View Full Version : Seducing Experiences

Oh Yeah
Dec 2, 2006, 2:54 AM
I recently came to terms with my bisexuality a while back. I like who I am, and I am happy to be bi. I haven't told any of my friends, and I am not sure I will. I act pretty bi, and most people probably think I am gay.

I know a couple of gay guys. I am really interested in having sex with another guy, and I thought my gay friends would be a good place to start. The idea came to me that I could bring one over, tell him I'm bi and ask if he wants to have sex with me. I don't want to pressure him, but I thought that a bit of seduction might help :cool:

So I wanted to know if people think this is a good idea, and if they have had any seducing experiences.

Dec 2, 2006, 11:39 AM
I recommend a discussion with a gay friend. Good communication is the best idea. But, do not push the idea of having sex with him right away. Let the "I need advice" theme prevail. If he is interested in sex and wants to let you have a M-M experience with him, let the suggestion come from him.

Good luck, and enjoy the ride.

Dec 2, 2006, 11:41 AM
I would emphasize the seduction over the bi thing. If you find him fun, sexy, exciting - go for it. If it is just to get the experience under your belt your friend will probably see through it. Gay men tend to think bi men are not really committing to their true feelings; just staying on the fence, as it were. So the "bi" word should likely be avoided. And, if the guy thinks you're using him as a guinea pig to decide whether you're gay or not, you'll probably be tuned down cold. The result being gossip to that affect.

Dec 2, 2006, 1:28 PM
yeh, ..what they said...it's all tru

Dec 2, 2006, 2:44 PM
I recommend a discussion with a gay friend. Good communication is the best idea. But, do not push the idea of having sex with him right away. Let the "I need advice" theme prevail. If he is interested in sex and wants to let you have a M-M experience with him, let the suggestion come from him.

Good luck, and enjoy the ride.

I agree with eddy. Don't risk loosing a friend by asking for sex, instead ask for advice from a friend.
Good luck!

Dec 2, 2006, 7:12 PM
You say you act bi??? How does anyone act bi? We think you are mixed up to tell the truth. You may act gay but we doubt there is such a thing as acting bi. :2cents:

Dec 3, 2006, 2:11 AM
You say you act bi??? How does anyone act bi? We think you are mixed up to tell the truth. You may act gay but we doubt there is such a thing as acting bi.

I guess you could act gay but less so?
Or if you expressed similar sexual and attraction expressions for men and women, wouldn't that be acting bi?

Dec 3, 2006, 9:34 AM
There must be something in the way you present yourself to others or, the way you perceive your behavior that would allow you or others to conclude that you act gay/bi.
That’s easy enough to understand. My demeanor and the way I present myself to others come off as acting pretty straight. Safest bet is to just be you and let others conclude what they like.

Seduction can be a tricky game no matter what your orientation. I can understand your line of thinking. If I wanted a same sex experience I’d more than likely turn towards those most likely to be open to same sex. I’ve tried this myself on a few occasions and always learned something in the process, The first time I tried it was easy because the guy already had a crush on me and had been afraid to suggest anything because of our existing relationship I was a student in college and he was one of my professors, I didn’t and still don’t possess “gaydar” and it wasn’t until we both were slightly inebriated at a cocktail party that his orientation became known to me. When I gave the slightest indication of being interested he was on me like a fly on honey. A week later we had sex and we both came away with a very clear understanding that I was not gay.

My second attempt was with a friend that was gay that again had no clue that my curiosity towards same sex was alive and well. The lesson I gained from my attempt in trying to seduce him is that it takes more than a pretty cock to seduce a gay person. My ignorance of homosexuality based on years of stereotyped perceptions allowed me to make a total fool out of myself that night. I can look back and laugh now at my behavior based on those assumptions I held, but it was a painfully embarrassing lesson. Just because your friends are gay doesn’t mean there is going to automatically be an sexual attraction or a desire to engage in sex.

Your best bet would be to open and honest about your curiosity in exploring sex without implicating them into your plan, and let them decide whether or not to move on it. My friend was accepting, and eventually we did have a sexual experience together but I again left the experience with a deeper understanding of homosexuality, a greater comprehension of my bisexuality, and the difference between the two.

Ambi :)

Mar 2, 2007, 12:45 PM
I knew and was friends with a gay couple in Houston when I was really becoming bi-curious. I did approach one of the guys for some 'friendly' advice on handling my personal situation on bi-curiosity. I did tell him up front, that I would not be turned off at the idea of getting with him or his partner sexually. He was very open, and invited me to visit him at their apartment one afternoon when I got off work. He got back to me a few days later and said his partner would be working on a particular day and that was when I should visit. When I arrived there, he greeted me at the door, invited me in and we had some small talk about men having sex with men, and a beer or two before he simply stood up, dropped his shorts and stood there slowly jacking off while I watched. I quickly responded in kind and we were both suddenlyy naked and I was working his cock and sucking on his nipples. After about five or ten minutes, his partner walked into the room from a bedroom and he was naked with a hardon. Talk about being setup. Apparently they had been talking about a 3-way for sometime and this presented itself as just the situation. We had a great several hours and remained friends for several years after my 'introduction' to my bi-side.
So, I agree with Ambi, if you be honest and gentle with your approach, you should be okay and have a great time. Good luck...

Mar 2, 2007, 1:04 PM
Very hot Tommy..