View Full Version : Sexual Preoccupations

Nov 19, 2006, 9:11 PM
I work, I eat, I sleep, and I dwell on sex in one way, shape, form or another. I’m amazed at the amount of time I seem to spend preoccupied with the subject of sex. During the week I probably visit Bisexual. Com, no less than six times per day probably spending an average of 30 minuets per visit. I don’t really chat or cyber but prefer reading, writing, or responding to threads, viewing the latest articles, and seeing who’s new. The weekends offer more opportunities and, I visit one other sex related website in addition to Bisexual.com as well as, reading the latest news and articles that also pertain to among other things, “sex”.

I’m pretty focused on my work during the daytime and of course I average about 5-6 hours sleeping but even in those environments there are times where my mind seems to dwell for moments at a time on what appears to be my favorite preoccupation. By my calculations I seem to average 30 to 35 hours per week( approx 20%) thinking about sex and actually four to five hours involved in one way, shape, form or another it it’s actualization. I guess you could say that in some ways it’s a full time job of sorts LOL

Playing music (guitar) is the only other preoccupation I’ve ever had that has required this amount of time. If you are able to calculate time spent in the same way, how many hours a week would you estimate is dedicated to or, centers around, the subject of sex? In what ways do you find this time is most likely spent? Do you ever consider your preoccupation a problem?

Ambi :)

Nov 19, 2006, 9:44 PM
I (the male half) am pretty much full on preoccupied with sex, in at least some portion of my brain, all the time. Now I multi task and compartmentalize so that the rest of my life doesnt suffer, but Id be lying if I didnt say I spent most of the day with at least some part of my brain thinking about sex related topics. Now does this mean that Im thinking of new and perverted ways to have sex during this time? Nope. Thats only a small part of what I think of when it comes to sex. There are other things such as modern sexuality, the role that sex has played in the past, how sexuality impacts our ever day socitety, etc.. that I think of. But yeah, sex runs through my wee little brain quite often.

Nov 19, 2006, 10:23 PM
Sex, yes i guess i do think about it quite a bit.
My guess is that i think about it every 11.2 seconds.
I know that might sound like alot, but i only fantasize for 10 or 11 seconds
so i have plenty of time for all the other things in life.
The hetro's gay's and lesbians have it so easy,but seriously i (we) have double the people to dream about. So its only natural to think of sex more.
:lokai: :grouphug: :grouphug: :three:

Nov 19, 2006, 11:49 PM
Thats alot of sexy thoughts. I cant think about anything that much without getting bored, even sex :tong:

Id say I dont really think about sex at all unless something I see or hear triggers them, which really isnt that often

Nov 20, 2006, 11:36 AM
I read somewhere, don't recall where now, but read that the average male thinks about sex every 7 seconds. Probably to various degrees. Just thought I would drop that little tidbit.

Nov 20, 2006, 11:49 AM
I almost hate to drop some theory on this one, but what if the sex drive or impulse is seeking satisfaction, and unless and until it gets taken care of it takes over one's attention and focus? So if you were with someone, happily, and could count on sex being available as it came up, so to speak, then it would probably take less of your time in a given day. It's only when that condition of handy sex isn't met the search for it becomes a full time distraction. Obviously I have had way to much time to think about this while not getting any.

At times when I was set up for sex easily, it was just a happy part of the day. The feelings arose naturally, were acted upon, and then the way was clear for other things. In times of drought I could be seen doing a constant rain dance. For example, if I was with a man or woman right now whose naked parts were not off limits to me, do you think I would be using these fingertips to blather on about theoretical sex habits? No, I would not, to answer my own question.

I heard that women when without a partner will have a decrease in sex drive, while men will have an increase until they are satisfied, and, men are never really satisfied, and, women are never really without a partner. I'm not sure I agree, or that I didn't just make it up from other similar ideas.

Nov 20, 2006, 12:10 PM
I'm still an intensely sexual being, but the medication I take seems to have calmed me down a little. It's really lucky though. I take one of the newer novel antipsychotics which is pretty low on the side effect profile. Most of these psych meds make you bald, fat, tired and totally disinterested in sex.
I'd agree it's much more of a preoccupation when it's not available. My friends and I talk about sex fairly frequently, that is to say those who can do so without being mind numbingly stoopid. I can't describe how glad I am that I'm medicated and I still work :bigrin:
I think a few times in the past a few of us have referred to ourselves as being sexually fluid, at least I have for sure. This also factors into my thought process as well. I'll have times where I think a lot more about being with a man or vice versa. That in itself takes some getting used to. I have a girlfriend who's also bi, so luckily that's not an issue. I have no idea how much time I actually log per day or week thinking about, but quite a bit I'm sure. Actually, not enough now that I think of it. I'll work on that :cool:

Nov 20, 2006, 3:43 PM
I read somewhere, don't recall where now, but read that the average male thinks about sex every 7 seconds. Probably to various degrees. Just thought I would drop that little tidbit.

As a male, there is absolutely no way that is true. Every 7 seconds? I think about maybe 2 different things every 7 seconds and that would mean half so my thoughts were about sex. Iv herd that state before too and It all ways makes me laugh

Nov 20, 2006, 5:57 PM
I really have been thinking about an old school buddy for a long time. We had a sexual encounter a very long time ago, and he led me through it during the evening. We were good friends and never said anything about it, even to each other, but it did happen. I still think about the way he seduced me by getting me to take off my clothes and feeling my genitals. Anyway, that night was really good with some feeling and sucking. Today, I wish that he was here to lick my privates (hole) and put his manhood into me. I am dreaming of when that might happen. Maybe never. I am a Florida man and ready for more action from friends.


Nov 20, 2006, 6:53 PM
I almost hate to drop some theory on this one, but what if the sex drive or impulse is seeking satisfaction, and unless and until it gets taken care of it takes over one's attention and focus? So if you were with someone, happily, and could count on sex being available as it came up, so to speak, then it would probably take less of your time in a given day. It's only when that condition of handy sex isn't met the search for it becomes a full time distraction. Obviously I have had way to much time to think about this while not getting any.

At times when I was set up for sex easily, it was just a happy part of the day. The feelings arose naturally, were acted upon, and then the way was clear for other things. In times of drought I could be seen doing a constant rain dance. For example, if I was with a man or woman right now whose naked parts were not off limits to me, do you think I would be using these fingertips to blather on about theoretical sex habits? No, I would not, to answer my own question.

I heard that women when without a partner will have a decrease in sex drive, while men will have an increase until they are satisfied, and, men are never really satisfied, and, women are never really without a partner. I'm not sure I agree, or that I didn't just make it up from other similar ideas.

In my case I disagree. When sex is readily available yah I go for it but it seems like the more I get then the more I want. It's true that I'm never really satisfied even though I'm very happy with my sex life. But it's not long until I'm ready to do the "rain dance" whether sex is readily available or not. Sexual thoughts are constantly on my mind as well and I'm certainly not deprived. I don't think we can generalize. I think everyone has their own varying amounts of needs when it comes to sex and some think about it more often than others regardless of how much sex they have in their lives.

Nov 21, 2006, 12:17 AM
I honestly haven't thought about how much/how often I think about sex.

Nov 21, 2006, 12:33 AM
In my case I disagree. When sex is readily available yah I go for it but it seems like the more I get then the more I want.

I'm with ya there.

Sex is a pretty prevalent subject in my brain. Not just fantasies, but in general. How it shapes our daily lives, what role it plays, how folks of various demographics relate to it. But then, my brain usually goes in about 100 directions all at once so sex is just part of the mix. Even when I'm focused intently on something I know there are parts of my brain just humming along about other topics. I've just learned how to ignore the chatter so I can concentrate when I need to.