View Full Version : how do u know if a girl is Bi

Nov 27, 2006, 5:31 PM
i am a 19 yr old bi female from the chicago area and i can't seem to find bi females in my area i wonder where are they and how can i tell if they are bi the only girl i was sure of was a girl here in my office but she is gone now so someone please educate me :tong: :rolleyes: :tong:

Nov 27, 2006, 6:34 PM
I'm not sure you can know if a girl is bi without asking! At least I've not found out how you do it! Maybe try flirting with someone and seeing if they reciprocate?

If only you got 'Bidar' as well as gaydar...although I think my gaydar only works for guys. :(

Maybe it would be easier if everyone wore a badge saying 'I'm bisexual, ask me how!' :bigrin:

Nov 28, 2006, 12:03 PM
He he silly bidar i wish i wish are there any females in my area

Nov 30, 2006, 11:16 AM
He he silly bidar i wish i wish are there any females in my area

being from the Illinois area myself, I was surprised at the amount of bisexual women when I finally admitted that I was. I always felt like I was the only one around here...that I was some freak of nature. now that I am more comfortable with myself being bisexual, I've met more women that are and found out some that I've know for years are too! sometimes you can just feel it when you meet a new woman...it's kind of hard to explain, but there's just less of a tension there for me. I still haven't been with a woman physically, so I'm not sure what all the signs are if a woman is interested...the best I can say is to think of how you flirt and I'd hope that is how a woman would too. I'm certainly not an expert! -lol-

Nov 30, 2006, 11:26 AM
Just look her in the eye and ask... I believe everybody is bi to some degree (if they admit it or not) Asking with timing and a bit of finess has always helped find the truth quicker tho.

Nov 30, 2006, 5:44 PM
I was surprised at the amount of bisexual women -

A truer word was never said. I work in the corporate world and belive me if I wanted I would never be without a partner. :female: :female:
Maybe we gals find the tenderness of another woman a release against the whole pressure cooker environment of personal performance plans.

Dec 21, 2006, 12:47 AM
how do you think i feel i look like a mom so i guess the moral of the story is you never know until you ask

meteast chick
Dec 21, 2006, 9:57 AM
how do you think i feel i look like a mom so i guess the moral of the story is you never know until you ask

I'm right with you there! When a topic close to that nature comes up, I'll make a quote about liking women as 'more than friends' and the shock on people's faces is hilarious! Considering I was married and have 2 kids, I can understand it, but it's no less funny. I can tell you without even asking I know the gay women in my office, but bi, that's nother subject completely. There are 2 ways to find out. Ask or tell. If you ask, you'll get a direct answer, if you tell that you are, you might fish some out that are willing to admit it. Another option is to go to a gay bar. The likelihood is that there will be Bi or Gay women there, and frankly, even straight people go to gay bars and if they are willing to go, they don't mind being asked if they're switch hitters or if they bat for the other team!

Good luck,
luv and kisses,

Dec 21, 2006, 12:49 PM
I'm not sure you can know if a girl is bi without asking! At least I've not found out how you do it! Maybe try flirting with someone and seeing if they reciprocate?

If only you got 'Bidar' as well as gaydar...although I think my gaydar only works for guys. :(

Maybe it would be easier if everyone wore a badge saying 'I'm bisexual, ask me how!' :bigrin:

LMFAO!!! Hey I wonder if we can not only get nametags, but how about bumper stickers and t-shirts!! lol Id love to have a shirt that says 'Im bi ask me how' that would be fantastic lol!!!

Dec 21, 2006, 12:56 PM
Ooooooh BUT Id be very very careful about asking people you work with if they are bi! Some may take that as sexual harrassment and you definetly dont need that.

You can possibly find some groups/organizations in your area. There might be clubs you could join too. Also I know many of the bigger citys have gay/bi dance clubs. Try going with a friend or two :)

Dec 21, 2006, 1:51 PM
It's easy, at least for me. If i like some girl i just simply ask her is she straight or not. Doesn't matter it's in Illinois or wherever.
Actually, it's simply: Just follow your real nature and don't bother yourself what kind of answer you will get. Just go and ask.

Dec 21, 2006, 7:22 PM
It's easy, at least for me. If i like some girl i just simply ask her is she straight or not. Doesn't matter it's in Illinois or wherever.
Actually, it's simply: Just follow your real nature and don't bother yourself what kind of answer you will get. Just go and ask.

Me had 2 laff wen me saw this answer an u know Aleks is rite all sed an dun. Have actually tried it 2 sumtimes but again u r rite Aleks wen u say don bother bout the ansa... in the main tho like almost every 1 else its not sumthin me has normally gone out an done cos while Im pretty liberated am afraid for all me mouthiness an bravado unless pretty sure the body language wos tellin me wot me thinks it wos, jus cummin out an askin straight out is a tadge difficult... an usually pretty stupid! But if it is, then me sees no real difficulty in proceedin to the question tho must admit in the rite place an given the rite circumstances, neva found ne need 2 ask ne ways!!

The biggest thrill of all tho was bein asked the question me self....

Dec 21, 2006, 7:38 PM
And what about that Bi girl that is standing right next to you, and is wondering where all the other Bi girls are. How would she know that YOU are bi?

Hmmmm? :bibounce: