View Full Version : Sexual Pathways

Jan 7, 2024, 6:14 PM
This is something I have been pondering thinking about and kinda studying on for a while now.. Sexual Maturity!!! Now we all have different levels of this.. some way more than others.. I also know that everyone has different ideas of what it really is.. we all have different paths that we travel to try and reach this..
for me there has been many curves and windy paths and it seems like a lot of pot holes in the path.. not in like everyone else?s.. I am and have learned a lot about this and myself along the way.. mostly by trial and error.. but also through my interest in other people and what makes them tick.. I think that one of the things that makes my adventure of servicing sexually Frustrated married men as successful as it is, is not only providing sex but a genuine concern for them and being able to listen to them and make a connection with them.. don?t get me wrong the sex is great and I love the fact that I get to experience sex with them but I also learn their story.. learn the back story to their lives.. I learn a lot about how they think and feel about things..
one of the major things I have learned to all this is acceptance!! Realizing who and what you are and getting comfortable with it and accepting it is a hard thing.. when I set out on this path I would have never guests that I would spend 8.5 years trying to be female and feel good about it.. all the feel good drugs and alcohol don?t add up to just feeling like you matter.. then to come to this point of having sex with men.. lots of men in the hope that they can relax and unwind and find some peace.. it is a crazy idea but it works.. I have looked long and hard into the depths of why I am who and what I am.. yes I am bi, submissive, very sissy minded.. I love the female form but I also love sex with men!!! I love how I feel the physical and mental part of sex with men..
I believe that acceptance is key.. being able to accept that yes I am sexually attacked to men and love giving my body to them makes me happy no matter what anyone else thinks.. being able to accept that I love it when a guy blows his load deep inside me that it proved that I did everything he needed at that moment to forget all his problems and worries and left them in me for a while..
I was able to put a smile on his face and a skip in his step for a while.. he left it all in me!!! He feels good about himself and knows someone cares enough to give themselves to him.. I think in some small way I am a healer.. I help them feel good about themselves.. which makes them feel better about other things.. they become calmer more relaxed and able to cope.. SEX what a wonderful thing.. who knew it was good for so many things..

Jan 8, 2024, 2:05 AM
SEX what a wonderful thing.. who knew it was good for so many things..

Oh yes something you can share with another person ........... or persons :bigrin:

I have always been fulfilled by the sex I've had and have with female partners, butt it was not until I bit the forbidden fruit of sex with other men I realised there was more butt different fun to be had. I really enjoy the raw carnal nature of sex with guys and love the sex with women

Jan 8, 2024, 11:14 AM
I've always loved learning a guy's story as to how he got to find himself sitting with me and we're talking about having sex. Of course, I know how I got here and I'm not mad about it; it's been full steam ahead and damn the torpedoes - let's have sex, let's have fun, and let's find out why people are so weird about sex - and especially when men have sex with each other. Yeah, some folks have to pick their jaws up off the floor to learn how I got to be who I am today but it's not that big of a deal and it's a path that a lot of others have found themselves on.

But why are you here and trying to decide if you really want to suck my dick and get yours sucked? Tell me your story so I can add your distinctiveness to my own and decide for myself if I want to do this with you. Once you get placed upon your path, you should follow it without any shame, regret, guilt, or misgivings. And, yeah: Who knew sex could be so exciting?

Jan 8, 2024, 5:50 PM
sometimes it is more than sex its how you got where you are at you find out a lot when you do bi sex