View Full Version : What is the difference from calling it a crush or just an attraction?

Oct 25, 2006, 9:25 PM
I've always thought being very attracted to someone and having a crush were the same thing. Do you use one word in certain circumstances over others? When used does crush mean something else? I'm just curious why people use the crush word.

Oct 25, 2006, 9:33 PM
In my opinion, it's a crush when you're afraid to tell the person that you're attracted to them. If you don't know if a person is straight, gay, bi, queer or just fluid it can be kind of scary to tell someone you're attracted to them. This can lead to standing in the wings, so to speak, and not saying anything, just continuing to watch the object of affection from afar.

Having an attraction to someone is a bit different in that you (this being the all-inclusive "you") work up the courage to let the person know how you feel in hopes that they will agree to date you.

Mind you, this is just one opinion. Mileage is subject to vary :)

Oct 25, 2006, 11:11 PM
I don't use the word crush to talk about my attractions to people. I'll say that I'm either interested (when I know next to nothing about them), infatuated (when I know a lot about them but I know that it probably won't be anything serious), they're a good friend, or we're in love of some sort.

Oct 26, 2006, 12:27 PM
I dont think there is any difference in the early days of becoming aware of the other person. The difference comes over time and the degree, if any, of direct contact you have with them.

Being attracted to someone implies some sort of relationship/interaction with them. A crush suggests some sort of distance or unobtainable status

Oct 26, 2006, 6:15 PM
Lets see words I use. I say I find them attractive ie hot or i appriciate their attractivness, i fancy them i have passionate desire for them, i love them.
I dnt use the word crush often.
I say I see someone hot just walking down the road then yeah I find them attractive. I like a person's looks but they don't really hit my sexual spark in a huge way then ib appriciate their attractiveness. I like their hotness, their stlye and they make me develishly horny then I have deep passion for them. I like their traits, quirks, and like em quite a bit then I fancy em but I'm nt really overly bothered but if I fancy em and they r so sweet and cool that i start thinmking bout them quite a bit then I have a crush.

Love is in a whole other legue.

Oct 26, 2006, 6:45 PM
I think an attraction is just that. For some reason, looks, sex appeal or just the personality we are attracted, possibly sexually to another person.

A crush is like I had on a certain teacher when I was 13. A feeling of helplessness in the face of sex on legs, and the pangs of really wanting that person and making up any excuse to pay a visit, to speak and then of course get tongue tied, red in the face and embarrassed. I became very giggly whenever he was around, always had very red cheeks when he spoke to me even in class, and could never have any real conversation with him about anything. Not even Maths. He must have been aware because when he was near I always chewed my lip which is something I have never done before or since, and besides I think the silly look on my face must have given the game away. My classmates oooo's and hoots of laughter as he stood over me helping me with my algebra didnt help.

In a crush the attraction is there of course, but the feelings are much more difficult to fathom and articulate. Its simply a form of early love, or at the very least lust which may or may not fizzle out.