View Full Version : Hi everybody from Italy

Nov 28, 2006, 9:25 AM
Ciao a tutti!!!
I'm a 35-years-old girl looking for Italian bisexual people.
Me and other friends from different regions of Italy have formed a group to talk about our sexual orientation and how to come out as a group of bisexual people.
We have a site and a forum, obviously in Italian.
So if anybody from Italy who's interested in finding other people like us, to talk to and to become friends to, please contact me in private.
Vi aspettiamo e non temete....non siete soli.

Nov 28, 2006, 3:41 PM
Ciao Amore mio!

First of all welcome!
It is not every day that a 35 yo girl joins us, but for sure not from Italy!

It must be a real joy to live "free" sex life in your country, considering that a porn star from another country -Ciccolino(?)- can be a minister!

Believe me, we envy you for that!

As for bisexual Italian guys here in the US?
I don't know!
When I think about the many Italians (mainly actors ie. Stallone, the Sopranos...) known here, somehow bisexuality does not match up in my mind.

Of course I could be wrong. If there are Italians among us, I sure would like to hear from them.

Once again welcome and don't be a stranger!


As for the language, I speak some rusty German and Russian, but no Italian. Sorry! I'd have to go with English.

Nov 29, 2006, 10:27 AM
Welcome to the site. It's a great place and I am sure you'll enjoy yourself.

Nov 30, 2006, 7:48 PM
Welcome to the site, I hope you will enjoy it here and join in with our activities and chats along with your group in Italy.