View Full Version : new here.........

Nov 7, 2006, 8:05 PM
I'm new here. I am part of a F/F couple, however, she is not aware that I am strongly curious about exploring sexuality with a man. I would not leave my partner for another person, but I do want to explore this part of myself. A "friend with benefits" would be perfect, but not sure how this would work since I've never done this before. Any comments, suggestions, advice???

Also, I don't know how to create a profile or where am I supposed to do that Kinsey test that's part of the profile. Can someone help me with this??


Nov 7, 2006, 8:08 PM
Welcome to the group idgie!! I hope you enjoy the site and get what you are looking for.

To make your profile click on the "My Account" in the green above. That will direct you to the places you need to fill out.

Nov 7, 2006, 8:14 PM

Welcome :-) Love your nickname BTW.

The URL for the Klein Grid, which is generally more accurate, is http://www.youthnetsouthampton.org.uk/breakout/kleingrid.php

This isn't the one that Rhuth created but it IS the one I took when I was first coming out to myself.

Good luck to you.

Nov 7, 2006, 8:22 PM
I'm new here. I am part of a F/F couple, however, she is not aware that I am strongly curious about exploring sexuality with a man. I would not leave my partner for another person, but I do want to explore this part of myself. A "friend with benefits" would be perfect, but not sure how this would work since I've never done this before. Any comments, suggestions, advice???

Also, I don't know how to create a profile or where am I supposed to do that Kinsey test that's part of the profile. Can someone help me with this??

Thanks! Hi idgie, welcome!

To add more to your profile including a "Kinsey rating", click on the green My Account button - then you will see a heading on that page called "My Personal Ad" and it's all under there.

Take care.

- Drew :paw:

Nov 7, 2006, 8:29 PM
Hello to Miss IDGIE,

First, I LOVE, LOVE your name. It is from one of my most favortie movies of all time. I, being the brash lady that I am think of the line in "Fried Green Tomatoes' when Kathy Baker is in the grocery parking lot and these two skinny chick piss her off and she slams their car and say" I am older and have more insurance" LOVE IT, ergo, I love your name.

One good thing THAT movie and this web site is the fact that they both have lots of wonderful people living with in their confines. I hope that you feel as welcome here as I did. Hubby and I have met so so many wonderful, interesting and compassionate people whom we are proud to call friends.


Nov 8, 2006, 8:36 AM
Hi Idgie and welcome :) Hope you find what you are looking for and make some wonderful friends along the way.

My fav quote from the movie is:

Sipsey: Oh it don't make no kind of sense. Big ol' ox like Grady won't sit next to a colored child. But he eats eggs- shoot right outta chicken's ass! :tong:

Nov 8, 2006, 5:24 PM
hello and a very warm welcome! hope u enjoy the syte hun and make lotza new friends! hope to chat soon :) take care! have fun! clairey xxx

Nov 8, 2006, 8:30 PM
Yes!!!! It is from the movie "Fried Green Tomatoes" :tongue: I loved that movie and relate to the brashy girl named Idgie, so I use that nick a lot. I still watch it from time to time. It's nice to see that many other people here have seen it too.

I figured out how to do my account, so thanks for the info everyone! Glad to meet everybody and will chat some time!!

meteast chick
Nov 8, 2006, 9:18 PM
Welcome to you Idgie! Ok so I saw the movie but didn't know the first thing about the name. Nonetheless, isn't it such a great place in here! Support, advice, and friendly info abound, including friendship.

luv and kisses,

Nov 8, 2006, 10:03 PM
I am part of a F/F couple, however, she is not aware that I am strongly curious about exploring sexuality with a man......Any comments, suggestions, advice???

Hi Idgie. Welcome to the best ever bi web site. :bibounce:

How do you think your partner would respond if you told her you were strongly curious about exploring sexuality with a man?

Nov 9, 2006, 7:13 PM
If I told my partner about my bisexuality (which, by the way, I'm just coming to realize), she likely would become rather upset, defensive, and take it personally. She'd assume that I'm interested in being sexual with a man because there's something about her that doesn't make me happy......and that isn't true. She would not be understanding about it at all. She's one of those types where she thinks people are either gay or straight.....there's no in between. She sort of has blinders on in this area. In truth, she is a good person, I love her, and I intend to stay with her, but sexually I'm not fulfilled. I know people say that it's best to be honest about your sexuality with your partner and I would tend to agree to a certain extent, but this truly is not something I could share with her because it would become a huge issue and would be turned into something that it's not. To each his/her own, I say. I don't see the benefit in making someone else feel bad just so I can be honest about myself. I really think that people are sometimes limited in what they are able to accept and this is one of them for my partner. It has to be hard to hear this kind of information......looking at it from someone else's perspective. Just my truth......food for thought.


Nov 9, 2006, 9:13 PM
well.... once you cheat you can never go back and un-cheat. And cheating causes a lot a problems in relationships. From your guilt to her suspicions. And it usually ends up in a break-up.

Anyway, that's all i see in the crystal ball. Had to say that even though you know it, and are going into this with your eyes wide open.

Nov 9, 2006, 9:31 PM
Hello to Miss IDGIE,

First, I LOVE, LOVE your name. It is from one of my most favortie movies of all time. I, being the brash lady that I am think of the line in "Fried Green Tomatoes' when Kathy Baker is in the grocery parking lot and these two skinny chick piss her off and she slams their car and say" I am older and have more insurance" LOVE IT, ergo, I love your name.

One good thing THAT movie and this web site is the fact that they both have lots of wonderful people living with in their confines. I hope that you feel as welcome here as I did. Hubby and I have met so so many wonderful, interesting and compassionate people whom we are proud to call friends.


First off - :bounce: WELCOME to Idgie - hope you find the path you seek and maybe even with a little help from new friends that you will undoubtedly meet here.
Secondly - Belle - I loved that movie also and that too was one of my favorite parts of the movie. :2cents:

Anyway - Welcome Idgie :shades:
