View Full Version : first climax

Robin Black
Aug 12, 2023, 10:40 PM
How old were you when you experienced your first orgasm? Was it by yourself or with someone else?

Aug 12, 2023, 10:53 PM
It was a dry one around the age of 11, I believe

Aug 13, 2023, 1:41 AM
when I was young and with my cousin and his friends I don’t really remember having an orgasm as I was being used 4 and more times a day.. but when in high school when coach was fucking me everyday.. then I experienced orgasms regularly.. I remember it scared me at first..gasping for air,, the shaking and quivering.. the feelings welling up deep inside of me.. my mind being blurry and the desires.. my body being out of control and convulsions running through me.. the overwhelming desire for coach to fuck me for ever.. me cumin all over everything.. wanting coach in me deeper harder and wanting him to cum inside me.. it was amazing to experience that with him.. then when I started sleeping with his wife and had that first experience was mind blowing as well..

Aug 13, 2023, 2:19 AM
When me and guys would suck and fuck each other, we'd get this weird but good feeling that was kinda scary but not really. I was nine the first time I actually ejaculated - and in a girl - and... I thought I was dying. I was fucking her, it was feeling good, then the usually "really good" and then it got too good, and it scared me badly; I was sweating, my heart was pounding, and I was dizzy and, yep, thought I was dying because I couldn't see straight and I had a hard time breathing.

Then a moment later, I felt better but I was so confused - and my girlfriend is telling me, "You did it! You did it!" and I'm like, "I did what?" and she said, "Look at my pussy!" I looked down and my dick was still in her... but there was a lot of yellowish-white stuff just oozing out of her! She said, "You shot your baby making stuff in me! I felt it, too! Do it again!" The funny thing that I remember about this too was... how did she know what it was? The second time I came in her, it wasn't that scary, but it took some doing to get used to this new feeling.

I was the first of us to shoot the stuff and it made me quite popular. My friend didn't believe me when I told him the next day; we went to go suck each other's dick and he's sucking me good (as usual) and then... here comes that feeling and I shot in his mouth and, boy, was he surprised! "You believe me now?" I asked - and he just grinned... and sucked me off again.

I'd had sex with a guy the day before and it was the usual good feeling... but the very next day? Puberty paid me a visit.

Aug 13, 2023, 9:20 AM
I think I was around 9 years old when I had my first orgasm paying "house" with a neighbor girl.

Aug 13, 2023, 9:44 AM
I was probably about 13 or so. School was closed for some holiday that only government workers have off for so I was home alone. I was sitting on my bed wearing my Mom's wig, bra, girdle and stockings and I was looking at one of my Dad's porn magazines. My erection stuck out of the leg of the tight girdle and with my legs crossed it felt REALLY good when I flexed my thigh muscles. The more I flexed the better it felt. Next thing I knew I was shooting cum between my legs! I kept the stockings (my mom had plenty) and returned everything else. I later found that I didn't need to dress and I didn't need the magazine to make myself cum that way. I masturbated that way for a few years until I learned to use my hand.

Aug 18, 2023, 5:55 PM
Eight or nine. I noticed that rubbing the tip of my flaccid penis on the bed sheets at my aunts house fest really good. So I did it for a while, but had to stop. Later I continued until I had an orgasam. It was a big surprise. I did it that way untll an older boy in scouts showed a group of us masterbation by stroking. Then I switched to that.

Aug 18, 2023, 8:09 PM
I was 13 by myself.

Aug 21, 2023, 12:32 PM
The first orgasm I recall happened when I woke in the middle of my second massively wet dream at the age of probably 11 or 12. I somehow immediately figured out how to DIY the same feeling, though how I've no idea.

Aug 24, 2023, 3:25 PM
My first time was when I was 14. It was my first orgasm period. I was backwards and didn’t know much about sex. I was over at my best friends house thumbing through some porn mags he had gotten and his parents weren’t home. He then looks at me and asks if I would like to stick my dick in his ass, I said okay. I felt so good sliding it in, I just kept moving it in and out and it wasn’t long before I had this feeling like I had to pee but couldn’t make myself stop. Finally I told my friend I had to pee and pulled it out to run to the bathroom but didn’t make it, I shot cum from his ass to his shoulders. I didn’t know what had happened at first but he told me I had just cummed, all I knew was, it was the greatest feeling I ever had. Once I got him cleaned upped he asked if he could do me I said yes so he laid me down on the bed and tried to enter me but was having trouble because I was so tight and it kinda hurt. He then got up and sat down in a chair and told me to come over and set down on his dick. I went over to him and sat down on him it hurt like hell at first but as the pain left it started to feel enjoyable, pretty soon I was rocking in rhythm with him, within minutes I could feel him speeding up and he quickly pushed me off of him and as I turned around I could see him shooting a huge geyser of cum. This is how I lost my virginity both ways on the same day.

Aug 24, 2023, 4:47 PM
My first time was when I was 14. It was my first orgasm period. I was backwards and didn?t know much about sex. I was over at my best friends house thumbing through some porn mags he had gotten and his parents weren?t home. He then looks at me and asks if I would like to stick my dick in his ass, I said okay. I felt so good sliding it in, I just kept moving it in and out and it wasn?t long before I had this feeling like I had to pee but couldn?t make myself stop. Finally I told my friend I had to pee and pulled it out to run to the bathroom but didn?t make it, I shot cum from his ass to his shoulders. I didn?t know what had happened at first but he told me I had just cummed, all I knew was, it was the greatest feeling I ever had. Once I got him cleaned upped he asked if he could do me I said yes so he laid me down on the bed and tried to enter me but was having trouble because I was so tight and it kinda hurt. He then got up and sat down in a chair and told me to come over and set down on his dick. I went over to him and sat down on him it hurt like hell at first but as the pain left it started to feel enjoyable, pretty soon I was rocking in rhythm with him, within minutes I could feel him speeding up and he quickly pushed me off of him and as I turned around I could see him shooting a huge geyser of cum. This is how I lost my virginity both ways on the same day.
Very hot story... I don't get hard-ons easily at my age, but reading this gave me one. I was sitting at the computer, stood up dropped my cargo shorts and boxer briefs and jerked off. Thanks.

Aug 24, 2023, 7:12 PM
I was about 12 or 13 early 70s. I was at a friends house . He got a hold of his dad's Playboys . We some how got on the subject of masturbation. He was maybe a couple of years younger then me. He was only interested in watching me. Fell in love with Jerking off. I shared a room with my older brother. I would jerk off under my sheets at night as quietly as I could. Found out my brother was doing the same. My Mom found the evidence . She had our step dad give us the talk .

Aug 25, 2023, 5:02 PM
My first ever climax was at about age 11 with an Oster vibrator/massager, which I was using to treat a muscle strain sustained while playing baseball. Needless to say, I had a lot of muscle strains thereafter.

Aug 25, 2023, 5:09 PM
Yeah, those muscles strains are a bitch especially a groin strain...

Aug 26, 2023, 11:27 AM
When me and guys would suck and fuck each other, we'd get this weird but good feeling that was kinda scary but not really. I was nine the first time I actually ejaculated.........

Geez KD! Nine? I didn't get laid in any capacity until I was 16. So envious.

I think my first time was in the morning while me and my 4 brothers were getting ready for school. I was 12. They were all moving around in the bathroom across the hall from the room I was in. I had discovered hardons and all the good feelings around it long before. So with the door open a foot or so, so that I could see them and know when to bail out, I laid down and rubbed my cock and in a few minutes, ka-boom! I knew what cum was, and I had seen, felt and tasted my own pre-cum, but holy shit! That felt GOOD! Copious amount of cum all over my stomach. I cleaned up quick and stumbled around weak legged for a few minutes. After learning what the end game was, I jerked off 3 or 4 times a day and in some weird places (like in the back seat of the station wagon as my mom was driving)

Aug 26, 2023, 12:31 PM
querty said, "Geez KD! Nine? I didn't get laid in any capacity until I was 16. So envious."

Yep. I jumped on the sex train very early but that first ejaculation? A doctor I saw as an adult was doing his workup on me and asked how old I was when I first ejaculated and when I told him, his eyebrows climbed up his forehead and hid in his hair. He said that was highly unusual but I'd told him that two weeks prior, I'd been hit by a car and had gotten my bell rung pretty good and needed stitches in my head and chin. He said, "Yeah, that could have done it; getting your brain bounced around inside your skull could have woken things up for you."

But, yeah... having sex? Was there anything better than that? Man, did I load the girl's pussy up with cum that first time! Thought I was dying! She's seriously excited that I shot the "baby-making stuff" in her and said, "Do it again!" So I did. Made me popular and my male peers were "hating" on me but in a good way. Oddly, I learned about jerking off after​ I was taught how to fuck a girl...

Aug 28, 2023, 7:03 PM
I was about 12 and on a class trip to Pierre, the state capitol. There was five of us in one room, two king beds. I was in bed with one other guy, and he rolled just right. I went ahead and manipulated myself and had my first climax.

Aug 29, 2023, 2:01 AM
Found my fathers stash of "adult" mag the sight of naked ladies gave me a hard on I started to play with my cock and then oooooooooooooooooo my word :yikes2::oh::)

Aug 29, 2023, 11:38 AM
Yeah... what the hell was that?

Aug 31, 2023, 10:43 AM
How old were you when you experienced your first orgasm? Was it by yourself or with someone else?

My true experience (previously posted in another thread, but true)...

I used to love to take baths as a kid, preferring them over showers. It was time I could spend alone, away from my family, immersed in a warm cocoon of sensual liquid.

I loved to play with my dick, having started to become sexual at age 3. Nothing overtly sexual -- starting with mutual touching with other boys and progressing to oral sex with two older boys -- but those are stories for another time.

So there I was, age 9, alone in the tub, warm and aroused. I was touching my hairless dick and balls, languishing in the sweet feel of my fingers. I loved the way my tiny smooth dick and balls looked. The skin of my dick was so smooth and pink. I loved the way my sack would tighten up against me, snugly holding my precious little balls. I closed my eyes and let my fingers trace the firm ridges of my firm little ball sack. I would lift my small bottom off the tub bottom so that my dick would rise out of the water, so stiff and rigid.

Earlier that day a boy who was two years older, Greg, had bragged to a group of boys that he had been sucessful in "jacking it up". His older brother showed him how to do it. He said that if you moved the skin of your dick up and down enough that your dick would "cream" and it felt great. I wasn't sure what it all meant, but I was sure interested.

I was thinking about it as I floated in the tub and thought I would give it a try. I held my little 2 1/2 inch dick between my thumb and index finger and started to move the skin up and down. It didn't feel so marvelous, I thought. But I kept going, determined to see if I could "cream". I discovered that if I lifted my bottom up and down and tickled my nuggets it added to the feeling.

Soon strange new feelings started to flow through my abdomen and loins. I could feel something start to take hold of my of my whole being. My little hand began to pick up speed and my hips were thrusting on their own.

Then it hit -- my first orgasm! All I can say is I never expected it to feel so incredibly good! My whole body became rigid, suspended in an arch between my shoulders and my heels. I was shuddering in delight as the wonderful feeling of release coursed through my naked, lanky body. My toes curled and my hips were thrusting in wonderful involentary spasms. It was all I could do to keep from releasing loud squeaks of delight. Slowly, ever so slowly, the feeling subsided and I let my body settle back down into the tranqil caress of the water. I lie there quietly, floating limply in the water, only the soft sound of my tiny, rapid breaths filling the air as I focused on the hormonal afterglow for the very first time.

It was an experience I will never forget and the start of a rich, sensual life. Greg, wherever you are, thanks for introducing me to the wonders of orgasm.

Aug 31, 2023, 7:23 PM
My true experience (previously posted in another thread, but true)...

I used to love to take baths as a kid, preferring them over showers. It was time I could spend alone, away from my family, immersed in a warm cocoon of sensual liquid.

I loved to play with my dick, having started to become sexual at age 3. Nothing overtly sexual -- starting with mutual touching with other boys and progressing to oral sex with two older boys -- but those are stories for another time.

So there I was, age 9, alone in the tub, warm and aroused. I was touching my hairless dick and balls, languishing in the sweet feel of my fingers. I loved the way my tiny smooth dick and balls looked. The skin of my dick was so smooth and pink. I loved the way my sack would tighten up against me, snugly holding my precious little balls. I closed my eyes and let my fingers trace the firm ridges of my firm little ball sack. I would lift my small bottom off the tub bottom so that my dick would rise out of the water, so stiff and rigid.

Earlier that day a boy who was two years older, Greg, had bragged to a group of boys that he had been sucessful in "jacking it up". His older brother showed him how to do it. He said that if you moved the skin of your dick up and down enough that your dick would "cream" and it felt great. I wasn't sure what it all meant, but I was sure interested.

I was thinking about it as I floated in the tub and thought I would give it a try. I held my little 2 1/2 inch dick between my thumb and index finger and started to move the skin up and down. It didn't feel so marvelous, I thought. But I kept going, determined to see if I could "cream". I discovered that if I lifted my bottom up and down and tickled my nuggets it added to the feeling.

Soon strange new feelings started to flow through my abdomen and loins. I could feel something start to take hold of my of my whole being. My little hand began to pick up speed and my hips were thrusting on their own.

Then it hit -- my first orgasm! All I can say is I never expected it to feel so incredibly good! My whole body became rigid, suspended in an arch between my shoulders and my heels. I was shuddering in delight as the wonderful feeling of release coursed through my naked, lanky body. My toes curled and my hips were thrusting in wonderful involentary spasms. It was all I could do to keep from releasing loud squeaks of delight. Slowly, ever so slowly, the feeling subsided and I let my body settle back down into the tranqil caress of the water. I lie there quietly, floating limply in the water, only the soft sound of my tiny, rapid breaths filling the air as I focused on the hormonal afterglow for the very first time.

It was an experience I will never forget and the start of a rich, sensual life. Greg, wherever you are, thanks for introducing me to the wonders of orgasm.

I had a similar experience. Growing up we only had a tub, no shower. At about 9 or 10 I discovered that if I played with my dick it felt really good and if I went long enough it was really good! I didn't realize that it was an orgasm until much later. In a house hold of 6 and only one bathroom it was the only time I had any real personal alone time. I jerked off every time I took a bath. It got a bit more complicated when I started ejaculating. I had to make sure the tub was real clean of any floating jizz for my siblings...lol It wasn't long after that that I discovered fingering my ass but that's another story...

Sep 1, 2023, 5:33 AM
I was 11 or 12 when I first started to cum. I was by myself. I recall doing it in two ways in the beginning but can't remember which I did first. One way was that I would straddle the bathtub, one leg in, one leg out, and grind away on the top of the tub. I remember using either soap or shampoo as lube. I also remember getting on top my my pillow in bed and grinding on it. I honestly do not remember if I actually ejaculated in the very beginning. I know I did soon after I began but not sure about the very first handful of times. But first climax(es) for me were alone.

Sep 8, 2023, 10:38 PM
As weird as this may sound I have a memory at like 5 of being intensely curious about people's crotches -- I guess maybe it was because that was the place adults always made such a big deal about NOT showing right -- and I have a memory of playing with myself but it wasn't sexual, just curiosity. Maybe if they wouldn't have made such a big deal about hiding it I wouldn't have been so fascinated.

Unfortunately I was introduced to sex around age 7 by a teen a%#@ who had to torture me for a few hours first (which seemed really cruel) -- THEN hold me like he desired me (it was like a switch flipped, and I just KNEW that's what I wanted) -- the sex really wasn't that much -- we did about half a BJ .. That never resulted in a climax but the large conflict in emotions screwed with my sense of self for a long time.

First pleasurable experience -- I think about 9 -- and it was nature itself that introduced me -- one night shortly after I laid down I was just unbelievably "itchy" down there so just kept rubbing right where the foreskin connects to the glans .. and rubbing, and rubbing and it just started feeling REALLY good -- I don't know that I've ever stopped since then. (Maybe one time for two weeks on vacation?)

It was a LOT more fun before puberty because there was just clear liquid and no refractory period -- I think 3 in a row was my record back then? Bit hazy now.

Puberty probably hit around 12 or so -- and that was SORT of fun, but a lot more messy and the hormones were just annoying. The vacuum and I became very good friends that summer but all through my teen years it was pretty much just for stress relief -- school was such a pain in the @$#

Oh, and yes, there was a kid who used to just stand there in the shower in the locker room for ALL to see and yes, one time the dude next to me just up and kissed me out of the blue -- I guess he did it to break the tension between us? just sat there dumbfounded -- I mean it was nice -- but you didn't DARE tell anyone in rural redneck USA high that you were "gay" -- I liked it but it was like WTF!?

No adult ever touched me, it was always the kids man .. I have no idea what I was putting out there but even when I was young other kids would just come up to me and show me their "stuff" or ask me to look or touch or smell or lick things ,, it seemed almost bizarre at the time but since reading Kinsey I've learned that it's not really unusual for peers to be curious I guess.

I didn't learn to have multiple orgasms AGAIN until I finally learned the proper way to use anal toys as an adult.

It amazes me how many guys think that orgasm and ejaculation aren't separate things.

Sep 9, 2023, 10:55 AM
Jerked off in the bathtub when I was 12. I was amazed at the incredible feeling and I was fascinated by the cum shooting out of my cock and floating in the bath water.