if they like guys and girls....apparently they are swingers as well... that means that they have sex with people outside of their marriage.... i can't imagine my mum and dad doing that.... but my mum and dad believe that people don't get divorced either unless they are

cheaters, liars or they abuse their partners... cathy told me that bob and katrina know about each others other partners and that its ok, cos they talk about it and share the partners... but bob and katrina love each other so much that they remain together as husband and wife.....

dear diary....rons friend, mark is so funny, he acts like a girl... and waves his hands around.... ron told me that mark is gay...and that he has a boyfriend....and that they live together.....i think that is so cool that they are in love... mum and dad told me that gay people can't love each other, cos they are sexual deviants, and god never gave the power of love to sexual deviants...apparently mark is a feminine gay...and his boyfriend is a straight acting gay...i think i know what that means....mark is like a girl tho he is a guy, and his boyfriend is like a guy and he is a guy.... oh i can't explain it

dear diary.... i wanna lose my virginity... i wanna be like the rest of cathys friends.... i asked cathy about losing my virginity and we talked all about it.....i told her i was scared, but she told me that it would be ok, just to choose the right person and use condoms.....i told her i trusted ron...so cathy spoke to ron....i am so nervous....ron wants cathy there as support for me...and he promised to use condoms and be very careful....so i think i am ready....

dear diary... a virgin i am not.....i stayed at cathys again this weekend, and i stayed cathys bed with her and ron... and we were all kissing each other.....and then i was laying there with cathys hand between my legs and ron sucking on my breasts and I felt this warm, hard pressure between my legs...it felt a lil odd.. then i got all wet... and i felt the thing softly going inside of me.....and i wanted to kiss cathy so deeply... so i did.. and i felt ron pressing against me and the thing going in and out...i feel like i was getting a adrenline high... then i felt so warm and fuzzy and tingling inside...and ron was pressing harder against me, as cathy kissed me.... then i felt the tingling again...then ron suddenly moved, and all i could see was his cock... and i just grabbed it and stuck my mouth over it, and i tasted all this slightly sour, warm stuff in my mouth, so i swallowed it, and held rons cock in my mouth.....
when we were all laying down again, cathy told me that i had just lost my virginity, given my first blow job... and welcome to the world of bisexuality......i was kinda disappointed....i thought it would be all sparkling and glitterly and stuff, and it wasn't....so much for the first time theory.... but we did it 3 times that night...and then i did it with cathy in the shower in the morning.....it was so a awesome weekend....

dear diary.... its been a few months now.....i am in a relationship with cathy....but i love ron as well....lessa told me that i was bisexual....but i needed to decide what i truly was... lesbian or hetero..... i said but i am bisexual.... and she said no...if i was in a relation with cathy, i was a lesbian that liked cocks, but if i was in a relationship with ron, than i would be a hetero with a pussy fetish....cathy told lessa that i was a caring loving lady that was in a loving relationship
and that i was enjoying my lovemaking... so it didn't matter what i was, as long as I was happy..... and I am happy.....

dear diary... i told mum and dad that i was bisexual, they are not happy with me.... but cathy was with me and sat mum and dad down and told me that they needed to love me as their daughter, and accept that they didn't like my lifestyle choice, but that I still loved them dearly...they told cathy that i would go to hell for being a bisexual... and cathy said many people would, except it was up to god and not up to them to decide what happened to me....then my parents said about me having kids... and I said one day, when i am ready.....i don't think they really understand my lifestyle...but they still love me and i quess they care about me a lot and thats why they were so upset....

dear diary... 6 months have past, and mum and dad are still not happy, but we talked and i said, is they agree not to go on about my lifestyle and making remarks about sexual deviants, then i will stop talking about sleeping with girls and guys....
i think we have a truce now.... i just wish my friends understood my choice in my life.... but they didn't... i have lost a lot of friends and gained so many more......and from now on.. i hang with cathy and ron and all the others and our online family at bisexual.com... and i hope that others will come and join us, and love that bisexuality is not about having sex, its about finding ourselves and finding love...

god bless, cassie

Dec 19, 2006, 9:28 AM
Ty Ducky... All I can say is Beautiful *hugs*.

Dec 19, 2006, 1:00 PM

Dec 19, 2006, 5:59 PM
dear diary, i think i crushed in Elena Dementieva. But i'm wondering, is she bi too, and you know, that bothers me a lot.
she's a great tennis player and wonderful girl in general, plus she's tall (almost like me), blonde, strong minded...etc., so i have to figure out some way to reach her. :cool:

Dec 19, 2006, 6:15 PM
That was really a heart-warming story LDD. Thank you for sharing it with us.