View Full Version : Why must people put pictures of their *ahem* Personal areas on profiles lol

Dec 12, 2006, 10:08 PM
Ok, I dont have a problem with anyone putting a picture of their penis on their profile. But it seems to me that not everyone has the best ehhh looking penis in the world. Of course, everyone has different tastes, likes and dislikes, I realise this. And I almost expect someone who is just a slut looking to have a one nighter to put a picture like that on his profile.

But come on, Ive seen profiles, that are actually really good, ie; long walks on the beach, looking for someone real and true for a long lasting caring relationship, and then they have a picture of themselves spread eagle with a half limp pecker lol Im sorry just seems that some people should just keep their peckers in their pants! I know some who view them are thinking the same thing.

Anyway Im just rambling, was just a thought that popped into my head, dont mean any offense to anyone :) Hope you all have a great night!

Dec 12, 2006, 10:14 PM

Really, I totally agree. It's nice to see pics... but of the person, not their "personals"...lol....

If I want to see them, I'll ask.. but it's really not the first thing I want to see/know about a person.


Dec 12, 2006, 10:15 PM
a lady i know says, " your first pic shows me where your brains are"....

Dec 12, 2006, 10:18 PM
just thought I'd take a stab at this one, but maybe its male pride????????????

I dont know, I love my penis and have no problem showing it, kind of like hey check this thing out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats just me but I'm class clown anyway.

I dont know I'm just being a goof, I really have no clue why people (self included) do it. But you do make a very good point.

Dec 12, 2006, 10:28 PM
Hmmm. Are you just kidding? Maybe not. So, I will consider your post serious and think about pulling my profile pics.

Dec 12, 2006, 10:29 PM
a lady i know says, " your first pic shows me where your brains are"....

Wise old wifie once told me that contrary 2 popular belief mens brains aint in their willie. Wer wen they wer young pre-adolescents, but she reckoned most men lost theirs wiv their first wet dream...

Dec 12, 2006, 10:45 PM
just thought I'd take a stab at this one, but maybe its male pride????????????

I dont know, I love my penis and have no problem showing it, kind of like hey check this thing out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats just me but I'm class clown anyway.

I dont know I'm just being a goof, I really have no clue why people (self included) do it. But you do make a very good point.

Male pride? Ok just a sec... hahahahahehehehehehhhohohohohlollalalalalalololol lmfao!

Im sorry Ok Im better now :) Male pride, there are some pics that no one should be proud of LOL And yes, going to see how nice, friendly, kind, funny a guy or gal is on their profile, and you see pics of 'Prides" lol Its so a turn off. Gives people the impression that youre just a slut out looking to get laid. Many people just click off the profile soon as they see a penis and move on possibly moving by someone who really is actually a good guy. Anyway, to each his own, but keep the pecker in the pants LOL

Dec 12, 2006, 10:47 PM
How about that when people are in the process of posting they are incredibly horny and probably sitting there naked playing with themselves and well . . . that's where their focus is. And this is true for both men and women.

Or maybe their afraid someone they know or work with might recognize them.

I do agree with you though, I want to see it all . . . the body, the face, some personality. And for those of you afraid of losing anonimity (spelling?) "get over it". I venture to say that 95% of men and women think about having a bi experience but some are just too backed up to do anything about it.

Just some thoughts.

Dec 12, 2006, 10:54 PM
How about that when people are in the process of posting they are incredibly horny and probably sitting there naked playing with themselves and well . . . that's where their focus is. And this is true for both men and women.

Or maybe their afraid someone they know or work with might recognize them.

I do agree with you though, I want to see it all . . . the body, the face, some personality. And for those of you afraid of losing anonimity (spelling?) "get over it". I venture to say that 95% of men and women think about having a bi experience but some are just too backed up to do anything about it.

Just some thoughts.

Ok horny or not, putting a pic of your penis? lol If they are horny maybe they should be at a sex site, not at a site for people to make friends?

On the someone might recognize them... woudlnt it be worse, for someone from their work lets say, sees their pecker, goes to meet them and finds out face to face its them? A bit more embarrassing I would think lol

and I would say that about 98% Of the nude pics are of men, not women, but then again, maybe I should go browse the chicks??

Dec 12, 2006, 11:24 PM
If you don't like my peaches, don't be shaking my tree.

Dec 12, 2006, 11:28 PM
If I'm not mistaken, GLantern started a big discussion about this some months ago. It got very contentious at one point.

My thing is: if you don't like what you see, close the window and go back to the main menu.


Dec 12, 2006, 11:34 PM
If you don't like my peaches, don't be shaking my tree.
Well Eddie, its not your peaches that I didnt like, its the poop shoot that ran me off! LOL

Just havin some fun! :tongue:

Dec 13, 2006, 12:10 AM

well, mine are there simply because some of my artwork shows them and i post my artwork to my profile.

I really don't care if anyone is attracted to my or "turned off" simply because they can see my genitals on my profile. I'm not here just to "cruise". I'm here for understanding and acceptance.

Im a photographer and an artist and have received the greatest compliments on my nude works, so those are what I posted.

Dec 13, 2006, 12:46 AM
Ok, I dont have a problem with anyone putting a picture of their penis on their profile. But it seems to me that not everyone has the best ehhh looking penis in the world.

I find a cock-shot profile unappealing. I mean, I love the look of a nice cock, but not if that's all I can see of you.

Then again, there are a lot of cock-shot profiles out there... so I'm sure they have no want for similar company.

In defense of my bare-chested pict, I have to say I'm not ready to show my face -the last confession of my bisexuality to someone led to disaster-, and I'm proud of a body I've worked hard for.

Dec 13, 2006, 12:57 AM
Okay, okay. As you know, I am a relative new member here. After reading many of your posts I see that my profile pics "may" be inappropriate for many viewers. Therefore, I shall revise my profile. Pictures will be provided by request only.
Darn, I hate losing a debate.

Dec 13, 2006, 1:46 AM
Okay, okay. As you know, I am a relative new member here. After reading many of your posts I see that my profile pics "may" be inappropriate for many viewers. Therefore, I shall revise my profile. Pictures will be provided by request only.
Darn, I hate losing a debate.

lol was that debate with yourself or with us??

this also brought that song by bill engvall to mind " dear penis" absolutely hilarious!

eddy, what i'd do, is leave it there as the last pic, but put others on there that might actually be of more interest to those of us looking you up... but, , not having looked at or read your profile, i've no clue as to what your are looking for here.. maybe a lust fulfillment ?? making friends?? learning more about what the rest of the bi world thinks and does?? whatever the case , remember you catch more flies with honey than vinegar...

Dec 13, 2006, 8:24 AM
I'll likely get shot down for this, but ah well... nothing ventured, nothing gained.

It does throw me off a little when the uppermost profile pic is shall we say "graphic", but it personally doesn't bother me if people choose to post whatever they want in their profile. Usually you get a good sense of what they are here for by reading the profile before you scroll down and see anything anyway.

For example, if I see a profile that starts "Hot & Horny looking for action..." then I feel it's safe to assume that pictures of privates may follow should I continue to scroll down. If a profile starts "Down to earth couple looking for clean discreet..." good chance the pics will have clothing - not likely piled in a corner on the floor, but actually on the persons in the photo.

As a female, I have posted pics of my 'girlie bits' online for a few weeks now, yes - the nekkid bits, but no sex/penetration/fluids/etc, just what it looks like, and I left it for my last pic in the bunch (not my profile pic). I have yet to have anyone comment, pvt or pm me and say "EEewwww take those down!!!" ~ in fact, a few people have even been kind enough to compliment them :oh:

I'm actually a closeted married bi-femme who is very body conscious and have only had a handful of people ever see my bits in real life!! As a female, I dont have the luxury of an easily accessed view of what it looks like, unlike men who merely have to look down LOL!! But after viewing a good quantity of profiles with pics included nude shots, I decided to boldly go where this gal has never gone before and take a photo of myself and put in online. I thought it would be a good exercise in 'liberating the kitty' by posting it in a sex-positive environment.

Let's face it: there aren't many places out there in which you can feel comfortable enough to 'post your privates' if you want to without major criticism: you wont find a hard-on attached to a resume on monster.com, or a nice rack on an alumni profile on the local classmates connection. Either of these would be widely viewed as inappropriate and rightly so as publically accessed sites. But here on an 18+ adult site, which is clearly defined by sexual orientation, offering links to racy sexual discussions, pornographic sites, and real life 'fuckfests', I just dont see the big deal about the pics.

I'm not jumping on the bandwagon to say yes or no to the "should you or shouldn't you" debate on nudie pics, as that will always remain personal opinion as to whether you agree with it or not. Rather I am expressing my disappointed in hearing the perpetuation of sex-negative comments such as 'slutty', 'easy', or being in an assumed state or never-ending 'horniness' just because someone chooses to post photos in the state of dress (or undress) they feel comfortable in, whatever that may be.

I came here in hopes to escape the stereotypes that society has about bisexuals: that we're all sexual degenerates, f*cking and s*cking anything we can get our hands on, and that sex is the ulterior motive behind everything we do. Sure that may be true for some (and kudos for you) but I know a lot more "slutty" heteros, both men or women, than I do bi's, who generally seem to be more selective and cautious of whom they sleep with, and in my experience, practice safe sex at a higher rate.

I'm hoping that there will be a shift in consciousness that begins to accept the nature of people here in whatever capacity they choose: looking for just friends, connecting with one or both sexes, or to be exhibitionists and show off their bodies. Post, dont post, but be respectful of what other people choose as their style. Personally I wont feel invaded until people start sending them directly to my personal email along with instruction manuals (and btw - please don't).

In the meantime, if you have a strong opinion against and dont wanna see anything, simply don't scroll down.....

(just my two cents.... Sapphy)

Dec 13, 2006, 11:28 AM
As I've mentioned to someone before, it's pretty much like asking someone for a date with your pants down and a bag over your head. By showing only your genetials on your profile you're pretty much indirectly giving someone the message that you're only interested in sex. A profile on here basically serves as a first impression of someone; what do you want it to say?

I agree with wanderingrichard on this matter. Leave it up if you simply love showing it off, but add some other pics too. It adds personality. A single pic of a half-limp penis doesn't.

But to each their own. Just realise that you're possibly turning off a ton of potential partners, if you're looking for that anyway. :rolleyes:

Edit: Jedinudist's pics are great. They show me he has a good looking body, but they also show me he's an artist. Personality! I'm sure anyone can see the difference between pics such as those and just a penis with cum dripping out. -_-

Dec 13, 2006, 3:17 PM
Yeah, what Sapphy said... my :2cents:

Dec 13, 2006, 5:16 PM
I agree with Sapph on this one.
Penis shots dont really bother me, and most of the time I think men arnt really posting them for others, but more for themselves. It can be a erotic, but also sensual to reveal whats considered our most privat parts to the world and to people you dont really know. Its not just a sexual thing.

Dec 13, 2006, 6:01 PM
I'm hoping that there will be a shift in consciousness that begins to accept the nature of people here in whatever capacity they choose: looking for just friends, connecting with one or both sexes, or to be exhibitionists and show off their bodies. Post, dont post, but be respectful of what other people choose as their style.

This is so well written and expresses my own sentiments as well on the subject. If nudity or the exposure to someone else’s form of self expression is offensive, just try to be respectful. It is an adult site comprised of adult content and themes clearly stated, and you acknowledged when registering. Who knows the extent of the possible damage being done to someone who's awkward first step in exploring their own sexual nature, may be in finding the courage to post a picture of a "private part"? A simplistic photo of a private body part undistinguishable from almost any other private part, that more than likely will be forgotten two minuets after it's been viewed anyways? Perhaps by taking this action, it has propelled this individual back into a closet of shame and embarrassment once again because “he’s/she’s once again doesn’t conform to the status quo or someone else’s considered opinion of acceptability.
That first step can be the hardest as we all know too well.

Post # 2 under this site's” rules for posting” states:

" Be polite- flame the ideal if you feel you must, but not the person".

Sometimes when it comes to this particular subject we enter a gray area. Because every person that has posted a picture with any degree of nudity, be it big or small (no pun intended) to some extent has a right to feel they've been singled out. Separating the "ideal" from the person whose hurt by these negative comments or critical judgments leads them to feel the same kind of alienation that we as bisexuals are quite familiar with. Someone should not have to justify their nudity whether it's artistic, exhibitionist nor feel embarrassed to the point of having to “pull their photos” on an adult site based on the exploration of sexuality in general and bisexuality specifically.

Please consider your actions and choose your words with the common courtesy and respect that everyone deserves. Would you expect others to extend to you any less? :2cents:

Ambi :)

Dec 13, 2006, 6:32 PM
While I don't enjoy looking at a profile only to be faced with a private parts pic, its not my business to say anything.
If you don't like it, then click the back button and look at something else.
If you like it, fine. Enjoy the pic.

I agree with another person who said some people may post nude pics of themselfs cause it makes them feel good. Some people do that cause they are happy with thier bodies.
Also, about the profiles that have no face pic and just private. I don't think the only reason is cause they don't want someone they know to recongize them but I think maybe they don't even want a picture up, cause who knows what kind of weirdos there are out there but A LOT of people refuse to look at profiles without a picture so they use a private picture so thier profile gets a "pic" icon next to it and peopel will look :-) (this is also the same with poeple that just have a cartoon picture in thier profile or some other pic they like)

This is an adult website. As long as the picture doesn't have bad stuff in it, then its allowed. (By bad I mean things like child porn, rasict, making fun of handicap, and whatever else the site's webmaster says is forbidden)

Although I do kinda wish you could be warned a profile contained nude pics so you can avoid even looking at that profile if you don't like nude pictures but like i said above, just hit back button if you don't like it.

I have seen some pictures FAR WORSE than a simple shot of the private parts. These "worse" pics do make the private part pics a lot nicer lol
I will not name names but honestly, pictures that show white stuff coming out of the penis or close up sex shot pics are just gross.
I know I might get attacked but really.... if your that bothered by a nude shot.... would you rather see a nude shot of someone just standing there or a shot of a more "porn" like picture?? If I had that choice, it would be the nude shot :) Why?? cause I think a personal sex picture is meant to be private, maybe shared with close friends but not to be posted for all to see but thats just me.


Long Duck Dong
Dec 13, 2006, 7:12 PM
mmm i can see both sides of things

the right to sharing ya glory with the world.... and the right to not losing ya dinner upon seeing a graphic genital / sex pic

now the interesting thing is this is called a ADULT site... and to me, adult means respectful, mature, intelligent etc and that is true of the bisexual.com members
they are ADULTS... sharing adult natured pics

sadly some beautiful profiles have been ruined by some body pics, that DON'T do the person any justice

so I do suggest the simple lil touchs....like a lil natural lighting, maybe a lil rose or two
.. lol that that adds to the pic in a subtle yet pleasant way....
I personally would enjoy looking at a genital shot more if something made the genitals more * friendly *... and I am not the type of person that finds genital pics interesting..... it tells me nothing about the person

Dec 13, 2006, 7:13 PM
What we need is a pop-up window asking if we want to view the private-part-profile or not. :rolleyes:

Dec 13, 2006, 7:21 PM
I've only skim read most of the longer replies here. The photos on my profile. Hm - they'd not be for all. Maybe that's why I don't hear from anyone very much? I'm not out to friends and family - don't want to show my face. I'm not ashamed. But am not keen to have my face on the web regardless of the website. Maybe no picture would be better. I don't know. Maybe I should pull pictures and profile and leave you nice folk to it.

Dec 13, 2006, 7:30 PM
What we need is a pop-up window asking if we want to view the private-part-profile or not. :rolleyes:

Or, heaven forbid, using our self discipline and simply not looking at all those oh so gross penis pics...While we're at it, lets not go into the profiles for any reason lest we be offended...Makes me wonder what else will be found offensive in the near future in this adult bi-sexual site...Or has it changed and I simply missed the memo???... :2cents: :paw: :paw:

Dec 13, 2006, 7:34 PM
I originally did not have any nude pics in my profile since I'm here for friends, not just bed buddies. But after having several people ask to see me nude, I decided to post a full frontal nude pic and a full rear view.
I don't mind close-up shots, in fact sometimes I enjoy them. But I'd much rather see the entire person.

Dec 13, 2006, 7:36 PM
What we need is a pop-up window asking if we want to view the private-part-profile or not. :rolleyes:

Or instead of a pop-up, another link on the profile page for more revealing pictures.

Dec 13, 2006, 7:37 PM
since i am new here, i was reading backward in the listings and came across a question about bisexuals having extremely high sex drive.. also saw the one about just how many of us on here masturbate like 3 times a day!

i think the penis and vaginal pics on the profiles or ads are just a sign that the person is comfortable and confident in their own sexuality.

this is a website about bisexuality, so sex is obviously the #1 topic.

perhaps this goes back to my Dichotomy thread. maybe people in here are so focused on raw sex, that they forget about the idea of developing friendships first.

a picture of a penis or a vagina on a personal ad certainly sends an interesting message, but i find it actually kind of appealing.. sure, we don't all have young athletic bodies and/or parts on here, but hey, who cares?

we're all here to "be ourselves" and i think it's great that people are open and comfortable enough to post pics of themselves like that..

i've only been on this site for a few days, but i've already revealed more about myself here than anywhere else, either on a website, or in person.

i like being able to open up and be myself and share everything and anything that's on my mind.

Dec 13, 2006, 8:20 PM
Well said TorontoGuy...

Dec 13, 2006, 8:41 PM
Or, heaven forbid, using our self discipline and simply not looking at all those oh so gross penis pics...While we're at it, lets not go into the profiles for any reason lest we be offended...Makes me wonder what else will be found offensive in the near future in this adult bi-sexual site...Or has it changed and I simply missed the memo???... :2cents: :paw: :paw:

Yeah. Too bad you can't see they are "oh so gross penis pics" without looking at them, Einstein.

I don't think anyone is really offended by these pics, but it might be a little too straight forward for some.

Personally I don't mind nude pictures as long as they're tasteful. However, some of the images I've seen on here are just plain pornographic. Although my fragile mind can handle it, I just think those belong on a porn site- not here.

Dec 13, 2006, 9:21 PM
Yeah. Too bad you can't see they are "oh so gross penis pics" without looking at them, Einstein.

I don't think anyone is really offended by these pics, but it might be a little too straight forward for some.

Personally I don't mind nude pictures as long as they're tasteful. However, some of the images I've seen on here are just plain pornographic. Although my fragile mind can handle it, I just think those belong on a porn site- not here.

They are little thumbs...Don't click on them to make 'em easier to gross out on... :paw: :paw:

the sacred night
Dec 13, 2006, 9:45 PM
I don't mind nudie pics. I prefer if there is some personality there, like in jedinudist's artistic photos or sapphrodite's pics, but even if there's not, I won't necessarily be turned off by it. It depends what mood I'm in, really, and maybe a little on how appealing the pics are. I don't care for limp dicks like ppl keep mentioning, but sometimes I'll see good cock shots and be like :eek: he's ginormous, no wonder he put up pics of it!

Dec 14, 2006, 2:45 AM
he's ginormous, no wonder he put up pics of it!

LOL...Sacred night...."ginormous"...I don't think I've run across that word before...tried looking it up and have had no luck there either...it appears to be a hybrid of some sort like the combination of gigantic and enormous. In an ever- growing attempt to expand my vocabulary, thought it better to go to the source and ask. I could be ginormous or perhaps even suffering from a case of ginormity and not even know it. Cool word! I just want to be sure to use it in the proper context and if it’s a new word, send it to the people who add new words to the dictionary for possible consideration.

Ambi :)

Dec 14, 2006, 3:02 AM
um...no comment?! (hee hee)

Dec 14, 2006, 7:03 AM
They are little thumbs...Don't click on them to make 'em easier to gross out on... :paw: :paw:

The point is not so much the size of the pic, I think. More the thought behind it.

I browse this web site at school sometimes and it's rather annoying not being able to click on profiles with pictures because god knows what kind of shit I'll find. Last thing I want is my classmates looking over my shoulder only to see a close-up of a creampie.

In the end this whole discussion on whether it's appropriate or not isn't gonna get us anywhere, a pop-up window of some sort warning there's nudity would. If I were at school, I could just simply hit the "No, thanks" button. And if someone at home is desperate to see half limp cocks, just click on "Yes, gimme penis". Works for everyone. :bigrin:

Dec 15, 2006, 10:44 AM
Get over it.

I like the *ahem*. If you don't like *ahems*, then use your very own personal site content control. It's called the logoff button......

Dec 15, 2006, 1:49 PM
I have no problem with explicit pictures of people, male or female, in my case when I show myself off on line its not to shock or show off its the exibitionist in me. Another reason is to let potential lovers know what they are going to get, its here again I would`nt whish to shock anyone!!!

Dec 15, 2006, 2:09 PM
biSEXual . com.......This isn't a sex site? Gee I've been fooled for some time now! Thanks for the insight.

Dec 15, 2006, 3:33 PM
biSEXual . com.......This isn't a sex site? Gee I've been fooled for some time now! Thanks for the insight.

You're a smart one. OBVIOUSLY sex and sexual orientation are the exact same things! Thanks for pointing that out!

The thing is that people come here for different reasons. I personally come here to meet people and discuss my sexuality. Others may come here to jack off and/or expose themselves. It just depends on what kind of person you are what you're looking for here.

The function of this site is not set in stone. Right now bisexual.com is a porn site/dating site/discussion forum hybrid.

In the end I guess it all boils down to everyone having to accept what people want from here. No matter how unappropriate I may find it. And no matter how much of a whiny bastard people may find me for not liking a close-up of a 55 year old man's penis.

Dec 15, 2006, 3:48 PM
... And no matter how much of a whiny bastard people may find me for not liking a close-up of a 55 year old man's penis.

Grin - verb: to draw back the lips and reveal the teeth, in a smile, grimace, or snarl


Dec 15, 2006, 5:22 PM
While I don't enjoy looking at a profile only to be faced with a private parts pic, its not my business to say anything.
If you don't like it, then click the back button and look at something else.
If you like it, fine. Enjoy the pic.

I agree with another person who said some people may post nude pics of themselfs cause it makes them feel good. Some people do that cause they are happy with thier bodies.
Also, about the profiles that have no face pic and just private. I don't think the only reason is cause they don't want someone they know to recongize them but I think maybe they don't even want a picture up, cause who knows what kind of weirdos there are out there but A LOT of people refuse to look at profiles without a picture so they use a private picture so thier profile gets a "pic" icon next to it and peopel will look :-) (this is also the same with poeple that just have a cartoon picture in thier profile or some other pic they like)

This is an adult website. As long as the picture doesn't have bad stuff in it, then its allowed. (By bad I mean things like child porn, rasict, making fun of handicap, and whatever else the site's webmaster says is forbidden)

Although I do kinda wish you could be warned a profile contained nude pics so you can avoid even looking at that profile if you don't like nude pictures but like i said above, just hit back button if you don't like it.

I have seen some pictures FAR WORSE than a simple shot of the private parts. These "worse" pics do make the private part pics a lot nicer lol
I will not name names but honestly, pictures that show white stuff coming out of the penis or close up sex shot pics are just gross.
I know I might get attacked but really.... if your that bothered by a nude shot.... would you rather see a nude shot of someone just standing there or a shot of a more "porn" like picture?? If I had that choice, it would be the nude shot :) Why?? cause I think a personal sex picture is meant to be private, maybe shared with close friends but not to be posted for all to see but thats just me.


I love being attacked by so many sexy people at once. The point of this has totally been missed. I give up, but I will say that it was a thought, as I said before, I was curious. Im not that bothered. But thank you for your... input

Dec 15, 2006, 5:28 PM
Or, heaven forbid, using our self discipline and simply not looking at all those oh so gross penis pics...While we're at it, lets not go into the profiles for any reason lest we be offended...Makes me wonder what else will be found offensive in the near future in this adult bi-sexual site...Or has it changed and I simply missed the memo???... :2cents: :paw: :paw:

And heaven forbid we use self control and keep our peckers in our pants instead of saying to the world, Im a slut, I only want to get laid.

Dec 15, 2006, 5:39 PM
I originally did not have any nude pics in my profile since I'm here for friends, not just bed buddies. But after having several people ask to see me nude, I decided to post a full frontal nude pic and a full rear view.
I don't mind close-up shots, in fact sometimes I enjoy them. But I'd much rather see the entire person.

I keep seeing people whining and crying about what I originally posted (NOT implying you) You have done it the right way I think. When you scroll through the profiles, and you come across yours, what do we see? We see your id, the topic line of your ad, and a pic. BUT the pic is a decent one, of a tatoo. Its not a close up shot of your pecker. If Im intrested, I can go into your profile and read it. Had you had a pecker instead of a tatoo, I wouldnt have bothered going into it.

I appluad you for having the good taste to use a decent photo for your thumbnail!!

Dec 15, 2006, 5:54 PM
Get over it.

I like the *ahem*. If you don't like *ahems*, then use your very own personal site content control. It's called the logoff button......

What... is that www.ahem.com ?

Dec 15, 2006, 6:11 PM
Well its official. Im a pervert, a sexual deviant. Isnt that what Im supposed to be? I mean, since bisexual.com is for masturbating to pictures of peckers. All this time Ive been fooled. Here I thought, I was normal for being attracted to the opposite sex and was feeling normal for being attracted to the same sex. In fact, Im not normal at all. And bisexual.com, has absolutely nothing to do with sexuality, it is in fact, a site for hookups, one nighters and masturbation.

I did laugh at one persons statement. They said showing their nude photos was a way to see their personality. I thought to myself, the next time a person walks up to me on the street, Im going to ask to see their penis so I can tell if Id like to be their friend or not, seeing as it would be the only way to see a persons personality.

The point of this thread was completely missed by most of the people who posted, although there was some intelligent life out there. You dont have to advertise your genitals by photo to get your ad across to others. Thank god proctor and gamble have the good taste not to also or you'd be seeing some gross crap on packages of tampons.

There are some nude photos, like the nudistguy (sorry couldnt remember your id) who said he posts his nude pics to show his artistic side? His arent raunchy at all. And indeed gives a peek into what kind of thing he is looking for. When I saw his ad, I didnt think, oh great another close up shot of a pecker. You see him, and he is relaxed, its part of who he is and you can tell he didnt put it up cuz he just wants to get lucky this weekend.

Anyway, even though I said in the beginning, I wasnt trying to offend anyone. Apparently I offended a ton of people who's only purpose for this site is sex. For that, I apologize, and maybe someone can direct me to a site where sexuality isnt just a perverted notiion.

Dec 15, 2006, 6:15 PM
I've finally figured it out!

I think this is really the best little exhibitionist site!

Use a few letters of the word, shuffle them around and voila: even our site's name bisex.com turns into exibs.com

Could I be right..? :eek:

Long Duck Dong
Dec 15, 2006, 6:19 PM
one interesting thing I am noticing in this thread, is the constantly refering to bisexual.com as a sex site

I fully disagree....sex sites, are generally porn sites with pornographic pics, without the chance to post intelligent, respectful and informative posts, articles and comments

if bisexual.com is just a sex site... then we don't need the chatroom or forum

bisexual.com has raised the bar above that of a sex / porn site.. while allowing members to share pics of their bodies
the awesome thing about this, is I can read a members posts on the forum or in the chatroom and see that they are more than a dick or a pussy.... they are a person... and thats important to me

and thats why bisexual.com is not just a sex site......and i am willing to bet thats a large number of people are here.....

Dec 16, 2006, 2:31 AM
I'm kinda breaking my own self-imposed discussion board rules: I usually take the stance of 'one point = one post' and then enjoy the rest of the discussion that ensues. However I'm still confused at to why we are still having any discussion at all.

For those who are offended or do not approve of "Personal" profile pics: You will never convince the dozens of men and women who choose to add these photos of themselves to their profiles to remove them. You may shame or guilt a few people into removing them (as I know some already have) but in fact, the mere notion of someone saying you shouldn't can cause defiance and actually cause others to put up new ones or add more to their existing profiles. Instead of continuing to debate the issue, why doesn't someone who finds this practice offensive contact the webmasters with the request of a non-invasive solution that would be agreeable to all. Something as simple as a yes/no toggle in your account/profile that would either create a Default thumbnail pic that reads SEXXXY or use :male: / :female: icons instead of displaying the potentially offending photo during searches. This way you could actively voice your opinion and potentially make a change that would benefit others who share your opinion without restricting others rights to present themselves in whatever fashion they choose.

For those who have "Personal" pics or believe it's your choice to have them or not: You are not going to change the minds of people who are against seeing these pics to agree with your point of view. I somewhat agree it could be viewed as questionable taste to choose to have your "Personal" pic as your profile's thumbnail; people are here for different reasons and everyone in expressing themselves should be considerate of what others may or may not want to see. Hell I'm a woman and I still get grossed out when I see the detailed tv commercials about 'feminine' products (even if the water is blue).... Put up a link to something that interests you: sports, cars, nature, pets, even your favourite cartoon character as your default pic shows a little more class and character (and you can still keep all the fun pics in your profile anyway). Heck, it may even draw more of a response that just your bits!

The question still remains,but it's not if the pics should be posted in profiles or not, but what can you do to come up with a solution that allows everyone's rights to be maintained without being 'offended'. I think the self-regulated XXX toggle in your account would be a good way to go, and even without knowing them, I'm sure the webmasters here are open to all suggestions that offer added benefit to members on both sides of this discussion.

As a final note, the only thing I have taken offence to in this entire discussion is the inference that a nude profile photo insinuates that I (or anyone else who posts their privates) is a "Slut" or strictly here for sex. I can assure you that in my mid-30's I can still count the number of male partners on one hand and have been with my current partner for over 10yrs. Okay fine, you caught me with my hand in the panties as far as women, however I am very selective and not in it for a one-nighter, (not that there is anything wrong with that choice - I just know it doesnt work for me). Point in case, they dont call it a 'Sex Beach' they call it a 'Nudist Beach' - just because they are naked doesnt mean they are having sex, though try to explain that to your parents if you're a teenager with a hand up someone's shirt in the den.

That's why it's so important to maintain a sex-positive space here... I mean the reason why the vast majority of us are here is because we are not 'out' in public. Why? Because society has a negative view of bisexuals in general: bi's are confused, not 'bi' but really hetero or gay, sluts, sex maniacs, nymphos, perverts, and well the list goes on. We're here on a website created kindly just for us so that we do NOT have to be judged by other people and so the only thing I find in poor taste is putting down other members because of their choices. If you don't like it, then do something about it, because it's up to you to come up with a solution and follow it through. And if you can write endless points defending your position then you can write one email to the webmasters with your idea.

And in case you are wondering - yes, I left my "Personal" up..... so please do/don't look!!!

Dec 16, 2006, 8:36 AM
"...it's pretty much like asking someone for a date with your pants down and a bag over your head."

-Brilliant. Just great.

I'm going to break my posting cherry here to agree with those who said that if you want to have "ahems" in your profile, just put them further down the list so it's not the *first* one I see....

I have to be honest and say that when I click on a profile and the first thing that confronts me is a picture of someone's passion python or a punani covered in love gravy, I don't bother to read any further..I know what naughty bits look like...if I'm interested in a particular set of wedding tackle or tunnel of earthly delights, it's because they're attached to an *entire* person whom I find attractive...

I want to know what ALL of you looks like...human beings are visual people, and we like to put a face to a name for a point of reference. Seeing your John Thomas or bearded clam right off the bat isn't very helpful, unless you're the sort of person who greets others in public by immediately unholstering the old love gun...

Anyhow, it's nice to be here, lovely meeting you all and hearing such diverse and *respectful* points of view...

The Cheshire Cat
Dec 16, 2006, 9:41 AM
:bigrin: Loved the metaphors AubergineCow! Very funny-please post more often!

Dec 16, 2006, 2:18 PM
:bigrin: Loved the metaphors AubergineCow! Very funny-please post more often!

I concur Cheshire...how very funny and most entertaining. While I don't necessarily have an issue with pics that are posted, I do love the way you worded your post AubergineCow...very catchy !!!!!


Dec 16, 2006, 3:01 PM
My two cents.
Whatever pics someone has posted does not bother me first of all. I think for some of us with pics posted, it is not necessarily that we are trying to be vulgar; but rather possibly trying to be sexually enticing to others while being discreet and keep our facial identity a secret until we get to know someone better and feel safe in sharing more. As stated before in this thread (and not verbatim), people don't introduce themselves on the street by seeing and greeting each other's privates, but this is not the street. Potential harm or recognition could come from someone knowing your face publicly if by chance anyone on this site or any other site had any cruel intentions. So by showing your privates, you have a picture for people to see at least a little bit of you, but you still have anonymity because no one on the street is going to recognize you by your privates.
Just my opinion. Take care everyone!

Dec 16, 2006, 4:07 PM
one interesting thing I am noticing in this thread, is the constantly refering to bisexual.com as a sex site

I fully disagree....sex sites, are generally porn sites with pornographic pics, without the chance to post intelligent, respectful and informative posts, articles and comments

if bisexual.com is just a sex site... then we don't need the chatroom or forum

bisexual.com has raised the bar above that of a sex / porn site.. while allowing members to share pics of their bodies
the awesome thing about this, is I can read a members posts on the forum or in the chatroom and see that they are more than a dick or a pussy.... they are a person... and thats important to me

and thats why bisexual.com is not just a sex site......and i am willing to bet thats a large number of people are here.....

I agree with LongDuck--I do not consider bisexual.com to be a "sexual" website beyond the fact that a certain aspect of sexuality is the focus here--as LongDuck said---the focus here is not on porn pics and/or videos nor is it necessarily focused on people "hooking" up either---while there is some of that--it is mostly a site where people can discuss their bisexuality at whatever stage it might be at the time and find information on the topic.

If this were strictly a "sex" site in the way other sexually oriented sites are out there on the web--I would have stopped coming here long ago.

My take on the original topic of this thread--I actually like it that people post pics of their "privates" on here--but do agree with the suggestion that such pictures be posted in such a way that a viewer has to click on seperate page in order to view such pictures--it might be better that way-- for that might help us avoid potential embarrassment when we are out in public with our computers--an issue I now face since I have a laptop computer with an internet connection via my cellphone service that allows me online access nearly everywhere.

This is a change Drew and his cohorts may want to consider making to the site.

Dec 16, 2006, 4:14 PM
It's funny how many times this question has been posted as a thread and every time the same debate. People agree, people disagree but in the end, it is what it is and it's not going to change. Yes it would be nice if the main profile pic was not graphic but at the same time this site does include sexual content so why are some of you viewing things that are inappropriate in the company of those that you do not want to see over your shoulder? The words here can be just as explicit as a photograph and I know some that have pretty good eyesight.

Dec 16, 2006, 6:15 PM

Dec 16, 2006, 9:09 PM
As I have said..I have no opinion one way or another about the pics that are posted in the profiles. But one thing stands out in my mind...the pics that are explicit are just like any other pic that is posted in a profile...they are thumbnail pics that need to be enlarged in order to get a more graphic and close up look....so hence a suggestion....Don't ENLARGE them...hehe...so to speak!

As for Arana's comment that the written word can be every bit as graphic if not more so...I heartily agree! I have always taken great care not to be on this site while my kids are around. Believe me...my kids have very crafty vision skills...they can see a flea on an elephants ass if they choose to do so and I wouldn't allow them to be in the vicinity of any of the forum discussions or the chat room banter any more than I would allow them to peer over my shoulder while perusing the profiles!

Just my :2cents:


Dec 17, 2006, 4:43 PM
Well the spleens have been vented & oil has been pour to calm the rages.

Just a slightly different take (I always did look at things askew.)

This is a site about sexuality. And more specifically sexuality from a bisexual slant. People come here for many personal reasons. However I think that there is an underlying assumption among most that the site is for feeling connected--feeling more comfortable about your sexuality.

Often people come here because they felt disconnected, perverted according to many, and were therefore uncomfortable with who they are and what they felt.

I'm sure that most of us have looked to see if there was anyone close we could connect w/ in person possibly leading to "encounters of the 3rd kind".

The question I am pondering--w/ no aspertions about anyone who has previously posted--is why this type of thread has cropped up so often?

If we learn to become more comfortable w/ sexuality (and since this is a bisexual site, sexuality between male and female; male and male; female and female; and the other composite groupings of the two) why are we offended by pictures of their sexual organs. Why can't we call a cock a cock and a pussy a pussy or more puritanically genitilia. Why do we revert to a repressed Victorian mode of "*ahem*".

Personally I had to pull up my profile to see what I've posted. I usually post more graphic pics as well as face shots. I don't consider myself a slut for posting them anymore than I consider a breast pic suggestive of someone who is out to nuture others. And personally I love to be tintillated by real pics of real people. Pics of silicone breasts & cocks so large the body hasn't enough blood to keep them hard don't do much for me if I'm in a mood to be stimulated. And the pics of an older person are as much interest to me--maybe more so being 58 myself--as a younger person's. They are real, not some idealization of a dream.

We each have the opportunity to grow here. Hopefully I will continue to grow & respect others' difference from me. And for the rest of you I hope the same for you as well as any secondary reasons you might frequent the site.

Dec 18, 2006, 2:45 PM
Hi Gang!

Let me assure everyone here, that I love to look at pictures of both cocks and pussies and I believe I love it not less, or more than the next guy!
I specifically enjoy looking at pictures of them together, preferably with several people involved. For this reason I frequent websites to satisfy my interest.

I accidentally stumbled upon bisex.com. I was surprised to find naked pictures in the profiles, and first I thought it was a dating site.

Knowing now better, I don't see the reason for the "close-up" pictures.

I don't think, that anyone in their right mind would "go for" a person based on a picture. I feel so sorry for those who in the spur of the moment expose themselves to diseases and risk even dying. There are plenty of examples - some even unsuspecting - of sick people.

And those who consider dating someone based on the photos .....remember, everyone looks good on the Internet :tongue:

I could be a 72 year old woman and post pictures of beautiful young male models.

I read a lot of postings written by witty and intelligent people here. I've learned and will learn a lot more about my own, and bisexuality in general and hopefully time to time I can contribute with some of my own ramblings.

love you all,

Dec 18, 2006, 9:57 PM
Again the whole point of this thread was completely missed by most people who posted on it. Yes, this is a bisexual site. Does that mean its for drooling or for "satifying" ourselves? With thousands of websites on the web, where people who are bi, gay, or lesbian can go and post nude photos and do whatever it is they need to do, why make this site, something that compares to "just another sex site"? All my life Ive known I was bisexual. It was nice to find a site like this one for information and for making friends. Never would I have thought so many people view it as just a sex site. Someone to put nude photos to entice someone to come give them a casual quickie. So many people who arent bi gay or lesbian see us as being sexual deviants. As perverts. If they were to come across this site, and peek in just to see what we are really about, what kind of msg does it send them when icons and thumbnails showing nudity. If I were straight, and had no real knowledge of being anythign but straight, Id think bi's gays and lesbians were exactly what the rest of the world says about us.

I had no idea, that so many people considered this a sex site simply because the letters sex is in bisexual. Suprised me to see how many people really are just here for a quickie and nothing more. At least I know a few of the ones to watch out for now.

To me, being bisexual shouldnt have to mean my life is all about sex and getting my jollys off. Being bisexual SHOULD mean, that Im just as normal as the rest of the world.

Dec 19, 2006, 12:39 AM
One of the things that drew me to this site, and one of the things I love about it is that it is not one thing. Its not just a support group and its not just hookup site, and its not just a sexual discussion site, and its not just a place to come to talk about things that concern or interest you. Its all of those things and more. Th nice thing about this site is that its definition is a liberal as the people who visit it. It hasnt been labeled anything and it simply remains only a bisexual site. Open to interpretation.

I find in topics like this people argue over what kind of site this should be. And everyone thinks it should only be what they use it for (ie if you use it for support you may think it should only be a support site; or if you use it for hooking up you think it should be a hook up site). The fact of the matter is that even through discussions like this it has remained and survived as only a Bisexual site and has not become a sex site, hook up site, support site, porn site, etc.
And personally i wouldn't want it any other way :bibounce:

Dec 19, 2006, 1:41 AM
Well, maybe, just maybe there wasnt anyone there to take the picture for them when they were trying to take a mug photo,and the camera accidentally dropped and snapped a shot while it hit the ground. And bingo, there you have it, a photo of at least some part of themselves. I mean... just maybe that happened. We dont really know, do we? I dont get it either, but then again, I dont have any photos of myself with my profile. Im probably, I mean I am attractive, so what?! I really do tend to look inside. The humour, personality. Nevermind.

Dec 19, 2006, 8:30 AM
Well i am sorry but i realy dont want anyone to see my face on this site, i keep this part of my life seperate and am only here to forfill my sexual need

Again sorry

PS I am not a shallow guy I have G/F and she knows wat I like but not everyone has to know

Dec 19, 2006, 2:30 PM
While I have not yet put a picture of my *ahem* in my profile, I would like to take a shot at answering the "why" question posed in the title of this thread. Before I began to write my reply I read the rules for posting replies.

Rule #1 "Don't post your personal ad here. They just clutter up the forums. By far the best thing to do if you are looking to meet people is create a quality personal ad under your "My Account" control panel. These ads then show up highlighted to people in your area."

This does not refer to a "profile," it refers to a "personal ad." The instructions for completing the "personal ad" state:

"Describe yourself/yourselves and what you are looking for (This is the "meat" of your ad. Suggestions include your physical descriptions, marital status, what type of relationship you are looking for, what kind of activities you like to do, what kind of person(s) you are looking for... and so on. Hint: The more detail you use to describe what you are looking for, the more replies you will get, and the better quality they will be. Trust me, I know."

I know what I'm looking for and what I want. I'm willing to bet that I am not the only person on this sight who is not looking for romance but would like to meet a person of their gender or a couple and play with their *ahem(s)*. I think people exhibit what they would like to see. If you are looking for *ahems*....

Certainly, the text is the most important part of a personal ad but if someone in my area includes a picture of their *ahem(s)* It will be easier to decide if I am going to buck up the courage to contact them or pass. So, am I saying the appearance of someone's dick is more important to me than the appearance of their face or a graphic that communicates how they feel about themselves? Yep, at least in the context of hooking up with someone on this site to play with each other. However, this is not to say that I only want to have physical contact. I enjoy connecting mentally too and one cannot have too many friends.

So, to the people who include photos of the *ahems* in the personal ad, thank you, even if you are not in my geographic area. I enjoy looking at them (I even downloaded a few). To all those who have posted pics or graphics that show what you look like or express who you are, thank you, I enjoy looking at them and am comforted by the understanding that I'm not alone in my feelings. In fact, to all the members of this site regardless of the pics included, or not included in your personal ad, thank you, for making this the wonderfully diverse and supportive site it is.


Dec 19, 2006, 3:13 PM
um...no comment?! (hee hee)

I agree. Every male has a penis, every female has a vagina. You've seen one, you've seen them all. I am not impressed with a personal ad that has some guy's private parts hanging out, that is not going to impress me into giving him a note. Same with women. Now the one's that show their teats is an exception.

NJ Panty Boy

:tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

Dec 19, 2006, 9:42 PM
Well i am sorry but i realy dont want anyone to see my face on this site, i keep this part of my life seperate and am only here to forfill my sexual need

Again sorry

PS I am not a shallow guy I have G/F and she knows wat I like but not everyone has to know

I can certainly understand the need for someone to keep their face off of here, but it is possible to show more then just the "goodies" without showing your face. Like your 2nd pic, it shows you from the chest down. Those are the type of pics that many seem to prefer over just the "ahem" parts. I do enjoy seeing more of the person then just their crotch, even if they do hide (or crop) their face from the pic.

Dec 19, 2006, 9:43 PM
One of the things that drew me to this site, and one of the things I love about it is that it is not one thing. Its not just a support group and its not just hookup site, and its not just a sexual discussion site, and its not just a place to come to talk about things that concern or interest you. Its all of those things and more. Th nice thing about this site is that its definition is a liberal as the people who visit it. It hasnt been labeled anything and it simply remains only a bisexual site. Open to interpretation.

I find in topics like this people argue over what kind of site this should be. And everyone thinks it should only be what they use it for (ie if you use it for support you may think it should only be a support site; or if you use it for hooking up you think it should be a hook up site). The fact of the matter is that even through discussions like this it has remained and survived as only a Bisexual site and has not become a sex site, hook up site, support site, porn site, etc.
And personally i wouldn't want it any other way :bibounce:

I can not say that is what drew me to this site, but it is what I like about it the most. It's a combintaion of many htings.

Dec 19, 2006, 11:20 PM
Theres not one person that views this site that doesn't click on a profile that has a picture.Not many will click on one that doesn't have one.What the hell are you looking for on a bi sexual site anyway?I'm not going to buy a car without seeing it and then I'll read what on the sticker!!Get real ,you bunch of prudes!!!!!!!

Long Duck Dong
Dec 20, 2006, 4:11 AM
actually pecker, i don't never joined bisexual.com to look at profiles

bisexual.com has more to offer for me than profile pics....it has a informative forum, a very useful chatroom..many good links... fantastic, intelligent, and mature members....

i am looking to share my experiences good and bad with others in the site.... but i am also looking to be more that a piece of meat and in bisexual.com, i have become a person of value..... and if that makes me a prude for showing respect for others and their opinions and views... then i am a very proud bisexual prude

but thank you for expressing your opinion about the site and the members in it....its good to think what you think of people that don't wanna use bisexual.com as a meat market

Dec 20, 2006, 6:06 AM
I like the pecker pictures. Maybe I am just a higher degree of perv than others are? The more I know about someone, the better.

Dec 21, 2006, 1:35 PM
We're more newbies to the site and while we haven't posted any 'naughty' pictures of ourselves, that isn't to say we haven't elsewhere or wouldn't here. It bothers us that we'd suddenly be assumed as slutty for expressing ourselves in an open forum of other adults who were aware of that potential when they got involved. Anyone who chats with us can see that we've accepted our sexuality as very open and treat it with the respect we feel it deserves.

Like several others, one of the things that attracted us to the site was its incredible diversity and overall acceptance. This is BISEXUAL.com, yet there's a specific place and denotation for straight folks. That's not a luxury we get in most other places and just because there are other places to post nudes, cockshots and other various and sundry images - it doesn't mean that a bisexual posting them will be received well by the people in those settings. But here, they're supposed to be accepted.

We absolutely love the fact that, unabashedly, the site allows people from every end of the spectrum (straight to gay) to be as quiet or loud (no profile and no posting to constant posters with profiles full of their various bits) as they want. Part of the fun is actually, for once, getting to have that sort of real freedom and it's kind of odd and very unfortunate to see people getting down on one another for exercising it. People are here for different reasons, we realized that when we joined and just kind of roll with that idea; we figured most folks were in the same boat. If we see something we don't like, we shudder/snicker, shake our heads and move along. That person will never know the effect their picture had on us and we'll get on with our day because they're not something that attracted us for whatever reason. We do agree with people being able to opt out of the nude stuff if they want (via a default image that appears instead, etc), but that's the reason why the site is age specific - it was clearly not something the site creators wanted to have to deal with at inception. If you don't like it, make noise to them about it and see what you can manage. Though, having to put them on an entire separate page seems kinda far to us.

Long Duck Dong
Dec 21, 2006, 8:54 PM
diamond tether, i love ya post, beautifully put

ok, on to a more serious matter, i am gonna offer a unconditional apology over a couple of my remarks in this thread

a person pointed out to me on the quiet, about the wording of a few posts

so I apologize for making a couple of remarks about people using this as a * meat market * it was a bad choice of words... and a badly phrased remark

what i was reacting to was the implication by some members that bisexual.com is a sex site to hook up, and that me and other members need to give over it.....

those remarks are offensive to me cos it implies that bisexual.com has no more value than a dating site or a porn site... and it also implies that our input here in the forum and the chatroom has no value, cos we are not here to hook up

i come to bisexual.com... cos i am a valued member.... in the same manner that a person who is here to ask for advice, and a person that is here to meet people with the intent to enjoy a sexual encounter, and a person that is here just to have and share something on the forum.. ARE ALL VALUED MEMBERS

so again i apologize for my reaction and my wording of my posts.....and any offense felt by any members that may have felt my posts were a direct attack on them

Dec 22, 2006, 2:08 AM
Theres not one person that views this site that doesn't click on a profile that has a picture.Not many will click on one that doesn't have one.What the hell are you looking for on a bi sexual site anyway?I'm not going to buy a car without seeing it and then I'll read what on the sticker!!Get real ,you bunch of prudes!!!!!!!

ffs prude? no, I have self respect and for that I am not a prude. For one you cant compare auto shopping to dating. You dont walk up to a guy you might be intrested in and say, let me see your pecker. You dont fondel him before you say, ok Ill go to dinner with you. Well, then again, you might.

Dec 22, 2006, 2:10 AM
actually pecker, i don't never joined bisexual.com to look at profiles

bisexual.com has more to offer for me than profile pics....it has a informative forum, a very useful chatroom..many good links... fantastic, intelligent, and mature members....

i am looking to share my experiences good and bad with others in the site.... but i am also looking to be more that a piece of meat and in bisexual.com, i have become a person of value..... and if that makes me a prude for showing respect for others and their opinions and views... then i am a very proud bisexual prude

but thank you for expressing your opinion about the site and the members in it....its good to think what you think of people that don't wanna use bisexual.com as a meat market

well said, I appreciate that!

Dec 23, 2006, 4:46 PM
Maybe this is kind of judgmental but I kinda figure if someone's profile just shows their "cock shot" then they probably aren't that interesting to talk to and so they are showing the most interesting aspect that they can think of about themselves... To each their own I guess.

Dec 23, 2006, 4:51 PM
....after viewing a few profiles...

On the other hand...I guess those that are interested can spot the herpes from a comfortable distance... (Clue to the masses: if you have weird discoloration or bumps...ummm...go see your doctor...maybe text the problem rather than photograph it...) :eek:

Dec 23, 2006, 6:26 PM
Yep to each their own... People who don't have any pic's whats so ever sometimes have a lot to say about those who do..To each their own...

Long Duck Dong
Dec 23, 2006, 7:32 PM
lol trip, good point... i have only one excuse.... I can't find the cable for the digital camera, so i can't load the pics into the computer

otherwise, I would have a few pics up

sorry peoples, not privates pics either... you wouldn't wanna see a rusted and dusty old penis anyway, lol

Dec 23, 2006, 10:00 PM
Iv'e been on this site for a very long time and have noticed that people put thier profiles on here to catch the eye's of other Bi Sexual people. Why would they put, Looking for other Bi guys or Bi girls? Are they searching for someone who wants to relate that they are only Bi and feel good about themselves,or LOOKING for someone to share time with someone who wants to have SEX with the same sex!!!If your looking for a get together with someone on this site[A Great site I may add][Could be why this site is here] wouldn't that make sense as to why there is a place to put your profile [WITH YOUR PICTURE].Naked...Or just a pic of your face! There are probably a few of you out there that just being able to relate to other Bi sexuals makes you feel good that you aren't the only one alive and yo u fit in with a bunch of guy's like the rest of us viewing this site daily. Ever looked to see if someone mailed you back because of the profile you put on here? Damn right you have...Was it because you showed your face or you showed your dick? Some of us came on here to find sex,some came on here to find out,It's okay to be BI! I'm going to buy a car tomorrow,I'm gonna look at it first, then read about it!!! Because you find it ugly that some people show their dicks don't make you a super member!! Some of us get sex.Thats where PRUDE comes in.PECKER

Dec 23, 2006, 11:56 PM
sorry peoples, not privates pics either... you wouldn't wanna see a rusted and dusty old penis anyway, lol

Rust?...Dust? I've a product that you can trust!
Step right up my friend a try a bottle Of Ambi's "Snake Oil" (c)
A secret recipe handed down from when the men of this world were begatin this, and begatin that
Guaranteed” to tame that steed, and put the zing back into that zinger
Feelin a bit rusty...no problem
Feelin a bit dusty..not anymore
Ambi's " Snake Oil" (c) Will rejuvenate, lubricate, resuscitate, and eradicate that unwanted dust and rust with just a single application.
You’ll be able to shake that snake with a new found pride and no longer feel that need to hide. Try a bottle today and rid that rust n' dust away
Order now, quantities limited.

Ambi :)

Dec 24, 2006, 12:53 AM

If you want to catch a fish, use the right bait! Males are stimulated visually, so if I want a guy, I show the stuff he is interested in...so very simple! Does this make me a sex fiend or undesireable, immature person? I really don't think so, I believe it shows my practical side (among other things lol).

That being said, I like to see more of the body besides the naughty bits. I love a nice chest, legs and butt.

If I have offended anyone with my bits and pieces, my meat and two veg, my guilded wedding tackle, my master of ceremonies...I do apologize.

A bientot!

Dec 24, 2006, 1:57 AM
I put naked pics on my profile because everyone who contacted me asked to see what I look like, penis included. When I had no picture posted, nobody contacted me... What are ya gonna do!!

Long Duck Dong
Dec 24, 2006, 7:43 AM
pecker..... i am happy on two counts, ... one that i am not sober to think straight... and two... that its dimming my ability to be a absolutely offensive and rude person

but i am gonna reply, god knows why ???

i have been in bisexual.com long enuf as it happens.... to notice, that 100% of my mails in my inbox... are from warm friendly people, saying thanks for the posts, or hello FRIEND.. or you're are a open, warm person, who looks out for others, can you help ???

now if you had checked MY profile... you would notice I am in new zealand... about 18 hours away from the US....so my profile and my profile pics hardly mean fuck all.... cos the chance of a quick fuck is outta the question and the nearest person to me in bisexual.com and that is in NZ, and 5 hours away from me.... the next nearest is 12 hours... so my main contribution bisexual.com is not pics of my private parts... but what i input on the forums and in the chatroom

now, in my eyes and quite a few others, I am guessing that DREW... the person that created Bisexual.com... made the site, not JUST as a place to meet, but as a recreation, support, advice, and friendship site, for ALL sexualities, to embrace each other, share ideas, opinions and advice

so my opinion is not that posting pics shouldn't be allowed, as I have no problems with others posting their pics....my opinion was that not all of us wanna see the pics, so those that don't. would like a simple on / off option for choosing if we see graphic pics or not..... now thats not gonna affect the people looking for sex, or a fuck mate ( excuse the bluntness of the term )

and well, with 20 years experience under my belts as a LGBT/ hetero, sexuality, relationship/marriage, sexual abuse etc, counselor ( not that that makes me any more important that any other bisexual.com members )... i like to think that I make a valuable contribution on the forums and in the chatroom...and that is on the same level as any other bisexual.com member

so i say again... if you think that cos you are here for sex, and others are here to make friends, that that gets you the right to insult them... that you are mistaken....cos dating sites and porn sites are a dime a dozen...
its ALSO the CHATROOM and the FORUM that have risen bisexual.com up from the gutter level of other sites, that cater simply as sites for sex

so the next time you wanna have a go at members that don't say what you wanna hear, and you wanna call them a prude.... check out their profile... make sure that its possible that they are not here for the same reason you are, and if what they are saying, would truly impact on your chances of getting what you want.....cos you may just find that not all of us live in the us, not all of us want a easy hook up, not all of us, wanna look at graphic pics... but most of us don't need to insult people that don't agree with us... on a simple lil thing, like a on/off switching for hiding hiding graphic pics for people that DON"T wanna see that.... now tell me again how having something like that option turned off, is affecting your chances of getting what you seek

and i do say this... walk in my shoes for 20 years as a counselor... see the things and hear the things i have, then refer to me as a prude....and you will see that the pics in bisexual.com as as tame as bambi in a cartoon movie.....
so the next time you call any body a prude, think about this... are people asked for the right not to have to see the pics of other members or... are they asking that the others don't post the pics...

a simple on/off option for those of us that don't, would mean that us that don't... well.. we don't see them, but people that do, they do see them....
its not infringing on your rights... and it means that you don't have to insult us by calling us prudes....

Long Duck Dong
Dec 24, 2006, 8:14 AM
lol kenny... you make a good point... you posted pics... you got contacted.... and thats the thing....

us people that find no interest in them sort of pics, Don't wanna take that away from you......its good to hear that you are getting contacted..... but all we are asked, is simple.... if you have graphic pics in ya profiles... can some of us, have a option, not to have to see them, WITHOUT it affecting you or the number of replies you get

i will be honest, on the rare occasion i look at a profile, its cos something about the person catchs my eye... and cos i am in NZ and most of bisexual;.com is in the US, its not sexually related.... so a profile catchs my eye, cos the person wrote a eye catching profile.....

Dec 24, 2006, 8:48 AM
very well put Toronto. and I agree. Having only been here a few days, I have been accepted and more comfortable with myself than anywhere else. Newfound confidence!
Pics of privates does not bother me. With the variety of people registered at this site, there is something for everyone.

Dec 25, 2006, 1:11 AM

Dec 25, 2006, 8:08 AM

Like the Bunny it just keeps going on and on and on....

Dec 25, 2006, 11:34 AM
.... but all we are asked, is simple.... if you have graphic pics in ya profiles... can some of us, have a option, not to have to see them, WITHOUT it affecting you or the number of replies you get


I would like to add:

It would be nice for the more graphic pics to be "hidden" until a link or button is clicked to "unhide" them. I wouldn't want to see all the pics "hidden" behind a button, just the ones with nudity.

It's nice that there aren't any graphic (or even plain nude) pictures on this site except for in the profiles. Because of that, I sometimes come here when my children are up. They aren't close enough to read any of the text, but most of the pics in the profiles are big enough to be seen from across the room. I don't look at profiles on here while the kids are around so that they aren't exposed to the more graphic pictures that some people have (yes, I have a few graphic pics also.) It would be nice to be able to look at a profile and be able to see the clothed pictures, then if I desire to look at the graphic pics, I can click a link to see those pics when the kids are not around.

Dec 25, 2006, 6:41 PM
pecker..... i am happy on two counts, ... one that i am not sober to think straight... and two... that its dimming my ability to be a absolutely offensive and rude person

but i am gonna reply, god knows why ???

i have been in bisexual.com long enuf as it happens.... to notice, that 100% of my mails in my inbox... are from warm friendly people, saying thanks for the posts, or hello FRIEND.. or you're are a open, warm person, who looks out for others, can you help ???

now if you had checked MY profile... you would notice I am in new zealand... about 18 hours away from the US....so my profile and my profile pics hardly mean fuck all.... cos the chance of a quick fuck is outta the question and the nearest person to me in bisexual.com and that is in NZ, and 5 hours away from me.... the next nearest is 12 hours... so my main contribution bisexual.com is not pics of my private parts... but what i input on the forums and in the chatroom

now, in my eyes and quite a few others, I am guessing that DREW... the person that created Bisexual.com... made the site, not JUST as a place to meet, but as a recreation, support, advice, and friendship site, for ALL sexualities, to embrace each other, share ideas, opinions and advice

so my opinion is not that posting pics shouldn't be allowed, as I have no problems with others posting their pics....my opinion was that not all of us wanna see the pics, so those that don't. would like a simple on / off option for choosing if we see graphic pics or not..... now thats not gonna affect the people looking for sex, or a fuck mate ( excuse the bluntness of the term )

and well, with 20 years experience under my belts as a LGBT/ hetero, sexuality, relationship/marriage, sexual abuse etc, counselor ( not that that makes me any more important that any other bisexual.com members )... i like to think that I make a valuable contribution on the forums and in the chatroom...and that is on the same level as any other bisexual.com member

so i say again... if you think that cos you are here for sex, and others are here to make friends, that that gets you the right to insult them... that you are mistaken....cos dating sites and porn sites are a dime a dozen...
its ALSO the CHATROOM and the FORUM that have risen bisexual.com up from the gutter level of other sites, that cater simply as sites for sex

so the next time you wanna have a go at members that don't say what you wanna hear, and you wanna call them a prude.... check out their profile... make sure that its possible that they are not here for the same reason you are, and if what they are saying, would truly impact on your chances of getting what you want.....cos you may just find that not all of us live in the us, not all of us want a easy hook up, not all of us, wanna look at graphic pics... but most of us don't need to insult people that don't agree with us... on a simple lil thing, like a on/off switching for hiding hiding graphic pics for people that DON"T wanna see that.... now tell me again how having something like that option turned off, is affecting your chances of getting what you seek

and i do say this... walk in my shoes for 20 years as a counselor... see the things and hear the things i have, then refer to me as a prude....and you will see that the pics in bisexual.com as as tame as bambi in a cartoon movie.....
so the next time you call any body a prude, think about this... are people asked for the right not to have to see the pics of other members or... are they asking that the others don't post the pics...

a simple on/off option for those of us that don't, would mean that us that don't... well.. we don't see them, but people that do, they do see them....
its not infringing on your rights... and it means that you don't have to insult us by calling us prudes....

very well said

Dec 25, 2006, 7:44 PM
The ever-recurring thread with the same opinions being thrown back and forth. :)

Personally, I have no problem with the... ah... personal pics in people's profiles. I do wish that people wouldn't use such pics as their avatars (haven't noticed any lately, but that doesn't mean much) but for profile pics, I figure people can post whatever they want. And hey, if people's *ahem*s are nice, I'll appreciate the view. ;)

But generally, without context, one *ahem* looks just like another *ahem*, and I tend to find pictures that are just a close-up of some sort of *ahem* very silly. But since I'm not here to hook up, my opinion probably doesn't matter much. ;)

Dec 26, 2006, 3:19 PM

If you want to catch a fish, use the right bait! Males are stimulated visually, so if I want a guy, I show the stuff he is interested in...so very simple! Does this make me a sex fiend or undesireable, immature person? I really don't think so, I believe it shows my practical side (among other things lol).

That being said, I like to see more of the body besides the naughty bits. I love a nice chest, legs and butt.

If I have offended anyone with my bits and pieces, my meat and two veg, my guilded wedding tackle, my master of ceremonies...I do apologize.

A bientot!

Heh. "Wedding tackle", "master of ceremonies"....I love these terms. What fun! :tongue:

Dec 26, 2006, 4:23 PM
I would have to agree that seeing things like penises in a profile really gives a negative impression of where the person's mind is at. There is more to life than just sex plus I'd prefer seeing a face pic before a penis any day. If I wanted to see a penis I'd pull my pants down and look.

Buck Naked
Dec 27, 2006, 7:24 PM
K, here's my :2cents: worth on this subject. Since I'm married and not out to anyone especially my wife, and since I'm not going to be hooking up with anyone cause that would be cheating, and since I am a VERY visual male I come here to satisfy my bisexual fantasies mostly through masturbating while viewing the pics provided by many of the diverse members we have here. I appreciate most all the "ahem" pics however I do enjoy some more than others (i.e. shaved and rock hard!). It also makes me horny when I find someone else has enjoyed my "ahem" pics the same way. So, that and $5.00 will buy you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.

Dec 27, 2006, 10:06 PM
ok, it is really disterbing to pull up a page and without expecting it get a shot of thier personal effects. I just would have a hard time taking them seriously, not to mention in general people look better with clothes on but hey thats just my opinion.

Feb 8, 2007, 9:01 PM
Personally, I have no problem with the... ah... personal pics in people's profiles. I do wish that people wouldn't use such pics as their avatars (haven't noticed any lately, but that doesn't mean much) but for profile pics, I figure people can post whatever they want. And hey, if people's *ahem*s are nice, I'll appreciate the view. ;)

But generally, without context, one *ahem* looks just like another *ahem*, and I tend to find pictures that are just a close-up of some sort of *ahem* very silly. But since I'm not here to hook up, my opinion probably doesn't matter much. ;)

At some point the "if I'm not attracted to you, why would I be attracted to your thingy" factor comes into play. The lone pictures of disembodied penii are useless. I have no idea why anyone still posts them.

Feb 8, 2007, 11:56 PM
I agree with the first post somewhat. However, I think that some people may not be totally out with everyone they know so they don't want to show a picture of their face for fear of being recognized. Also, some people are just here for sex and base their decisions on how your genitals look. But I would personally prefer to see someone's face. ...just my two cents...

Feb 9, 2007, 2:01 AM
um.... I have no comment at this time. Please do not look at my profile.
thank you

Feb 9, 2007, 11:08 AM
Personally I agree with Flexuality in her thread. Why would anyone take offense at seeing a naked person?

I think the biggest reason for anyone to take offense at seeing someone else would be that they've been so programmed by parents, and school, and society in general that we need to have clothes on at all times.

Show me one child who doesn't need help putting his clothes on at first. They just don't seem to have a problem with clothes or nakedness until they start learning that they should have a problem with being naked.

Having said that, I have no desire to go fighting with society thanks. Me against the world? Put your bets on the world! I'm running! lol!

Feb 9, 2007, 1:10 PM
Since men and women are different, when it comes to sexual thoughts, interest and arousal....it been my experience that if its a guy...looking for another guy...he likes to see a penis....if its a woman, looking for a guy...she would rather see a face. The two genders have entirely different ways at looking at sex :2cents:

Feb 10, 2007, 12:11 AM
um.... I have no comment at this time. Please do not look at my profile.
thank you

...I tried not to go look, but I couldn't resist...I closed one eye...
:rolleyes: :paw: :paw:

Feb 10, 2007, 1:25 AM
...I tried not to go look, but I couldn't resist...I closed one eye...
:rolleyes: :paw: :paw:

LOL! like being told "Don't look down...." :)

Feb 10, 2007, 5:40 AM
My :2cents:

I am not offended by nekkid pictures. In fact, I rather enjoy them. But the cockshots tell me nothing about the person attached to the cock.

Actually, cockshots do tell me something- it lets me know that I don't need to look at that person's profile any further, because that person has nothing to say.

If bisexuals as a community are trying to combat the notion that we will fuck anything that moves, then a closeup of the Little Godzilla is not doing much to dispel that notion.

As my roommate, herself bi, says- "It's about the person, not the plumbing." :bipride:

Feb 10, 2007, 9:47 AM
The subtle imposition of control and censorship. Shame them into right behavior. The problem is: the shame is distributed by those who have a very distorted perspective of "right". It is powerfully arrogant to assume that one is so "right" they are justified in attmepting to shame others into there point of view.

When I am out doing my thing this is what I look like, if you are bisexual and you are with me this is what is going on.

I am not a hypocrite; what is posted here about me is REAL. This is who I am, pics of me help to explain why I am, who I am. I have developed a sense of self image that makes me proud of what I was once very ashamed. I understand now why men and women have been compelled to have sex with me. I am no longer searching to understand or define. I am at peace with my sexuality and before gravity takes over I am going to spend some time enjoying myself and others in a positive and nurturing enviroment that promotes growth and a healthy sense of self.

I am man in his forties, those pictures are recent and real. Can you imagine what I looked like in my 20's ( I was always ashamed to look so I missed it mostly). I think I was thirty or so before I was able to masturbate or have sex in front of a mirror. It was late thirties for me when I started having sex with any lights on. An so I think it is awesome that I can have pics like that
posted for the whole world to see -- I have come a long way.

By the way if my pics offend you - oops!


Feb 10, 2007, 9:56 AM
The subtle imposition of control and censorship. Shame them into right behavior. The problem is: the shame is distributed by those who have a very distorted perspective of "right". It is powerfully arrogant to assume that one is so "right" they are justified in attmepting to shame others into there point of view.

When I am out doing my thing this is what I look like, if you are bisexual and you are with me this is what is going on.

I am not a hypocrite; what is posted here about me is REAL. This is who I am, pics of me help to explain why I am, who I am. I have developed a sense of self image that makes me proud of what I was once very ashamed. I understand now why men and women have been compelled to have sex with me. I am no longer searching to understand or define. I am at peace with my sexuality and before gravity takes over I am going to spend some time enjoying myself and others in a positive and nurturing enviroment that promotes growth and a healthy sense of self.

I am man in his forties, those pictures are recent and real. Can you imagine what I looked like in my 20's ( I was always ashamed to look so I missed it mostly). I think I was thirty or so before I was able to masturbate or have sex in front of a mirror. It was late thirties for me when I started having sex with any lights on. An so I think it is awesome that I can have pics like that
posted for the whole world to see -- I have come a long way.

By the way if my pics offend you - oops!


Good for you Jason. If they don't like it don't look....