View Full Version : How to spot a companion for an "open relationship"

Dec 4, 2006, 5:37 AM
Hello everybody,
this is the first time I am writing to the forums. I am single for now, and for a long time I have been entertaining the idea of an open relationship. I broke up with my last gf with this reason, she was "too convetional".
Generally, I see that fems are too hesitant to get involved in such a relationship. I mean, they think as if this would be an insult to them; although this means their own liberation too! Of course I am talking about the girls here in Turkey. I feel that, an open relationship lets both the male and female party an absolute freedom about their desires and fantasies. I would really love to witness the lust of my partner for another male or female body, for example.
So, I wonder if you (especially those who have or had open relationships) could tell me some about how it started and developed. What would help me to anticipate if a girl would like an open relationship? (Considering that love, sensuality, respect and politeness are already musts!)
Thank you all in advance for your replies. Feel free to write anything :)

P.S: I also love writing scenarios and fantasies about this topic, where do u think the most appropriate place would be on the site to post them?

Dec 4, 2006, 12:48 PM
good luck. the question for the ages, man. sometimes, you just get lucky. most times, not.

i did, b/c my wife were very up front with each other from the very beginning. most open relationships that work seem to start that way. it's certainly my recommendation.

in today's day and age - look for companions online...

Dec 4, 2006, 3:28 PM
I would say, if you meet someone you like and think has potential, talk openly about it right away. They will either be scared off (in that case they are not what your looking for anyways) or they will be willing to speak openly about it (and then you will know they may be open minded enough for an open relationship)