View Full Version : nudist beaches

Dec 3, 2006, 1:33 AM
are they a good place to meet people ?

Dec 3, 2006, 1:44 AM
i would think that they would be as good a place as any, providing you don't automatically assume that folks strutting their stuff (enjoying a full tan, whatever) want to have sex with everyone on the planet.

Dec 3, 2006, 1:54 AM
never thought that about sex on the beach could be big trouble if you know what i mean just wondering i am from the madison wi aera and have been to the nudist beach just west of there it has it's male side and a general public side too

Dec 3, 2006, 2:02 AM
I dont think a nudist beach is really about sex at all. If you looking to meet someone for sex I would say no its not a good place. If you just trying to meet someone, its probably about the same as a regular beach

The gentle one
Dec 3, 2006, 4:06 AM
Meeting People on a clothing optional beach would be no different than meeting someone at a regular beach. You have something in common that you like, being the outdoors and the sun. If you are comfortable with your own body to go without a bathing suit is another thing in common. It is not a pick-up spot like a bar though. People are out there enjoying themselves like any regular beach.
We enjoy the freedom of tanning and swimming without a bathing suit and it is not about sex at all.
Hope that helps you understand better.

Dec 3, 2006, 5:00 AM
"Hey, I see you're naked, I'm naked too. Lets get some dinner later."

Dec 3, 2006, 1:30 PM
having done nude bathing in Greece i can assure you that its not a place to meet people. Most people got there to sunbathe and swim, not be sexual. Ironically after the first time you go nude the sexual aspect drifts away as
everyone else is nude and not being sexual.... having said that it doesn't stop you appreciating a nice naked bod, male or female just as you would walking down the street. Simply punch a hole in the sand and turn over.....

Dec 3, 2006, 6:30 PM
If it's anything like being at a nudist camp, I'd have to agree it's not about finding people to pick up at all. I wouldn't suggest going there unless you were serious about simply being nude at the beach, and nothing else.

(At a nudist camp I visited some years back, we were informed that any overt displays of arousal by visitors--like erections, in the case of men-- will result in our forced removal from the camp. I doubt the beach will have people watching out for this sort of thing, but walking around with an obvious bent on sexual ends would most likely be frowned on by others.)

It might seem a bit extreem at first; but as some have already said, you get used to it once you realise that noone else is paying any attention to the nudity. It's actually a pretty liberating feeling... sort of like rediscovering you have a body at all. :cool:

Dec 3, 2006, 6:48 PM
In the UK? I dont bloody think so!!! tee hee. Cetainly not in December... Nude on a secluded beach with ya m8s is 1 thing here in nice warm weather.. on a nudist beach??? Gross an well seedy!!

Dec 3, 2006, 10:50 PM
Like others have said, nude beaches have nothing to do with sex. Meeting someone there is about the same as meeting someone at a regular beach.

As a former member of AANR (finances forced me to quit), I think the following point should be brought up in this discussion:

The AANR (American Association for Nude Recreation) works hard to keep nude beaches open and to get laws changed to allow for nudity in public places designated as clothing optional, such as a section of beach. They spend thousands (porbably millions) of dollars every year convincing judges and law makers that nudity is a family activity and there is nothing sexual about being nude at a beach or resort. The AANR fights to allow parents to take their children to a family orientated nude, or clothing optional, resort, beach, etc.

Dec 4, 2006, 12:44 AM
The AANR (American Association for Nude Recreation) works hard to keep nude beaches open and to get laws changed to allow for nudity in public places designated as clothing optional, such as a section of beach. They spend thousands (porbably millions) of dollars every year convincing judges and law makers that nudity is a family activity and there is nothing sexual about being nude at a beach or resort. The AANR fights to allow parents to take their children to a family orientated nude, or clothing optional, resort, beach, etc.

Thanks for the added input! I was actually unaware of that (having never been a member and not having heard about the actions of the AANR in the news, hardly if ever).

Dec 4, 2006, 8:01 AM
Like others have said, nude beaches have nothing to do with sex. Meeting someone there is about the same as meeting someone at a regular beach.

As a former member of AANR (finances forced me to quit), I think the following point should be brought up in this discussion:

The AANR (American Association for Nude Recreation) works hard to keep nude beaches open and to get laws changed to allow for nudity in public places designated as clothing optional, such as a section of beach. They spend thousands (porbably millions) of dollars every year convincing judges and law makers that nudity is a family activity and there is nothing sexual about being nude at a beach or resort. The AANR fights to allow parents to take their children to a family orientated nude, or clothing optional, resort, beach, etc.

I second everything Manny said--I used to belong to the AANR as well at one time----

From my days living back down in Florida---there was far more of a sexual vibe going on at beaches like South Beach (before they allowed women to go topless at Haulover) or Florida Light (both beaches being clothing compullsory) than at the few clothing optional beaches that exist----those beaches were nothing more than meet and meat market spots for hot young men and women.

The vibe at all public and most private nudist sites is very clearly against open expressions of sexual behavior---in fact such behaviour is clearly verbotten!!!!!

To those who are proponents of nudism or naturism as they prefer it---going nude has nothing to to with sex--it is about being able to be free to enjoy time spent without need of clothing items when doing most things--especially just enjoying the warm air and sunshine and water in a pool, river, pond lake or the ocean--no need to wear a stupid, constricting, uncomfortable piece of clothing in the water!!!!!!!

I would urge everyone to consider going to a nude spot-----at first you might be self-conscious about both your own nudity and that of others, but you will find that soon passes---and yes--many who are naturists don't have beautiful buff bodies--they are often older and perhaps a bit too heavy---but that is fine--

For those who have not experienced nudism at length----after a short period of time--it does not matter how someone looks---you really don't look at people in a sexual way----it matters more if they are friendly and pleasant--and it matters not if you happen to be a janitor and the person sitting next to you is a CEO--everyone is just a person at a nudist site----that is the idea--strip away all of the crap of our defined lives along with the clothes---

Dec 7, 2006, 8:38 AM
I think which boy/girl goes to the nudist beach will have a natural relationsship and mind to his own body. There a natural people, which can go like god had created them. :)

Dec 7, 2006, 8:44 AM
hehehe, i havent been to one but wouldnt mind checking one out! ;), R there any in Sydney?? Anyone know?



Dec 16, 2006, 2:16 PM
In our experience, NO, nude beaches are not a good place to meet people for swinging. The closest nude beach to us is Pirate's Cove near Avilla Beach, CA. It is a nice place to lay out in the sun, there is a volleyball court that is used daily during the summer and alot of cool people go there to just ejoy the sun and being naked. There is even a more private small beach on one side that you have to climb down a rope to get to.
Im sure that occationally people can meet at a nude beach and end up having some fun, but most people kinda turn off the sexual thing while nude sunbathing in public.
Now, the parking lot above the beach is well known as a place where gay men meet for quick hook-ups and I have heard the same about a few other nude beaches in Cali and in Oregon. This is the same type of stuff that goes on at rest areas and public bathrooms.

But as for the regular people who go to nude beaches for fun and sun, sex is usually not on the days agenda.

Dec 17, 2006, 3:55 PM
I belonged to an indoor nude swim club during the winter months and the first time I went I thought I'd get harder than a chocolate frog with all those naked bod's " M/F " and nope it didn't happen. Now I'm sure it wouldn't have taken much given a willing partner but it was understood that it wasn't the place