View Full Version : What do you want from life?

Oct 29, 2006, 11:09 AM
This isnt a thread on taking "magic pills", "three wishes", or any other type of short cut, but more of what you actively try to get from life, eg power, wealth, escape from poverty, etc.

I'm interested in what people want, but why people also want it, and why people think they need it.

Me? I want to be happy, preferably with someone. The potential loneliness and isolation of later years fills me with dread at times. Despitre being bi, I know that I want a family and would regret it later if I did not

So, over to you ...

Oct 29, 2006, 11:45 AM
I want to be settled career-wise. I'm a professor and still untenured. It's exhausting to be constantly striving for the next step and always told that you have to keep running and running after the next benchmark. I want to feel like the benchmarks are behind me and I've "arrived." Then I can spend more time with my wife and daughter and think about fun things, maybe get involved in local politics.

meteast chick
Oct 29, 2006, 3:27 PM
All I want from life is Happiness. To me that's not asking much. Yes, I also want to have that beautiful open loving relationship, both with my children and my significant other, but I think that results in happiness.

I guess I'm pretty simple, the more you ask for probably the more you get, but I'd rather hope for one and pray really hard for it!

luv and kisses,

Oct 29, 2006, 3:58 PM
Well, I already have the happiness aspect of life.

What *I* want is for us to be the owners of a multi-billion dollar holistic corporation. I want Hands-On AromaTherapy and our new venture that we're just in the planning stages of, Herb's Herbs (Hi, I'm Herb) to be a worldwide holistic health care corporation inside of 5 years.

I believe in the adage "If you're going to dream, dream BIG!".

I know we have a great deal of work ahead of us. However, since we're not opening a storefront at this juncture, it's going to be easier to set up. When we move back to Atlanta, we'll have a full basement and most of that is going to be chock full of inventory between the two businesses. Once we've outgrown the basement, then we'll rent warehouse space.

My other goal which is already in the works is my continuing education. I'm working on my master's in herbalism. I've got about 1 and 1/2 years togo with that.

As far as my sexuality goes, if I find the right woman, that's wonderful. But until then, I'm going to be happy with what I have.

Oct 29, 2006, 9:10 PM
on a mudane level, i want to get my finances under control. I'm so sick of worrying about every little thing i buy, and can i afford it. Will i be able to keep my house. When can i buy the snow tires i so badly need.

on a happier level, i want to learn. There is so much to learn. I especially like to learn about nature, art, history... human nature, my nature :rolleyes: and what makes other people tick.

Oct 30, 2006, 10:58 AM
What do I want from life?
As of right now, I want to have my own business specializing in creating graphic novels, animation shorts and interactive cd-roms. For me I feel as though my life would have more meaning and a sense of purpose if I take my creative abilities and use them to share my vision of beauty, love and kindness.
As far as my sexuality goes, I just want the freedom to feel comfortable expressing my attraction to both men and women. What I mean is if I'm with friends and an attractive man or woman walks by I want to be able to comment on their beauty without having to be worried about how others will react or having to censor myself because others might be uncomfortable with the idea of someone liking both men and women. When I'm with my female friends, I want to be able to openly talk about the girls I had a crush on back in high school/college and not have to restrict myself to just recounting the guys that I liked. I want to be able to talk about my experiences openly without worry or concern. I just wish society was more comfortable with and accepting of bisexuality. That's something else I want from life too.

Oct 31, 2006, 6:40 AM
Hard question to answer because “wants” are always relative and subject to the here and now. In the moment, I don’t really want for anything because I have those things that for me possess a true value. Maintaining a sense of balance no matter what life throws my way, and the personal freedom to gather experience and grow will probably always top my list.
Life makes no promises. Love, happiness, wealth, even those things I cherish the most can be here today and gone tomorrow. That’s reality.

Ambi :)

Oct 31, 2006, 7:21 AM
I am 50 (will be 51 in Dec.) and around the time I turned 45 I realized that I had everything that I needed, indeed far more so and that realization was a great release. That is not to that there are not things I want, but that is something totally different. When I was young I learned that while I may be poor (if I ever hit poverty level I'll be doing well) that does not mean that I have to live poorly. I live as well as many who are far better off than I am. I have a keen mind and a deep abiding curiousity about things that keeps life interesting. I have skills that keep me involved...I have over the years hunted wild mushrooms, brewed my own beer, grown my own food, canned what I grew, taught myself to be a gourmet chef and transformed that into a career that lasted 20 years until my left knee gave out on me. I work hard when I have to, and don't when I don't have to. The Purtian work ethic is highly over-rated. I will work in order to live but I refuse to live in order to work. I taught myself computers and graphic arts and have looked with longing and love at the night skies until I knew the stars like old friends. I learned over that the years that to assume to know rules out any possiblity of learning. I am proud of the fact that I have been declared an excellent lover by both my male and female partners...why because I pay attention to what pleases them and more importantly, remember it. A lover's smile and sigh after love making is far more satisfying than my own personal orgasm any day, though those are mighty nice too. I have learned that true friends are rarer than gold and far more precious...without friends life can be awlful cold so it is wise to cultivate them like a garden of love. I have learned that without compassion we are no better than our prejudices...that the physical and spiritual worlds are inseperable and to think that you can have one without the other indicates more than anything that you understand neither. I have learned that there is always time...to read, to play, to love, to cook well...whatever and if you think that you don't have enough time, then you don't understand...time is all we got. The older I become the more I understand Thoreau and find great solace in those moments of attentive solitude.

What do I want from life? Nothing. I have it all.

"Life is what you make it...always has always will be." Grandma Moses

Oct 31, 2006, 8:48 AM
I am 50 (will be 51 in Dec.) and around the time I turned 45 I realized that I had everything that I needed, indeed far more so and that realization was a great release. That is not to that there are not things I want, but that is something totally different. When I was young I learned that while I may be poor (if I ever hit poverty level I'll be doing well) that does not mean that I have to live poorly. I live as well as many who are far better off than I am. I have a keen mind and a deep abiding curiousity about things that keeps life interesting. I have skills that keep me involved...I have over the years hunted wild mushrooms, brewed my own beer, grown my own food, canned what I grew, taught myself to be a gourmet chef and transformed that into a career that lasted 20 years until my left knee gave out on me. I work hard when I have to, and don't when I don't have to. The Purtian work ethic is highly over-rated. I will work in order to live but I refuse to live in order to work. I taught myself computers and graphic arts and have looked with longing and love at the night skies until I knew the stars like old friends. I learned over that the years that to assume to know rules out any possiblity of learning. I am proud of the fact that I have been declared an excellent lover by both my male and female partners...why because I pay attention to what pleases them and more importantly, remember it. A lover's smile and sigh after love making is far more satisfying than my own personal orgasm any day, though those are mighty nice too. I have learned that true friends are rarer than gold and far more precious...without friends life can be awlful cold so it is wise to cultivate them like a garden of love. I have learned that without compassion we are no better than our prejudices...that the physical and spiritual worlds are inseperable and to think that you can have one without the other indicates more than anything that you understand neither. I have learned that there is always time...to read, to play, to love, to cook well...whatever and if you think that you don't have enough time, then you don't understand...time is all we got. The older I become the more I understand Thoreau and find great solace in those moments of attentive solitude.

What do I want from life? Nothing. I have it all.

"Life is what you make it...always has always will be." Grandma Moses

Hi Smokey,

IMO..This is one of the nicest profiles in it's depth and scope I've ever read. It says a lot about about you. :)

Ambi :)

Oct 31, 2006, 3:00 PM
Thank you Ambi, though I did not write it as a profile I guess it comes mighty close to one. It would be a bit absurd to use it though...it would I think come off as precious.

Oct 31, 2006, 6:35 PM
Well--I don't really want a great deal as I enter the next stages of my life--to borrow and slightly change another song title from Jimmy Buffett "Pirate Looks at 50"

I am not far from that milestone age when they will send me my AARP card.

I have gone most of my life thus far without a regular partner for most of my relationships have tended to be rather short lived--so I would like to find someone.

I also have as a goal, to finally become a published book author in the coming years.

I want to become involved more with social causes---working to help make the world a better place to live--not for myself so much for those of coming generations even if I have no children of my own.

That is what each generation is supposed to do---leave the house just a bit better than the way we found it.

It may touch on the political, something most of you know I like to do, but the way we are running things now--we are not going to leave much of a positive legacy for future generations--we are consuming the planet and its resources at a terrific rate and here in America--the folks up in Washington--Repubs/Conservatives and Dems/liberals alike are racking up a bill that our great-grandkids are going to be paying off.

Not that one person can do much about such things--but I would sure as hell like to try and vow do my part to help change things.

I want to be able to travel more in the coming years--go to some of the places that I have not been but would like to---

These are just a few of the things I would like to have in my life....

Oct 31, 2006, 8:48 PM
First and foremost, I want to be a great dad. I want my kids to love and respect me at least somewhere near as much as I love and respect my own dad. (And my mom. But I'm not going to be a mom.) If I do that, then no matter what else happens, I'll be a success in life.

However, I'm greedy. ;) I also want to be a successful author. I also want to be a successful businessman. I also want to be a successful politician. Hey, I did say I'm greedy... :tong:

Nov 1, 2006, 4:42 AM
Merely to be truly happy with those I love most around me, and not to let my tits drop or my arse droop!! :bigrin: .

Nov 1, 2006, 4:45 AM
Forgot....not having 2 go 2 work seems a good idea 2! :tong:

Nov 1, 2006, 5:20 PM
All I want is to be loved and wanted.

Nov 1, 2006, 5:47 PM
there is a wistfulness in your response Ian that speaks of a deep longing...one I think we can all respond to....may you find it in spades.

Nov 1, 2006, 6:06 PM
Unofficial Community Leader

UK and Ireland, UK - Scotland and Northern Great Britain

Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 104 What do you want from life?


This isnt a thread on taking "magic pills", "three wishes", or any other type of short cut, but more of what you actively try to get from life, eg power, wealth, escape from poverty, etc.

I'm interested in what people want, but why people also want it, and why people think they need it.

Me? I want to be happy, preferably with someone. The potential loneliness and isolation of later years fills me with dread at times. Despitre being bi, I know that I want a family and would regret it later if I did not

So, over to you ...

I understand and relate to this sentiment so much; especially in the last few months and especially the last few weeks. Loneliness is scary. Oddly enough, I never felt quite as lonely when I was alone as I do now with a 'significant other' in my life. That reason is mostly because of distance between us and that will all change in the coming year. But I cannot remove the intensity of the loneliess now.
My favorite post on this topic however is Smoky's...
I can add very little as he has really said it all pertaining to this topic. But I will put a little more into it.
I think that one of the things I've learned at this point in my life and in looking at myself here recently, is that I am still thinking upside down so often. Instead of wondering what I want from life, it seems to me that we need to ask more often is what can we give? Please don't misunderstand me with this statement, I'm not trying to imply that we should never desire or want, but it seems to me that we spend more time indulged in that energy of what do I want. I'm certainly no different, but it seems that if I would take the time to turn this around, there might be a significant change in how I view and act towards others. Consequently, I would venture to say that this kind of thinking is the source of some of my recent emotional suffering....I have so much more to learn.

Long Duck Dong
Nov 2, 2006, 3:47 AM
what do I want from life ??? a refund :tong: :tong: :tong: :tong:

i am 36 now.... more money than i need, years of traveling, long hours and 100 million tonnes of paperwork thru owning my own businesses

I wish i had spent more time with my cat... he is getting old now, 14 years old and soon I will lose him....he has been a faithful companion to me and I intend spending his last years, making him happy and relaxed

I am gonna spend more time talking with my friends and less time working.... the 75-80 hour weeks are gonna be a thing of the past

Nov 3, 2006, 12:58 AM
...hmm... interesting question happyjoe...

...after a challenging first fourty odd years of life, i feel i'm finally emerging from the demons i have entertained all my life and the futile tunes i have constantly danced to... to feel at peace in my own skin.

...and thats really all i want from life....

.....to feel as if i am finally on my right path for my life. To provide a secure and happy base for my children to grow up in, to never lose sight of the joy of simple pleasures rather than striving for what is out of reach anyway (as futile as chasing the wind!). Just to 'be' with what is... to be at peace in the here and now and have the courage to never become complacent, but to invest in and nurture all those relationships, hopes and desires that i cherish and hold so close to my heart...

..... its taken a very long time to reach this place, but i do finally believe i am on that path now... and who can ask for more than that eh?

Julie :female: xxx

Nov 3, 2006, 1:53 AM
Quite honestly, I'm still trying to figure that out. I don't know yet what I want out of life. Alas, I probably won't know until I'm truly, er, out of life....

But I do know I have an awesome partner, two beautiful children, a couple of stinky dogs, 3 whiny, bitchy cats, and a tankful of fish who daily prove the existence of some deity or another (because despite my best efforts, they're still alive and swimming).

What more could I want? (Besides the winning MegaMillions lottery ticket. Hell, I'm not selfish - I'll share! I only need a couple million or so....)


Nov 3, 2006, 6:39 AM
Again, I come back to visit and post to this question.

I am truly content and thankful for so much. I would say at peace at well about those things most important to me.

The one area I must always be vigilant about and I would say probably applies to most if not all human beings, is the tendency for complacency and taking for granted the goodness of what we do have.

I am ever amazed at hearing people say they don't have enough in their lives. In America? Really? I don't want to sit here either and deny that there aren't people that aren't hurting and truly do need someone help them get back up and on their feet, etc etc.

The only thing I have remaining that I want in life is peace of heart and peace of soul. I can only find that when I am really still inside. But what does that mean? Anyone can give lip service to these concepts and lofty ideas. Living this way is a completely different experience and must be taken out of the intellect and into daily experience and living it. Still, it must begin in the intellect and is the very first important step. But it remains only the first step.

When I am at peace and centered, then and only then am I able to give back. Then the question, "what do I want from my life?" becomes balanced with "What can I give?" and then finally...What I CAN give. It really is a good question.

One final comment is.....being in love is a good way to help maintain an equilibrium in context to this question....if we really work consciously at it when required and then flow when it's time to flow....a most beautiful dance.

Nov 4, 2006, 4:20 PM
To be loved and respected by my family and students and to be able to help those less fortune than me.


Nov 4, 2006, 4:56 PM
want I want from life:

Short version=eddie (he is my best m8t and i want him as my best m8t and lover and soul m8t for all eternity)

long version = above + sexual experience with women quite a bit, beauty for ever, more intelligence, to be an actress, to get into a gd uni, to be quite well off, to die b4 age sets in my a pain free non nausiating non scary method.

Nov 4, 2006, 5:11 PM
Such a question....so many answers!

1)I want to be a good mom, a good person and live life to the fullest!

2)I would love to have enough money that I wouldn't have to worry about this bill and that bill and damn, still can't pay that bill....not saying I need to be rich..that's not the answer..I just want to be even.

3)I will forever make sure now that I tell the people/family I love that I love them. I just lost my dad to a tragic accident and I don't ever want to feel guilty for not telling them enough that I do love them very much.

But basically...#1 covers it.

Nov 4, 2006, 6:42 PM
This isnt a thread on taking "magic pills", "three wishes", or any other type of short cut, but more of what you actively try to get from life, eg power, wealth, escape from poverty, etc.

I'm interested in what people want, but why people also want it, and why people think they need it.

Me? I want to be happy, preferably with someone. The potential loneliness and isolation of later years fills me with dread at times. Despitre being bi, I know that I want a family and would regret it later if I did not

So, over to you ...

To quote a great Steve Vai song...

Peace, Love, and Good Happiness Stuff :)

Nov 4, 2006, 8:16 PM
interesting how a short sentence can carry such a heavy laden concept! to ponder?! to ponder?!

much of my life i have maintained and achieved what i wanted and focused on obtaining; in the course of achieving said success, other things have failed; the yin/yang of life, the balance of life.

i have a beautiful house nestled in the hills, surrounded by the trees and gardens as i have worked hard for all these years; in the city that i cherish for its chaotic existence; two kitties and three doggies whom i love and dote on, all of whom return the same, a hundredfold. there is money in the bank; i have a career; the time when i allow it for travel; the time to read, learn, and participate; a great city, state, and country for being in as a hard-headed political activist; an education and the mind to make use of and enjoy said training; real art on the walls; a closet of fine clothes and the god-given health, and what still gets noticed, a great body to hang them on. and the expectation that it will continue this way.

so what is the failed; i lost my beautiful sister, mother, and wife to hideous malformations and disease; standing beside them the whole time, trying desperately to ease their pain, while life drained from them, but before it did to torture them with suffering, debilitations, and agony. not to have children because my wife so beautiful, caring, generous, loved a man who destroyed so much of her peace of mind and soul; to lose the one man whom so much of my world revolved around, while he drowned, alone, in darkness, and no one to help him. they are all gone now and i am alone; everyday in the back of my mind, i want to know why, what went wrong, knowing all the while there will be no more answers, and that i must accept what has been dealt and move on. all the while never, ever forgetting those parts of me that are gone for good!

so that it is what i ponder when asked that question! sorry for being so heavy, but that is what came to mind!

"...ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee!..."

Nov 4, 2006, 9:34 PM
In my life time I have so discovered the difference between wants and needs. My grandfather use to say" want in one hand and SH*! in the other and see which fills up quickest". Without even trying it I got it.

I want so many things. I want to be a Millionair...I want to have all my wants and fullfill the wants of all my loved ones (family and friends). That wont happen in this life time. (Maybe in the next...who knows ;) )

What I truely want is to experience no more pain...pain of loss...pain of misunderstanding...pain of want...pain of others.... pain to others .... and my own physical pain then the rest of living would be easier.