View Full Version : Is gay a fashion statement?

Dec 6, 2006, 3:53 AM
Look at me, I'm gay, I hate straight men, I hate football, I love hanging around clothes shops for hours, I don't fancy women so you're safe with me. Can I be your friend?

This isn't intended as a dig at gay people in general. Just a dig at the notion among straights and gays that people say they're bi as some sort of intended fashion statement.

Dec 6, 2006, 7:08 AM
No more than being left handed is a fashion statement.

Then again, maybe it is, society does have some pretty strange thoughts...
probably why I don't fit too good in it!

Long Duck Dong
Dec 6, 2006, 8:28 AM
omg * shocked look and all *... you mean that gay is a fashion statement.... omg that means that I am so last year....* throws a bitch fit *

actually I have found in dealing with some ladies that bisexual is a cool thing to be at night clubs, lol.... * put on ya lippy and ya pink thong, darlings and lets hang the bisexual label around our necks and kiss on the dance floor... and if ya breath makes me puke... i will blame it on the booze *

its kinda like the * oh you can't be gay , ducky... you are a straight acting male *... and the lastest fashion is watching queer eye for the straight guy, sipping your drink and gasping in shock as a male doesn't hog the bathroom for 2 hours each morning, to apply his mineral pore opener, and his intensive skin care cream yadda, yadda

i know, darling... lets all watch priscilla, queen of the desert... thats how gay people act...maybe we can get a few pointers in colour co ordination lol

Dec 6, 2006, 12:21 PM
lol, your post made me laugh Duck. :bigrin:

The way I see it is that it is a novelty and identity thing. The whole gay culture (or "camp" as it is apparently called, never herd the term before joining this site lol), acting "gay", talking "gay", dressing "gay" is only a temporary fade due to the recent explosion or the homosexual movement. After thousands of years of persecution and nonacceptance, it is finally ok to be gay in society. This suddon and recent acceptance gives a new freedom to gay people and this freedom is kind of a novelty at the moment. It like a kid getting a new toy for Xmas: hes going to play with it constantly for a week or so, then the novelty of the new toy will wear off and he will put it in his toy box and play with it as much as he does all his other toys. Homosexuals right now are the kid with the new toy. Becasue this freedom is so new to them they are over-expressing themselves as gays. The other half of the novelty is building a culture for themselves. As "free" gays, they want to create an image that separates them form the rest of the world.

I suspect that in the years to come as the gay community grows and acceptance increases, this whole "Gay culture" fad will die down and most homosexuals will just live the way they feel is normal without having to dress and act in a way thats says "Haaaaayyyyyyyy World!!!! Im Gay!"

Dec 6, 2006, 1:24 PM
bisexuality for me has absolutely has noting at all to do with being fashionable or hip or anything like that---hell--I am one of the most unfashionable person in the western world by my own choice-----I am not bisexual by any kind of choice really--it is simply part and parcel of my being--even if I don't have many experiences with many other men in the future-------it is there----

Lisa (va)
Dec 6, 2006, 2:07 PM
I'm very agreeable today. As dong said maybe being bi is the 'in thing' at present time. I have danced many of time with women, whether it was with my date or was with a man (many man can't or don't like to dance), but then I just like to dance and forget about the routine of daily life and enjoy some time free from worries. As with everything the newness eventually wears off. I only know one gay man, a guy I worked with and had lunch with,
he would show up to work 'openly' gay with colored scraves or something, but soon was all business at work. He is not really a 'flamer', as he calls it, just does it to shock folks and he does like sports.
Being bi, gay or straight is really not so significant when you sit back and think about ALL the things that make a person who they are.


hugs n kisses

Dec 6, 2006, 11:57 PM
actually, yeah i think it is , amongst teenaged girls anyways.. my cousins kids [ 4 boys, ages 13-17] complain that " all the hot ,cute, and even a few of the ugly girls" in their schools are " into this fashionable lesbian" thing and wont give any guy there the time of day. talk about frustrated horny young guys!! what their dad and mom told them was funny; " so, ignore the little twits, and go find ya a girl with brains"

what i really wonder about concerning this, is , when does the fashion stop and reality of making a for real choice set in??

Dec 7, 2006, 12:14 AM
when does the fashion stop and reality set in??

Heh, I ask myself that all the time. With all the mixed up fashion it is basically impossible to tell if a guy or girl is straight, gay or bi by their style. Which just makes things a whole lot hard for everyone.