View Full Version : do trends exist?

Dec 17, 2006, 2:14 PM
it seems to me that bisexuals are as diversified in our lifestyles as we are in our preferences, however, im curious to know if there are any actual trends going on. so my question is, what do you do for a living, and what is your primary hobby?

im a paramedic, and my primary hobby would have to be roleplaying games.

Dec 17, 2006, 3:05 PM
I'm an herbalist and aromatherapist studying for my Master's in herbalism. Hubby and I also sell wholesale essential oils and aromatherapy supplies.

I don't have a primary hobby-I love to travel (but don't like the actual travel part), I follow avian behavior studies (I have an 8 year old Umbrella Cockatoo), Herbalism is also a hobby but not as much since It's also part of my profession. I also like quantum theory and follow the more simple aspects when I have time. Then there's also TV and movies. My profile gives more info.

Dec 17, 2006, 3:24 PM
the trend concept is an interesting one..

i told one of my closest friends that i am bi, and her reaction was that "i don't seem like a typical bi person!"

her perception is that bisexuals don't appreciate virginity, we apparently only care about sex (instead of love), we apparently can't be loyal and faithful to one person.. and we apparently all have to be in multiple rsexual elationships with both men and women, concurrently, in order to be happy.

anyway, here's some random traits, goals, characteristics i have. let's see if any others of us out here have similarities or differences...

love / romance / sex:

very high sex drive. love masturbating
not into casual sex. want love before sex.
not interested in threesomes or swinging
very loyal and faithful. never have and never will cheat
very open and honest, believe that communication is very important
personality matters way more to me than looks

personality / values:

very outgoing personality, love meeting new people..
very strong and independant person
very tolerant of other's point of view
very emotional and sensitive and femine kinda guy
i have high expectations of myself and tend to be a perfectionist.


suffer from stress, anxiety and depression at times
also battling with my weight.


very strong analytical and advisory personality as well.
trained in business and governance.
looked upon as a leader and a mentor (not a follower or conformer)


love music and sports.
i can be very competitive when playing sports

Dec 17, 2006, 3:30 PM
I'm a jack-of-all-trades......master of sleep.

Currently I'm a prof. driver. I have worked technical support for several companies assisting in everything from home appliances to computer fabrication,troubleshooting and repair, and spent some time working with irrigation systems. I've worked in resturants both out front and in the kitchen. This list is seemingly endless, so I'll suffice to say that I've been around and experienced quite a lot. I will say that I saw a fairly large population of bi people working in the call center dungeons back in Az.

Dec 17, 2006, 4:48 PM
talking to some of the other bi folk around here, i don't see a trend of any type, like you said the trades/careers we each have are as varied as we are.. oh wait, i take that back, one does stick out... the medical field... all the medical disciplines locally seem to have a high percentage of bi men and women in them, along with a high percentage of swingers... and i wouldn't even hazard a guess as to why...

me? besides working the military industrial complex the vast majority of my life, i've pretty much stayed in the same field, with very small forays into owning my own business or partnering with others in small businesses..

hope this helps

Dec 17, 2006, 5:13 PM
trends, huh? an interesting thread!

i am an urban research analyst, and my chief hobby is gardening.

now what?

Dec 18, 2006, 12:13 AM
Im to fluid in my own trends to even try to figure out if there is a social on. My trends seem to be changing each week my friends always make fun of me for it, saying I cant decide what I want to be, lol. Well I guess it matches everything else in my life. I do enjoy observing pop culture trends though, I find it fascinating to observe how something as simple as an iPod can change and affect so much other stuff in our culture.

I have never observed a bi trend yet, and from what I have seen and read, bisexuals are extremely diverse.

Dec 18, 2006, 9:48 PM
I work in banking (customer service) and my main hobby is acting/singing with a local community theater.

Dec 18, 2006, 11:46 PM
i tend to agree with all of you, ive never really seen any kind of trends with us unless you call diversity a trend :P this just verifies it that much more.
thanks for your responses everyone.

Dec 19, 2006, 1:07 AM
So the fact there is no trend a trend in itself?

A trend to be diversified.

Dec 20, 2006, 1:21 AM
So the fact there is no trend a trend in itself?

A trend to be diversified.

First, we had the un-cola. Now we have the un-trend? :upside: Well, let me add to the diversity. I make money gambling. I can't say that it is my profession, because the IRS seems to think that there is no such profession. Sound familiar?? So to them, I'm simply retired. As far as my main hobby, it's Beer. Mmmmm Beeeeer. I know that there is at least one other person here into beer, I've seen them talk about home brewing. Anyway, I've tried over 300 different beers, studied beer making, and even the fine art of pub sign making. My favorite vacation was a two week pub tour of Ireland. - Dave

Dec 20, 2006, 3:53 AM
yes, trends exist...

I make them :D


Dec 20, 2006, 5:13 PM
He's into martial arts and roleplaying games, she reads like a librarian on speed. Outside of that we get into a lot of music and that's pretty much it as far as 'hobbies' go. We've never really seen a 'trend' but most of the bisexual friends we have are some kind of avid reader like ourselves.

Dec 20, 2006, 9:29 PM
oh wait, i take that back, one does stick out... the medical field... all the medical disciplines locally seem to have a high percentage of bi men and women in them, along with a high percentage of swingers... and i wouldn't even hazard a guess as to why...

Interesting observation considering that I am planning on going back to school for medical lab technician.

My currrent job: Computer geek at a small computer firm. I fix/upgrade/configure, etc. anything and everything dealing with PCs, printers, networks, firewalls, etc.

Dec 21, 2006, 10:59 AM
He's into martial arts and roleplaying games, she reads like a librarian on speed. Outside of that we get into a lot of music and that's pretty much it as far as 'hobbies' go. We've never really seen a 'trend' but most of the bisexual friends we have are some kind of avid reader like ourselves.
what kind of martial arts and what kind of roleplaying games? as for the reading like your on crack, ive noticed that is commonplace for bisexuals though i think its becoming common place for most people now a days, overall human intelligence is definately on the increase.
myself, i studied northern style kung fu for a few years, def want to get back into it as soon as i find someone in this area that teaches that particular style.
roleplaying games, i like mmorpg's and i do read quite frequently, of particular interest to me is theology.

Dec 21, 2006, 11:05 AM
talking to some of the other bi folk around here, i don't see a trend of any type, like you said the trades/careers we each have are as varied as we are.. oh wait, i take that back, one does stick out... the medical field... all the medical disciplines locally seem to have a high percentage of bi men and women in them, along with a high percentage of swingers... and i wouldn't even hazard a guess as to why...

me? besides working the military industrial complex the vast majority of my life, i've pretty much stayed in the same field, with very small forays into owning my own business or partnering with others in small businesses..

hope this helps

my guess would because we tend to be significantly more compassionate and you really cant go into the medical field without that, not to mention a strong stomach and a sick sense of humor :p im betting if you ask these people why they got into the field in the first place, most will either say i dont know why, or theyll say because i feel like i need to.

Dec 21, 2006, 11:06 AM
Interesting observation considering that I am planning on going back to school for medical lab technician.

My currrent job: Computer geek at a small computer firm. I fix/upgrade/configure, etc. anything and everything dealing with PCs, printers, networks, firewalls, etc.

congratulations and good luck :bigrin:

Dec 22, 2006, 7:29 AM
My work/profession is around other people (of any age I guess) that I can give of my talents and skills.

My hobbies...are for my enjoyment, and sometimes shared with those very special to me.

Dec 22, 2006, 12:57 PM
i take that back, one does stick out... the medical field... all the medical disciplines locally seem to have a high percentage of bi men and women in them, along with a high percentage of swingers... and i wouldn't even hazard a guess as to why...

here's some more proof for you, 90% of morgue workers are female and 90% of male morgue workers are gay. this was told to me by a guy i know who works in a morgue he has seen it first hand.