View Full Version : Ever had sex with your best friend and wondered what would happen to your friendship?

Mar 9, 2023, 4:47 AM
I had fantasized about sex with my best friend who is 6'1" with redish grey hair 140lbs. With sexy baby blue eyes. One night he spends the night at my house after drinking a few beers too many. Later in the evening he tells me to come over to him and stick my dick in his mouth. He lives with a woman and is more or less in the closet. He spends the night again two weeks later and it's more mutual oral sex, then he asked to fuck me and I ran to get the lube. I value his friendship as I know we don't have a chance for a long term relationship while he is in the closet. Are we just FHF friends helping friends or lovers under cover?

What say yee?

Mar 9, 2023, 9:23 AM
I had fantasized about sex with my best friend who is 6'1" with redish grey hair 140lbs. With sexy baby blue eyes. One night he spends the night at my house after drinking a few beers too many. Later in the evening he tells me to come over to him and stick my dick in his mouth. He lives with a woman and is more or less in the closet. He spends the night again two weeks later and it's more mutual oral sex, then he asked to fuck me and I ran to get the lube. I value his friendship as I know we don't have a chance for a long term relationship while he is in the closet. Are we just FHF friends helping friends or lovers under cover?

What say yee?

He sounds like one of my roommates when I was in the Navy overseas. He as a smoking hot Twink and came off as gay to me and the one time I saw him nude, his cock was beautiful (and BIG!). I never aced on my bi desires with him as I was deeply closeted at the time. I sure wish I had though!

Your situation sounds more like the FHF variety. As long as you both enjoy it and no one gets hurt, I see no harm here. Get him while you can!

Mar 9, 2023, 3:59 PM
The best friends I've had - and we'd had sex - remained best friends until their passing. More like FHF although I suspected with a couple of them that they'd always wondered if they could have sex with me since they knew I was bi but it was never confirmed because it didn't matter. I would say that our friendship was that strong that, sure, it could survive us having sex and, apparently, each of those guys thought so as well. Until we wound up having sex, there was nothing we didn't know about each other; through thick and thin; we laughed together, cried together, had each other's back and in non-sexual ways, seen each other naked many times. One had asked, one day, "If we, say, sucked each other off, that wouldn't be a bad thing, would it, you know, since we're friends?

I never believed that friends couldn't have sex with each other. I just asked him if he was sure that he wanted to do this and he said that he was... so we did. If nothing else, it deepened the bond we'd already had. They all knew that if they were in "dire straits" and needed to bust a nut or two or three, all they had to do was ask or I'd ask them... because I just wanted to have sex with them. I agree with Neonaught: As long as you both enjoy it and no one gets hurt, it's all good and, yeah, get him and enjoy each other while you can!

Long Duck Dong
Mar 9, 2023, 4:55 PM
Yes I have had sex with friends......in fact my partner is somebody I have been friends with, for around 30 years, and we are still friends as well as partners....we are also in a closed group with 2 females and another male, who are friends with benefits, and yes our friendships have grown stronger because of the continued sexual and non sexual interaction....

I have never been a person who has abided by the rule of of exes can not be friends after the relationships end.... or that flatmates / room mates can not fuck and still live seperate lives.....

Buck Naked
Mar 9, 2023, 9:53 PM
I had a friend that I definitely wanted to suck but due to losing a friend previously after mutual masturbation I was afraid to ask. What I want appears to be unobtainium, i.e. a friend I can suck with no strings, no emotions, and no complications.

Mar 9, 2023, 11:14 PM
I say yes best friends can have sex and remain friends.. I have a few times over the years had friends that I have had sex with.. we are still friends.. we still talk and give each other shit all the time.. one guy in particular was a life long friend from my teen years.. we went to school together.. he never knew that I was queer.. later on after I went through my transitioning to female and back.. i ran into him quite by chance one day.. we chatted and exchanged numbers.. he later that evening he called me and started telling me about his life and the struggles he had been through.. loosing his wife and kids do to his life style ( being bi ) I ask him why he told me about all that?? He just said that he trusted me and felt like he could talk to me.. we started hanging out and grew closer and closer.. he would come and stay at my place now and then.. the one night we were drinking and smoking weed and he got up and took off his close and said I want to have sex with you!!! How dose that make you feel?? I just looked at him and said horny!! And laughed.. he looked at me funny and said what?? I told him I had been waiting for him to ask!! I told him I was bi too but leaned pretty hard on my gay side.. that if we had sex he would have to fuck me.. and he did quite often for about 2 years.. then work took him away.. he would come see me every chance he got.. but time and distance work their magic.. I haven’t seen him in over a year.. but still hear from him now and then..

Mar 10, 2023, 3:03 AM
I lost mine because I came out to him. We had really good sex but he was more afraid of what other friends might find out than of our friendship. Those of you that know me are familiar with my story. I'll repeat it if some of you want me too. It's a precautionary true story.

Mar 10, 2023, 4:10 AM
I lost mine because I came out to him. We had really good sex but he was more afraid of what other friends might find out than of our friendship. Those of you that know me are familiar with my story. I'll repeat it if some of you want me too. It's a precautionary true story.
yes please retell!!

Mar 10, 2023, 9:01 AM
Would love to hear about that.

park ave
Mar 10, 2023, 12:38 PM
I had sex with my best friend, and we remained very close friends until his passing. I detailed our first time together, if anyone is interested, in another post under 'Have you ever been seduced?' (He took me by completely by surprise by seducing me one night.)

If anything, having had sex made us even closer, as we shared an intimate secret. We were two straight guys in our twenties, chasing girls and having sex with them, but also sucking each other's cock. Plus we both enjoyed it. Of course this isn't gay! we'd tell ourselves lol. After all, we don't kiss or anything like that. But I have to say it was very exciting for me to open his shirt and run my hands over his sexy chest and lick and suck his nipples before I kissed my way down to his cock. He was more of the sub in our relationship, though, and sometimes I'd tell him I was coming by his apartment just to get my cock sucked. But of course that would frequently led to 69 lol. We also shared stories of the other guys we had been with, the first time I had ever told anyone about my bi encounters (he started younger than I did, which was very hot to hear about.)

We drifted apart in our thirties through marriage and distance, etc., and we never got together again, although we remained friends until his passing.

Mar 10, 2023, 1:53 PM
I lost mine because I came out to him. We had really good sex but he was more afraid of what other friends might find out than of our friendship. Those of you that know me are familiar with my story. I'll repeat it if some of you want me too. It's a precautionary true story.

Yeah, a few of the friends I had sex with were more worried about everyone else finding out that we did than any damage to our friendship... but I understood that since one of the things to be worried about was someone else finding out and all kinds of shit happening. Still, I lost friends and usually without us having sex. My sexuality shocked them, probably offended them, and for the longest time, no guy wanted to be associated with a guy who was presumed to be gay. I learned that... this is life. Move on.

With the guys I had sex with but they were pretty paranoid about it, the sex was good but it made the friendship edgy because they remained paranoid that what we were doing was something everybody knew and I had to tell them that when I promised not to tell, I wasn't telling so if someone found out, it wouldn't be due to them finding out from me. I'd say that the friendships with these guys, on the whole, took a tiny step backward but, yeah, if they needed to bust a nut, they didn't have a problem coming to me for it and as long as they weren't acting like idiots, I didn't have a problem accommodating them. Families moving broke up a lot of the friendships I had with guys who didn't mind that we would have sex but I learned that if they were going to be paranoid about it, it's not my problem.

Mar 10, 2023, 2:02 PM
park ave said, "If anything, having had sex made us even closer, as we shared an intimate secret."

This was pretty much how it went with the male friends I had sex with between the ages of 14 and, oh, 25 or so. We became closer because we shared that secret. And, yeah, some of them would be eager to have sex but saying that it's not really gay. A lot of those guys were, in today's terms, bottoms. "Is it weird that I want you to fuck me?" No, I didn't find it weird at all but if that's what you want to do, okay. Some were more versatile and like I was so we "basked" in our shared secret and there was comfort in knowing that, sure, we loved the shit out of girls but we had an intimacy that was special to us. Oddly, I wasn't friends with many tops; maybe one or two when I was in my 20s but we had an understanding: I wasn't going to be the only one sucking dick and getting fucked so if that bothers you, then maybe we shouldn't have sex - but we can still be friends.

Mar 11, 2023, 5:44 AM
My best friend and I did in December after quarter of a century.. Things are not as either of us imagined them since we have learned so much about each other we never knew and believed there were no secrets. Trust me.. Between us at least there were many...We have become more close as friends, and are finding out why we always have been besties!. There was a price to pay, but we paid our dues with sadness. What will happen in future who can tell. There is so much can and will happen and we can't know with certainty what until life passes us by... It is an adventure and I look forward to how that adventure pans out for better or worse!!

Mar 11, 2023, 10:17 AM
I’ve had sex with a few close friends, one in high school we remain close friends today. Two from college, but I have not kept in touch. I had great relationship with a coworker, we are still friends. They all remain in my fantasy rotations. Good times.

Mar 18, 2023, 9:01 AM
I can’t say best but I’ve had bi sex with a few good friends over the years and wondered if it was going to cause problems. So far it was not ever a problem for any of them and made us closer as friends.

Mar 19, 2023, 4:54 AM
yes please retell!!

Well to those of you that are Navy, you've already figured out by my screen name I'm a vet. My best buddy that I met, worked and shared an apt with when I came onboard my first ship of 40 years. I'll try to keep this short. Like I said some of you know this story so I don't want to bore you with a repeat. We were tight. After we both got out we went separate ways for a while but stayed in touch. He got married while we were still in and I got married about 10 years after. When I enlisted I shoved my bi side so deep in the closet no one could find it. Back in those days you were walked out the back door with a D.D. if command found out. I got hit on every so often but politely said no.
Fast fwd 35 years and now we're both in our late 50s. He and his wife divorce (btw I've known her for just as long and we're still friends). He grew up in Cape Cod. Always wanted to live on a boat so his wife buys him out of their house and he purchases a 42? trawler and moves onboard in Southern California. I'm jazzed. He gives me the keys to the marina and his boat. I'm going down at least once a month. Hangin out drinking beer and just enjoying his man cave and giving me a break from my job and the wife. This was about the time my bi urges started to awaken but I suppressed them and I hadn't ever thought about hitting on him and he's a good looking guy but I guess at the time I just didn't see him in that way.
One night we'd been out to our favorite bar with friends. Got back to the boat I was so horny that night. We smoked some pot. I turned to him and said just that and to my amazement he said he was too. So I said where's your porn. Figuring we could at least do a mutual jack off session but my true intentions was to see how far he'd go with me.
So that worked out and we started talking. Found out he'd had a room mate at his first duty station that was gay. Things progressed to where he was fucking me everytime I would go to his boat. I loved it. For a short guy he has a huge cock. I learned how to relax and let him pound my ass.
We had great FWB thing going on and none of our friends had a clue. Well a couple of them did but they never asked. He was always worried that someone would find out. The only one I was worried about was my wife but she never went there with me or hung with our friends so I wasn't too concerned. All of a sudden the dynamic seemed to change. I just thought he was in one of his moods so I didn't worry too much about it.
Then I went to his boat one weekend. We went to dinner just the two of us. When we got back to his boat smoked some pot. All of a sudden he turn into this asshole that I'd never seen. Well l'd seen him act like that to other people but not me. He just lit into me like I was this terrible person and we couldn't do this anymore. I was in shock so I just clammed up. I was destroyed. I went to bed. I got up the next morning before him packed all my stuff I had on his boat and left. I think one of our friends in the marina said something that he took the wrong way and he became paranoid. I thought that things would settle out and maybe we could talk it out but every time I would contact him he was just plain nasty. We really were best friends. I would have taken a bullet for that guy and I mean that. I signed my half of the boat back over to him and we haven't talked since that night 6 years ago. I still miss him.
Now I've had sex a couple of times with another friend but he knows this story and he was friends with him too but we've set boundaries and he's married. But that's another story.
A 40 year friendship just thrown away. It still boggles my mind because those are far and few in-between especially a FWB.

Sorry this is so long and it's too late to proof read so sorry for the mistake.

Mar 19, 2023, 7:46 AM
I fairly recently acknowledged my bi side as being integral and started having sex with men.

I have two friends that I would enjoy having sex with but am unsure if they would be receptive or how it would damage the relationships. When you have a decades long shared hetero identity in a relationship, it is hard to change roles. I make what I call "self-inclusive homo jokes" with them but neither has responded to them in a way that I consider to be an invitation to move on.

Mar 19, 2023, 3:34 PM
Most of the male friends I've had sex with handled it well; some couldn't - guilt, shame, and very worried about others finding out. You just can't know what's going to happen in these things. One such friend and I were talking and he was throwing hints at me and I said, "If you want us to blow each other, just say so - damn, we've been friends too long to be playing games." We did. The next day, he said we couldn't be friends anymore. I got miffed and said, "So you're going to throw our friendship away because you couldn't handle something that you wanted to do? I thought you were better than that but if this is your decision, just go; maybe one day, after you finish growing up, you'll realize the mistake you made."

He didn't and we talked about it... but I knew why he'd had this change of heart; he couldn't handle the change in his sexuality. It happens; it doesn't always go well which is why I am often amazed that when a guy wants to get into having sex with men, the first person many look to is... a friend. But it makes sense: If you can't have sex with a friend and someone who knows you well, who are you supposed to have sex with?

Mar 19, 2023, 6:56 PM
I've never had sex with my best friend.

Mar 19, 2023, 7:40 PM
I've never had any type of sex with someone who was a real-life friend first. That's only happened with 'lifestyle' friends that we've met since we started experimenting with various kinks.

If my actual best friend knew of my proclivities, it would probably be disastrous. I'd love to be able to blow him while we hang out to watch football, because -- well, he's a great guy and I like to suck cock. Probably not a good idea, though... He's a typical 'guy' and talks about naked women and getting his cock sucked. But I know he wouldn't want to be blown by another male.

Mar 20, 2023, 3:33 AM
Most of the male friends I've had sex with handled it well; some couldn't - guilt, shame, and very worried about others finding out. You just can't know what's going to happen in these things. One such friend and I were talking and he was throwing hints at me and I said, "If you want us to blow each other, just say so - damn, we've been friends too long to be playing games." We did. The next day, he said we couldn't be friends anymore. I got miffed and said, "So you're going to throw our friendship away because you couldn't handle something that you wanted to do? I thought you were better than that but if this is your decision, just go; maybe one day, after you finish growing up, you'll realize the mistake you made."

He didn't and we talked about it... but I knew why he'd had this change of heart; he couldn't handle the change in his sexuality. It happens; it doesn't always go well which is why I am often amazed that when a guy wants to get into having sex with men, the first person many look to is... a friend. But it makes sense: If you can't have sex with a friend and someone who knows you well, who are you supposed to have sex with?

You know KDaddy you never fail to amaze me. I think you hit the proverbial nail squarely on the head. That makes perfect sense. Looking back at that long friendship and some of the things that I witnessed in his working relationships and friendships. Now one thing or really a couple of things that I'll add to it. I had friends when we were in the Navy that knew him to. They would ask me how I could be good friends and share an apartment with "that asshole". I have friends now that ask the same question. I understand why. One other thing is the day this happened I called his ex-wife to let her know what had transpired the night before. As far as I know, she didn't know about the sex between us but who knows? She says to me "well I'm sorry and that's why we're not together anymore". So there it is.
As far as that so called friend that did that to you he's not worthy of your friendship. That's my take. I did give my buddy the chance to explain and maybe repair the relationship but when he rebuffed me I washed my hands and walked.
Thank you my friend. Your knowledge and experience is always welcome.
To the OP, just be careful is all I can say brother.

Mar 20, 2023, 3:28 PM
DD788Snipe, that he did that didn't hurt my feelings; it just pissed me off. By the time this happened, I'd had a few male friends do this 180 on me; the first time, it hurt badly but as it kept happening, it stopped hurting and I became... indifferent. You asked for this; practically begged for it. Told you what you were asking for and you went for it anyway. Not my fault you had a crisis over it (but I told you that might happen). Just go. In this situation, what I said - and the tone of my voice - must've got through to him and he needed to talk about it. This episode with him had me changing what I said to a guy - friend or not - who wanted to experience this: If this fucks with you, come talk to me. This guy was afraid that now he's gay. Pretty much the same as the other friends I had sex with and they bailed. We're adults - act like one. You didn't think about being gay as we slurped on each other's dicks; you swallowed cum just like I did.

It's all fun and games until someone busts a nut. Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it. Many guys think they can handle this and a lot of friends are sure that their friendship is strong enough to do this and survive it... then they find out otherwise. I wanted to know why; then I found out some stuff that's related to the dreaded blow and go and the psychological impact that says, "My god... what did I just do and why did I do it? Am I gonna be gay now?" Brains ditch logic and common sense and emotions take over. Bad juju.

Being sexual with a friend makes sense; he's the devil you know but what you won't know is how it affects him after the fact - and a lot of guys hide it and if you notice it (and you should), you gotta drag it out of them. Look, bottom line is... it's just sex. I'd rather have sex with a friend I know that someone I have to learn some shit about. But, be an adult about this. Some friends didn't handle their first time all that well. We talked. The friendship and sex continued. Some couldn't handle it and bye-bye friendship. It sucks... but I live in the real world and I can't have a friend who can't live in the real world with me.

Mar 21, 2023, 1:02 AM
Yep, those funny little things like emotions and perception. When I was young dumb and stupid those were issues but I'm a senior adult now and so are my friends. Just goes to show that not everyone grows up if you know what I mean.:thumbu:

Mar 21, 2023, 5:10 AM
I’ve sucked off a few of my friends, all married and said they are straight.

Mar 26, 2023, 1:08 PM
in my case everything changed and we went our own ways

Mar 26, 2023, 4:01 PM
I once had a friend who was literally begging me to have sex with him. I knew his situation and knew him very well but he was one of those friends who "didn't qualify" as someone I'd have sex with. I kept putting him off; I used every "scare tactic" I knew of to dissuade him; I told him that it was my firm belief that if we did this, our friendship would be over - and he'd be the one to kill it - because he couldn't convince me otherwise. He was in very dire straits, though; a series of unfortunate events freight-trained him: His mom died; he lost his job; his woman dumped him, his car got repossessed and he was headed deep into bad places. I had asked him, "Why me?" and he said that, one, he knew that I was into sucking dick and, two, since most of the other friends he had were turning their backs on him, I was the only one he could trust. I'd asked him why he thought having sex with me would set him right and he said, "It's all I have left to hang onto, man."

What are friends for? This kept echoing in my head; he was in great distress and some people make mistakes in this condition but what do I do? Turn my back on him and like others had or... do this and hope that it gets him back in a good space? Well, I don't leave my friends in a lurch if there's something I can do. We did it. All of it despite him being new to this. Honestly, he was... amazing. Responsive. Took to it all and, I felt, out of a great sense of desperation. I saw him the next day and he was so different and upbeat. And ended our friendship and as I knew he would. His "excuse" was pretty lame; he was leaving the state to seek his fortunes elsewhere. I said fine; it was nice knowing him. He never left the state but he would say that he couldn't be friends with me because of the way I made him feel that day; he said it did make him feel better but now his feelings were confused, he had a thing for me now, and it was better to not be friends.

I was okay with it. Better that than to see him going down a path that he wouldn't have been able to recover from. Sometimes, I've lost a friend like this but it turned out for the better for them.

Mar 26, 2023, 5:31 PM
some men just can't separate what feels good, as it is supposed to feel, otherwise why would we want to have sex with someone - it does things to us in so many ways... they enjoy the moment, then they let all the other stuff roll over them. They start playing the negative tapes in their head - it's too bad, really.
I guess I am made up differently than some guys.
If I have sex with you, I've made a connection with you. I've shared a piece of myself with you and you've shared a piece of yourself with me. In my opinion you can't get much closer to another person - even if you don't say a damn word - than when you have sex with them.
Some guys get all up and bothered over it afterward. They start worrying about god knows what and then they let something beautiful become ruined by their own silly view on things.
A best friend is the last person on earth that ought to respond that way to you after you have broken that barrier and become that intimate together - but what do I know? Seriously.

Mar 26, 2023, 7:29 PM
I've never had sex with my best friend.

Also my best friend's sister once made not so subtle hints how unsatisfied her husband was making her. . . .I didn't peruse it because if found out, a lot of people would be hurt.

Mar 27, 2023, 12:44 PM
When I went to my 25th high school reunion I found out that one of my oldest friends and past roommates was gay. Over the next couple of years we reconnected and renewed our friendship. He made it clear he would love to get with me, but I was married and wouldn't play without a greenlight from my wife. Long story short, my wife and I went through a bad patch and she gave me a pass to take care of my sexual needs (she just didn't want to hear about it). For me it was a chance to go balls deep into man-on-man sex.

At the time, I just thought of gay sex in terms of sex. I took it as a given that a heterosexual affair with a woman had a potential to get emotional and complicated. I foolishly didn't consider the same would apply to a gay relationship. In my mind, gay men were horn dogs just looking for cock. It was a simple, uncomplicated equation. But that's not how it played out.

What was sex for me, was something more for my friend. In the end, he had romantic feelings toward me that I could not reciprocate. I should have recognized what was happening, but I was enjoying the sex and it just didn't occur to me that he was reading more into the relationship than I was. While I'm not responsible for his feelings, if I hadn't been so focused on the sex, I would have seen it coming. I think that's the first time I really understood being gay wasn't just about sex and just how shallow my my stereo typed view of gay men really was.

We remained close friends up to the day he passed away last year, but it was a painful scar that didn't ever quite heal between us. I don't regret our playing together, but I do regret being so thoughtless in regards to the emotional consequences of my actions. If you play with a friend, go into it knowing that it may have unintended consequences for better or worse.

Mar 27, 2023, 1:48 PM
i tried this with a friend when I was 19. I wasn't attracted to him, but i was curious, because I did have the desire from time to time. We ended up super drunk and sucked each others cock. it killed our friendship, I found i loved to suck cock, I found it so erotic and beautiful. At the time I could not handle it. If that came up today I could handle ti and enjoy it.

park ave
Mar 27, 2023, 2:02 PM
Judging by some of the posts, I guess I was lucky with how it worked out with me and my friend.
Even when we weren't doing it, when we were running around after girls and hanging out at bars, I remembering looking at him and thinking that I know what his naked chest looks like, and belly, and his cock (and even how it tasted!). It was a sexy, proprietary feeling, knowing I could, if I wanted, go back to his apartment and do anything I wanted with him. I'd get horny after a few drinks lol

Mar 27, 2023, 3:53 PM
With the majority of my friends, both male and female, it wasn't a problem.

loves oral
Mar 28, 2023, 4:16 PM
When we were younger my best friend and I got carried away with show yours and I'll show you mine. Progressed to jo, then oral. Him wasn't into giving oral, but I loved sucking his cock and he loved getting his cock sucked so it worked out great. He got engaged and said it seem right anymore and we needed to stop and that was the end of it. We're still friends 40 years later and it never comes up.

Mar 28, 2023, 4:44 PM
loves oral said, "He got engaged and said it seem right anymore and we needed to stop and that was the end of it."

Yep, I've had friends where it's been like that. Maybe they got a girlfriend; usually they "grew out of it." We remained friends and talk about what we used to do. Some said they missed it but, you know, got a woman and all that. Most were surprised that I was still going strong with it despite being married and all that and I'd ask, "Why not? The one thing doesn't have anything to do with the other..."

loves oral
Mar 29, 2023, 1:53 PM
It was always funny when we'd get together and his wife would start complaining about him being a one and done. As soon as he was finished he'd roll over and go to sleep. I had a hard time keeping myself from laughing.

Mar 31, 2023, 7:03 PM
I often think about sucking and feeding my best friend. He is twice divorced, somewhat passive and often seems unsure of himself around woman. So I wonder if a sexual compatibility played a part in the divorce. But there is no way I would make the first move or even out myself for fear he could think I was making a move. I have made what I call "self inclusive homo jokes" when we are together. If he were interested I would hope he would have picked up on it and responded in kind by now.

Apr 1, 2023, 6:14 PM
@Jozyxt, yeah, that's the thing, ain't it? You throw the hints out there and wonder if he's catching them and if he is, how might he respond? Will he? You don't want to really put a move on him but hope that you can... nudge him; plant it in his head that it might not be a bad thing but, I think, that might also depend on how badly he wants and need to have his balls emptied. I knew a guy who went through two divorces and turned to men for sex because he was saying that this had... less drama than dealing with women.

I hope you come back and let us know if anything happens between the two of you - and I hope it does and it all goes very well.

Apr 2, 2023, 10:19 PM
@Jozyxt, yeah, that's the thing, ain't it? You throw the hints out there and wonder if he's catching them and if he is, how might he respond? Will he? You don't want to really put a move on him but hope that you can... nudge him; plant it in his head that it might not be a bad thing but, I think, that might also depend on how badly he wants and need to have his balls emptied. I knew a guy who went through two divorces and turned to men for sex because he was saying that this had... less drama than dealing with women.

I hope you come back and let us know if anything happens between the two of you - and I hope it does and it all goes very well.

If it does, this board will be the first to know. We met with a group for lunch today and had a great time. I drove him home. he is a great friend. It truly is hard to make really good friends as an adult so I am very happy to have gotten to know him. I actually feel sad that I don't share my bisexuality with him. Maybe one day I'll let my guard down and take a small step out of the closet.

Apr 3, 2023, 4:22 PM
@Jozyxt, I know what you mean; I had some friends that I wanted to tell and it made me cray-cray not telling them. I eventually did and the reveal was well-accepted; some surprise but I expected that and the usual, "I knew there was something different about you!" thing. Only one of them didn't want sex; the others found that I'm quite good at sucking dick...

Apr 5, 2023, 7:02 PM
@Jozyxt, I know what you mean; I had some friends that I wanted to tell and it made me cray-cray not telling them. I eventually did and the reveal was well-accepted; some surprise but I expected that and the usual, "I knew there was something different about you!" thing. Only one of them didn't want sex; the others found that I'm quite good at sucking dick...

Inspirational anecdote. Maybe one day I will get up the courage to share this about myself.

Apr 7, 2023, 10:52 PM
So my best friend is over literally everyday. During summer I turn my garage into The Bar. Several games , couple tv's and of course a bar. Behind garage have a pool. Through the years we've gotten use to saying screw it with clothes and just move from pool, to bar , to yard/firepit. He's always been the straightest person I know. I live 1 1/2 from Michigan line. We went there to get some weed( still blows my mind it's legal). I hadn't smoked in well over 30 years( truck driver) . Well recently had health issues and driving is done . I know, move on already. But have to get picture. Because I couldn't smoke he never did around me. Yes you can fail a drugg test from second hand smoke. Well started off usually, had a couple cocktails , maybe game if darts and clothes off jump in pool. Well when we went back into garage ,he rolled and fired one up. Being as I said 30 plus years since I've been high I had forgotten what it does to me .
I get horny as hell. If no sports we want to watch we usually have porn on tv's. It was off when we smoked one, but I turned on . Usually it girl/boy or lesbian. This time I looked for bisexual couples. Figured we get lesbian and guy girl. My ex and I did everything so I do like but up til now never put on. As it's playing we're throwing darts when it showed man blowing other. Was expecting him to say something because was very early in movie still. Instead he said nothing but stared at tv. And gradually grew a hard on. I was mesmerized watching didn't notice I was hard too. Thinking and doing are to different things. I've seen him and "thought about things", but never did. Been best friend 40+ years. Didn't want to screw that up. But this time was different. As I'm watching him watch the TV, I can tell he likes what he's seeing. So without hesitation I'm went to my knees in front of him. As I grabbed his cock nice amount of precum came out. I wasn't wasting it so immediately put his cock in my mouth and just went at it. He came in three minutes, and shot a huge load. As I stood up, he dropped down and sucked me off. He was terrible at it, but something about it was amazing.

Apr 8, 2023, 4:03 PM
So many memories about this. One day, I was hanging with a friend at his house, talking sports, women, having a few beers (and I'm acting like I'm enjoying them) and he announces that he's horny, sheds his shorts - he's in commando mode - and starts jerking off. I'm just sitting and watching him, mildly stunned because I'd never seen this behavior from him before. He's not drunk... that I can tell but, okay, something's up with him because the guy I know is one of those guys that if he goes into a men's room, he looks for a spot to piss where no one can see his dick and something I've laughed my ass off over and good-naturedly busted his ass for. And here he is working hard to get himself off and failing; he's muttering, "Come on, come on..." over and over and I think... fuck it. I get up from where I was sitting, politely removed his hand from his dick and replaced it with my mouth.

I can tell by the way his body tensed that he's surprised and shocked; I kinda peek up at him and he's got that "what the fuck" look on his face but he makes no move to make me stop. He pops his cork a couple of minutes later and after I had to kinda keep him seated; he's calling Jesus and as I'm swallowing his hoppy-tasting cum, I'm laughing to myself and thinking that Jesus can't save him. He goes soft, I release him and go back to where I'm sitting. He asks, "What the hell, man?" I shrug and say, "You were struggling so I helped you." Yeah, that "you don't look like the type" shit and I threw it right back at him and said that I didn't think he was the type to let a guy blow him and pointed out that he did nothing to stop me. He says that he doesn't think we can be friends any longer and I shrug and say, "Okay; no good deed goes unpunished..." and I get up to leave but, ah, he wants to know where I'm going and I say that I don't hang out with people who aren't my friends.

We talk. I'm indifferent at this point but I'm being polite. He's... calmed down. Has another beer. Um, do I think I could to that again for him? I say sure but what's in it for me? He knows what I mean and he balks and I see the moment where he says "Fuck it" to himself and agrees. We're draped all over the sofa and 69ing and for someone who had said that classic "I've never done some shit like this before," he's doing a masterful job of sucking my dick. He cums again; I'm about to and warn him and he stops and jerks me until I cum and probably all over his face.

Now he's like, "Maybe we can do this again some time?" I say we can if he wants to because this is just something friends should be able to do for each other. He fucked it up, though, by demanding that I come over and blow him and I needed to drop whatever I was doing and... bye-bye friendship because I don't play that shit.

Apr 9, 2023, 6:19 AM
so this I don?t think I have shared before.. I have worked for the same company for the last 20+ years.. it affords me a lot of leeway when it comes to travel.. my rout takes me all over the western states.. so about 6 months into this job,, I was in Albuquerque and had been having fun with the guys there.. I think it was the second night there and I had a very sexy gentleman in my bed.. I was on all fours and giving up my pussy to him.. when all of a sudden we hear someone at the door working the lock.. he asks if I am expecting anyone.. I told him to keep doing what he was doing that it was probably a drunk that lost there room.. next thing I know the door swings open and in walks my boss!!! There I was on all fours my pussy in the air my back arched an my head on a pillow.. the guy I was with was balls deep in my pussy.. we look at each other and I know that my job was over.. the guy that was fucking me never skipped a beat and just said come on in the pussy is great.. my boss stands there to what seems like forever an says: I think I underestimated your negotiating skills!! Then laughs!! Next he walks over and smacked my ass.. then he puts a finger in my mouth and just says suck.. so I did.. very shortly there after I had his thick 8? cock in my mouth.. so there I was being spit roasted by the very sexy guy I picked up in the hotel bar and my boss who just dropped by to see how things were going.. they tag teamed me till the wee hours of the morning.. they both filled my pussy a couple times before my guy from the bar left.. then he told me that it was time for some personal one on one negotiating training.. I figured that at this point there was nothing to loose so I told him I needed a min to freshen up.. so off to the bath room I go.. had a quick shower and douched myself out.. oiled myself up from shoulders to toes.. I found in my bag a pair of stockings and a garter all lacy and silky.. took a big breath and went back to the bed where he was sitting in the middle of.. he looked at me and smiled and said wow!! I got up on the bed and sat on his lap facing him. Put my legs around him and started kissing him.. we made out for a bit then I felt his fingers entering my pussy.. this sent shivers up my spine.. and my back involuntarily arched to allow him to finger me while we kissed.. Then he ask how do you negotiate one on one?? I gathered up the pillows and placed them behind my back and simply laid back legs spread and said talk to me.. he laughed and ask do you ever give a guy a chance.. I told him not if I don?t have to.. we must have fallen a sleep while we were fucking.. as I woke up when his cock fell out of me with him still on top of me.. the next day at breakfast he told me that I never had to worry about my job and that we were going to travel together quite a bit.. and we did.. over the years we spent many a trip to gather.. about six years ago he got married so our traveling together pretty much came to a halt.. we did have a few moments here and there but nothing like before.. he was my first real love interest as far as a guy goes.. I would have married him.. we are still very close but I haven?t been with him in over a year.. he is going to retire next year.. says his son is taking over.. won?t be the same around there..

Apr 10, 2023, 2:51 AM
Wow, that was quite an experience and hard to beat. That was an awesome outcome too.

Apr 10, 2023, 11:20 AM
Had a college buddy that we would travel to National parks together to backwoods hike and camp and had many missed "would be perfect" opportunities in tents and hotel rooms. We've drifted apart since but we were both vulnerable back then and I think if we acted we could have handled it. Hindsight, right?

Apr 12, 2023, 1:02 AM
Had a college buddy that we would travel to National parks together to backwoods hike and camp and had many missed "would be perfect" opportunities in tents and hotel rooms. We've drifted apart since but we were both vulnerable back then and I think if we acted we could have handled it. Hindsight, right?
Most of the time 20/20 but not always.

Apr 12, 2023, 4:14 PM
I know a lot of guys who realize that they could have done it with a friend - and the friend knew it, too - but nothing happened and... shit. Missed opportunities like that just... messes with you. Lots of "what if" stuff banging around in your head. It's like... you know it should happen; you can feel it "in the air." And... it doesn't for some reason. Damn it! I've been in this situation with friends and, yeah, we gotta do something and... we don't. The moment passes and, like, the next day, we talk about, find out that we both wanted to, but we were both afraid to say something to get it going. Sometimes we did what we should have done the other day but usually, nope. The moment came, the opportunity presented itself and, the moment passed.

Oh, well...

Apr 12, 2023, 6:39 PM
I had a best friend that was 4 years older than I was. One afternoon we were playing in the woods and he told me he felt horny. He removed his pants and underwear, and starter stroking his cock. It was a beautiful cock, and I watched, as he got into it. Come and give me a hand , i won't tell, he asked. I sat beside him and jerked his hard cock. Don't be afraid to put your mouth on it, he instructed. I lowered my head and put it in my mouth. Ummm that feels so good he replied. Suddenly he started throbbing and pumping cum into my mouth. I didn't know what to do, I swallowed it all. I kept sucking him as he went soft. I promise you, I will never tell, that would make me gay. He told me that I did a wonderful job, and he offered to return the favor. I was still in shock of what I had done, and refused. He told me that we would do this again, and we did. We progressed from mutual masturbation, orally sucking each other, to fucking each other between the legs, to actually fucking each other. We continued for years, until we separated when I joined the service. No regrets, I still enjoy sucking cock!

Apr 13, 2023, 2:14 PM
Yes I did ,for 4 years up until we were 17 .
It all started out ,we were skinny dipping and and sitting in the shallow water and he told me if I d stand up he suck my dick.
So I stood up and he took my cock into his mouth a started sucking it ,I pulled away and sat down ,then he ask me to lay in the sand and let him bury me ,so I did .
He covered me in sand except my head and cock ,then he went down on me and sucked my 8" cock while I laid there for about 15 minutes,then he said it was my turn to do him .
So I wash the sand off of myself then I buried him in the sand and started stroking his hard 7" cock ,he beg me to suck him but I wouldn't and that went on for a year while he continues to suck my cock.
But when we were others playing hide n seek at night with others he ask me ,if Steve sucked my dick or if Billy did.
After a year I gave in and went down on him and it wasn't long before others knew I was and he was me .
We got busted by his older sister in a 69 and I was sent home I do think my parents found out, because my mom got weird but anyway.
It turned into to only me sucking him most of the time til we turned 17.
It got spreader around and by the time we were in our early 20 everyone knew ,it cost him the love of his live and me a wife and a lot of freinds and humiliated both of us .
He left and went to Alaska and I traveled for work for years and it's never really gone away.
I tried in 2012 he was helping me roof a house and I adh him about it ,and he said no because I had to run and tell everyone and I never told anyone,it was all him and his cousin Steve that ran thier mouths.
Found out shortly after that his mom had been having sex with him and his brother since his Dad's accident when we were 14 and his brother had been sucking my brother and his other friends .
Pretty crazy.
I started hooking up with guys again in 06 after my 2nd wife and I split because she was just a flat out whore.
So I became a whore with both guys and women.
I have been with over 200 lovers both male and female.
Married again and settled down haven't been with a guy in over a year now ,but it's hard to hook up out in the sticks any the wife is always around , because I am disabled due to my heart.

Apr 17, 2023, 4:10 PM
First sex of anykind was with my best friend. Went on for about two years and that was it. Moved on. Havent seen him in decades

Apr 18, 2023, 10:59 AM
not to long after I moved to Phoenix.. I met a guy named Gary.. we were almost instantly best friends.. we did everything together.. well most everything.. I had moved to Phoenix because of sex with men.. and the doctor that I went to to transition was there.. Gary had no clue what I was up to.. I had a big crush on him.. I dropped a lot of clues to him about my wanting him.. like I said he was clueless.. so about a year into transitioning and my body changing breasts at that point mostly and shaving my body..I couldn’t stand or hide it much longer.. one night he came to my place an I was with another guy,, I had makeup and my long hair done up.. I told him I was busy and would talk to him later.. he wondered why I wouldn’t let him in.. I told him I had company.. anyway the jig was pretty much up.. I called him later that night and he came over and I told him everything.. he laughed at me and told me he already knew.. said he had found out from one of the guys I had hooked up with a few months earlier.. just didn’t know how to tell me.. I told him I had a big crush on him,, he told me he had one too.. we had amazing sex for about a year.. and I made a full transition.. I had gone from being his best guy friend to his girlfriend.. then he got kinda weird and started demanding things be certain ways.. thins just kinda fell apart.. we separated and we never really got back together..

Apr 18, 2023, 3:13 PM
@Tight1-4u, yeah, that's the problem having sex with a friend and how some guys have sex with you... and now they think they own you. Being pushy; making demands and getting pissy when you ain't feeling that and... there goes the friendship. Like, I didn't end my friendship with my son-in-law when he wanted to know what it was like to suck dick with a guy and I got to be that guy he wanted to do this with. It was fun; I could get him to cum being sucked (and giving my daughter the bizness because I could make him do something that she couldn't) but then he started getting pushy and demanding and, oh, hell, no. We stayed friends and still his father-in-law but no more sex between us. He didn't like it but that was his fault and every time he'd mention those times and how he wished he had behaved better, I just remind him that he fucked up this good thing and there's no going back.