View Full Version : Advice on shaving

Dec 10, 2006, 8:45 AM

I've just decided to shave myself. I want to be a bi smooth :) I'm not too hairy anyway. I've used a proper razor & shaved most of my pubic hair off. But as its a sharp ol' razor - I've avoided my balls & some of my penis. I'd like to do it all smooth. Thus - anyone got a tip for me ;) on how to do this well without cutting anything off?

Dec 10, 2006, 9:00 AM
I shave only my balls & shaft.
I stand in a hat shower, and stand so that most of the water is hitting my crotch to help soften the hair, and to get my sack a bit saggy.
Then I move out of the spray, and put shaving cream on myself. I pull my sack as tight as I can handle and shave that area, then pull it in another direction to shave another area. With the sack stretched out, it's easier to shave without nicking yourself. I then do my shaft. If I get hard while shaving my sack, I then just shave the shaft. But if I don't get hard, I stretch my shaft to get the skin tight then shave it.

If you have clippers, use them 1st to get the hair as short as possible.

Another thing you can do (that I have done before) is to sit in a tub of water, as hot as you can stand, for about 15 to 20 minutes before shaving. This helps to soften the hair.

Dec 10, 2006, 9:31 AM
There is also a new type of NAIR out that doesn't cause chemical burns. You just smooth it on thickly, wait 5-6 minutes and wipe it off. I've used it on my labia before and it works pretty well.

The big problem I've found with shaving, etc is when the hair grows back in, you'll get REALLY itchy so once you start you've got to keep doing it or suffer for about 3 days.

Dec 10, 2006, 12:20 PM
Shaving in an art form...lol

The first time I shaved (I'm female) I was disappointed that I wasn't so smooth, I ended up with little bumps...totally not what I was going for..lol

Shaving also seems to be more difficult depending on your hair color/type. (dark/coarse hair needs softened more first). I talked to a girlfriend about shaving...and this is what she does (and I tried it and it worked great)

Soak in the tub
Apply nair to the areas you want to shave. Allow to just sit a few minutes (just to really soften the hairs) Shave with a new razor (they say to shave in the direction of hair growth..but if you only do that...you don't end up totally smooth). Pull the skin taut that you want to shave (less chance of nicks). After you are shaving rinse really well...to get the nair off. They sell aftershave for the pubic area. It stings like a bitch, but it keeps the little bumps from showing up.

Shave regularly...your skin becomes used to it and you stay really smooth and soft.

Or, you can do like my guy did...and just lay back on the bed and let someone else shave you (if you trust them that much... :cool: )

They can see better and get a better angle.

Dec 10, 2006, 1:19 PM
I think I can help...I've tried getting rid of my pubic hair in several different ways: 1), the disposable type of razor was totally unsatisfactory to me--it's not designed to be used in an extremely sensitive part of the human body, and so you have to be VERY careful...nicks and cuts seemed to be part of the process, and the regrowth was really itchy; 2), the standard electric razor works fine on my face, but on other parts of the body, it mostly pulls and tugs, plus it dulls the blades; 3), depilatory creams worked somewhat, but there was still some hair that remained, plus an uncomfortable side-effect was pimples--zitz--pus-filled white-heads that were, to say the least, difficult to deal with and seemed to last forever; 4), tweezing is good but time-consuming and works best if you don't mind the minor pain that comes along with the pulling of the hairs out of the skin; 5), THE PERFECT SOLUTION: Philips Norelco has come out with the "Bodygroom", designed to "trim & shave all bodyzones" (sic)...it is, without exaggeration, wonderful: it can trim the hair short or shave it off at skin-level, smoothly, comfortably and without any irritation whatsoever, plus the regrowth is very easy and there is no itching at all; best of all, you can shave the most sensitive parts of your body without concern. I cannot recommend this razor highly enough (and no, I am not an employee of the company nor a stockholder in it, just a really satisfied customer!).

Dec 10, 2006, 3:25 PM
This may sound stupid but having never done it this way how am I to know. BUT Why not go to a place that does the hair removal and get it done right the first time " that's if they a males cock and balls ". That way the up keep would be easier and for that matter they might give you some ideas how to do so... I like em smooth to and I hate the blood bath every time I try LOL

Dec 10, 2006, 9:10 PM
Re: trip1's suggestion ("Why not go to a place that does the hair removal")...hair removal means exactly that--the hair is removed and, if done properly, never grows back. Anyone who chooses this option must be prepared for that, 'cause once it's gone, that's it...sort of like circumcision (but that's a different topic...lol). Plus, it may not remove all the hair evenly, which means re-treatments, and, of course, it can be really expensive.
Options, options...

Dec 10, 2006, 9:37 PM
well, very carefully LOL. personally, i prefer nair or veet, though you have to take a break from it every so often to avoid the chem burns. ive not had a problem using it on shaft or balls. razor wise, its expensive but buy top quality razors and be sure to use a fresh one each time, constantly cleaning it helps a bunch, ive personally never used shaving cream as i dont see much difference with it, do definately use lotion heavily after your finished, prevents alot of irritation and seems to reduce bumps ect. i do have a question about the perm hair removal though, do you have some rough estimates for cost? thats something i fully intend to do once i can afford it