View Full Version : Straight-Bi threesome

Dec 1, 2006, 5:41 PM
So, my wife have had several threesomes with a good friend of ours, an absolutely amazingly good-looking black guy, who is smart and sensitive and awfully straight. He knows I'm bi, I came out to him. He hasn't done the whole "ick' stay thing during our encounters, but has also made it clear (in a very respectful and sensitive way!) that intentional touching and contact between us is not his game. He doesn't freak out if we brush against each other, etc. BUT, I'm going out of my mind when we do this, because his beautiful penis is RIGHT THERE and I can't touch it!!! I'm watching her go down on him and wanting to jump in there (and my wife would be totally down). I feel sensitive when I kiss her after she goes down on him, because I know I'm desperately wanting to taste him in her mouth, but want to not look too desperate to taste him in her mouth.

I know, I'm thinking way too much. I'm not looking for help talking him into it, or changing the situation at all, just mostly wanting to somebody to say "Gosh, that really must be hard (ahem) to have his cock right there and not be able to go for it..."


Dec 1, 2006, 6:04 PM
having sex with a guy and not being able to kiss him would drive me crazy.

anyway, you should look for a gay guy for yourself, or a bi guy if you only have sex with other men with your spouse and she's active and participating too.

Dec 1, 2006, 8:22 PM
sometime i get off more on the wanting, instead of the having.
but maybe that's just me.

Dec 1, 2006, 9:15 PM
Wow, that sucks! That's like dangling a piece of homemade fudge in front of someone on a diet! You need to find someone that wants to play with the both of you. Why should your wife have all the fun?

Dec 1, 2006, 11:37 PM
Wow, that sucks! That's like dangling a piece of homemade fudge in front of someone on a diet! You need to find someone that wants to play with the both of you. Why should your wife have all the fun?

she's right, and it's not being selfish either...

Dec 2, 2006, 12:18 AM
I know, I'm thinking way too much. I'm not looking for help talking him into it, or changing the situation at all, just mostly wanting to somebody to say "Gosh, that really must be hard (ahem) to have his cock right there and not be able to go for it..."

"Gosh, that really must be hard (ahem) to have his cock right there and not be able to go for it..."

There someone said it. ;) (Sorry, the smart ass in me coming through.)

Seriously though, that would suck (no pun intended). I know that it would drive me crazy! If only there was a way to convince him that having 2 mouths on him (yours & your wife's) would feel fantasic.

I sure hope you can find someone who isn't homophobic and doesn't mind you touching/sucking him.

Dec 2, 2006, 12:35 AM
So, let's see if I've got this...straight: there's this really good-looking guy who absolutely refuses to have anything sexual to do with you, and is only willing to put up with your being there when he's having sex with your wife if you make sure you act like you're not there (no touching him, etc.)...is that about it?
If that's your idea of a good time, fine; if you can get off on the idea of being with him by proxy, cool; if it excites you to see him in action, to smell him, to be there by him, to know that you are that close to him, then go ahead, have a good time: I know how hot it can be seeing a guy you find really sexy use his cock, how thrilling and sublime being right there can be.
If, on the other hand, this situation is somehow unsatisfying to you, then you might consider the possibility that he is only using your willingness to be near him when he's getting it on as the perfect excuse to cheat with your wife, that he might think of you as the perfect cuckold (I'm not saying you are, I'm suggesting what could be going through the mind of this clearly uncomfortably straight guy).
So, now you have to decide, which of the two is the more unpleasant: not being able to see him when he's fucking your wife, or knowing that if you touch him, he's going to freak out?
I've seen your pictures; you're a nice-looking couple, and there must be a number of sites on-line where you can find singles and couples who share your interests, where the guy would not only not be uptight about your touching him--or more--but actually welcome you attention. As far as how attractive your guy is, well...you know the saying, "beauty is only skin deep"; the sexiest, most attractive bastard in the world is still a fucking bastard, and if he's only using your attraction to his good looks and lust for his cock to keep getting it on with your wife, then--as "sensitive", etc., as he might be--he's a mother-fucking bastard.
Maybe it's time for you to take a moment to think with the head on your shoulders, consider all the alternatives and have a heart-to-heart with your wife...whatever happens, I hope it turns out well for you.

Dec 3, 2006, 12:50 AM
Maybe You should think about getting a new male partner for You and Your wife. If You decide to do that, be upfront with what You expect before play time even begins. We will not meet with a single guy unless he is Bi. - Dave :three:

Dec 4, 2006, 1:01 PM
thanks for the smartass reply MannySG - i knew somebody would do it when i read over my post...

this situation is very fulfilling for me, in other ways than my bisexuality, though certainly that's there - this guy is a very good friend, and the experiences are very erotic. he is not homophobic, at all, just comfortable that homosexual experience is not his bag. however, it's amazingly erotic to share my wife, and see her so thoroughly fulfilled and aroused. from a voyeuristic standpoint, it's wonderful. no, by no means am i or my marriage being taken advantage of. far from it, but thanks for that concern.

and thanks for the support

Dec 4, 2006, 5:06 PM
Well, if you're wife is agreeable and he is safe, you could try a cream pie, eating your wife out after he haqs come in her... or licking his sperm off her and then kissing her with your cum-filled mouth.

There is a chance too that part the attraction might be that he is out of reach... that hightens the sensation. If so enjoy it and don't push it

But also, add a new guy into the mix

Dec 4, 2006, 5:33 PM
Many years ago I got involved with a M/F couple and it was one of the best things to have happened to me. At the time I was a straight as straight could be. He on the other hand was bi and I had no idea. Long story short the three of us got on so well and the sex was so full of hot passion it just happened. I have no idea who touched who first but during one of our hot get togethers we both laid hands and mouths on eachother and it was great. It all was such a natural flow to it all. From that point on I was hooked on bi fun. It was after that first time and talking later he told me he was bi and it didn't bother me one bit. So maybe if you just let things get really steamy you never know what might happen....

Dec 4, 2006, 5:44 PM
Been there and done that. :)

Maybe the same black guy. Handome, an engineer by profession with a beautiful cock. Met him thru our poly group.

Our first time together as a 3sum he was very straight. As I was having "sloppy seconds" with my SO he knelt beside us and masturbated until he came on her breasts. Imagine how close that was to my face! Andlike you I really wanted to lean over and take his cock in my mouth but I refrained. And, like you, it was good - just not as good as it could have been.

The second chapter of the story is that he did have a bi side which he let into our relationship. He never sucked me but enjoyed having me and us go down on him and he enjoyed some anal play on my part while he had sex with my partner. I loved touching his penis... about 9" and wonderfully thick.

Chapter three is somewhat less satisfying. We had a female friend visit and invited him to get together with us. Turns out he's developed a real paranoia about STDs which even included oral play. So after some light touchinig, we watched him masturbate and then go back to his monogamous partner. He even had to call and ask us not to mention it to anyone in the group.

We're kind of bummed about it. But at least we had a couple of years of erotic and satisfying sex with our beautiful black man.

Our current male partner is shopping and cooking dinner for us Thursday night. He's bi and we have great 3sum sex with him.

So, I guess the message is... Enjoy each relationship for what it brings and keep the doors open to new experiences and people.