View Full Version : 1 or 2 word posts all the way to super-member. How

Dec 14, 2006, 10:11 AM

Maybe it's my age that gives me a sense of my own responsibility in BELONGING to a group rather than just a "joining in", "me too" or the "herd" mentality. The "joining in" or "me too" thing reminds me of the games played 30 years ago in school. What do you think?

Dec 14, 2006, 10:54 AM
On the bigger forum I mod, one and two word posts are against the rules.
I guess some people just like more substance to posts.

Dec 14, 2006, 12:19 PM
Hmm, hadent really thought about people worrying about "Rank" on a forum like this. I dont know if anyone who os serous really cares about what it says under their name.

I think most people just type what they have to say, and if they can fit in in less then 10 words then thats what they do. So far at least I havent really noticed any problems with it.

Dec 14, 2006, 1:04 PM
who cares?

Dec 14, 2006, 1:32 PM
Although I am an avid reader on "select" topics seldom have a need to add something, however, I am a blubbermouth via private message, or email.

I've joined to belong, and I think I do.

Actually, "they say" the person who does not talk too much, has a lot to say!

Would this apply to writing too?


PS. This post is more than 1 or 2 words :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

Dec 14, 2006, 1:45 PM
I'm gonna agree with LoveLion on this. I don't think people seriously care what their rank is on this forum. This would be different on say... a video game forum, where your post count and how well known you are directly affects your credibility.

However, I do think a post like curiousmf's isn't really worth reading as it's just a staple response. Some content in a post is nice. :rolleyes:

Dec 14, 2006, 3:18 PM
I've been a member for over a year and people that have been members for like 2 weeks have posted more than me! I don't care, I'll add a comment if I feel I can add to the posts. I try to logon every day to see whats new, so in that way I'm active on here.

Dec 14, 2006, 3:54 PM
I don't really look to see how many posts a person puts up. I haven't replied to many myself... and haven't had much to say when I did. I think it just depends on the subject and my mood....

It is nice to have substance to read tho... I have found alot of super interesting, intelligent and well-thought-out posts here... and I appreciate those that have the time and the ability to post them.



meteast chick
Dec 14, 2006, 4:28 PM
If you'll notice, very few of my thread replies are just several words. Sure, I may not be a novelist, but I must say I don't care to read threads or replies that are very long, usually I'll read the first paragraph and move on to another. I never cared about rank and personally if you do, that's kind of juvenile. Keep in mind many people on this site have been here for years and that's why they have the status that they do. Personally I've been here for just less than a year. So yeah, that puts me at like one post a day. In retrospect, that's quite a few, but it seems like every time I come on here, there are at least 5 new threads, and no, I do not post to every single one. If there are new people here or someone's birthday, why shouldn't I want to say "Welcome", or "Happy Birthday"? Maybe if you'd stop to do the same you'd stop caring so much about rank.

STILL luv and kisses,

Dec 14, 2006, 4:29 PM
Hmm, hadent really thought about people worrying about "Rank" on a forum like this. I dont know if anyone who os serous really cares about what it says under their name.

I'm not here for "rank"... lol. I'm here for Lissa, in whatever capacity she needs me.

I was simply getting "into" the forum posts and started noticing all the "me too" "super members" and "unofficial community leaders" there were. It doesn't bother me personally...I just skip over the nonsense. But it won't stop me from asking a question or pointing out something I see as an absurdity... and the absurdity is what I'm pointing out...

The fact remains... The bi-dot website DOES rank & label each of us in THIS community... not by the value of the content we contribute, but it seems more by the amount of time we have to.... put in our "me toos".

It just seemed odd in a community that seemed not to like "labels". I guess a label isn't so hard to swallow if it works in your favor... ;)

Just my small change...
:2cents: :2cents: :2cents: :2cents: :2cents:


Dec 14, 2006, 5:38 PM
The so-called ranks as you call them are a joke around here and they bear no credence of any sort of "hierarchy" on this site. I also take exception to your denigrating some of the posts that you see as merely replying to attain this supposed status. Many of us put a lot of time and thought when we choose to post to the forum but even if we didn't....who cares? Maybe replying to these threads, however little they have to add, is the only way some of these folks feel like they are a part of the community. Every member here, as well as their opinions, should be given the same consideration regardless of content and length, as long as they follow the rules stated, that said response is polite and doesn't attack other members.

Most of us just ignore the cutesy names, except perhaps to joke about the silliness of the names assigned. It's really no big deal and there's no need to assume that it assigns labels to anyone.


Dec 14, 2006, 5:51 PM
I'm not here for "rank"... lol. I'm here for Lissa, in whatever capacity she needs me.

I was simply .............

Yeah-yeah-yeah, bad-bad girl!!!!

It's too late! Now everybody is pissed!
I persoally would forgive you if you if you'd post a new erotic air-brush picture of yours :) And if you'd post a few, I'd even tell on you to Santa! :tongue:



Dec 14, 2006, 6:06 PM
How funny. All this time, I never realized I was at the top of a hierarchy. Woohoo!



Maybe it's my age that gives me a sense of my own responsibility in BELONGING to a group rather than just a "joining in", "me too" or the "herd" mentality. The "joining in" or "me too" thing reminds me of the games played 30 years ago in school. What do you think?

Dec 14, 2006, 6:07 PM
I post what I want when I want. Sometimes it may not be correct or agreed upon but it's me and who I am. Some people don't feel comfortable with they way they word things but want their voice to be heard. They may type very little, that's them and their privledge to do so and no one should have the right to demean them for having that voice.

The thought that someone would go out of their way for the "honour" of being "Some Kind of Super Member" or even care if others need that kind of status enough to bring it to everyone's attention, now THAT IS absurd! What the heck kind of honour is that? It's a stupid title and I personally find it embarrassing. When people were reaching "Senior Member" they thought it was pointing out they were older so I don't think that rank really is what's on the minds of most of the members here. Just my :2cents:

BTW: since you're keeping tabs, by posting this you put yourself 7 shy of becoming a Senior Member. lol

Dec 14, 2006, 6:19 PM
Obviously--I am "Some Kind of Super Member" on here--all it means is that I talk alot--and many of my posts get kind of rambly----it must be the Irish in me-the gift of gab and all of that and undoubtedly--mostly full of balarney!!!!!!!


Dec 14, 2006, 7:39 PM
Okay, now that I've engratiated myself to the community...

I apologize to those who took offense or felt antagonized by this post... period.


Dec 14, 2006, 7:43 PM
Obviously--I am "Some Kind of Super Member" on here--all it means is that I talk alot--and many of my posts get kind of rambly----it must be the Irish in me-the gift of gab and all of that and undoubtedly--mostly full of balarney!!!!!!!


Dear 12volt and all,

Below is a thread from last summer, which treats some of these online status and etiquette issues with a little dark humor:


For a few laughs. And Vin, if you want, take the test -- you'll find out that there are probably many people who are more of assholes than you are (I scored a 14 or something.)

Cheers to all,

Dec 14, 2006, 7:53 PM
Personally I try to be concice, but thorough. If a few words convey what I have to say, so much the better.

I do tire of reading sound-bytes posted in reaction to one small phrase quoted out of context... sometimes online forums can be so ADHD...

One the other hand, I usually skip long, rambling, emotional posts. I just can't hang with those either.

So whatver floats your boat! Personally I like in-depth conversations with rational, articulate companions, just like I do in real life.

Dec 14, 2006, 8:23 PM
One word.
oh, crap, thats two words :eek: Oh geez, now its more than two :yikes2: Ah, the hell with it. :mad:

Dec 14, 2006, 11:15 PM
Okay, now that I've engratiated myself to the community...

I apologize to those who took offense or felt antagonized by this post... period.


WHAT?!?!? The rank means nuthin??? Damn...I was hoping for a Super-Member cape... :rolleyes: :paw: :paw:

Dec 14, 2006, 11:57 PM
All of my posts are short, i could post and reply to much more than i do now.However i am a very slow typer and cant spell worth shit.
I find that i will not read extra long posts,so say what you have to and move on. :2cents: .

Dec 15, 2006, 12:34 AM
Okay, now that I've engratiated myself to the community...

I apologize to those who took offense or felt antagonized by this post... period.


Don't forget who loves you baby........ ;)


yoyo ;)

Dec 15, 2006, 7:58 AM
who cares?

meteast chick
Dec 15, 2006, 9:32 AM
Okay, so a statement was made, some people (including myself) got a tad ticked off, a subsequent apology was made, and still, the posts continue.

Can't we just call the whole thing off?

luv and kisses,

Dec 15, 2006, 11:04 AM
I think we should keep the thread going with lots of 1 and 2 word posts.

Dec 15, 2006, 11:51 AM


Dec 15, 2006, 1:22 PM

Dec 15, 2006, 3:22 PM
lol, What a topic we have going on here.

I like how everyone can get angry about something everyone agrees on :cool:

Dec 15, 2006, 8:26 PM
I think we should keep the thread going with lots of 1 and 2 word posts.

Why? :bigrin: :paw: :paw:

Long Duck Dong
Dec 15, 2006, 8:42 PM

Star Gazer
Dec 15, 2006, 8:49 PM
I have been a member for a short time, and only a few posts.

That is ok, I enjoy this place.