View Full Version : Wanting

Aug 5, 2023, 1:19 PM
The dream! I wake up in the morning, wanting a cock to suck. I go to bed at night wanting a cock to suck. I go to work wanting a cock. I eat my lunch wanting a cock. I've visited bathrooms wanting cock. I've been to ABS wanting cock. Why is it so hard to find a cock? I joined this forum and there's cock everywhere. Why are you all so hard to find? I just want to suck some cock, lots of cock.... help me, please....

Aug 6, 2023, 11:15 AM
You just have to put yourself out there and let others know what you want. There’s plenty of dick out there, you just have to find it. It helps a lot if you can host. When I host, I can usually find lots of guys willing to stop by and spill their loads in my willing mouth!

Aug 6, 2023, 12:51 PM
You just have to put yourself out there and let others know what you want. There’s plenty of dick out there, you just have to find it. It helps a lot if you can host. When I host, I can usually find lots of guys willing to stop by and spill their loads in my willing mouth!

�� thank you!

Aug 7, 2023, 10:33 AM
I agree with atxbi. You just gotta go for it. I have had guys ask me how I get to suck so much cock and the reality is I quit wishing I was sucking cock and started actively letting it be known that I wanted to or was willing to.

A great example of this is the time I was at a coaching clinic with a fellow coach. We were sharing a room. After a long day session on the first day we went back to the room and he showered. He came out, only in a towel and joked "Now that I have had a good, hot shower, all I need now is a blowjob and a beer!" I said "Well, I am all out of beer, but if you get rid of that towel I can take care of the blowjob part for you" He laughed, then asked if I was serious and I said I was. I gave him a blowjob then and every day of the clinic after that. If I had not been so forward and bold about it then it never would have happened.

Aug 7, 2023, 11:09 AM
You’re welcome Rvdude. Once you finally get that first load, you will be kicking your ass wondering why you didn’t do this much sooner.

Aug 7, 2023, 1:10 PM
You’re welcome Rvdude. Once you finally get that first load, you will be kicking your ass wondering why you didn’t do this much sooner.

That's so true. And the craving never goes away. Hard cock is so enjoyable to suck.

Aug 7, 2023, 5:02 PM
The question I ask in this is that if it's dick you want, what are you doing to get it? What's really stopping you from getting it? Conferring a truism that I learned: If it's something you really want and need to do, you will find a way to do it. I have given many a guy his first experience and like Rest85 said, many of them have sat and wondered why it took them so long to do it and, yeah, kicking their own ass because they know of the many times that they could have done it before now... but didn't allow themselves to do it.

"I can't find a guy!" to me is not a legitimate excuse because, duh, there are a fuck-ton of guys out there looking for a guy who wants to suck dick so bad that it hurts and if that's you feeling the pain, well, there's a guy out there looking for you and the only thing he cares about is... you sucking his dick and taking his cum. And if you're "afraid" to, what are you afraid of and what is it going to take for you to stop being afraid of something that a fuck-ton of guys aren't afraid of? Oh, and if you're picky, you might want to revisit and reexamine this because I know for a fact that the harder you make this for yourself, the harder it will be to do. Of legal age to consent. Is healthy enough to have sex. Not your idea of a jerk or an asshole. Can't host? Get a room and the experience will pay for itself. Worried about what others will say or do? How are they gonna know... unless you tell them or homey is a blabbermouth?

Why aren't you out there sucking cock like it's going out of style? When I want to suck dick, nothing stops me when I have the chance to. Nothing. What's really stopping you?