View Full Version : Politics: A new way to describe political identification

Dec 7, 2006, 3:15 AM
There have been many threads on this site with tests to determine one thing or another--for those of you who are interested in politics and such--here is a test you can take that can more accurately help you determine what your political leanings are:

I took it and of course---I am a "Liberal"


Dec 7, 2006, 3:47 AM
Don need no test 2 know wer me is poltically... ne who has read sum of me politico posts will know.

Socialist, revolutionary, humanitarian, anti racist, anti sexist, conservationist, environmentalist, pacifist. Sums me up an ne test me took wud tell me same.

Dec 7, 2006, 4:23 AM
Dang! According to this, I am even more liberal than I knew! LOL

Actually, darkeyes, the test focuses primarily on American politics and policy. So you're probably not really missing out, since I assume that some but not necessarily all of the test would be applicable to the UK. (General theory would, perhaps, but not necessarily specific questions.)

But hey, sometimes I get a kick out of doing this stuff. Nothing serious.... just havin' some fun. (We coyotes like to do that on occasion.)


Dec 7, 2006, 8:34 PM
20 questions is a small sample but the results were pretty accurate for me . Libertarian

Dec 7, 2006, 9:51 PM
smack in the middle libertarian..Departure from Freedon is; Order 2, Equality 3, gee i always thot i was a moderate ???

Dec 7, 2006, 10:07 PM
hmm, i ended up as a communitarian. Dont know if this is a valid quiz though. With only 20 questions I dont think it is a large enough sample to truly prove someone's position. Personally I (and most people I know) consider myself extreme left wing. Socially and politically I believe the Soviet Union pre-Stalin was on the right track. But the Stalin happened. :(

Dec 7, 2006, 10:27 PM
I took a test like this before, so i don't have to take it again.

:bibounce: :bibounce: :bibounce: Libertarian :bibounce: :bibounce: :bibounce:

Dec 8, 2006, 11:24 PM
I was in the libertarian square but very close to the middle of the entire diagram. I think I appear more conservative than I am, because I support gun rights, oppose abortion, support school prayer, and oppose raising taxes. But on most things I tend to think of myself as liberal! I kinda wanted to get in the liberal box.


Dec 9, 2006, 1:22 AM
Libertarian, as I expected. When I was in high school, my boyfriend at the time was a staunch Republican. Worked for a senator, ran for school board, carried a picture of Nixon in his wallet. He gave me a test similar to this. At 16 my results were the same, libertarian. Some things never change I guess.