View Full Version : sexuality burnout.... fact or myth

Long Duck Dong
Dec 11, 2006, 11:31 PM
lol....sexual burnout ??? doesn't sound like something that a person would encounter unless they were fucking everything in sight constantly for a week or two...right ??? well sadly you are incorrect

sexual burnout, is a fact, its real and its one of the most misunderstood and most common types of burnout to face the human race

like common stress, or excess stress... sexual stress is real....

its the simply little things that we just don't see as stressful, that actually make up the basis for sexual stress and burnout

take a young teen... realising the fun of raging hormones, porn movies, penthouse.. and the ever wonderful and fun, masturbation.....
and they are away, spanking the monkey or in a ladies case, rolling the pastry furiously in the shower, bedroom, toilet etc....
then one day they realise that they feel strange around a friend of the same sex....and it starts

the human race has a bastard of a habit of pushing heterosexuality upon people....be hetero and be acceptable.....

now to a person awakening to their awareness of their sexuality, they face the gauntlet of peer pressure to be hetero ..... and the poor people are having trouble dealing with their secret masturbation sessions without having to worry about social pressure to confine sexually

so what does this have to do with sexual burnout ???

well its simple.... take the teenager... add about 10 years of struggling to understand and know oneself.... add the stress of questioning their sexuality and questioning themselves... fighting with religious, social and political mainstreaming.... and watch them burn out

sexual burnout is the disorder of sexual dysfunction in relationships and sexual contacts....the pressure to conform and perform, to be a open, honest partner in a relationship where you are lying to your partner

in a age of * open mindedness * towards sexuality.... many people stand tall with pride and say " i am hetero " then mumble under their breath " and i am attracted to people of the same sex, or both sexes, or I think god made me wrong, or who pinched my body at birth "

months and years of hiding the true you, affects your ability to be open and free with people... it causes you to lie to people or avoid some subjects...you become what you dislike... a person that lies to others, manipulates the truth in order to be safe, works hard to perform sexually and meet the demands of the world to have the perfect body or the right size and shape, penis

and one day...you wake up and realise that 10, 20, even 30 years of your life have been living a lie..... you walk out the front door and decide the world can get fucked...you are gonna find the person that you wanna fuck and thats the end of it....

or is it

that first couple of experiences.....the sexual experiences..... the sexual contact... the emotional and mental floodgates open......and you totally crash and burn

years of lies and self deceit come rushing back to haunt you and you have to make the decision to allow yourself to shine, or continue to hide yourself from opinionated eyes, minds and mouths

back to sexuality burnout.... its not something that happens over night.... its like the silent killer of a persons sexual identity and personality... its the stress of having to not be who you are inside

sexuality and sexual burnout affects you in the....

bedroom as you can feel like you are a trained lion jumping thru hoops of fire... sex feels more like a obligation and a full time job, than a loving sharing pleasing experience

workplace as you can worry about sexual discrimination and harassment and also knowing that your sex crush may cause you to slip and reveal yourself to the world

family life as you try to put on a brave face, listening to homo / les / trans / bi phobic or religion minded family members voice their opinions about the * sexual deviants and perverts *...hearing your family say they love your unconditionally, as they add a list of conditions without saying them out loud

relationship / marriage as you try to come to terms with the fact that the person that loves you for you, doesn't love any sexual activity that they deem incorrect......and they say that they will love you no matter what.... until you say something they don't wanna face, hear or accept

social life as your friends that regarded you as their most closest, trusted and dearest friend, suddenly treat you like you came from pluto....the excuse that you have changed, waved over their heads like a banner as they tell you that they can't be around you cos you never told them your secret....never mind the fact you never told them cos they would walk away ....

sound fimiliar.....well to many of us....it does.....
we have the stress of hiding ourselves, our sexuality, our sexual desires and needs..of saying we are free... but hiding ourselves a lot....then we add the stress of finding partners to satisfy our sexual desires and needs.... and juggling all of this like a one armed circus juggler needing to use 2 hands to juggle things properly

so what is the treatment for sexuality and sexual stress....???

sorry but you would have trouble filling this prescription

total open mindedness in the world
unconditional love with partners and family
a unbiased society
counselors that can accept, relate to and understand all forms of sexuality
and a ability to stop yourself questioning and second questioning yourself every time you think about ya sexuality

until then.... sit down and smile...... you are suffering from sexuality burnout and sexual stress

Dec 11, 2006, 11:46 PM
It was about two years ago now. my first sexual experience. It was late at night and a good friend of mine was sleeping over at my house. We had always joke together about the other being a homosexual (as most guys do at age 16). That night the jokes became really elaborate and at one point He said "Why dont you just come over here and jerk me off, I know you want to" in a joking manner. I said to him "Well what if I did? would you go with it?" That lead to a long conversation about whether or not we would go along with it if one of us started touching the other. One thing led to another and before I knew it, i had my hands wrapped around his manhood.

It was exilerating, but then I was struck with an embarrassing problem. I couldn't get up. I tried to get hard, but no matter what either of us did, I just couldnt get there.

I dont know if this counts as sexual burnout, because I was able to get up earlier in the evening when we were watching porn together. the problem only started when the sexual experience did. At that bpint in my life I knew i was attracted to guys, but I didnt really even think of my sexual orientation. I think in this case my sexual burnout was a combination of fatigue (it was about 3 am after a long day of work) and nervousness about my first experience (even more so because it was a guy who was my good friend at the time!).

Luckily the about two weeks later he stayed at my place overnight again and we had a much better time together. No problems at all :bigrin:

anyways, thats my experience with Sexual burnout. hope it helps you understand it more.

Dec 12, 2006, 1:39 AM
“ Sexual Burnout”……Yes quite honestly even to my own surprise, I have experienced this. I’ve always had a very strong sex drive and an abundance of sexual energy that often seemed to have more unrestrainedly control over my actions than I could handle at times. Twice in my life I just totally burned out on sex. The first time was after a steady diet of sexual encounters where it wore me out on every level. It extended over about a six year period and finally hit the “burn-out phase” right after college. It was the “Free Love” 70’s starting shortly after Woodstock and the early days of what was termed “The Sexual Revolution”. It was also the beginning of exploration into many new areas of awareness coupled with some pretty powerful hallucinogenics that seemed to fuel the drive to explore new frontiers and boldly go where no man had gone before…Or so I thought LOL.
Playing Rock and Roll had its perks back then that have become all too familiar. “Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll”. Was more than a slogan on a tee shirt or bumper-sticker. It was a way of life. I have no regrets. I have enough memories when my memory works, to last a lifetime of celibacy. I never went looking for sex because it was around every turn and in abundance. There was a point where I had a wife, an open marriage, a full time mistress, a boyfriend on the sly, and still banging someone new when ever the opportunity presented itself which back then, was constant. When I finally hit “Burnout” it was the dawning of the realization that if I didn’t change I’d never see 30.
The second time was after a extremely conservative marriage which I thought was the change needed to assure my seeing old age. It was “sexual hell” and after 5 years with a woman that had more hang-ups about sex than I currently have posts, I began a seven-year affair, which eventually ended that marriage. Fortunately for me, the affair was with a woman who enjoyed sex as much as I did, and neither of us wanted anything more than sex, out of our” relationship of convenience”. “Burnout” arrived at about the same time as Mid-Life Crisis. Sex just seemed superficial when compared to others aspects of my self-journey that were demanding my attention. I had no sexual relations with anyone for about five years nor was the desire to engage in either relationships or sex, a priority. It was during this time that I discovered how powerful of an energy, sexual energy when harnessed, can be.
The only fear I felt in regard to” Burnout” was the journey back to normalcy. First time back nothing seemed to work and I thought OH MY GOD…I waited too long!!!
It was a short-lived fear however and I approach sex in the same way I approach many things in life these days…with Balance and Moderation..There is a lot of truth in the saying that” The biggest or greatest sex organ is the brain”. These days, the big head rules the little head. "Fact" is when it comes to sexual opportunies, I don't "myth" much.

Ambi :)

Dec 12, 2006, 7:41 PM
amen brother! i had sexual burnout for a little over 4 yrs, i think i posted before but ill repeat, i came to realize my preferences when i was just 13, or rather started questioning myself, and i fought it tooth and nail for 6 years, knowing what i know now <of course hind sight is 20/20> i would have accepted it right off the bat and been completely happy with who i am, well thankfully i reached that point in my mid 20's, now im 30 and happy as can be. no more sexual burnout weee!!!