View Full Version : What to do?

Sep 13, 2023, 9:43 AM
Hey, so I finally found another married guy who lives nearby and is also looking for a fixed secret FWB. We are going to meet in person just to chat first in the coming days. We already discussed a lot of stuff including protection. So anal with protection no doubt, oral he said no protection. I told him we should get STD blood tests just to be safe and I think he's ok with that (I'm not planning on doing anything until I see the results) but I'm also concerned about HPV as I don't want to infect my wife. HPV can be invisible in a lot of cases so that's what I'm worried about. I recently got the HPV vaccine so I should have some protection but still, this stuff always makes me nervous.
I only had a brief experience with another guy in the past and we did everything with protection.

So what's your experience and what would you do? Am I overthinking it?


Sep 13, 2023, 9:50 AM
If you have been vaccinated for HPV then within 4-6 weeks you should be protected. For HIV testing my bi wife and I use a home test kit called Oraquik. The test uses a swab of you gums and takes 20 minutes. It costs about US$50 a kit and uses the same technology as hospital labs use. There are other STD screening kits available but for a full STD panel of tests it's best to see a DR. Condoms will protect you from the majority of STD's out there.

Sep 14, 2023, 12:21 PM
If you have been vaccinated for HPV then within 4-6 weeks you should be protected. For HIV testing my bi wife and I use a home test kit called Oraquik. The test uses a swab of you gums and takes 20 minutes. It costs about US$50 a kit and uses the same technology as hospital labs use. There are other STD screening kits available but for a full STD panel of tests it's best to see a DR. Condoms will protect you from the majority of STD's out there.

Hey thanks. Yeah I'll definitely check out the tests. I'm really excited about having found a regular FWB!

Sep 14, 2023, 3:29 PM
If you have been vaccinated for HPV then within 4-6 weeks you should be protected. For HIV testing my bi wife and I use a home test kit called Oraquik. The test uses a swab of you gums and takes 20 minutes. It costs about US$50 a kit and uses the same technology as hospital labs use. There are other STD screening kits available but for a full STD panel of tests it's best to see a DR. Condoms will protect you from the majority of STD's out there.

By ?Protection? do you mean that the person who got vaccinated cannot get infected?

After vaccination how long does it take the protection to start and how long does it last?