View Full Version : Getting a STD

Feb 12, 2023, 1:40 PM
My question is do you take the word of someone when you ask are they HIV and STD free? Or do you ask for proof etc? I just do not want to bring something home. I want to suck my first cock soon but don't know how to ask this guy respectfully. Your advice will and would be appreciated please.

Feb 12, 2023, 1:54 PM
I personally won’t take anyone’s word for it. It’s not worth the health risk.

Feb 12, 2023, 3:09 PM
I've been to Swingers Parties where if you didn't have a card from a doctor showing you were checked, and STD free, you wouldn't be admitted.

Feb 13, 2023, 3:21 AM
My question is do you take the word of someone when you ask are they HIV and STD free? Or do you ask for proof etc? I just do not want to bring something home. I want to suck my first cock soon but don't know how to ask this guy respectfully. Your advice will and would be appreciated please.

Ask them to confirm they are STD / HIV free and would they mind showing the proof; you should offer to show your proof as part of that initial request

Feb 13, 2023, 8:34 AM
My understanding is that the chance of getting an STD from just sucking is very low if you have a healthy mouth. I do a visual inspection of the cock then dive in.

You ask respectfully by being matter of fact about it. Asking about health and disease with a sex partner should never be an issue. If the other person is offended or evasive, then they should be avoided.

If you are going for anal, trust but verify.

Feb 13, 2023, 9:44 AM
60926It's not that hard to show proof

Feb 13, 2023, 3:52 PM
Thank You so much

Feb 13, 2023, 4:04 PM
My understanding is that the chance of getting an STD from just sucking is very low if you have a healthy mouth. I do a visual inspection of the cock then dive in.

You ask respectfully by being matter of fact about it. Asking about health and disease with a sex partner should never be an issue. If the other person is offended or evasive, then they should be avoided.

If you are going for anal, trust but verify.

Exactly! I've never gotten one because if I even think that they have something, we ain't doing anything. Asking for proof is fine... except for this: The test results will say that at the time the test was performed, the results are negative. So unless a guy is going in for testing on a weekly basis - and if he is, I'd want to know why - producing lab results from "last month" doesn't really tell the whole story about their sexual health. Condoms are... a pain in the ass. They don't "feel right," they can taste horrible and not "feel right" as well. But if one is worried about catching something but they also want to have sex, condoms are the way to go and if one is very much into anal, then PrEP is also mandated. If you ask - and like Jozyxt said - they get to acting all weird about being asked, well, leave them alone.

Know the facts about STDs and HIV. Read about their symptoms. The chance of getting an STD sucking dick is stupidly low - unless your mouth is unhealthy, i.e., gum disease that makes your gums bleed when you brush your teeth. Get to a dentist and get that taken care of. I've been sucking dick since I was 9 and eating pussy since I was 10... and I have never gotten an STD. If your instincts are telling you to say no to a guy that is acting hinky about this, leave him alone. Stock up on condoms and do what some women do: If he doesn't have one on him, you do because you showed up for the meet with them. And if he objects to condoms, leave.

Feb 13, 2023, 7:09 PM
Well - I go for testing quarterly - I am on PreP meds. I ask and I tell. but all the testing and preparation in the world cannot prevent an STD. If you are gonna play - a lot - then you better get tested a lot - and know your body, too.
Sometimes you just can't help what happens.
For example, I went to a party a few weeks ago - it was a naked men's gathering - and one thing led to another - as sometimes happens with a house full of naked men - and a few days later I had crabs. I was pretty pissed. But, worse than that - I had been with another guy just before I saw the crabs on my body so I also exposed him. I was embarrassed but I had to tell him. He wasn't upset but he had no idea what to do - so I had to walk him through the whole thing.
Here's the thing - I could have not bothered to tell him and let him find out the hard way like I did. But I believe you have to be responsible if you are gonna play.

Feb 14, 2023, 11:58 AM
You can get free anonymous testing here where I live; you give them a "name" and a phone number. However, the protocol is that they will contact you back only in the case that you test positive for something. If your test is negative, you you are not informed explicitly, you just presume all is fine after say a week. You can call and ask, and they'll tell you over the phone if the phone number you call from matches what they have on record for you.

Also, there's no document generated for you to show others, so you have to take someone's word for it.

Feb 14, 2023, 9:58 PM
60926It's not that hard to show proof

But finding a copy of the Chronicle these days can be tough.:)

Feb 15, 2023, 9:09 AM
But finding a copy of the Chronicle these days can be tough.:)

I never have a problem getting them.

Feb 15, 2023, 5:50 PM
I never have a problem getting them.

I suppose a convenience store would have them.

Feb 16, 2023, 9:27 AM
I suppose a convenience store would have them.

Yes that is where I go. The HIV test is called Oraquick and can be purchased at most pharmacies for about $50 a test. With accurate HIV testing so easily had, there no good reason not to know your status. I enjoy fucking bare when safely possible and I want my prospective partners to feel secure in the knowledge that I won't be a risky partner.

Feb 18, 2023, 4:17 PM
It's also not that difficult to put together a (fake) picture of this type.
If you're going to bother with self-testing, you may as well test on the spot, just prior to doing the deed(s). Still, home HIV tests have ~92% sensitivity, there's a roughly two-week window after infection (and infectivity) before seroconversion, etc. And what about all the other infectious agents?

Feb 19, 2023, 9:48 AM
It's also not that difficult to put together a (fake) picture of this type.
If you're going to bother with self-testing, you may as well test on the spot, just prior to doing the deed(s). Still, home HIV tests have ~92% sensitivity, there's a roughly two-week window after infection (and infectivity) before seroconversion, etc. And what about all the other infectious agents?

You can fake everything these days and I test every three months. I'm not going to spend $45 every time I fuck! LOL

By the way, seroconversion after initial infection can take up to 6 weeks last I heard.

Feb 19, 2023, 4:40 PM
You can fake everything these days and I test every three months. I'm not going to spend $45 every time I fuck! LOL

By the way, seroconversion after initial infection can take up to 6 weeks last I heard.

You're (more) correct. Like everything, it depends... Or rather, there's a curve. Or curves, because nucleic acid testing is more sensitive than laboratory antibody/antigen testing, which is more sensitive than rapid (fingerstick) antibody testing, etc.

As of about ten years ago, CDC said something like, "Current tests typically become positive within 3–6 weeks of infection and 1–3 weeks after the onset of acute HIV symptoms." But, of course, some never experience (or notice) symptoms of acute infection. And CDC was referring to laboratory (not at-home) testing. I haven't been keeping up, but I believe that current (USA) approved home HIV tests detect 95% of infections within 4-weeks, though seroconversion can occur 90-days (or more) post infection.

Feb 23, 2023, 12:21 PM
I have found out on a web site that most guys don't give a fuck about getting it. When i ask them they get offended by it. So i left the web site and am looking some other places. No proof no booty. So if they take the test say in front of you and it shows negative do you trust what it says? Or do you have a waiting period? Are home tests safe or go to a Doctor better?

Feb 24, 2023, 9:05 AM
I have found out on a web site that most guys don't give a fuck about getting it. When i ask them they get offended by it. So i left the web site and am looking some other places. No proof no booty. So if they take the test say in front of you and it shows negative do you trust what it says? Or do you have a waiting period? Are home tests safe or go to a Doctor better?

The Oraquik HIV home test kit I use is also used in hospitals and the FDA rates it 99% accurate. If you have a positive home test then the next step is to confirm it with a blood test using the PCR technique to look for virus directly.