View Full Version : masterbation

Nov 11, 2006, 5:55 PM
How often do you masterbate? What do you think about when you do? Where do you do it? Have you ever done it with someone else? How old are you? how long have you been doing it? Do you remember your first time? What do you call it? Do we (bi) do it more or less than straights? I have posted these questions on straight forums before and would like to see if thay get the same replys

Nov 11, 2006, 6:41 PM
How often do you masterbate? What do you think about when you do? Where do you do it? Have you ever done it with someone else? How old are you? how long have you been doing it? Do you remember your first time? What do you call it? Do we (bi) do it more or less than straights? I have posted these questions on straight forums before and would like to see if thay get the same replys

(1) not often enough
(2) sex
(3) In my bedroom
(5) 55
(6) 50 years
(7) NO but I must have liked it
(8) Jerkin me Johnson,Handjob,pounding me pole,strokin me spoke,Time to meet Mr. Righty, Time to meet Mr.Lefty, Self Pleasuring Masturbation, Peter Pumping, Dick dukeing,Choking me chicken, shakin the snake, doin the Bisexual secret handshake etc.
(9) According to half of my selves selves yes, for the other half see # (1)

Ambi :)

Nov 11, 2006, 8:43 PM
1) I masturbate at least daily, 2 some times 3 times a day depends on how much freetime I have.
2) I am usualy looking at porn when I do it so I think about that, and sex or my girlfriend (or sex with my girlfriend evan though I never had sex with her)..
3) On my bed, on the couch, in my truck where ever I am and I have some privacy.
4) Yup.
5) 18
6) sence about 11, but I never came for the first time till I was 13.
7) first time cumming? Yes. First time doing it? No.
8) jacking off
9) I dont realy think so.

Nov 11, 2006, 8:53 PM
How often do you masterbate? What do you think about when you do? Where do you do it? Have you ever done it with someone else? How old are you? how long have you been doing it? Do you remember your first time? What do you call it? Do we (bi) do it more or less than straights? I have posted these questions on straight forums before and would like to see if thay get the same replys

1. It varies. Sometimes daily, sometimes just weekly. Depends on how much sex I am getting ;)
2. Sometimes watching another man with my wife, sometimes a MMF 3some, somtimes me and another man.
3. Bedroom or shower (Using a hand-held shower spray feels GREAT! )
4. Yes
5. 48
6. Since early teens
7. Not exactly, but I do remember some times that were among the 1st.
8. Jerking off, beating off, pulling my pud, whacking off, choking the chicken, having sex with Rosie Palm and her 5 sisters,
9. My guess is it's about the same.

I tend to say that I put the MASTER in Masterbation because I'm so good at it. ;) (Yes, I know it's spelled mastUrbation)

Nov 11, 2006, 10:17 PM
1) about once a day, sometimes none, sometime twice, rarely 3
2) It varies, m/m f/f, people im attracted to, the odd fetish, (I like underwear)
3) Bed mainly (not much option in living in a house with a brother and my parents)
6) started when I was 12
7) Yes, late at night in bed, couldnt sleep
8) Jerking off, jacking off, beating off is the slang most used around here
9) I dont think so, from what Iv read I seem to do it less then alot of strait guys

Nov 12, 2006, 12:27 AM
1)Generally once a day, sometimes more than once a day.
2)Sex, but usually not about someone I'm involved with at the time. Porn is involved regularly.
3)Whereever I'm at when the mood hits and I have an ounce of privacy.
6)20 years or so
7)I remember the early days yes. I had a very special relationship with a certain stuffed animal.
8)Rubbin one out, touching myself inappropriately, masturbating
9)I think people at this site probably admit to it more than most. ;)

Nov 12, 2006, 1:34 AM
How often do you masterbate? What do you think about when you do? Where do you do it? Have you ever done it with someone else? How old are you? how long have you been doing it? Do you remember your first time? What do you call it? Do we (bi) do it more or less than straights? I have posted these questions on straight forums before and would like to see if thay get the same replys

How often do you masterbate? every chance i get, mainly dependent upon how much time i have; on the average when i do, 1 - 3 times a day;

What do you think about when you do? other men/women i have had a relationship, would like to, or seen that day/night;

Where do you do it? any where it happens, most often in the shower, in bed

Have you ever done it with someone else? hell, yes! more times than i can count!

How old are you? 44

how long have you been doing it? i've been doing it for so long, i thought guys were born doing it!

Do you remember your first time? can't remember the first time, there are so many!

What do you call it? jerking off, jacking off, jayoing, most commonly

Do we (bi) do it more or less than straights? who the hell knows, dr kinsey?

Nov 12, 2006, 3:04 AM
1. Sometimes I might not do so for a few days, sometimes several times in one day.
2. I think about visuals with people I either know or would very much like to know. Some of what might be in my mind would only happen this way, never in real life.
3. Mostly in my bedroom, sometimes in the shower.
4. I've done it many times *to* someone else. I'm happy that I have fingers that can flick pretty fast. ;-)
5. 44.
6. 32 years.
7. I remember my first time for the fact I wondered just what was on my hands, something I never saw before.
8. I occasionally call it "working it".
9. I couldn't say one way or the other.

Nov 12, 2006, 3:19 AM
How often do you masterbate? What do you think about when you do? Where do you do it? Have you ever done it with someone else? How old are you? how long have you been doing it? Do you remember your first time? What do you call it? Do we (bi) do it more or less than straights? I have posted these questions on straight forums before and would like to see if thay get the same replys

1. 5-6 times a week
2. Gay sex
3. Usually in bed, if not in the shower
4. Yes, with various partners
5. 25
6. Since I was 14
7. Yes, crush on a boy got me started...
8. Playing with myself
9. I'd say more!

Nov 12, 2006, 8:27 AM
[ :three:

1. once a day, some times 2
2. My wife, fuck buddy,
3. Anywhere I can
4. Yes
6. Oh probably since i was 14
7. Yes, and I shot my cum 20 feet in seems. What a load
8.JAcking off
9. More

Nov 12, 2006, 10:08 AM
How often do you masterbate? What do you think about when you do? Where do you do it? Have you ever done it with someone else? How old are you? how long have you been doing it? Do you remember your first time? What do you call it? Do we (bi) do it more or less than straights? I have posted these questions on straight forums before and would like to see if thay get the same replys

1. Once a night usually, depeneds on if I've gotten any that week, if so, maybe once a week.
2. My girlfriend or just whatever sick fantasies I can come up with.
3. In my room.
4. Just my girlfriend.
5. 20
6. I don't reember much of my earlier life, 10 maybe.
7. Nope
8. Masterbating, wanking, having a pull, Killing kittens (hehe net humor).
9. I don't think so, the friends who I have who I know without a doubt
are straight don't talk about it. I don't think we do it more, just talk about it more.

Nov 12, 2006, 12:32 PM
How often do you masterbate?
Sometimes several times a day, sometimes I'll do a bit of "tease and denial" and "hold back" for a week or two in order to maximize the pleasure.

What do you think about when you do?
Lots of different things, including:

Every woman I've ever wanted to "do it" with;
The most recent characters I've seen in a porn (or just sexy) movie;
The people I've had sex with in the past;
Several fantasies:

Having lots of men all take turns with me;
Being dominated by a man with a cock bigger than mine, while in turn dominating a man with a cock smaller than mine;
Having the chance to have sex with a series of women, each with a different bra size;

And sometimes just reveling in the way my cock feels in my hand, and how amazing it is to watch the semen spurt out!

Where do you do it?
Most often in bed, but also in the Living Room while there's something "interesting" on the big screen TV.

Have you ever done it with someone else?
I've never "done" anyone else to completion, but I have "finished" in front of others a couple of times.

How old are you?

how long have you been doing it?
Not exactly sure, since somewhere in my teens.

Do you remember your first time?
Not precisely, although I do remember masturbating for a while before I was capable of ejaculating (it felt good, but I knew something was missing).

What do you call it?
I don't usually call it anything...

Do we (bi) do it more or less than straights?
I would have no way of knowing, except to say that my habits haven't changed since i realized I was bi.

I have posted these questions on straight forums before and would like to see if thay get the same replys
Other than what we fantasize about, I doubt we're any different.

Nov 12, 2006, 1:01 PM
1. 3 times a day
2.oral sex with m or f
3.In my bedroom
4.No, but I cam 2 cam online sometimes.
6. Years
7. No
8. Wanking
9. No way I could know that. :tongue:

Nov 13, 2006, 2:24 AM
How often do you masturbate?
Anywhere from 6 times a day to once every 3 days.
I once did it 10x in a day.

What do you think about when you do?
Sex, friends, friends I've had sex with, and internet friends.
Personal fantasies of mine, and friends I'd like to have sex with.

Where do you do it?
My room, and sometimes a friend's car.
I've done it in a wide variety of public places, and even when driving!

Have you ever done it with someone else?
Yes. Lots of times, as lots of us queer men consider this to be a sex act, even without ejaculation.

How old are you?

how long have you been doing it?
Without ejaculation, every since a really young age.
With ejaculation since I was 14.

Do you remember your first time?
I don't remember it without ejaculation.
I do remember it with ejaculation.
I do remember the first time I did it with another guy (without touching) as we were both very very young.

What do you call it?
j/o, mutual j/o (if done as a sex act), wanking, and sex.

Do we (bi) do it more or less than straights?
Orientation has nothing to do with sex drive.

Nov 13, 2006, 5:53 AM
hi im 27 and have been pleasuring myself since i was about 13/14...i do it every day or so depends how good me sexlife is @ the time lol!! i think about either sex wiv my partner coz he reali turns me on or i fink bout girls coz i fink theyre so sexi!! i like to masterabate in bed wen im tired n sleepy and i love it i the shower the warm water feels nice!! i just call it pleasuring myself/masterbating/stroking the pussy lol!! :tongue: think thats everything!! lol!! :):) xxx

Nov 13, 2006, 4:31 PM
How often do you masterbate? What do you think about when you do? Where do you do it? Have you ever done it with someone else? How old are you? how long have you been doing it? Do you remember your first time? What do you call it? Do we (bi) do it more or less than straights? I have posted these questions on straight forums before and would like to see if thay get the same replys

1.) at least once a day 2.) think about varying things---no real set theme--I will perhaps think of a former lover or someone I saw in real life or on the television or in a movie, or someone I had fun doing cyber with on here!!!! 3.) Usually in bed or in the shower but I have done it many times outdoors like in the woods or on a beach or on the boat 4.) Yes 5.) 47 6.) Since around age 12 are my earliest memories 7.) don't remember the first time that I did it that I came 8.) Jerking off, jacking off, masterbaiting, pounding my pud, getting some relief--not very imaginantive I know 9.) I would imagine the number of times bi's do it is no different than the number of times gays or str8's do itp--it varies with the individual and with circumstances going on in one's life at the time--when I was in the Coast Guard and on board ships during patrols--I hardly did it at all--it was most difficult to reframe from jerking off because I was a heckuva lot younger then and horny all the time!!!!:)

Nov 13, 2006, 9:53 PM
How often do you masterbate? What do you think about when you do? Where do you do it? Have you ever done it with someone else? How old are you? how long have you been doing it? Do you remember your first time? What do you call it? Do we (bi) do it more or less than straights? I have posted these questions on straight forums before and would like to see if thay get the same replys

I don't know exactly how often I masturbate, I just know I do it whenever I get horny (lol, duh)... I think about many different things, but I'll usually watch porn when I'm doing it. It also depends on where I do it, like for instance: My girlfriend bought me this toy vibrator, it's a little mouse connected to a wire controller that lets you control the speed of the vibration (I absolutely looooove it!!!!). I was so horny because we hadn't had sex in a week, and I wanted to use it right away. So she drove while I used it, and I just thought about reaching that goal to cum, since I couldn't watch porn or anything.
I'm 19 years old, and I've done it with a good amount of people. I've been doing it since I was like 9 years old (I know, I was an early bloomer), and I don't think that bi's do it more than straights. I think it just depends on the person that's doing it. Everybody has a different horny rate, lol! :bigrin:

Nov 14, 2006, 6:19 AM
How often do you masterbate?
3-4 times a week if Dean's home. Nightly probably if he's not.

What do you think about when you do?
Sex. Mainly girlfriends I've been with or would like to be with.

Where do you do it?
90% in bed. maybe 10% in front of telly if I'm alone.

Have you ever done it with someone else?
Of course. Hubby and with a few g/f's

How old are you?
Old enough to appreciate what I'm doing is a wonderful gift.

how long have you been doing it?
Since i was about 13

Do you remember your first time?
Not really. I sort of grew into the habit slowly. O's took a while and some practice.

What do you call it?
Privately? Twiddling. When I've talked about it with my daughters - "touching yourself."

Do we (bi) do it more or less than straights?
I have no idea.

Nov 14, 2006, 3:00 PM
How often do you masterbate? What do you think about when you do? Where do you do it? Have you ever done it with someone else? How old are you? how long have you been doing it? Do you remember your first time? What do you call it? Do we (bi) do it more or less than straights? I have posted these questions on straight forums before and would like to see if thay get the same replys

(1) about twice a day
(2) Being taken in the ass by another man
(3) My Bedroom
(4) A Few Times
(5) 18
(6) 4 Years
(5) Yes Quite Vividly
(6) Masturbation
(7) I Think So

Nov 14, 2006, 3:22 PM
How often do you masturbate? 1 - 3 times a week, periodically changes

What do you think about when you do? See myself "catching" it

Where do you do it? In the bathroom, facing the mirror

Have you ever done it with someone else? No

How old are you? 52

how long have you been doing it? 12

Do you remember your first time? I woke up when it happened

What do you call it? Typically nothing, right at the moment: "Oh fuck!"

Do we (bi) do it more or less than straights? I don't think it makes a difference

yoyo :cool:

the sacred night
Nov 14, 2006, 8:20 PM
How often do you masterbate? What do you think about when you do? Where do you do it? Have you ever done it with someone else? How old are you? how long have you been doing it? Do you remember your first time? What do you call it? Do we (bi) do it more or less than straights? I have posted these questions on straight forums before and would like to see if thay get the same replys

-It cycles. I go through phases where I do it all the time and phases where hardly ever. At the most frequent, I might get into the habit of doing it twice a day, and at the least frequent, I sometimes go several weeks without doing it.

-If I'm looking at porn, I think about what I'm watching, but if I'm not, I think about things I've seen on porn or fantasies I've had before. Frequently when I'm maturbating, I imagine there's someone secretly watching and doing it too.

-I've done it some weird places. At work, though I always chicken out or have to go do something so I never come there. When I was in high school, I did it in the school library at least once. I once did it in class, though I wasn't overtly touching myself. I was just really horny and also I had to pee, so I was fidgeting around in my seat and discovered that it felt good, so I kept it up and finally had an orgasm... in the middle of my midterm exam. It was very surreal; I'm just glad it didn't cause me to pee all over myself. 90% of the time though it happens in front of my computer.

-I've done it with my fiance, no one else.

-I'm 20.

- Been doing it at least since I was 5, probably longer because my mom tells me when I was an infant I 'discovered' my vagina and tried to look at it, but of course I couldn't bend that way. So, 15-20 years?

-Course I don't remember my first time, I was 6 months old, remember?

-I just call it masturbating... when I was little I used to not have any words for it and just thought about whatever I was going to do. When I first heard the word "Masturbation" it was in the context of a sermon denouncing it, and I though "Oh my gosh, is THAT what I've been doing?!" and totally freaked out and stopped doing it for years... I rediscovered it, though, and it was a very sweet reunion.

-I dunno how often str8 ppl do it, or how often other bis do for that matter, except the ones on this site... we're very forthcoming with info on here lol.

Nov 14, 2006, 10:01 PM
1) Not as much as I used to
2) Where do I start? Many kinky things lol... nothing dodgy tho lol (mainly S&M , TV/CD/TG stuff (hmm...I am sort of a TV) or gay sexual activities , occasionally members of the opposite sex or all of these all at once - which can be interesting lol)
3) In private
4) Hmm....sort of
5) 18
6) for about 4-5 years
7) Yes actually for some strange reason
8) 'Wanking' mainly
9) Not a clue, haven't really asked many straight ppl about how often they do this

Nov 15, 2006, 3:26 PM
How often do you masterbate? What do you think about when you do? Where do you do it? Have you ever done it with someone else? How old are you? how long have you been doing it? Do you remember your first time? What do you call it? Do we (bi) do it more or less than straights? I have posted these questions on straight forums before and would like to see if thay get the same replys

-2-3 times a day normally
-You name it and I have probably masturbated to it but usually my wife, me and another guy, my wife and another guy or some combination thereof.
-I have done it with just about every sex partner I have had so 20 to 25 people ot there abouts
-since I was 11
-Yes, dimly
-jacking off, usually
-I think we do because we typically have a stronger sex drive than straights and even most gays

Nov 21, 2006, 11:29 PM
How often do you masterbate? 2 -3 times a day
What do you think about when you do? mostly same sex fantasies (mm or ff) always involving oral sex
Where do you do it? in bed or in front of the computer
Have you ever done it with someone else? lots with my finance
How old are you? 50
how long have you been doing it? 37 yrs
Do you remember your first time? yes
What do you call it? masturbation, playing
Do we (bi) do it more or less than straights? Probably the same, we're just more open about it.

Mar 9, 2007, 1:37 AM
How often do you masterbate? What do you think about when you do? Where do you do it? Have you ever done it with someone else? How old are you? how long have you been doing it? Do you remember your first time? What do you call it? Do we (bi) do it more or less than straights? I have posted these questions on straight forums before and would like to see if thay get the same replys

1. at least 3-5 times a day
2. a guy I really like or I read stories, or watch porn, lesbian porn at least once a day
3. no
4. 21
5. since age 14
6.in my room, in a public bathroom, if I am out of town I don't do it because I always share a hotel room and I can't.
7. yes, if you read my Would you like to read my stories? post you can find a story about my first time.
8. fingering, playing, masturbation, rubbing my clit, being horny
9. probably more

Mar 9, 2007, 4:59 AM
How often do you masterbate? 2-3 times a day

What do you think about when you do? having sex with another woman or having sex with my cyber lover.

Where do you do it? Bedroom

Have you ever done it with someone else? Yes

How old are you?29

how long have you been doing it?I know this is Odd but I was about 4 and No I have not been molested as some seem to think starting at such a young age means so.

Do you remember your first time?Yes

What do you call it?having a masty sesh. :bigrin:

Do we (bi) do it more or less than straights? Have no idea, doubt it, it is up to the induviduals sex drive regardless of their sexual orientation.

Mar 9, 2007, 11:12 AM
How often? Daily-sometimes 3 times-Skip a day now and then. When a teen up to 6X daily
What do you think about? Sex with other couples, sex w/past lovers, watch porn an wank, recent good sex session with my misses
Where? In bed, on the computer, on the counch, sitting on the basement stairs, in the shower, outdoors (summer only), in the car (rare), at work (rare)
With someone else? Yep. With 95% of my lovers. Had one girlfriend that loved to maturbate together as much as she like to fuck-she was very visual. With the wife all the time as part of play.
How old- about 12
How long-36+ years
First time- In bed-woke up wanking don't remember how it started but had an orgasm and leaked a first bit of fluid-tasted it.
Call it? Wanking, jerking off, pulling my pud, choking the chicken, beating off, fucking myself. strokin it
Bi more?-naw I think it is related to personal sex drive and age.

Mar 9, 2007, 11:51 AM
How often do you masterbate?
Depends, used to be like 3-4 times a week, now its more like 2-3 per month
What do you think about when you do?
Usually watching porn or playing my own fantasy movie in my head
Where do you do it?
In my room
Have you ever done it with someone else?
No, but would like to try it out
How old are you?
how long have you been doing it?
6-7 years
Do you remember your first time?
Yup, it was a wet dream,
What do you call it?
Do we (bi) do it more or less than straights?
No idea, but you guys do it a lot more than I do >.>

Mar 9, 2007, 12:17 PM
I masterbate all the time! I try to use the "stop and go" method for as long as I can, building up until I build to a incredible orgasm, cuming all over! I first started masterbating at 14, and I found out about the joys of masterbation in an unusual way! I was laying on my bed at home in the middle of the afternoon, when I, for some reason, decided to lay on my side, put my cock between my legs, and squeeze! It felt strangely nice, and before I knew it, my cum was shooting up my shaft, and running down the back of my legs! It was the best feeling I ever had in my life! After that, I would try different variations, lieing on my back, cock between my legs, knees raised, and pushing them together as hard as I could, until I exploded! Brings back nice memories!

Mar 9, 2007, 4:39 PM
Have been masterbating since I was 12. When I was very young used to masterbate in the bathroom, now that I am a little older I like to masturbate after watching porn. Masturbate every day atleast once if not more. I watch porn and then masturbate it some how seems to relax me, or I some times have my wife masturbate me or I may even masturbate while she watches. Do we tend to masturbate more often? this depends on your sex drive.


Mar 9, 2007, 5:19 PM
I'm with my fellow Canadian cerealk (you're not a sovereigntist, are you C?). About once a week is fine. I like to let it build, I find the orgasms are stronger that way; and I don't like being drained all the time. There's a certain 'edge' I get when I have some in reserve. Does anyone else find that?

Of course, in early adolescence I'd do it up to 5x/daily. Didn't know about lube then and rubbed off a lot of skin. (Steven Truscott, well known to Canadians, did the same thing at the same age, and the sores were among the pieces of evidence used to convict him of rape and murder and sentence him to hang. This was back in 1959; fortunately he's still around, and the Supreme Court may overturn his conviction. But I digress....).

Mar 9, 2007, 10:22 PM
How often do you masterbate? What do you think about when you do? Where do you do it? Have you ever done it with someone else? How old are you? how long have you been doing it? Do you remember your first time? What do you call it? Do we (bi) do it more or less than straights? I have posted these questions on straight forums before and would like to see if thay get the same replys

1. 2-4 times a week
2. I watch porn
3. bedroom, in front of computer
4. yes
5. 31
6. since I was 11
7. yes
8. masterbating
9. depends on the sex. I think men do it more then woman

Mar 9, 2007, 10:39 PM
I'm with my fellow Canadian cerealk (you're not a sovereigntist, are you C?). About once a week is fine. I like to let it build, I find the orgasms are stronger that way; and I don't like being drained all the time. There's a certain 'edge' I get when I have some in reserve. Does anyone else find that?

Lets not talk about politics here, i hate it >.>. I used to lower the rate to build up the pleasure, but I guess now masturbating feels like empty pleasure to me. It doesnt feel "complete". Its good to releive sexual urge, but I dono, not my thing anymore I guess.

Mar 9, 2007, 11:51 PM
How often do you masterbate? What do you think about when you do? Where do you do it? Have you ever done it with someone else? How old are you? how long have you been doing it? Do you remember your first time? What do you call it? Do we (bi) do it more or less than straights? I have posted these questions on straight forums before and would like to see if thay get the same replys

Varies...some times I can go up to 4-6 times a day.
Sometimes I can go for WEEKS without it.

Ummmm...Watching a guy masturbate. Being Railed by one hot guy while ether sucking another one off or eating a girl out. Whatever girl I have a crush on. Rough Sex with Christian Bale or Gary Sinise. Watching the guy I like suck off another guy.

In my bed or the bathroom floor... the Couch in the Den if I. . .

Am cybering. So yes, I've done it plenty of times with other people. Many times its been cyber, sometimes phone... a couple times in person.

My first time masturbating was 16... It felt like I was hurtling down the first hill of a coaster.

Rubbing myself. . .stroking the petals.

Heh... Don't think so.


Mar 10, 2007, 5:46 AM
At least once a day 1-4 hours at a time, sometimes twice or three times in a day. I have dry spells where I could go a week without.

While surfing or in bed with a good (as good as they are) porn.

I fantasize about everything. But I really like the fantasies where I and my future girlfriend or wife are in threesomes mmf, mff, and moresomes.

Yes, several times with people watching and participating with both sexes.

I was in the sixth grade, so what is that 10, 11, 12

Mar 10, 2007, 6:34 AM
How often do you masturbate?
Usually every day. I don't always ejaculate, I just like playing with myself

What do you think about when you do?
Sex. Mainly girlfriends I've been with or would like to be with or guys cocks that I'd like suck.

Where do you do it?
Either in bathroom/shower, I like to watch myself jack off in a mirror. Will do it in my bedroom. I have done it in living room with a buddy!

Have you ever done it with someone else?
Of course. With the wife, a few g/f's and with 2 guys, not at same time.

How old are you?

how long have you been doing it?
Since i was about 11/12

Do you remember your first time?
Sure do, was checking out this magazine, can't remember name of it, but it showed some boobs and I was rubbing my dick on my leg, and all of a sudden shot a hug load on my leg! It felt good, waited a few minutes and tried doing it again!! Didn't get as much cum, but still felt good.

What do you call it?
Jacking off, jerking, playing with my cock!

Do we (bi) do it more or less than straights?
I guess both do it same amount.

Mar 10, 2007, 8:38 AM
Steven Truscott, well known to Canadians, did the same thing at the same age, and the sores were among the pieces of evidence used to convict him of rape and murder and sentence him to hang. This was back in 1959; fortunately he's still around, and the Supreme Court may overturn his conviction. But I digress...

Who? They did what???? Okay, I am Canadian and have no idea who that guy is.....though the name is vaguely familiar, but if they used sores (that is sooo gross!!!!) as evidence, I think I'd remember! lol

'Course I could just be getting old....lol

Sores?? Like in a ziplock bag?? :eek:

Mar 10, 2007, 12:57 PM
1. How often do you masturbate? Answer: a few times a week.
2.What do you think about when you do? Answer: Many things: Sex with my sexy wife, sex with a guy, especially a hot 69, sex with a TV, especially a hot 69, some mild hetero or gay B&D - me as sub, FemDom themes, forced feminization, forced bi sex. My wife plays a role frequently, but sometimes it is with nameless people.
3. Where do you do it? Answer: At home, in front of computer, in shower, in bed
4.Have you ever done it with someone else? Answer: Yes, past female sex partners.
5. How old are you? Answer: 56
6. How long have you been doing it? Answer: Probably 45 to 48 years.
7. Do you remember your first time? Answer: No
8. What do you call it? Beating off, masturbation, Spanking my monkey, JO
9. Do we (bi) do it more or less than straights? Answer: Probably more, but I am not sure. I think because although many bi folks on this site have has successful bi encounters and/or bi relationships and, according to Woody, it maximizes your chances of getting lucky, I think we all think about sex more than str8's because we have more potential fantasy choices but less actual reality choices to engage in sex.
Just my 2 cents.

Mar 10, 2007, 1:07 PM
9. depends on the sex. I think men do it more then woman

I think women do, or at least I do more than most women, I've done it 25 times in one day before....I don't know any guy that can do it that many times, do you?

Mar 10, 2007, 4:36 PM
I think women do, or at least I do more than most women, I've done it 25 times in one day before....I don't know any guy that can do it that many times, do you?

OMG. :eek: I thought I was bad. ;)

Mar 10, 2007, 5:03 PM
OMG. :eek: I thought I was bad. ;)

I was really bored, and that's all I did that day, I was by myself and I had a vibrator at the time, I broke it after that day. I was new to masturbating around 14-15 so yeah.