View Full Version : dont know what to do

Nov 24, 2006, 8:30 PM
Im female involved with my boyfriend..but recently been hanging out with my gay friend. My gay friend and I kissed before and have this weird attraction. I am suspecting he is bisexual but cant really say... We both are involved now...me with my boyfriend, him with his live in male partner. I have this urge to want to kiss him (my gay friend) and I have dreams of making out with him and giving him a blow job...I want to just go ahead and kiss him just to get it out of the way but Im afraid he's just gay, not bisexual, and freak out....what should I do?

Nov 24, 2006, 9:08 PM
If you are attracted to this guy fine. Does not matter who he is, our experience has been that it is best to be honest with all. Most of all be up front with YOURSELF. You are involved with your boyfriend and it would be wrong to do anything with anyone without the two of you in agreement on what is ok and what is not. If you want experiences with others then either discuss it with your boyfriend and agree with him on what you will do, or break up with him and pursue your other interests. If you end up cheating and lying you won't feel good about yourself and neither will others around you. Good luck on sorting out all these feelings.
D & T

If god wanted us to be naked..... we would be born that way!

Nov 24, 2006, 10:08 PM
This is confusing for you because you are thinking about it. The solution is to stop thinking about it.

Nov 25, 2006, 12:40 AM
This is confusing for you because you are thinking about it. The solution is to stop thinking about it.

Good advice!

Nov 25, 2006, 1:54 PM
My gay friend and I kissed before and have this weird attraction. I am suspecting he is bisexual but cant really say...

Why don't you ask your gay friend if he is bisexual or not im sure he wouldn't mind would he?

Nov 25, 2006, 3:27 PM
This is confusing for you because you are thinking about it. The solution is to stop thinking about it.

I disagree with this advice. You dont wanna ignore things like thats, because often it makes things worse, or there just impossible to ignore. Pushing away and hiding your feelings will just keep tearing you up on the inside and can consume you, Also ignoring them could also lead to missed opportunities. I would say, try to do some more investigating. Go ahead and right out ask your B-friend or gay friend the question ons you need to ask if you can. Alot of times things are more complex in real life and you can just flat out ask, so try giving little hints at how you feel and gauge their reactions. Either way, all luck to ya

Nov 27, 2006, 5:38 PM
I'm wandering if your gay friend is gay. As for what to do I'd say give it a go, sounds like your relationship is such that it wouldn't be cheating.