View Full Version : So anyone smoke weed if so how do you prefer to smoke it .

Feb 9, 2023, 2:45 PM
I have been smoking since I was 16 and I am 59 now and still smoke about a joint a day ,I love having sex when I have a little buzz on .
But I have always preferred a wood pipe ,so much I started making them once I had I own place .
Hate buying stuff others made ,hated smoking paper ,and glass gets hot can't stick that in your pocket hot .
I make these oak cigar pipes I use now.

Feb 10, 2023, 8:28 AM
naked with a bunch of men and rolled in ezwider1.25 or tops papers or in a bowl i say naked with men cause if they get hard and horny they can pull a train on me and do me till they are drained of cum in my hole

Feb 10, 2023, 11:36 AM
Glass bong, naked , usually with something in my ass

Feb 10, 2023, 3:41 PM
I enjoy it - but I am not much of a smoker or a toker - if someone has a joint to pass, I'll take a couple hits. I've tried to see what works best for me on my own, but come up short most of the time. I did buy some edibles - and just consuming a half a square put me into la-la land - it was fun for awhile but I was almost catatonic later on. I'd much rather take a couple hits but can't seem to figure it out on my own - isn't that pathetic? I have a nice pipe, no papers. My daughter uses those cones which look easy enough to use. It isn't the same as it was in my college days - and I didn't smoke for many years in between...

Feb 11, 2023, 2:51 AM
I enjoy it - but I am not much of a smoker or a toker - if someone has a joint to pass, I'll take a couple hits. I've tried to see what works best for me on my own, but come up short most of the time. I did buy some edibles - and just consuming a half a square put me into la-la land - it was fun for awhile but I was almost catatonic later on. I'd much rather take a couple hits but can't seem to figure it out on my own - isn't that pathetic? I have a nice pipe, no papers. My daughter uses those cones which look easy enough to use. It isn't the same as it was in my college days - and I didn't smoke for many years in between...

That's because the weed today Papa is so much stronger than it was when we were young. I smoke joints for that reason. The wife does edibles every night to help her sleep. I've tried that and it'just too much and last too long. Smoking is way better and damn does it make me horny so I never get high alone.

Feb 11, 2023, 7:24 AM
long time toker had to stop as its to harsh for me now , so i make oil buy large capsules on amazon and fill them with an eyedroper , i always say 2 for sleep 3 for sex

Feb 11, 2023, 4:29 PM
Retired a year ago and no longer worried about testing so I started getting high again awhile ago. I love my vibrator in my ass, it's an incredible feeling. I just wish I could find a guy who wants to have some fun with another guy. I can only imagine what a dick in my ass would feel like.

Feb 11, 2023, 8:58 PM
Retired a year ago and no longer worried about testing so I started getting high again awhile ago. I love my vibrator in my ass, it's an incredible feeling. I just wish I could find a guy who wants to have some fun with another guy. I can only imagine what a dick in my ass would feel like.

Forgot to add this, I use a one hitter or a small pipe. Also like gummies and vape pens.

Feb 13, 2023, 6:27 PM
Forgot to add this, I use a one hitter or a small pipe. Also like gummies and vape pens. Does a one hitter look fort of like a pen and you just fill the tip and smoke it like that? I could do that.

Long Duck Dong
Feb 14, 2023, 4:30 AM
I do not use, I have friends that do...... and the reason I do not, is because I have a neurological condition where cannabis has very adverse effects on me, and I am constantly dealing with people that will immediately argue that it does not happen.

It is illegal to grow and possess in new zealand, a public referendum was held a few years ago and the general public said no, even tho the polls indicated that as high as 80% of NZers ( legal voting age ) supported it being legal.........

My partner and one of the ladies in our closed group, use on an occasional basis, and I am fine with it, even being in the same room when they spark up......my partner because she struggles to sleep and the other lady, for depression and anxiety......they both roll using rice paper..........

My sister and her flatmate both use, my sister for mental illness and her flatmate, to relax, they both roll with rice paper and also enjoy edibles......

While all four of them say sex while high is great, none of them like using around random guys because of the way guys have thought that using cannabis would make the ladies an easier lay......

Feb 17, 2023, 10:00 AM
Does a one hitter look fort of like a pen and you just fill the tip and smoke it like that? I could do that.

Yes they do

Annika L
Feb 18, 2023, 11:39 PM
We have a vaporizer and prefer to vape shredded bud, rather than smoking. I find it much better tasting and far easier on the throat. The vaporizer also makes portion control super easy. We also make pretty good edibles when we can get concentrate. I have a thing where I’m very sensitive to chemical changes, so weed has a day-after effect for me that while not remotely unpleasant, does mean that I don’t partake when I have to work the next day. I’ve asked others about day-after effects or hangovers, and I seem to be pretty alone in this. Anyway, the point is that we consume most weekends. 100% agree that sex while high can’t be beat…the way time stretches out, orgasms feel like they just about last forever.

Feb 19, 2023, 9:46 AM
We have a vaporizer and prefer to vape shredded bud, rather than smoking. I find it much better tasting and far easier on the throat. The vaporizer also makes portion control super easy. We also make pretty good edibles when we can get concentrate. I have a thing where I’m very sensitive to chemical changes, so weed has a day-after effect for me that while not remotely unpleasant, does mean that I don’t partake when I have to work the next day. I’ve asked others about day-after effects or hangovers, and I seem to be pretty alone in this. Anyway, the point is that we consume most weekends. 100% agree that sex while high can’t be beat…the way time stretches out, orgasms feel like they just about last forever.

I only smoke the best California has to offer and I have noted before that a really potent strain can still linger a bit the next day.

Mar 1, 2023, 7:44 AM
I prefer to smoke from a wood pipe.
Primitive pipes on ebay.

Jun 17, 2023, 12:23 PM
As you might imagine from my user icon, I've got a lot to say on this topic. For starters, I'd like to note that I've never seduced a new partner using cannabis, who didn't want to be seduced in the first place. Honestly, I could have completed those seductions with chewing gum or nothing but smiles, flirting and escalating touch. No doubts or buts about it. However, cannabis was often involved :tongue: Trust me when I tell you: We both got lucky!

Starting-out (as a teenager), I was the master of rolling "Jays", and my filtered joints were passed-around by many, many people. Oftentimes, I'd be tasked with gluing-together an unholy number of Zig Zags or Rizlas (or other rice papers), and numerous people would pitch-in and I'd create a massive J that went around the room more than once. Dry herbs and toasted hash were common. In my clubbing phase, occasionally, there'd be some marching powder in there too -- but that was usually inside clubs and booze-cans (after-hours parties), and not in the bedroom.

When on the move (partying), nothing beats the ease of use and portability of a rolled joint.

Back at home, though, the bong soon became my preferred method. Because I am science-minded and health conscious, I was always unhappy with combustion methods, and sought to minimize their impacts on my throat and lungs. So, for years and years, my main method of consumption was a double-chamber water bong, and I'd always put baking soda in the bong water, and change it out frequently. This method got me and my friends and lovers high, oh so high, for over a quarter century.

But, I was still unhappy with this, as it's still a combustion method, and I know the harmful effects of inhaling combustion byproducts. So, I tried to make the switch to the kind of dry herb vaporizer Annika mentioned above. I got the Arizer Solo II and made an honest attempt to use it instead of the bong.

I should note I'm probably a heavier toker than is Annika, and so I was probably using it much more than she does on her weekend-only partaking. It gave me quite the cough, and I ended up spending soooo much time sucking on that thing and not getting as high as I wanted, that I ended up going back to my double-chambered water bong (with baking soda in the water). This was my habit again, for about a year and a bit, then the pandemic hit, and I worried anew about my poor lungs.

(more to come next post)....

Jun 17, 2023, 12:59 PM
Canada legalized cannabis in October (I think) of 2017, and for the first 2 or so years, I was still buying from my black market sources. By then, I was buying mostly dry herbs (as was my usual habit); but also occasionally some hash, which I cut into small flecks and flattened into small shards, for careful combustion in my bong. When the pandemic hit, I was essentially back to my "old" method of combusting dry herbs and hash in my double-chamber water bong (with baking soda in the water, changed frequently), but I knew this wasn't good for me. Combustion was harsh on the lungs, even when it was as smooth as it could be with a semi-concentrated product like tiny bits of hash.

(I had long ago made peace with kisses tasting after an ashtray; but I now see how misguided this was.)

Then, early in the pandemic, I had a "eureka" moment and entirely switched my method and my habit. I switched to a vaporization technique, and stronger concentrates -- eventually leaving my black market sources behind. Now I shop at an authorized retailer near my home, after reading-up on their website what's in stock; and learning about the specific strains on leafly.ca (see also leafly.com for Americans).

So now, I no longer use any combustion method, and I no longer buy dry herbs or hash. Instead, I inhale concentrated cannabis vapors instead of any kind of smoke; and these concentrates are all much, much stronger than hash. In a nutshell (being right-handed), I'll hold in my left hand, a tiny glass jar containing a cannabis concentrate, and in my right hand is an "Adjustable Temperature Pistol-Grip Soldering Gun" while in my mouth is a straw that I've slightly lengthened with a section of aluminum foil, crafting the end into a hood of sorts. When I bring the hot tip in contact with the concentrate, it instantly vaporizes, and I suck that down, hold and exhale through the nose. BEAUTIFUL!

Everyone gets their own straw, and they can pick whatever concentrate they'd like to try; while the "heater" gets passed around. I now own 4 of them, so a table full of people can get high together at the same time, only passing the one heater around between two or three people sitting close-by.

Because there's no combustion, the vapor isn't stinky/smokey at all. Instead, you get the floral and fruity notes; and I've become a fiend for flavours in a way that I never was when combusting product in my bong. THE BEST PART: This method is very, very efficient, and I don't have to spend all that money on that fancy glassware and butane torches and such. It's just a soldering gun, and a straw. Over time, the straw gets gummed-up pretty good; and the thing to do is save these up. When you've got about 4-5 gummed-up *paper* straws, heat-up some 10% cream in a saucepan, cut-open the straws and put them in the cream until all that product is off the paper and into the hot cream. There should be a slight colour change. Pass the cream through a sieve to remove the paper straw bits, and use that to make chocolate pudding, perhaps with some extra chocolate and sugar. YOU'LL THANK ME if you do!

Kisses taste like kisses again!

I now have a collection of cannabis concentrates including; resins (extracted with pressure and heat), rosins (extracted with a press alone and no heat), a great many shatters (concentrated with the butane extraction process), and "live resins" (which are the most flavourful, in my opinion), which are produced with a fresh-frozen cannabis plant that is soaked in liquefied CO2 to extract the slushy "terpenes" in the crystals of concentrate. There are also various kinds of oils, some can be consumed orally, and others are for inhalation. If you're curious what the cannabis market is like here in Ontario, you should visit OCS.CA which is the official, government-owned store. All the products sold by the private retailers, are listed on the OCS website.

Want to try my method? Visit "Princes Auto" dotCOM and search for the "Adjustable Temperature Pistol-Grip Soldering Gun". You'll thank me if you do!

Jun 17, 2023, 2:12 PM
Bong or dabs , love getting really high amd having girlfriend peg me

Jun 18, 2023, 6:06 PM
Retired a year ago and no longer worried about testing so I started getting high again awhile ago. I love my vibrator in my ass, it's an incredible feeling. I just wish I could find a guy who wants to have some fun with another guy. I can only imagine what a dick in my ass would feel like.

I smoked long ago with girlfriend. Sex was so enhanced. But my employment and testing stopped that. Since retired, able to enjoy again. And now single I have used a few times. And oh boy, with toys, the sensation is amazing

Jun 18, 2023, 10:32 PM
I love weed and sex.. I use gummy’s or a vape.. a lot of the time both to gather.. gummy’s to get started and a vape during sex to keep the buzz.. I have few if any inhibitions and get great enhancement of feel during sex.. I love how when being penetrated there is no discomfort as I am already relaxed and ready to be plundered.. I love how it enhances the feel of him inside me.. I feel everything!!! Every little movement.. when he cums I feel everything.. I love it!!!

Lil Miss Understood
Jun 18, 2023, 11:20 PM
...I smoke semi regularly. from my pov, weed and sex go together quite well. it just takes all my sansations up to a higher leval with intence pleasure and super sensitivity...

Jul 13, 2023, 12:02 PM
CORRECTIONS OF AND ADDENDUMS TO MY REMARKS ABOVE_________(in no particular order)_________

1. Above, I typed the name of the retailer wrong. It's not "Princes Auto" it's "Princess Auto". I know it's an unusual name, sort of discordant even, because cars are supposed to be manly and a "Princess" sounds girly. However,- the first outlet of this old Canadian retailer was located on "Princess Street" in Winnipeg, I think; and they've left the "Princess Auto" name unchanged ever since then. (NB: In Canada, our "Princesses" were never the creation of Disney, they have been British Royals with Canadian military regiments under command, sometimes at war. "Princess" has a different ring to it, in Canada, than it does in the US.) But don't let the girly name fool you; they've got lots of "manly" tools and gear and equipment, and a service guarantee that you can't beat. If you buy something from them, and it breaks (even years later); just bring it back and they'll hand you a brand new one, no questions asked, no receipt or registration or paperwork needed; even if it's many years later! Princess Auto has lots of great products and they stand behind them. They've also got a large number of rather unique tools, specialized equipment and added creature comforts for outdoorsy life in Canada; all at very good prices, with regular sales and specials. My new fav "heater" is one of them...

2. I may have overstated how non-stinky my new method is. To be sure, it's a lot less stinky than any kind of combustion method, but there is usually still a distinctive smell to it, and it's not all fruity and floral. To be sure, there are also "grassy" and "dank" or "musty" or "herby" aromas, mixed with that characteristic "sour diesel" smell (indeed, one of my standard strains is named Sour Diesel). I mean, it still smells like you're using cannabis, unless you're hitting a completely refined product like straight THC-A crystals. This one is basically odorless on the exhale, pretty much. If there is a smell to it, I might not be the best person to detect it since I'm the one exhaling it; but it certainly doesn't smell like what it is (the highest of high -- pure THC). Amazingly, I do believe my method using the "heater" linked above, does the best job of preserving the perfumes and aromas, the good parts of the cannabis flower offers; compared to how most people do "dabs" (which involves too much heat and wasted vapor, in my opinion). Using my method, inhaling through a straw: Flavour-rich strains like Grape Ape, Strawberry OG, Cherry AK-47, Black Cherry Punch, Frozen Lemons, Orange Kush Cake, Clementine, Cherry Kush, Orangeade and Bubble Gum, taste and smell either very much or just sort-of-like those strain names would imply. Other strains just have that wonderful cannabis flower smell, and they're lovely like that, including Pink Kush, Purple Kush, Dosidos, Jean Guy, etc. I have too many favourites to list, but these I can certainly recommend for flavour reasons, coupled with fantastic, beautiful highs.

3. In case anyone doesn't know, not all "weed" is alike. The differences from one strain to the other, can be quite large. In sweeping terms, there are two kinds of cannabis plants, "indicas" and "sativas" (both terms plural, as there are a great many sub-strains, plus new hybrids are being created all the time, by crossing different strains). Accordingly, there are "pure" sativas and "pure" indica strains, but also sativa-dominant and indica-dominant hybrids, or 50/50 hybrids; or combinations and crosses thereof. I've commonly seen 80/20 and sometimes 70/30 hybridization ratios; plus lots of 50/50 crosses. Each of these strains may produce slightly or greatly different effects, depending on the precise plant genetics and growing conditions, as well as flavours and colours, aromas and tastes, etc. Broadly speaking, indicas have stronger "body effects" and are more likely to be experienced as sedating/relaxing; whereas sativas tend to have more "cerebral effects" and are more likely to be experienced as energizing/uplifting. Hybrids break these rules, as a matter of plant genetics.

4. Some specific strains that I bought after reading about them on Leafly (dotCA) which had effects like "arrousing" and which made users feel "tingly" and so users reported having good effects during sexy fun, include "Orange Kush Cake", "Gelato", "White Runtz", "Glueberry" (also good for headaches), and a hybrid strain called "Wedding Cake". Like others have said, sex and cannabis go very well together, and honestly I can't say if any of these specific strains are any better than all the others I've also enjoyed with sex; but they sure are fun!

5. Regarding the straws I use to inhale these cannabis vapors: My original one which I still use in the main, is actually the down-tube from a pump=action mouthwash dispenser, and is made of LDPE, I think. I cut a 4" wide strip of aluminum foil off the roll, and wrapped it tightly around the middle of this heavy-duty plastic straw, and put a piece of masking tape on the foil, so that the aluminum holds the straw-shape. Then I slid this rolled tube of foil further down, extending past the end of the straw for about an inch and a half, and taped it in place. Then I cut a piece of the foil off at right angles and flattened the remainder so the straw now has a hood of sorts. I'll hold it in my mouth, so the foil end is just overtop the tiny glass/ceramic jar in my left hand, as I work my heater with my right. Over time, it gets gummed-up with cannabis vapor deposits. To clear these deposits out, I use a bamboo "satay" stick for BBQing meats. I'll run it around the inside of the straw, then scrap it with a knife, collecting the deposits. These go in with the collected paper straws (if any have good deposits, after cutting the ends off for the sake of minimizing eww); which get heated in the *scalding hot* (NOT boiling) half-and-half (10%) cream. (If you've got no kitchen experience, you should know that overheating the milk can cause it to scorch and/or overboil and make a huge mess, so the idea is to work at a very hot temperature that always remains below the boiling point. Be prepared to pick up the bot and remove it from heat if it starts to boil-up.) By heating this combination of collected deposits from the insides of my reusuable straw, and the paper straws, the good stuff gets melted off and dissolved in the half-and-half. After some time, stirring this mixture of solid items and hot cream, you'll see that those items are no longer coated in deposits, and the half-and-half cream is turning brown. At this point, simply strain the mixture using a fine mesh sieve, and discard those solid bits of bamboo satay sticks and paper straws. Return the liquid you've kept to the stove, and this time make sure it reaches the boiling point -- so you see it boiling and bubbling-up. This is a food safety consideration, as the straws should be considered contaminated. Back on the heat, add any auxilliary chocolate you'd like. It may happen that at some point you'll see some separation of the mixture, in which case, you should increase the fat content slightly, which will help everything to dissolve and homogenize. Simply add butter. Then, add your "Jello" chocolate pudding mix. So, for example, if I start with 1L of half and half cream, going by the Jello recipe, I should use two packs of Jello Pudding Mix. BE CAREFUL, because you've not been measuring how much high you've collected and turned into pudding, you really cannot tell how strong any one batch could be.

6. There are a great many benefits to this method of getting high; over conventional methods of consuming cannabis. Because there is no combustion involved, what is produced is not smoke, tar and ash, which are each noxious and smelly in myriad ways. Critically, no carbon monoxide "CO" is produced or inhaled, which means those molecules will not be binding with your red blood cells, killing the older cells. (Red blood cells clogged-up with overly-strong carbon monoxide bonds will get stuck in the fine blood vessels in your eyes, producing that bloodshot effect -- that's what that is.) Accordingly, there is no "smokers' fatigue" from inhaling a toxic brew of CO, and vaporized tar that is smoke. When one inhales the cannabis vapors produced with this method, they'll inhale their full measure of oxygen in the process, and no CO or tar. The cannabis vapors that are deposited in the lungs, are quickly absorbed into the body, and do not build-up in the lungs. The body knows how to metabolize these substances, and eliminate them from the body (unlike cigarette/joint tar).

Furthermore, the method is very efficient, in terms of mass-transfer; and for this reason as well, must be healthier than conventional methods of getting high. Granted, I'm spending between $28 and $56 Canadian per gram, TAXES INCLUDED; but each gram contains the cannabinoids of typically 4 grams of dry cannabis flower. Effectively, at "dry flower equivalent prices", I'm spending between $7 per gram and $14 per gram. Honestly, that's not too out of whack for the premium-end of the black market, and this is a lab tested, government certified refined product in proper packaging. You might balk at that price, even though it is in line with wide market prices; except that this method is EXTREMELY EFFICIENT. I would estimate (having taken many measurements with an extremely sensitive and precise scale I normally use for projectiles); that each time I "hit" a concentrate; which is to say heat some of it up so as to inhale a lung-full of vapor; something less than 2mg of concentrate is turned into vapor that I'll inhale. Effectively, it's like cutting that 1 gram at $28 per, into 500+ little bits of high. With my tollerance, and considering different products will hit differently and last differently; chipping-away at these concentrates in this manner requires days to see the difference. The real fun is to graze across all of them, over time, as the mood or situation would dictate.

At first I was worried about entertaining with such a nerdy system; but I got a small set of these "heaters" anyway, and peeps took right to them like fish to water. It's a monkey-see, monkey-do type of thing, and given the try, people take to it quickly, for a number of reasons. Firstly, it feels/tastes/smells a lot cleaner than any kind of combustion, whereupon many non-tokers will often make grimacing faces of hardship, as they struggle to keep it in their lungs for a bit. It's not like that at all, but it certainly is hard-hitting. Do not do this with newbies while standing! Make sure new people are seated when hitting it this way, because it is possible to get a hit so hard there is a good moment of discombobulation and loss of balance. A big part of the charm of this method, is that everyone can be hitting different concentrates at the same time. In the "olden times", a "sesh" was everyone having the same high. While that is still an option, just by passing-around the one concentrate; it is no longer the requirement. Many of my little glass jars have been divided in half by a small upside-down "T" of aluminum foil (4-layer thick, heavy-duty foil). Because all of these products are really, really sticky; dividing containers in half with an upside-down T-wall of foil, is easy. Many times, on a single inhale, I can hit both of the concentrates I have kept separately in the same tiny glass jar.

People can hit different strains on the same inhale, and a group can enjoy different products at the same time, passing different concentrates/strains back and forth across the table, alternating rips. Because it's so inoffensive smelling (compared to smoking/toking), non-tokers are not driven from the area by the stench. It's lovely. Nothing smells like an ashtray, and as such, this method lends itself to food and cooking in a way that combustion methods cannot. Just remember: This "stuff" doesn't dissolve in water, only in fats or in emulsions containing fats (like 10% "half and half" cream or heavier). 2% milk will work too, up to a point, and then you'll see stuff floating on top and not dissolving, in which case you can add butter and/or chocolate (with cocoa butter being another fat and chocolate being an emulsion when dissolved in milk). If you're already skilled in the kitchen, this should be easy. If you're not, just be careful that when milk/cream starts to boil, it can quickly boil-over if you're not too careful. Same with scorching, which is why I use a wooden flattened spoon to make sure nothing sticks to the bottom while it's on the stove. Keep it moving, while it's being heated!

Jul 13, 2023, 12:04 PM
So, you may have noticed that I am rather enthusiastic about cannabis. Not that it's my whole personality, by any means; but I will admit to being an evangelist of sorts. While I do use cannabis both recreationaly and medicinally (for soft tissue injuries); I also use if for artistic inspiration, relaxation and sometimes to help with my work, which involves a lot of problem solving and creative solution making -- many hours or days at a stretch, working to extremely tight deadlines and the very highest standards.

There is another big reason why I am so enthusiastic about cannabis. It concerns a reality that a great many of us have or will struggle with in our lifetimes, living as we do in this modern, contaminated world. I'm talking about CANCER.

That's right, cannabis has very strong anti-cancer properties. Cancer stalks us all. If you live long enough, the odds go up tremendously that you'll be struck with one form of cancer or another. Cannabis can protect you from getting sick in the first place, and often, can cure you if you've already been diagnosed. But, don't take my word for it. Go to a skeptical source of scientific information, and see what they say.

Google "cancer cannabinoid site:nih.gov" (without the quotation marks). This will return Google search results ONLY from the internet domain "nih.gov" which is the United States' Goverment's official web domain for the National Institutes of Health. Some of the returns I found some time ago, include the following....

Cannabinoids in the landscape of cancer
... Conclusion: Cannabinoids have shown to be efficacious both as a single agent and in combination with antineoplastic drugs. These effects have occurred through various receptors and ligands and modulation of signalling pathways involved in hallmarks of cancer pathology. ... https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34259916/

Molecular Mechanism of Cannabinoids in Cancer Progression
.... Enthusiastic data of animal-based in vivo studies show the antimetastatic and antiangiogenic effects of cannabinoids, which may serve as options for the currently used chemotherapy. Additionally, several preclinical investigations point to improved patient survival in combined administration of cannabinoids with chemotherapeutic drugs. .... https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8037087/

The role of cannabinoids in the treatment of cancer
Conclusion: In addition to the symptomatic therapy of cancer patients, the antitumor effects of cannabinoids (whether in monotherapy or in combination with other cancer therapies) have promising potential in the treatment of cancer patients. More clinical trials are needed to demonstrate the antitumor effect of cannabinoids (Tab. 1, Fig. 1, Ref. 167).

Cannabidiol (CBD) as a Promising Anti-Cancer Drug
... The mechanism of action of CBD and its potential applications in cancer therapy will be the major focus of this review article.

The Endocannabinoid System: A Target for Cancer Treatment
.... 8. Conclusions
The literature strongly suggests a role for the ECS in the pathogenesis of cancer. It is evident that cannabinoids target key signaling pathways affecting all the hallmarks of cancer. However, they complement the conventional chemotherapeutic regimens currently used preventing pain, nausea, and vomiting. Further studies will be necessary to fully elucidate their clinical relevance for cancer treatment. More intensive basic research will allow us to better understand the intracellular signaling pathways in cannabinoid anticancer action, identify intracellular factors modulated by cannabinoids, and discern tumors sensitive or resistant to cannabinoids. Results from these studies are essential to clarify whether cannabinoids could be helpful in cancer treatment. An interesting idea is their synergistic interaction with some conventional cytostatic drugs as well as their capacity to suppress metastasis and angiogenesis. Indeed, several studies described that Δ9-THC and CBD increased the cytostatic effects of chemotherapeutic drugs, such as the combination of CBD with DOX in vivo mouse model of triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) that showed significantly higher activity than DOX alone and no obvious signs of toxicity were observed in mice treated with combination treatment. More, the promising data from studies on animal models of glioblastoma treated with Δ9-THC and temozolomide have led to clinical trials using combinatorial treatments of nabiximols and temozolomide in patients with recurrent glioblastoma. Taken together, cannabinoids and compounds modulating the endocannabinoid system may enrich the range of used chemotherapeutic agents as a pharmacotherapeutic option for cancer treatment. In the coming years, the discoveries on the endocannabinoid system may allow the development of more efficacious and safer compounds. Moreover, observations obtained from next-generation sequencing of tumors can best identify potent combinations of cannabinoids formulations and tumors with specific characteristics. These new approaches could lead to the identification of cannabinoid therapy-associated biomarkers in tumor biopsies or, ideally, high levels of resistance factors released by cancer cells. .... https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7037210/

Cannabinoid Cancer Biology and Prevention
Plant-based, synthetic, and endogenous cannabinoids have been shown to control a diverse array of biological processes, including regulation of cell fate across cancers. Their promise as broad-based antitumor agents in preclinical models has led to the initiation of pilot clinical trials. Session 5 of the National Cancer Institute's Cannabis, Cannabinoids and Cancer Research Symposium provides an overview of this research topic. Overall, the presentations highlight cannabinoid signal transduction and specific molecular mechanisms underlying cannabinoid antitumor activity. They also demonstrate the broad-based antitumor activity of the plant-based, synthetic, and endogenous cannabinoid compounds. Importantly, evidence is presented demonstrating when cannabinoids may be contraindicated as a treatment for cancer, as in the case of human papilloma virus-meditated oropharynx cancer or potentially other p38 MAPK pathway-driven cancers.

Cannabinoid Signaling in Cancer
The family of chemical structures that interact with a cannabinoid receptor are broadly termed cannabinoids. Traditionally known for their psychotropic effects and their use as palliative medicine in cancer, cannabinoids are very versatile and are known to interact with several orphan receptors besides cannabinoid receptors (CBR) in the body. Recent studies have shown that several key pathways involved in cell growth, differentiation and, even metabolism and apoptosis crosstalk with cannabinoid signaling. Several of these pathways including AKT, EGFR, and mTOR are known to contribute to tumor development and metastasis, and cannabinoids may reverse their effects, thereby by inducing apoptosis, autophagy and modulating the immune system. ...

Perhaps you know already: A great many disease conditions have at their root, inflammation in the body. If we do a slightly different Google search to replace the term ‘cancer’ with the word ‘inflammation’, such that we type into Google (excluding quotation marks...) “cannabinoid inflammation site:nih.gov”, we get search results which include the following...

Cannabinoids as novel anti-inflammatory drugs
... Executive summary
• Cannabinoids, the active components of Cannabis sativa, and endogenous cannabinoids mediate their effects through activation of specific cannabinoid receptors known as cannabinoid receptor 1 and 2 (CB1 and CB2).
• The cannabinoid system has been shown both in vivo and in vitro to be involved in regulating the immune system through its immunomodulatory properties.
• Cannabinoids suppress inflammatory response and subsequently attenuate disease symptoms. This property of cannabinoids is mediated through multiple pathways such as induction of apoptosis in activated immune cells, suppression of cytokines and chemokines at inflammatory sites and upregulation of FoxP3+ regulatory T cells.
• Cannabinoids have been tested in several experimental models of autoimmune disorders such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, colitis and hepatitis and have been shown to protect the host from the pathogenesis through induction of multiple anti-inflammatory pathways.
• Cannabinoids may also be beneficial in certain types of cancers that are triggered by chronic inflammation. In such instances, cannabinoids can either directly inhibit tumor growth or suppress inflammation and tumor angiogenesis.

Antioxidative and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Cannabidiol
Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the main pharmacologically active phytocannabinoids of Cannabis sativa L. CBD is non-psychoactive but exerts a number of beneficial pharmacological effects, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The chemistry and pharmacology of CBD, as well as various molecular targets, including cannabinoid receptors and other components of the endocannabinoid system with which it interacts, have been extensively studied. In addition, preclinical and clinical studies have contributed to our understanding of the therapeutic potential of CBD for many diseases, including diseases associated with oxidative stress. Here, we review the main biological effects of CBD, and its synthetic derivatives, focusing on the cellular, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties of CBD. ... https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7023045/

If we repeat this exercise with different names of different disease conditions, we get interesting search results on a surprising array of chronic conditions. Ladies, try it with osteoporosis, etc. This is because the human body is positively filled with receptors on various cell surfaces that are signaled by "endo-cannabinoids" (that are produced inside the body), but which also respond to "phyto-cannabinoids" (that are produced in cannabis plants). Repeat the above Google searching experiments with the words “antibiotic” and “antiviral” and you’ll see similarly interesting results (biologically distinct from neuronal or cell signalling). There is really a great deal of medicinal power in the cannabis plant and it's various concentrated preparations. I do believe that my cannabis vaping habit is a big part of what protected me during the pandemic. I have not ever once tested positive for COVID-19, even though I spent whole weeks at a time in contaminated environments including days of time in the hospital (masked, as a visitor) and at home caring for COVID+ people, two at a time, sometimes (yeah, I was masking at home too, if COVID+ people were around).

For the record: My lungs have never been clearer; except for this wild fire smoke which is making breathing hard for everyone right now.

I hope this information I've provided above, helps anyone reading to stay healthy and happy.

Happy Times,


Jul 13, 2023, 1:45 PM
Love Love Love sex when high, especially Edibles. Lowers my inhibitions (although I'd say I am pretty much uninhibited as it is), intensifies both physical and mental feelings, and my orgasms which aere already strong by nature, go off the charts. I love it, especially for group sex.

All that said, there seems to be a fine line to avoid where I get too high. I start struggling with being 'too high' and it pretty much stops me in my tracks. I used to have a Bi couple and we would smoke and fuck and it was off the charts sex. She started to become jealous of other women around me. She once purposely got me too stoned and I ended up having to pass out on the sofa and missed the entire event, including sex with the other woman in the 4some.

I miss that other girl too. She loved to share cock and peg. Sign..... the good old days

Jul 23, 2023, 3:25 PM
I smoked long ago with girlfriend. Sex was so enhanced. But my employment and testing stopped that. Since retired, able to enjoy again. And now single I have used a few times. And oh boy, with toys, the sensation is amazing

I couldn't agree more, now I have my wife use my vibrator in my ass and really enjoying that. Hoping it will lead to some other things like pegging but that might be a bit much for her, we shall see.