View Full Version : Need y'alls opinion

Oct 7, 2023, 2:21 AM
I was out walking my dog earlier this week. A neighbor in anothet apartment building came walking across the courtyard in our apartment complex, calling, trying to get my attention. He wanted to know about my hat (Stetson Llano straw). We had a pretty lengthy convo about hats, boots, sports, etc. He's from Tx. In hindsight though, it seems like more than a casual, hey, I like that hat. Where'd you get it? I noticed several times that he quickly grabbed his crotch. Couldn't help but let my eyes quickly dart each time. While trying not to make it obvious I desperately want to see his cock. I was stand offish more so from fear and that he lives 1 building aeay.

I do have a couple of personal ads on a few sites with me wearing a cowboy hat so I'm not sure if im reading too much into it or if he recognized me. It's been a few months since my last hookup. But he even went out of his way to point out which apartment he lives in. Tbh, while I would prefer taller and heavier. I could definitely see myself looking up and seeing my ankles on his shoulders.

I saw him playing guitar outside yesterday and really can't help but wonder. Was he flirting hoping I would react?

I only have experience with online meetings. Email, meet up, I get the D. I'd really appreciate some advice on this, I can't get it outa my head.
My questions are, does it sound like he was flirting? If so
is this something that can be recovered from? What's my next move?

Oct 7, 2023, 8:41 AM
He was being friendly and approached you, engaged in sharing over something. Hmmm, the crotch grabbing may be the biggest hint. At worst he’s just really into cowboy hats. You saw him outside playing guitar. There’s your opportunity to say hello again and engage in conversation around his playing, ie., musical styles, favorite artists. See what happens.

Oct 7, 2023, 9:36 AM
I'd assume he's interested in you and act accordingly. Show some interest in return and see where it goes. He's so nearby it could be good potential for a regular sex partner.

Oct 7, 2023, 10:46 AM
First to answer your question, my next mov would be to look for an opportunity to chat again. If you see him out again say Hi and ask about something from the previous conversation (such as: "I expected you to have a cowboy hat by now, lol"). See where it goes. Its always hard for me to find the right moment for a comment or question that leads to the 'are you Bi' convo.

As an example, the other day I was at a local restaurant having a burger (half price burger night!) by myself. Not alot of people at the bar, and lots of open seats. So in comes this guy and he sits on my side of the bar even though the other side was empty) one seat away from me and one seat away from the couple up the bar. We strike a up a convo and talked for about 45 minutes, and he was keeping the convo going. He made a point of mentioning he lives very close by (as did I to him), and other particulars such as his name and he is married, etc etc. I felt like it wasnt yet time to ask some sorta question to trigger the convo I really wanted. But he seemed more friendly and conversational than some one you chat with at a bar whilst chowing. But then again, so am I usually. So is he just a friendly guy, or a guy on the hunt?

I made sure to mention that I go there often, especially on burger nights. So I will do my best to be there again next Wednesday, and hopefully he strolls in. My devious plan is to say something like "Well, I am driving so my next beer is at home on the deck" and see where that takes us.

Oct 7, 2023, 12:35 PM
Whether it's sexual or not, it's always nice to have friends. If you see him again ask if he'd like to go for a walk at the state park or something? You could tell him you noticed he plays the guitar if you are interested in that (or him). Ask him to join you for a meal out, coffee or something if it seems right. A lot better than eating alone either way...

I think the greeks had six different words for "love" -- ranging from platonic, romantic, physical, lustful, etc.

Oct 7, 2023, 12:53 PM
could be a ton of things, when dressed the other way, I wear a Southern rocker hat, lots of guys come up and talk about it. This could be a ton of things, a lonely guy looking for friends and things to do, he could be looking for someone to bang.

you could always hang out and make jokes like "Damn, the last time I got lucky was a year ago, I ma ready to bang Justin Bieber at this point"

See his reaction in a joking manner

Oct 7, 2023, 1:04 PM
I tend to agree with the others: Could be flirting, could just be friendly and your hat was a nice "break the ice" moment. Nothing wrong with making new friends and... seeing if you can be more than friends but, don't get all freaked out because he's close to you. I agree that a guy talking to you and grabbing his crotch or always adjusting himself could be a clue - but for now, something to be noted if you choose to engage him in conversation... and I would because again - who doesn't like making new friends?

Oct 7, 2023, 3:38 PM
If you want to take the next move, here is what I would do:

Write down on a piece of paper two or three web sites where you can buy the hat that you were wearing and go to his house and knock on his door. When he opens the door just say I have some sites for my hat ect....

See what happens next. :rolleyes:

Oct 7, 2023, 4:47 PM
Yeah, I like that, csreef! Good looking out!

Oct 7, 2023, 6:55 PM
I would keep an eye out if I were interested as it appears you are.. when I seen him out I would make it a point to bump into him.. I don’t mean literally but ya know.. then I would be the aggressor and find things to ask questions about like his music.. show some interest.. then see where it goes.. sure drop some sexually leading comments watch his reaction.. if he is interested he will let you know... give him the chance to be as bewildered as you are.. don’t be pushy let it grow and be what it is going to be.. maybe dress provocatively ya know really really short shorts and a small t-shirt let him wonder about what just happened.. if he is interested he will let you know.. be available when he is out, you be out and approachable.. you may need to make contact a few times to let him mull through it all.. but don’t give up.. if nothing else you may just make a new friend..

Oct 9, 2023, 8:04 PM
Yeah, I agree that drawing him out into more conversation is a good next step. If he's not interested, he'll probably start to wonder why you are so into talking to him and start to pull away but without accusation. OTOH if he maintains interest, that's probably a good sign he might be into more. A lot of guys are super cautious and are just waiting for confirmation that the feeling is mutual. So the slow route is probably the safest, esp. if he's your neighbour and knows he's going to be running into you again and again. Draw it out and see if he matches you.

Oct 9, 2023, 9:49 PM
Yeah, I agree that drawing him out into more conversation is a good next step. If he's not interested, he'll probably start to wonder why you are so into talking to him and start to pull away but without accusation. OTOH if he maintains interest, that's probably a good sign he might be into more. A lot of guys are super cautious and are just waiting for confirmation that the feeling is mutual. So the slow route is probably the safest, esp. if he's your neighbour and knows he's going to be running into you again and again. Draw it out and see if he matches you.
Good advice!

Oct 10, 2023, 10:26 AM
I have made several friends (and FWBs) through simple conversation. Knowing what and when to say makes all the difference (as others have pointed out). Unless you're on an online dating / hook-up site where you know you're talking to like-minded people, leading off a conversation about sex is generally considered weird or in the least too forward. I would ask him if he'd like to grab a beer or cup of coffee sometime so you guys can get to know each other better. Eventually one of you will likely steer the conversation around to sex which may provide an opening to discuss any mutual interests you may have. I was once buying cucumbers in the supermarket and a guy approached me and asked if I preferred them longer or shorter and thick? When I told him I liked them either way as long as they were firm! We both kind of smiled and he introduced himself. I noticed he had a six-pack of beer in his cart and told him that was one of my favorite brands. That led to more conversation and an opportunity to meet again over drinks. Several drinks and a couple of hours later, we started talking about sex, and more specifically he mentioned his lack of it. When I asked him when was the last time he'd had a good blowjob, he laughed and said he hadn't had one since his bachelor party... that his wife didn't do that for him. That's when I came right out and told him that I could take care of that.

He kind of looked at me and said, "Really? You do that?" Then he asked me if I was gay and I told him I was bi. That led to a whole new line of questioning about how many times I'd done it? What did I like about it? etc. That gave me a chance to explain the why's and how's about my sexuality and assure him that, if he was interested, I had my own apartment and everything would be absolutely discreet.

He thought about it for a minute and said, "Wow, that sounds cool." That's when I invited him back to my place and less than an hour later, he was getting the first blowjob he'd had in nearly 20 years.

Oct 11, 2023, 11:40 AM
It sometimes begins with just saying hello, or good morning; something as innocent as returning a neighbor's misdelivered mail to them after it wound up in your mailbox. Conversations ensue that begins to build familiarity that can lead to other conversations; sports, maybe some politics and, hey - would you like to come over to watch the game or have a few beers? I've found that the moment conversations turn to wives and then sex, it can open the door a little to see if this new friend might be interested in some nice, easy, M2M play, say, might you be interested in getting a blowjob (and more so if the conversations about wives and sex shows that he's missing out because the fires are dying or are already out)?

If I've had 10 of these conversations, 6 of the 10 have been interested; 2 of the remaining four have been on the fence about it and the last two is a no-deal, which is fine - no harm, no foul... but the offer is still out there because us guys gotta stick together and, besides: Getting sucked off is much more fun than hiding in the bathroom and jerking off. Give it some thought - you know where to find me...

Oct 11, 2023, 2:01 PM
just start out making friends if he wants more you will find out