View Full Version : Bi Outrage! Washington Blade Posts Our Responses to "Woody"

Nov 19, 2006, 4:18 PM
Just saw this today. At the bottom he respondes. He mostly back-pedals.

Title: NEED WOOD: Responding to bisexual outrage
Published: Friday, November 17, 2006

Hey Woody!

I recently read your response to “Tired,” a man who was confused by his friend labeling himself as bisexual when, according to “Tired,” his friend was, in fact, gay.

I found your response disrespectful to “Tired’s” friend and disgustingly bi-phobic. What right do you or “Tired” think you have to determine his friend’s sexual orientation or question his self-label?

Bi Outrage

Hey Woody!

Yet another gay or straight “expert” pronounces that bisexual people don’t exist. Or, at the very least, that bisexual men don’t exist.

It’s very funny to bisexual people whenever we hear this pronouncement. In fact, in my bisexual discussion group that has been running for more than 12 years, we are always complaining there are too many guys.

Why are you mono-sexuals so freaked out that some people can actually love and lust after people of more than one gender?

Bi Outrage 2

Hey Woody!

In response to your advice on bisexuals,
I have to say that you are surely entitled to your opinion, and I appreciate that you do at least label your opinion as opinion. But, your article is still very disappointing.

Had you clicked a couple more links while researching the New York Times article, you would have seen responses from GLAAD, the HRC and the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force condemning the article.

Bi Outrage 3

Hey Woody!

The study you quoted involving the penis sensors has been peer-reviewed as faulty. Having taken courses in psychological statistics, I know that creating and running an accurate research study is difficult at best.

To deny someone’s sexuality whom you have never met is something I find reprehensible. There is a reason that secondhand information is not allowed as legal testimony in court cases. There is enough bias from straight people without getting it from gay people, too.

Bi Outrage 4

Dear Outraged Queens,

Yes, there are flaws in the penis sensors, but you know what — I’d put my money on flawed studies that didn’t rely on self-assessment before I ever would on a bunch of men who “self-report” their sexuality.

Now, whether, in fact, bisexuals have an orientation or an unusual amount of sexual greed is another question. I kid.

Now, look, of course bisexuality exists! What I was talking about is prevalence.

I’m sticking to what I said: bisexuality is rare in men. But if “rare” is even one half of one percent, that’s still millions of people when you consider the world’s population.

The truth is also that a lot of closeted gay men claim to be bisexual because it protects them from society’s wrath. When was the last time you heard Jerry Falwell say “We’ve got to save America from the bisexual agenda!”

When was the last time you heard bisexuals accused of “recruiting,” or called “moral perversions?” Does the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy apply to bisexuals? Do churches refuse to ordain bisexual priests? Ever heard of a “bisexual bashing?”

There is tremendous pressure for gay men to declare themselves bisexuals. In many ways, it’s an act of survival. It buys you protection from society and borrows time for your brain to catch up with your body. But that means that self-reports are necessarily flawed and skewing the statistics on actual bisexuals.

Now, on the question of whether it’s an orientation, I defer to Margaret Cho. She once said (and I’m paraphrasing), “One day I woke up with a woman in my bed. The next day with a man. I thought, Oh my God! I’m so confused! Am I a lesbian? Am I straight? And then it hit me: I’m neither. I’m a slut!”

Link: http://www.washblade.com/2006/11-17/eclipsemag/need/need.cfm

Nov 19, 2006, 5:03 PM
anyone have an email address to the editors at the Washington blade?

Nov 19, 2006, 5:09 PM
anyone have an email address to the editors at the Washington blade?


Nov 20, 2006, 12:00 AM
Great responses!

Nov 20, 2006, 10:01 PM
what a dipshit.. how does he even get credit for being a "columnist"? and i truly use that term loosely.

thanx for the editor address, i'll be going after them too.. if this guys brains were gasoline he wouldnt have enough to power a pissants motorcycle around the inside of a cheerio!!

Nov 20, 2006, 10:13 PM
I'm not going to respond to his last article. They posted some letters that state our side. I'm satisfied with that, him being an idiot is his problem.

Nov 21, 2006, 12:20 AM
What an absolute asshole

Nov 21, 2006, 7:44 AM
This was posted on the letters page of the Washington Blade:

She can be thanked at the following link:

Advice on bisexuality
is offensive, flawed

To the Editors:

Re: “Friend who claims to be bi needs to be honest” (advice column by Woody Miller, Oct. 20)

I am incredibly disappointed in Woody Miller’s column in which he responds to a writer who questions a friend’s proclaimed bisexuality that the person is probably lying, as well as Miller’s use of research by scientists including J. Michael Bailey to back up his claim. 

First, the Bailey study has been largely discredited in the scientific and academic community. Even the Washington Blade’s own coverage of this study confirms that experts question its methodology as well as its conclusion. In addition, the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force has published a comprehensive and persuasive paper outlining the many problems present in the New York Times’ article “Straight, Gay or Lying?” which initially reported the study’s conclusion that bisexuality in men does not exist.

Second, I’m appalled that members of the gay and lesbian community would resort to a tactic like this to deny the validity of someone else’s sexual identity. Have we learned nothing from our own similar experience of so-called scientific experts or religious leaders denying the existence of a natural gay or lesbian identity? 

The opinions expressed in this article are insensitive to bisexuals. They also do nothing at all to help create a world in which all people have the right to self-determination in matters of sexuality and/or gender identity, or in which the inherent worth and dignity of every person is upheld and protected. 

In the future, I hope the Blade will present a more balanced viewpoint aimed at affirming the validity of the diverse experiences of our community.

Fairfax, Va.

Editors’ note: The letter writer is pastor of the Metropolitan Community Church of Northern Virginia.

Nov 21, 2006, 1:34 PM
Er bisexuals are probably the victims of queebashings all the time. That said, too many guys? Pot, kettle, black.

Nov 21, 2006, 5:03 PM
This "Woody" guy reminds me of Glenn Beck - he's 50% asshole, and 50% idiot, with the sum total being an absolute perfect jackass.

"Woody" seems to be going out of his way to point out evidence counter to his entire point. He says: "When was the last time you heard bisexuals... called “moral perversions?” Does the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy apply to bisexuals? Do churches refuse to ordain bisexual priests? Ever heard of a 'bisexual bashing?'"

> When was the last time you heard bisexuals... called “moral perversions?” Just last week. Google "Pastor Haggard".

> Does the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy apply to bisexuals? Yes, thanks for asking.

> Do churches refuse to ordain bisexual priests? Yes. Google "Gene Robinson", or send a letter to the pope to get it in writing.

> Ever heard of a 'bisexual bashing'? Okay, you got me there. But what's your point, because a gay bashing punk has never been heard to ask "Are you bi or 100% gay? 'Cause if you're bi, I won't beat you".

I think one thing we can conclude about "Woody" is he is no intellectual heavyweight. Apparantly the bar to become a nationally syndicated gay advice columnist is very, very low indeed.

Others have said it, but the Blade chain of papers truly should be embarassed that he is the best they can come up with.

- Drew :paw:

Nov 21, 2006, 9:10 PM
just told the lady , Thank You via that link. and , Hey Drew, i kinda sorta agree with you on the glenn beck comment, but you have to admit, he's a better comedian than bill o'reilly.

Nov 22, 2006, 6:05 PM
what a dipshit.. how does he even get credit for being a "columnist"? and i truly use that term loosely.

thanx for the editor address, i'll be going after them too.. if this guys brains were gasoline he wouldnt have enough to power a pissants motorcycle around the inside of a cheerio!!

which term do you use loosely - "dipshit" or "columnist" - LOL - just kidding

this guy is a true dick-head
just my :2cents:


Nov 22, 2006, 11:35 PM
wait, we're insulting dipshits, columnists and dickheads everywhere... best not to even qualify this any further.

Nov 30, 2006, 9:00 PM
This was sent by someone whose blog I have read on a few occasions, I recognized the name in my IE favorites. She is an interesting person.


Source: the Washington Blade
Published: November 24th, 2006

Gays should stand with
bisexuals in equality fight

To the Editors:

Re: “Friend who claims to be bi needs to be honest” (advice column by Woody Miller, Oct. 20)

Your writer wrote, “The truth is also that a lot of closeted gay men claim to be bisexual because it protects them from society’s wrath. When was the last time you heard bisexuals accused of ‘recruiting,’ or called ‘moral perversions?’ Does the military’s ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy apply to bisexuals? Do churches refuse to ordain bisexual priests? Ever heard of a ‘bisexual bashing?’”

Well, I have news from him: bisexuals, like lesbians and gays, are discharged from the military, prohibited from ordination and bashed. The only way we will all win equal rights is if we stand together and refuse to use “the masters’ tools” on each other the way they are used on us. We’re all in this together, and we must respect one another. So please, educate yourself and get a clue.

Jamaica Plain, Mass.


Dec 1, 2006, 4:30 AM
Just my opinion here, but it seems to me "Woody" is like a hidden away, Howard Stern. A shock writer as it were, writing whatever he thinks will get a rise out of the populace. He wants things to rise to a head so he can sit by like some mad Roman Emperor as the lions feast on the chaos he has helped to create. Problem is that the people he negatively spotlights are sometime innocent bystanders taken down with his Banzai style of "ass to mouth" reporting.

This time we happen to be the ones in the targeting crosshairs. Seems to be happening a lot lately and I don't like the trend.

Dec 1, 2006, 10:02 PM
I could hear the chain on his bicycle break from all the back-pedaling he did. After enough of us complained of COURSE Bisexuals now suddenly exist.

What a moron. Sadly that's an insult to those with intelligence deficiencies.

Dec 1, 2006, 11:18 PM
GL, thanx for the link.......i've got some exploring and reading to do now.....herbwoman, i like the way you think...