View Full Version : Animal instinct & illicit behaviour

Dec 1, 2006, 1:56 PM
Guys & Gals,

I am wondering whether I have done something wrong. I did something that felt right, it was an animal instinct and now I wonder whether it was wrong. I am new to understanding my sexuality. I am trying to understand everything, in my mind. I am confused. I know that I want a guy but perhaps I mucked up, on this occassion.


I would love your thoughts, on my blog.


Dec 3, 2006, 12:11 AM
First, I don't have to tell you how dangerous this is. I used to teach rape prevention to women, and you broke 4 of the rules of avoiding an assault I initially pound into them. Male or female, you can get hurt badly.

Then there is the common sense issue. YOu don't know the guy, you have no idea what diseases he my have. That is excited you beyond belief and you felt exhultant while doing it is not a real surprise. But I recommend against doing it ever again, for the sake of your health and life.

Dec 3, 2006, 1:09 AM
First, I don't have to tell you how dangerous this is. I used to teach rape prevention to women, and you broke 4 of the rules of avoiding an assault I initially pound into them. Male or female, you can get hurt badly.

Then there is the common sense issue. YOu don't know the guy, you have no idea what diseases he my have. That is excited you beyond belief and you felt exhultant while doing it is not a real surprise. But I recommend against doing it ever again, for the sake of your health and life.

I agree with Ian! Having fantasies about this type of encounter is one thing, but acting it out might prove to be the last thing You do. Learn to get those animal instincts under control before You get Yourself into a situation that You can't get out of. - Dave

Dec 3, 2006, 2:15 AM
You had consenting sex with another adult, nothing wrong with it.

I personally am not into public sex with strangers without any communication, but I will admit that I have fantasised about it and at one point I did want to do it but instead opted for picking up a stranger in a bar.

As far as STDs go your risk for HIV is practically nil as long as you have a healthy penis (no open sores, or leisons caused by STDs). But for garden variety ones like herpes, ngu/nsu, and syphilis it's just random luck.

Dec 3, 2006, 12:29 PM
Guys, thanks for your comments. I did enjoy this experience but you are right perhaps it was foolish. I am thinking a lot about this but I appreciate your comments - thanks.

Dec 3, 2006, 1:56 PM
WOW! That was hot, erotic, and very wild. At the same time it was somewhat unbelievable and dirty sounding. I know that sometimes you can look at someone and have this feeling/instinct that they are clean and ok, but sometimes that is just NOT the case. I can't believe for the life of me that someone, or some people, would just have a sucking session in a shitter without even a, "Hello Im so and so and i'm going to suck your cock and let you cum all over my face today." That is def. a story that i'll always remember. I don't know whether to go jerk off or sit here and wonder what the hell happened. You really had an exciting experience there!

Dec 3, 2006, 2:02 PM
Ha haha thank you for your comment. I understand what you are saying, what you are all saying, the toilet is not the most romantic place to do all this stuff but is it any different to shagging a girl in a club? I know loads of guys that will meet a girl in a club and in the heat of the moment pull her to oneside and fuck her, or take her outside behind a wall. Is it really any different?

Dec 3, 2006, 2:19 PM
Ha haha thank you for your comment. I understand what you are saying, what you are all saying, the toilet is not the most romantic place to do all this stuff but is it any different to shagging a girl in a club? I know loads of guys that will meet a girl in a club and in the heat of the moment pull her to oneside and fuck her, or take her outside behind a wall. Is it really any different?
Well...you just answered your own question. The key there is that the guy actually "met" the girl and got to know, atleast, her name before they screwed in the car, pressed against the wall, or behind a tree. I've "shagged" girls in the club, behind the club, on the beach behind the tiki bar, and different other places and barely knew there name, but I did atleast talk to them for a while and got to know there, somewhat, story of why they were there and what they were looking for first. They didnt just grab my hand and jerk my pants off and ride me til the sun came up, well one did, but thats besides the point. I am not criticizing you by any means just a few friendly posts.

Dec 3, 2006, 2:25 PM
Hahaha thanks for this. But I have any friends who dont even kno the girls name, clubs are too loud to talk in, there is an attraction. They think fuck it lets do it. They fuck.

I know that your being friendly. I am just using this to understand myself more than anything else!