View Full Version : porn and prostitution - evil or a blessing

Long Duck Dong
Dec 10, 2006, 9:44 PM
i had a look in my letter box this morning and found, much to my enjoyment a pamphlet from a local church, condemning porn and prostitution.... now i love these pamphlets, as they often push a personal agenda, and can be very insulting towards people

so I read it... and noticed the following sentences

....porn and prostitution is the exploitation of vulnerable women...
... a woman that lays with her husband, for gain and not the simple rights of marriage, is a prostitute....
... porn treats women like sexual objects and gains them no benefits towards a good life...
... prostitution was only created by husbands that have no respect for their wives....

there were more, but i wanna look at the ones i mentioned

... porn and prostitution is the exploitation of vulnerable women....

when a person makes $2000-3000 a week, using a free and natural ability of their bodies, while people like me spent $1000's doing courses to make about $600-700 a week... then the maths speaks for itself

now porn and prostitution does involve vulnerable women, in some areas.... sadly its a fact of life....but to say that all porn and prostitution uses women is like saying all lawyers are manipulative people that twist words and facts to win court cases....mmm ok i need another example..... its like saying that all politicians are top grade liars...mmm.... this is harder than i thought....

to say that all women that are prostitutes and porn workers... is unbalanced unless you say that all male prostitutes and porn workers are sexual predators...and that again is something that is simply not true

sex is a choice.... and we can share it, use it, control it.. and yes, even live off it... and in most cases, the people that oppose prostitution and porn... are not fighting for peoples rights... they are fighting against something they can see..something thats in their faces.... but if it was all hidden behind closed doors... then most of the nay sayers wouldn't blink a eye

... a woman that lays with her husband, for gain and not the simple rights of marriage, is a prostitute....

if ever there was a statement that I would never make... that would be it....
not all marriages are matches made in heaven....and often sex is seen as a right by the husband and not a shared blessing .....

to suggest that a wife is a prostitute cos her husband only gives her money or attention cos of sex.... is like saying that the husband is perfectly within his rights to act as a pimp, while the wife is dirty and immoral.....what a load of absolute, unadulterated bullshit

... porn treats women like sexual objects and gains them no benefits towards a good life...

benefits ??? the health care they get, is near top notch in a lot of cases... better than joe bloggs...and the money they make is nice.. very nice.... hell i would not mind a job as a bottom in a porn movie....i would much rather get screwed and earn money, then work hard and get screwed out of my money
... hell life sucks... and so can I.... I would happily suck cocks for a few $100 dollars

putting the money aside.... I would just how many people have learnt about better sex and lovemaking thru watching porn... we all know about the missionary position.... but the porn industry has given us the kama sutra in 3D and often we see people using condoms in porn

women as sexual objects... does that make the male porn stars a ornament ??? to apply the idea that porn makes a lady a sex object, means that any male that admires a lady, then sleeps with her, is creating a sex object... and if he marries her out of love... then it becomes husband and sex object...* snorts *

... prostitution was only created by husbands that have no respect for their wives....

who the hell researched this...???... prostitution existed before marriage....group sex partner sharing was the practice for centuries before marriage.... marriage started thru the desire to have a certain person to yourself....but at the start....group sex was a guaranteed way of ensuring the survival of the clan / group / gathering etc

right my turn lol

porn and prostitution is a necessary part of life.....

sex by visual instruction ...porn has many different faces....
from the in laws watching the act of intimacy on the wedding night, making sure the newlywed wife is a virgin, to sexual studies in research labs, to the film and movie industry....porn has become a way to unlock many of the secrets of the human heart and mind

as a growing industry, it pours millions of dollars into the economy, via tax, people purchasing porn movies...sex toys....film sets.... the purchasing of equipment needed to create the movies... marketing rights...and lets not forget the porn industry actors and workers

it brings a special lil something to some relationships behind doors,.. to the married / relationship couple.... the teen learning about sex and masturbation...the people that love exhibitionism, the list goes on

prostitution is the same... it opens doors to many of the areas that are not available to people.....
prostitution is like the * try before you buy * of the sex world.... for a handful of dollars, you can try gay, bi, les, hetero, trans, kinky sex and decide for yourself if its your cuppa tea

for the lady or gentleman that is not married, or is married, it can provide that secret liaison, that illicit affair, that hidden passion that is missing in their lives

and the pros outweigh the cons
nil risk of pregnancy
safe sex
discretion and privacy
no strings attached
cheap, easy sex
if you pay good money, you can get to fuck the people with the looks and bodies that you fantasy about
you can get almost any type of sexual experience

the cons are...
its embarassing to have people know you use pro's
ya partner may go apeshit
not using safe sex is very risky
it can cost you a lot of money....tho getting divorced can cost you the house, the car and a few $1000 a month in alimony lol

so raise ya glass to penthouse, mayfair, playboy and the porn and prostitution industry

love them or hate them.....they are a blessing and remember the following

if you don't like porn, pro's or porn mags.... don't read them, watch them or use them

if you think that women are used as sex objects... look at ya own life and see if you have ever used a person for sex

if you think that it puts womens bodies on display ... don't open your eyes when you walk down the road... there are ladies that are proud of their bodies and dress to enhance their bodies... you better not look

if you think it lowers the status of women.... compare pay checks... and then realise that a lot of the * lowered status women * don't have to scrub your toilet on their hands and knees, or wash your dirty underpants... or clean up your mess

if you think that you are holier than thou... then be holier than thou....there is the corner.... go join the others that are getting ignored by the masses

right where is the popcorn, the Kleenex and the JD's... i have a appointment with a dvd and some gorgeous ladies and well built guys who make more than i do... and I wanna watch them do what i never will... have sex with each other ...

Dec 10, 2006, 11:10 PM
Yeah, its always interesting how those who rail against pornography (usually feminists or organised religion) always focus on women. I mean its like they are either VERY naive or they are very homophobic too.... I mean 'attitude' ran an article about gay porn a couple of months back and I think the male models in that face exactly the same issues as women in porn. Don't get me wrong, I am in no way opposed to porn and I think that as long as it is contains only consenting adults then I dont really care what is depicted... I mean in the UK we have some of the most pointlessly restrictive censorship rules about porn in the UK (going to get even worse with the upcoming ban on 'violent porn' which will probably now criminalise videos of consensual BDSM as well as the current legal rulings on BDSM activities....technically is still counts as 'assault' under UK law even if it is fully consensual...stupid!)...I mean if people want to watch scat videos, extreme anime [no actual people are harmed in the production of this] extreme BDSM etc... then I dont have a problem with that and i don't think anyone should moan about it. I mean as long as the actors are consenting adults then I dont see why society has to get puritanical about it and try and legislate against it.
I also find it hilarious when these 'exploited' female models make hundreds of thousands of pounds just for posing in front of a camera. And then magazine companies and papers get millions in sales of these to men....you have to ask just exactly who is exploiting who?
I also read a piece of research somewhere that said that porn was good for society as more widespread acess to pornography has led to a reduction in sex crimes ( http://www.melonfarmers.co.uk/aswhywar.htm#Pornography_Rape_&_the_Internet) also, there are numerous health benefits associated with masturbation so I think pornography should be exempt from VAT and actively promoted for the good of society. And then there are the pointless age restrictions....why are you allowed to have sex at the age of 16 but you are not allowed to watch other people having sex until you are 18....stupid

Just my :2cents:

Izzfan :flag3: