View Full Version : Brochure for a Local Support Group:

Dec 9, 2006, 4:25 PM
This is what I'm thinking for a brochure for a local support group. I've been requested to submit one to the local GLBT center.

The audience i'm thinking of would be bisexuals who would be fearful or otherwise unwilling to come to the group. So if you feel you that you would be one of my audience, I would REALLY appreciate your advice on what I could say that would make you come to the group:

Imagine being told that you have to decide whether to date Blondes or Brunettes, and once you choose you can never go back. That is how bisexuals feel. Bisexuals are people who are capable of being attracted to more than one gender. But we’re still told to choose.

The good news is that you’re not alone, and you’re not a freak. There are many others out there just like you. This is why we have formed the Bisexual Support Group. Come join us and talk about things that are important to you. Whether you are questioning your orientation, or you know that you are bi… whether you are married or not… no matter what your lifestyle, or how much experience you have with each sex, or your level of attraction to each sex… you are welcome here!

Topics that have come up include:

· Am I a bisexual?
· That cute guy AND/or gal that you’ve met/ want to met.
· Spouses/partners and bisexuality
· Pros and cons of coming out
· Spirituality and Bisexuality
· The best way to have a Bi Social
· Politics and Bisexuality
· Homophobia and Biphobia
· Alternate lifestyles
· Safer sex

Dec 10, 2006, 12:29 AM

... no matter what your race, religion or gender is... you are welcome here!

and talk about things that are important to you, or just listen.

Dec 10, 2006, 1:16 AM
I like it, Great Idea. Now lets see if any of the local Bis actully check it out.

Dec 10, 2006, 1:31 AM
I like it, Great Idea. Now lets see if any of the local Bis actully check it out.

Thanks for your support Lyon. When they print it up in Colorado Springs i'll tell them to email it to the Center in Denver.

Now if i could only get someone who definately won't be coming to a group that is advertized this way...to tell me why, and what might possible convince them.

Dec 10, 2006, 10:53 AM
So, my brochure is all good right. Nothing wrong with it? Its very convincing, and you'll all be coming to the support group? In fact you'll be flying in from all parts of the world! :tong:


Now, what reasons won't you be there?
(ok, so you live in Timbuktu; what other reasons)
(ok, so you don't like me :bigrin:; what other reasons)

Dec 10, 2006, 1:13 PM
I would deffinatly come to your group if I could. And the brochure is looking good. (Can I get you to email one to my personal email?)

not sure what you would have to say to get the nah sayers to show up. Free beer maybe? lol

Maybe put more emphasis on the community-support-normal-non sexual aspects of it. I imagine most who are just realising they are Bi, or are on the limp would be attracted to a more friendly atmosphere and would be scared off a little more by any sexual aspects, until the are more sure of themselves.

Dec 10, 2006, 2:13 PM
I would deffinatly come to your group if I could. And the brochure is looking good. (Can I get you to email one to my personal email?)

not sure what you would have to say to get the nah sayers to show up. Free beer maybe? lol

Maybe put more emphasis on the community-support-normal-non sexual aspects of it. I imagine most who are just realising they are Bi, or are on the limp would be attracted to a more friendly atmosphere and would be scared off a little more by any sexual aspects, until the are more sure of themselves.

Sure i'll send ya one when they come out. They have free pop, but unfortunatly no free beer! :bigrin:

If you could give me an example of how you would put more emphasis on the community-support non-sexual aspects, it would help. It's hard to hard to talk about a sexual orientation and not talk about sex! Would you like it better if i took out the lines, " or how much experience you have with each sex, or your level of attraction for each sex…"

My partner wrote a blurb on how he would write it, and with a very few changes here is his blurb: Tell me if you like it better.

Imagine being told that you have to decide whether to date Blondes or Brunettes. And, once you choose you will always be known as a Blonde lover or a Brunette lover. In fact, if a Blond lover ever dated a Brunette or a Brunette lover ever dated a Blonde, he or she would be accused of being unable to commit to his or her sexuality.

It seems silly not to be able to see the beauty in both Blondes and Brunettes. It seems even sillier to be criticized for being able to love a Blonde as well as a Brunette… to be told we have to choose. But, that is how bisexuals feel. Bisexuals are people who are capable of being attracted to more than one gender.

If you’re tired of trying to choose between gay and straight relations, you are not alone. If you are curious about bisexuality, you are not alone. There are many others who are just like you. This is why we have formed the Bisexual Support Group.

Come join us. Talk about things that are important to you, or just listen to what others have to say. Whether you are questioning your orientation, or you know that you are bi… whether you are married or single… no matter what your lifestyle, or how much experience you have with each sex, or your level of attraction for each sex… no matter what your race, religion or gender… you are welcome here!

Topics include:

· Am I a bisexual?
· That cute guy AND/OR gal that you’ve met or want to met.
· Spouses/partners and bisexuality
· Pros and cons of coming out
· Spirituality and Bisexuality
· The best way to have a Bi Social
· Politics and Bisexuality
· Homophobia and Biphobia
· Alternate lifestyles
· Safer sex
· And much more!

Dec 11, 2006, 4:32 PM
I like some aspects of the re-write better. I like how it goes into more detail with the whole blond brunette thing, but im not to crazy about the paragraph:

"If you’re tired of trying to choose between gay and straight relations, you are not alone. If you are curious about bisexuality, you are not alone. There are many others who are just like you. This is why we have formed the Bisexual Support Group."

The "choose between gay and straight relations" doesnt ring true to me and it seems like it is implying that the group is going to help you choose one or the other and that you can only have one or the other.

And, yeah, I would probably get rid of that line about how much experience you have or maybe say something like "no matter your past relationships"

I will send you my personal Email in a private message, as I dont really want to post it publicly.

Thanks again Lorcan!