View Full Version : I Should not have joined Bisexaul.com

Nov 11, 2006, 6:22 PM
Man ever since found this sight I can't get anything done.All I think aboutis all the great people I have encontered here.I never realized how many people had the same feelings as I have.It is nice to not feel alone in the world.But what is a man to do,Get something done or keep getting drawn back to the dam computer.Hopefully the newness will wear off and I can get going on my projects again. Nuf said.Oh by the way I did'nt really care for the dam computer until I meet you guys so it's all your falt.Just kidding

Nov 11, 2006, 6:32 PM
You had me a little worried there for a second. :impleased

- Drew :paw:

Nov 11, 2006, 7:22 PM

I can fucking totally relate!

good scare...poor drew, that must've made you squirm a bit... lol

talk to you soon.

Nov 11, 2006, 8:38 PM
You had me a little worried there for a second. :impleased

- Drew :paw:
Gotch you,Even thow I don't know you,You are a funny guy.

Nov 11, 2006, 8:42 PM

I can fucking totally relate!

good scare...poor drew, that must've made you squirm a bit... lol

talk to you soon.
God life is great ain't it.We all need to lighten up and have some FUN.My regards

Nov 11, 2006, 9:12 PM
Man ever since found this sight I can't get anything done.All I think aboutis all the great people I have encontered here.I never realized how many people had the same feelings as I have.It is nice to not feel alone in the world.But what is a man to do,Get something done or keep getting drawn back to the dam computer.Hopefully the newness will wear off and I can get going on my projects again. Nuf said.Oh by the way I did'nt really care for the dam computer until I meet you guys so it's all your falt.Just kidding

I can relate, life is hard for us outside thies walls, if I could Id never leave.

Nov 12, 2006, 12:29 AM
Welcome to the darkside. ;)

Nov 12, 2006, 12:32 AM
OMG I was terrible when I first found the site. I was here at all hours of the day. I basically set up house. I finally had to have an intervention. lol
It's still a fun place to be though. No better people anywhere. :tong: Glad you are enjoying it so much.

Nov 12, 2006, 12:15 PM
I can agree with you its hard to do anything when you first come here and talk with all the nice people but I found if you give it enough time that you will be able to get back to doing other things also, right now I get to busy doing other things to get in the chat and talk with all the friends I've made but hope to be able to get back in there and talk with everyone.

Nov 12, 2006, 3:39 PM
OMG I was terrible when I first found the site. I was here at all hours of the day. I basically set up house. I finally had to have an intervention. lol
It's still a fun place to be though. No better people anywhere. :tong: Glad you are enjoying it so much.

She ain't kidding...Just look at the number of posts this sweetheart has on here... :bigrin:

And animal...There is nothing that can't wait to get done until a little later...Hope you stay here 4-ever and ever... :paw: :paw:

Nov 13, 2006, 9:44 AM
yes....I feel the same...ahem...I mean, I don't get things done when I'm on in here...There's usually some kind of real intellectual discussion, people who relate or can relate to many parts of my sexuality...not all, but most...and let's see....hmmmm...oh yeah.....I finally connected here with the person that means the most to me....yep...I shoudnt'a joined.............

Nov 13, 2006, 12:17 PM
hehe this site is addictive i recently got really sick and had no internet access so i had my bf check my messages i love it here and i never plan on leaving

Mrs. Taz
Nov 13, 2006, 11:47 PM
I have been comming to this site a bit longer than my hubby taz I think and I still cant hardly leave the chat alone. I got bunches of people to talk to and have made some really good friends along the way. :)

Nov 13, 2006, 11:56 PM
LOL! Poor Drew :bigrin: Musta about scared him half to death!

I can SO relate. It's almost midnight and I just can't let my day go by without checking for new messages and posting some little thing at least once daily.

Course that's how I got to be "Some Kind Of Super Member" (strikes heroic pose) There are a whole bunch of really good folks here and that's what keeps me coming back. I'll be here as long as Drew has this site up.

It's my other home. :)

Dec 1, 2006, 11:40 AM
Yeah, when I joined sometime last month I was on here every day for a while... I guess I don't post quite as often now (I probably won't post over Christmas as I have to go home to my parents and although I've dropped a lot of hints to them and my bisexuality is kind of an open secret I don't want them knowing which forum I post on and what name I post under as they could probably learn a lot about my sex life from my posts lol) but I guess I check the site every day to see if there are any threads that interest me Somedays I find most of the recent threads to be quite uninteresting and I won't post at all or I'll go trawling through all the old posts (like this one lol) for an interesting one to post on lol.


Dec 1, 2006, 12:46 PM
I agree with what a lot of people have posted. Sometimes you can get too much of a good thing! I love this site and the people I've met on it. I've been a member for a year and a few months (I'm part of like the 3rd of about 8 generations of Bisexual.com waves of membership). At times I have found that I get too consumed in it and it takes away from my real life. No matter how close you feel to people on here, the reality is that we are not going to meet the vast majority we chat with. And it's important to place our offline liives at the top of our list of priorities. One member once told me, "the moment that I found myself talking to friends and co-workers about the latest drama on the message boards, I knew it was time for a break." Once in a while, do take a break if you feel like your life is getting cloudy.


Dec 1, 2006, 1:04 PM
It is easy for me to feed my addiction to be among you guys, my favorite people!

Due to my work, I am on the computer all day (interacting with customers, replying to their email, etc.) and unfortunately have to answer the phone as well.

Now if I were to add "Chat" to my routine, I'd have absolutely no time to do anything, but bisexual.com

So for now, there is no Chat for me but I am several times on the site and enjoy every minute of it. :tongue:

Thanks guys!

Dec 2, 2006, 9:05 AM
this site is very addictive b/c when i first got on i was on here everyday of the week and i am still on here everyday checking messages and chatting this site is my non outsider home i can cum here and actually chat with ppl who r the same sexuality as me and when i am on the outside i feel odd and it really sucks 2 know that thery're r more bisexual ppl who r in the same position as us i feel so welcome here b/c of the ppl on here thx ppl love y'all

Dec 2, 2006, 11:50 AM
Lissa and I noticed this phenomena ourselves... We thought it was just us being a bit obsessive over a new toy. It's relieving to see that we're in such fine company... ;)

Dec 2, 2006, 1:11 PM
I've wondered myself, what the hell are we doing? Since we both work at home, we already have a hard time with time-management. Then....along comes this site and these people.... and then the late nights begin. The early morning peek into the site to see who's here.... the evening chats... the browsing thru the profiles... updating the profile.... and back to the great people on this site. It's been fun, distracting and enlightening... and did I say distracting? Wouldn't change it... love this place and we, Vin & I both have felt so welcome... thank you for being here.

Hugs to all


Dec 2, 2006, 1:22 PM

I can fucking totally relate!

good scare...poor drew, that must've made you squirm a bit... lol

talk to you soon.

ME TOO!!!!

Dec 2, 2006, 2:34 PM
:rotate: I too can relate - just like today - I came down to the office to get some much needed work done, and what am I doing :rolleyes: writing this post - HAHAHA :bigrin:

But sincerely I have found that of the friendships I have formed in the chat room (and in person from here) ;) , some will be lifelong. Of that I am sure.
Thanks Drew for doing this site up right. :tongue:

Dec 2, 2006, 11:17 PM
I agree with what a lot of people have posted. Sometimes you can get too much of a good thing! I love this site and the people I've met on it. I've been a member for a year and a few months (I'm part of like the 3rd of about 8 generations of Bisexual.com waves of membership). At times I have found that I get too consumed in it and it takes away from my real life. No matter how close you feel to people on here, the reality is that we are not going to meet the vast majority we chat with. And it's important to place our offline liives at the top of our list of priorities. One member once told me, "the moment that I found myself talking to friends and co-workers about the latest drama on the message boards, I knew it was time for a break." Once in a while, do take a break if you feel like your life is getting cloudy.


I agree with JohnnyV, sometimes You just have to tell Yourself to do something else. I am thankful for all the work that Drew does to make this site hard to leave alone though - many hugs to ya Drew - Dave

Jan 11, 2013, 1:23 PM
It's crazy all I can't think strait and what's worse is I'm constantly coming here on my iPhone at work I feel like all the crap that's been locked up in my head finally has a place to go

Jan 11, 2013, 1:31 PM
lol Welcome, Triple. Feels great to unload your heart and mind, doesnt it..? ;) I have a couple of 'Sweeties" from Tenn too...:}
Everybody's feline

Annika L
Jan 11, 2013, 5:39 PM
It's crazy all I can't think strait and what's worse is I'm constantly coming here on my iPhone at work I feel like all the crap that's been locked up in my head finally has a place to go

*smile* I remember that exact feeling...right around the time this thread was originally posted, in fact. Glad you found us...welcome to the site!

Jan 11, 2013, 6:12 PM
CHOCOLATECITY....I fully agree ! After joining this site I feel at home and I feel the same way w, when I'm out on the streets I feel like I don't belong and there's no one who can relate to me...but here I'm free to be me...I love this site and the people here and what it has done for me! Bisexual.com helped med me love,understand and accept myself. I can't give this site and the people here enough praise !

Jan 11, 2013, 9:27 PM
I agree!

I met the love of my life here, soon after joining!

I've also met some fantastic folks, in person and on line.

My life has improved exponentially, since my first time here!

Thanks again, Drew!

Jan 12, 2013, 7:50 AM
I love this site too! There isn't so many places on the Internet, where I could gain more knowledge on bisexuality. Also meet new people.:)