View Full Version : Is this weird...?

Nov 28, 2006, 4:20 PM
Okay, well, first of i want to say this is my first post, i just joined ten minutes ago : /

Second of all...i recently came to terms with the fact the i am bi...i'm not out to anybody at all however i did tell my one friend who is bi as well...upon telling him this he told me that he's liked me for a while but was unsure of my sexuality...we started cybering and now he wants to hook up...i know this is dorky but i am a virgin in every sense of the word...i would love nothing more than to go down on him or vice versa or have sex with him or anything but i don't want my first sexual act to be with a guy? is that weird?

thoughts? thanks in advance!

Nov 28, 2006, 5:23 PM
first off, welcome to the site.

secondly, i don't think it's weird at all. after being brought up in a world that is generally seen to be straight i think it is only natural for some people to want to try "conventional" sex first before exploring the other aspects of it. i always assumed that my thoughts about sex with another guy were just because i was desperate and would sleep with anyone with a pulse. after being with someone for a few months and the thoughts still being there that i realised.

Nov 28, 2006, 8:31 PM
Don't worry man. Its perfectly normal to want that. In fact I was in a very similar situation. I have been attracted to both men and women since the beginning. I am still a virgin (never had sex with a women), and its not dorky at all. I have however had a sexual experience with a friend of mine. When the opportunity arouse I though just what you are thinking now. But I decided to go forward with it, and I have never regretted it. Like was mentioned in the previous post, it is the "norm" to have sex with a women, but who cares what the "norm" is. If you want to do it go for it. I sounds like it is a great opportunity for a intimate and possible romantic relationship.

Oh, and welcome to the site!

Nov 28, 2006, 10:24 PM
My advice is to take it slow, but forward. As you progress with your friend, if something feels good ... do it. If it does not feel right, let him know that and back up a step. And, enjoy the ride.

Nov 28, 2006, 11:17 PM
I agree completely with Love Lion and eddy10. Sex is sex. It doesn't really matter who you're with first. Other people decide what "normal" is. YOU decided what's right for YOU. After all you only get this life once :) Run it the way YOU see fit.

Nov 28, 2006, 11:33 PM
no, it's not weird.
I've had a lot more sexual experiences with guys and I did want my first blowjob to be from a guy and compared to my friends I have felt a bit weird in the past but I just tell myself that they don't know what they're missing. ;)

Nov 29, 2006, 6:32 AM
I would go for it. My 1st snog and my 1st genital contact were both with guys. In fact if I'd ended up with a guy I'd of been more than happy to never have sex with a woman in my life and vice versa.

Nov 29, 2006, 6:35 AM
If your first must be with a female and you dont have one to have sex with go to eros.com and pick one out. Do you thing with her then you will be free to have sex with your friend.

Nov 29, 2006, 10:52 AM
The beautiful thing about being Bi is that gender is not that big of a concern. Keep Your mind and heart open, just go with the flow, and enjoy that unique experience. - Dave :2cents: