View Full Version : Thank You for your service

Nov 9, 2006, 10:14 PM
Just wanted to extend a thank you to any and all of the military service members here, past and present. Your sacrifices and your service are truly appreciated.

Happy Veteran's Day!!

Nov 10, 2006, 7:16 AM
Just wanted to extend a thank you to any and all of the military service members here, past and present. Your sacrifices and your service are truly appreciated.

Happy Veteran's Day!!

Hi Misty and Thanks :) Damn near slept throught that one.. selective senility settin I guess...Viet Nam era here 67-70. Brings back memories of some awesome times...and some sad times. My heart felt thanks as well to those past, present , and future :bowdown:

Ambi :)

Nov 10, 2006, 7:35 AM
At the end of World War 1 a grim joke had it that peace would be announced by the firing of a black flare at midnight.

On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, 11 November 1918, World War 1 ended. I forget when they changed Armistice Day to Veterans Day.

I have always felt uncomfortable when somebody thanks me for my service. I enlisted, it was my choice and when I was in I did what I was told. No heroics, just a job. The noun hero should be reserved for the truly heroic, when someone goes above and beyond...not just doing their job. That is not to slam our servicemen just the viewpoint of one veteran and one shared by quite a few vets I have talked to as well. Be as all that may be...thanks. Gonna go Monday night to Golden Corral for my free meal though.

Nov 10, 2006, 8:31 AM
Smokey, I understand your point, But please accept our thanks anyway, You served, when others would not or could not. Still very admirable in my opinion.

Thank you to all the vets and service men and women. Thank you for your strength, courage, endurance, and love for your fellow American and country.


Nov 10, 2006, 9:53 AM
When someone thanks me for my service, 1982 to 2006, I just smile, shake their hand, nod my head, and say a big "thank you for supporting and that I appreciate those comments."

Nov 10, 2006, 7:15 PM
My dad was a flight machanic in the Air Force during Vietnam from 1966-1970. I never much thought about his service during the war (which is a horrible shame) until now. He died just a few weeks ago at the age of 59 from a horrible accident. :( I wish now that I had said many things to him...one of them being that he was a good man for serving his country when he did.

Thank you to everyone who served and gave us the freedom we have today!!! :bigrin:

Nov 10, 2006, 10:56 PM
Thank you Misty...I served during the 80's but never saw any action...I have friends and family who continue serving and that have been to, still there, and have return (in one piece) from Iraq...a friend sent me an e-mail with pictures attached showing how we sleep in comfy beds and wake to alarm clocks while our soldiers sleep under tanks or where ever they can sleep only to wake up to gunfire...Some of the pictures show people wearing anti-war clothes and stating that our troop should refuse to go to serve when called upon...These same men and wpmen serve to protect these peoples right to wear these clothes...I, personally, do not agree with the war in Iraq...But I support our troops because like me, they took an oath to serve thier country and defend against both foreign and domestic foes...Thank you once again, Misty...This ex-soldier also salutes our brave men and women currenty serving in all of our armed services...Happy Veterans Day... :paw: :paw:

Nov 10, 2006, 11:19 PM
Far to often the men and women of the armed services are forgotten, only to be thanked once a year. They never gave up on service to our country, to stand for the freedoms we believe in, to be a protector to those who can not- we should do what we can, each in our own way to say thank you more than once a year. I happen to be a member of the American Legion Auxiliary and the 8/40 who work with and support our soilders, past, present and future.

To me this Day has a very special meaning this year. I have become a pen pal of sorts to a soilder from this site, stationed in Iraq. What started out as a simple conversation has grown into a friendship of immense depth. I guess I never realized how very alone and lost the men and women who serve our country are, particularly when then are in an area where they are not welcome. I know that I have become close to "My" soilder and worry for and about him, I can only imagine what his family feels. I know that "SPARKS" has a pen pal and troup support program he is involved with if you too would like to help.


To My Soilder....... THANK YOU

Nov 10, 2006, 11:24 PM
Thank you to any and all who serve to protect us. No matter how large or small your duties are/were you still play(ed) a part and we are grateful to you.

Nov 10, 2006, 11:39 PM
Yeah having family members who are veterans I have always felt a bit guilty just living the civilian life. It's because of them that are lifes are easier and relatively carefree.

Salute to all that have served, all that are serving and all that will ever serve this country.

Nov 11, 2006, 12:05 AM
I have always felt uncomfortable when somebody thanks me for my service.
Ditto. I don't know why but I always feel uneasy when receiving a sentiment like this from someone. I appreciate it and graciously accept it, but there are others more deserving than I.

Nov 11, 2006, 12:06 AM
Yeah having family members who are veterans I have always felt a bit guilty just living the civilian life. It's because of them that are lifes are easier and relatively carefree.

Salute to all that have served, all that are serving and all that will ever serve this country.

Don't feel guilty for never serving in the military. The important thing is to support the troops and appreciate what they have done & are doing to protect our freedom.
Disagreeing with a war (not just this war, but any war) is fine, as long as the troops are given the support & supplies that they need to survive & win.

I was in the USAF for 21 years. I was never in any war zone, but would have gladly gone whether or not I agreed with the war if I had been asked since I took an oath to support & defend my country and to do what my superiors asked.

Nov 11, 2006, 8:45 AM
I come from a family with a long and proud history of fighting for and defending the freedoms we as Americans now tend to take for granted. Men in my family have fought in every war this country has ever had, including those when we were just colonies. We have lost some but many more have survived their service. My oldest brother served in the US Army, and was killed in WWII before I was even born. My youngest brother (there were 5 boys in my family) served in the US Navy between wars. I have been married to 2 different servicemen, one Army (he went to Nam) and one Navy (also between wars). I now have a son that proudly serves as a US Marine Reservist and is willing to go wherever our country asks him to go in that service.

To all those in my family and every family, I say a thank you each and every day and pray for the safety of them all as well.

Gem :bowdown:

Nov 11, 2006, 5:24 PM
I attended a local Veteran's Day ceremony today--unfortunately after two glorious days of "Indian Summer" in these parts--it was cool and wet today, so they held the event indoors.

As a vet (US Coast Guard)--I am proud of the service I gave the country--it was many years ago--it kind of surprises me that after all these years--those years are a sort of defining time of my life--I had sort of a love/hate relationship with the service while I was in it--but am still glad that I did serve.

My service time means more now to me at this stage in life and also since 9/11 and the "war" in Iraq.

I attended the event today not because of memories of my service--but to honor all of those young men and women serving "in harm's way" today who are putting their lives and limbs in danger.

While I do not agree with the policies that put them over there--I do support them in what they are assigned to do--as soldiers, airmen, marines, sailors, Coasties (the Coast Guard has many units and individuals serving in the mideast region with some losses), National Guard and Reservists--when you recieve orders--you snap to, salute and say "yes sir/maam" and go do your duty.

I do not know what to do with the situation in Iraq at present--I just hope it comes to a suitable conclusion regardless----the sooner the better, of course so our troops, sailors and the rest can come home.

To all those who have served, are serving and will serve in the coming months--- and most especially to those who have "given all" in this effort--I stand at attention and offer a heartfelt salute.

I may not have been a Marine, but I do like their motto---

As I offer my salute I also say: "Semper Fi" to those who gave all regardless of whichever service they served.

"Carry On"

Nov 11, 2006, 10:18 PM
and thank you for thinking of us.

Nov 11, 2006, 10:32 PM
Misty, just wanted to say thanks . . . while I can't presume to speak for any one but myself, I'm sure most would agree when I say it's nice to know of the appreciation of others for the sacrifice, both small and large, that service members (and their families) make in serving their country. Many and varied are the reasons we serve, but one thing we all have in common is that we take a calculated gamble when joining the service, for after all is said and done . . . after the education, benifits etc., the bottom line is we may be called to put our lives on the line. That is never a small thing.

Nov 11, 2006, 11:51 PM
At the end of World War 1 a grim joke had it that peace would be announced by the firing of a black flare at midnight.

On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, 11 November 1918, World War 1 ended. I forget when they changed Armistice Day to Veterans Day.

I have always felt uncomfortable when somebody thanks me for my service. I enlisted, it was my choice and when I was in I did what I was told. No heroics, just a job. The noun hero should be reserved for the truly heroic, when someone goes above and beyond...not just doing their job. That is not to slam our servicemen just the viewpoint of one veteran and one shared by quite a few vets I have talked to as well. Be as all that may be...thanks. Gonna go Monday night to Golden Corral for my free meal though.
Yo,Smokey,I am a 13 year Veteran,one year Vietnam,Thankgod in the wing. I was a DI,In 77/78.I too feel the same as you,Ifeel I just did what came natrualy to to me.I just wish I was in good enough shape to go and do it again.Regards animalat54

Nov 12, 2006, 12:00 AM
Just wanted to extend a thank you to any and all of the military service members here, past and present. Your sacrifices and your service are truly appreciated.

Happy Veteran's Day!!
I really want to thank YOU for appreciation.I am a Vietnam Vet that is greatly appreciative of your Honer.It is really great that you would take the time to Honer those before and after.Again Thank you animalat54

Nov 12, 2006, 1:21 AM
Id also just like to say Thank you and express my pride and support for all the Canadian soldiers serving in Afghanistan and all those who served in both world wars.

Nov 12, 2006, 8:17 AM
HEY 12voltman59 I am a Coastie too....Served 74 thru 78. Went through Cape May and Petaluma Ca. And Was stationed on the U.S.C.G.C. Duane #33 out of Portland Maine and at the small boat station at Gray's Harbor Washington. I was a Yeoman. Broke my leg just below my knee following orders and now am 30% on a severely messed up kneew and waiting for a replacement.